I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1037 Except Us (Second update, please give me a monthly ticket!)

Meng Guanghui replied to her message in seconds.

[Meng Guanghui]: No problem! Huo Shuai has put away all your things on Green Star. I'll go take a look.

After a while, Meng Guanghui replied to her.

[Meng Guanghui]: Huo Shuai is not at the headquarters, I don't know where he went.

Xia Chujian: "..."

[Xia Chujian]: OK, I'll ask him when he comes back. Thank you, leader. Goodbye, leader!

Meng Guanghui wanted to ask about Xia Chujian's recovery, but she looked like she didn't want to talk anymore, so he didn't say much, just sent her a message to let her rest well.

Xia Chujian put away the virtual display screen and went to see a greenhouse built by Sanzong in the backyard with Sanzong, Sixi, Wufu, Xiao Jiuxiang, teacup dog Awu and little fat chick Axuan.

Because it was summer, the roof of the greenhouse was open, just like an open field.

Xia Chujian saw that Sanzong was planting some exotic flowers and plants found in the forest of strange beasts, but there was no Dangkang Zhuyu rice and Chihua Jiarong wheat that he cultivated.

Xia Chujian asked curiously: "Sanzong, why didn't you plant Dangkang Zhuyu rice and Chihua Jiarong wheat here?"

Sanzong whispered: "My aunt said that it is best to plant only things that can be found in the Beichen Empire. For example, although the purple bodhi grass is rare, it is not unheard of."

Xia Chujian understood.

This is because he didn't want people to stare at Sanzong's planting talent.

Speaking of planting talent, Xia Chujian couldn't help but look at Xiao Jiuxiang again.

He and Wufu ran wildly on the ridges of the greenhouse, holding their chubby little hands, shouting "Ahhh", and laughing so hard that they almost flew up.

Si Xi couldn't help but follow them. The little fat body twisted and turned, and the white fur fluttered in the sun, making people feel that the years were quiet and good, as if all good things could have a long history.

The teacup dog Awu and the little fat chick Axuan were very obedient, staying on Xia Chujian's shoulders without moving.

Xia Chujian was a little surprised, and glanced at Awu and said, "Awu is so honest, it's rare."

"What's wrong? Why don't you go down and play with Si Xi?"

Awu and Axuan both wore muzzles, and looked like "I don't understand what you are saying."

Xia Chujian became alert.

She knew how powerful these two little guys were.

They were so cautious, did something happen here?

Xia Chujian couldn't help looking around.

At this moment, her quantum optical brain watch carrier received a message.

[Huo Yushen]: I'll send you a suitcase and a backpack. At the door.

Xia Chujian was very surprised.

She turned and ran to the front yard of the villa.

Awu and Axuan hurriedly got off her shoulders and didn't follow her out.

At the front door of the villa, Huo Yushen stood there in a military uniform of the Special Security Bureau.

At her feet were her suitcase and backpack!

Xia Chujian could only see her suitcase!

That was gold!

Her gold...

Xia Chujian ran over and picked up the suitