I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1035 Light Years Away (Second Largest Chapter, Monthly Ticket)

Chapter 1035 Light Years Away (Second Bigger Chapter, Monthly Ticket +)

There were so many surprises today that Xia Chujian was numb.

Then, she watched the drones sprinkle some black liquid into the ruins.

Then, the drones dived towards the ruins, crashed, and emitted flames that shot up into the sky.

Then, a raging fire burned.

The ruins of the villa, Qiu Zining's body, and even the wreckage of the drones were all engulfed in the fire.

Xia Chujian narrowed his eyes and said, "Murder and arson are indeed linked to the destruction of corpses."

Quan Yuxun smiled and said, "Yes, friends who often kill people know that to deal with corpses, you still need to use a high-temperature fire that can burn everything."

Xia Chujian said, "Is this fire so powerful? Will there really be no traces left?"

Quan Yuxun said, "What those drones just sprayed was a flammable agent, a military brand. Even interstellar battleships can be burned to ashes on the battlefield!"

Xia Chujian was puzzled: "... There is no oxygen in outer space, how can interstellar battleships be burned to ashes?"

Quan Yuxun was embarrassed: "... It's just a metaphor, don't pay attention to those details."

Xia Chujian said, "Be careful, there are trees here, if a forest fire is caused..."

Quan Yuxun said, "No, the firefighters will come to put out the fire soon.

Xia Chujian looked at the place where Qiu Zining's body was.

Sure enough, those drones had previously spread a lot of flammable agents on Qiu Zining's body, and now It has been burned to ashes.

Ashes in the literal sense, without any bone ash residue, look no different from the inorganic ashes around.

Xia Chujian thought that this thing seemed to have a similar function to her black silver bullet.

Quan Yuxun and Xia Chujian waited until the sirens of the fire truck came over, then switched to invisible mode and left in time.

The two of them remained invisible, avoiding the surveillance in the community, and returned silently to Quan Yuxun's villa in the city of Changliu County , and never came out again.

It was not until the next day that Quan Yuxun sent Xia Chujian on the interstellar spacecraft back to Beichen Star.

Xia Chujian was of course still wearing the human face mask that Quan Yuxun gave her, and the same clothes she wore when she entered the community that day. She took off the human face mask after getting on the aircraft and asked Quan Yuxun to take it back and destroy it.

As soon as Xia Chujian left, Quan Jiuyi couldn't wait to come to Quan Yuxun's villa to wait for him.

As soon as Quan Yuxun entered the door, he saw Quan Jiuyi with a distorted face.

Quan Jiuyi said angrily: "Axun! Someone is against me, I want you to help me!"

Quan Yuxun smiled and said: "Who dares to disrespect aunt? Tell me, I want his life!"

Quan Jiuyi was in a bad mood and said: "I don't know who it is, but a very important chess piece in my hand was killed by someone, I want you to catch the person who killed her!"

Quan Yuxun nodded slowly: "Okay, who is this person? Auntie tell me, I will find someone to sue him right away. ”

Quan Jiuyi walked around the room with his arms folded, saying, "If I knew who it was, why would I look for you? I would just find someone to kill him!"

Quan Yuxun spread his hands and said with a smile, "Aunt, your question is really difficult..."

"Tell me, your chess piece, your name, where the accident happened, who was present at the time, tell me everything, and I will find a way."

"Otherwise, if you don't give me any information, I can't find the murderer even if I am a god!"

Quan Jiuyi took a deep breath and wanted to tell the truth to Quan Yuxun, but looking at his unchanging smile, she couldn't breathe again...

She sat down dejectedly, waved her hands, and said, "Forget it, I'll find someone myself, you'd better not get involved."

Quan Yuxun's warm and peaceful voice suddenly turned cold and hard: "Since aunt still knows not to let me get involved, then I will remind aunt."

"Aunt, remember, you are from the lineage of the head of the Quan family. "

"If you interfere, it means that people of our lineage interfere."

"But my grandfather and I don't want to get involved."

Quan Jiuyi raised his head suddenly and looked at Quan Yuxun in disbelief.

The beautiful almond eyes were in doubt, and the lips were moving, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she said nothing, and staggered away from Quan Yuxun's home.


The twelve-hour flight was boring.

Xia Chujian woke up from a sleep in the interstellar spaceship, and had already passed through the wormhole and arrived at Beichen Star.

Xia Chujian came back a day later than her classmates.

Before she went in, she sent a message in the class group at the gate of her villa.

[Xia Chujian]: I'm back, A day late, I met my attorney on Zangge Star and discussed some things, which delayed me.

Chen Yanjun saw this message and replied immediately.

[Chen Yanjun]: Squad leader, do you need our help? We can testify or anything like that!

[Xia Chujian]: ...That's not necessary. Okay, I need to rest. I just got off the spaceship and I'm exhausted.

After sending this message, Xia Chujian closed the quantum optical brain account and pushed open the gate of her villa.

She walked on the white stone path in the front yard, and Xiao Jiuxiang ran out to greet her.

"Sister! Sister!"

Then came the little teacup dog Awu and the little fat chick Axuan, followed by Wufu, who had grown a little taller.

Liushun followed and slid out, bowing and greeting Xia Chujian.

Xia Yuanfang watched Xia Chujian walk in from the studio on the second floor with a smile on his face.

When Xia Chujian walked up the steps with Xiao Jiuxiang and Wufu on her left and right, A Wu and A Quan on her shoulders respectively, Xia Yuanfang was already standing at the entrance door of the living room to pick her up.

She looked at Xia Chujian's energetic appearance and was convinced that she had fully recovered, not only physically but also mentally.

It seemed that this trip to pay homage to her classmates brought some comfort to her soul.

Xia Yuanfang whispered softly: "Just come back. Don't worry, my aunt will not let your two classmates' sacrifices be in vain."

"Auntie will definitely make that Qiu Zining pay the price."

Xia Chujian smiled and said, "No need, aunt, she has already paid the price."

Xia Yuanfang: "..."

Is this "price" the price she wants?

Xia Yuanfang looked at Xia Chujian and hesitated to speak.

Xia Chujian winked at her and said, "Auntie, you can't say this kind of thing in front of children, it will teach them bad things."

When she said this, Xia Yuanfang was sure that Xia Chujian must have killed Qiu Zining.

But this way, she couldn't help but feel worried.

She knew that Qiu Zining's background was very powerful, and she might even be able to "reach heaven to listen"...

Will Xia Chumei leave any hidden dangers?

But there were indeed many children around her now, so she couldn't ask right away, so she said to Liushun: "It's time to eat snacks, Liushun, take out the snacks I left in the refrigerator and give them to Jiuxiang, Wufu, and Awu." , Ah Huan goes to eat.”

"By the way, where's Si Xi? Why is he always hanging out with San Zhi in the backyard recently?"

Liushun said: "Sixiang seems to be planting flowers with Sanzong."

Xia Chujian knew that Si Xi was a little dog who only liked to "play with women".

She smiled and said: "When I have a good rest, I will also farm with them!"

Farming makes her feel happy. She goes to bed after being exhausted and sweating, and the quality of her sleep is particularly high.

Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang were already anxious to eat snacks.

They hurriedly left Xia Chujian and ran toward the restaurant with Awu and Aqun.

Xia Chujian: "..."

There was a bit of disappointment on his face.

Xia Yuanfang smiled: "Follow me."

She took Xia Chujian to the studio on the second floor and asked her: "...Since Qiu Zining has paid the 'price', I want to know if there are any future consequences?"

"Is it possible for the person behind her to contact you about this matter?"

Xia Chujian said: "No, even if they want to, there is no evidence."

Xia Yuanfang: "..."

"are you sure?"

Xia Chujian only said: "Actually, there are people who want Qiu Zining to disappear more than us."

Xia Yuanfang did not have an advantage in intrigues, so he hesitated and asked: "...who?"

Xia Chujian said calmly: "The people behind Qiu Zining also want to silence her, but maybe they don't want to be dragged down by her."

This person is really capable of causing trouble and is not a qualified chess piece.

Xia Chujian put herself in someone else's shoes and compared herself with others. If there were such uncontrollable factors among her subordinates, she would not tolerate them.

As for why Quan and Xun were involved in this muddy water, Xia Chujian had already figured it out on the way back.

That is, judging from the storm Qiu Zining has caused and everyone's attitude towards her, the people behind her are very powerful.

Judging from Quan Yuxun's performance, the person behind this must have something to do with Quan.

It is even possible that he is a direct descendant of Quan's Chengjue lineage.

Otherwise, Quan Yuxun would not have directly intervened without telling the rest of the Quan family.

Because although the Beichen Empire also has the punishment of genocide and family extermination, according to the same law, the four nobles cannot be exterminated.

However, it is still possible to eliminate a lineage within five generations of the four major nobles. Anyway, the title can be passed on to the side branches, which does not violate national law.

And who else in the Quan family has the opportunity and ability to create such a situation that "reaches the heavens to listen to"?

Xia Chujian had so many thoughts running through his mind in an instant, and gradually his mind became clearer.

She felt that she seemed to have thought of the person in the Quan family who was related to this matter, that is, the black hand behind Qiu Zining.

Only that kind of person can have great skills, have connections, be powerful, and even have daring means...

But thinking about this, Xia Chujian didn't feel resentful or resentful about being taken advantage of by Quan Youxun. Instead, he felt that this was only reasonable.

She, Quan and Xun each get what they need, and it's best if they don't owe each other anything.

She now dislikes owing favors and would rather owe money.

When Xia Yuanfang saw that she was silent, he thought she was scared and said sincerely: "You must think twice before doing anything in the future."

"I'm a humble person and can't help you with this kind of thing. You have to rely on yourself."

"You have also seen that this is the Imperial Capital Star. Everything here is not that simple. A single move can affect the whole body. Remember?"

Xia Chujian nodded.

Xia Yuanfang was good at teaching and guided Xia Chujian in every possible way: "Then tell me, what did you learn from this incident?"

She wanted to help Xia Chujian summarize experiences and lessons.

Because she knew that this kind of thing might not be the first time for Xia Chujian, and it would definitely not be the last time.

All she could do was to help Xia Chujian find out and fill in the gaps based on the overall methodology.

Unexpectedly, Xia Chujian said, "I learned a lot, especially the most important thing."

Xia Yuanfang: "...I'd like to hear more."

Xia Chujian said confidently: "If you are not in a position, don't meddle in other people's affairs. The overall situation is something that big people should have."

"We are small people, so we don't need to have a big picture."

"In the future, when you encounter unfair things, don't endure it, just do it."

"If someone kills me, I will kill him."

"It's that simple."

Xia Yuanfang: "..."

The corners of her mouth twitched. "If you are not in a position, don't meddle in other people's affairs." Is this how it is used?

She felt a headache and said slowly: "You have learned this?"

"This time it is already very dangerous. If it is more dangerous next time, will it be so reckless?"

Xia Chujian nodded: "Auntie is right. First of all, when you encounter such things in the future, you must not let it ferment to the point where it is difficult to deal with."

"Don't let the bad guys get bigger and stronger."

"So as long as the other party has the tendency to kill people, just take the initiative. This way, you can prevent trouble before it happens and nip unknown dangers in the bud."

"Secondly, I must improve as soon as possible As long as I have the ability and the corresponding status and power, those who want to lay hands on me and my family should also consider their own weight. "

"Of course, this does not mean that when I am still weak, I will be forced to kneel and endure those injustices."

"I want to let those people know that if they want to touch me and the people around me, the end is not as simple as stealing a chicken and losing a rice!"

"If you want to touch me and the people around me, you will lose your life."

She said it calmly, but there was an indescribable cruelty and arrogance in her tone.

Xia Yuanfang was speechless and choked.

Even if her IQ was off the charts, she couldn't think of any words to convince Xia Chujian.

She looked at her for a while, shook her head and sighed, "Your parents are not of this kind, why do you..."

Xia Chujian smiled and hugged Xia Yuanfang's shoulders, saying, "Aunt, people are different. Are my parents and I so different?"

Her first sentence made some sense, but the second sentence was testing the situation of her parents again.

Xia Yuanfang touched her head and said, "Your parents should be no different from you. After all, you are their blood descendant."

Xia Yuanfang will not tell Xia Chujian everything.

Because she promised that person.

She wants Xia Chujian to have her own life.

Everything about her parents has nothing to do with her.

She just wants to live well and live better than anyone else, which is the greatest wish of that person.

Besides, Xia Chujian has already attracted the attention of the person with the highest status in this empire, and Xia Yuanfang dare not mention those past events at all.

Their status is really too low...

Therefore, Xia Yuanfang just perfunctorily said: "Wait until you graduate from college, get a job, get married and have your own children, I will tell you."

Xia Chujian was a little disappointed: "Ah, have to wait so long?!"

This is the second and bigger chapter, including 600+ monthly tickets for April.

Monthly tickets must be requested! It's only the beginning of the month, and the monthly tickets of the treasures are all gone?


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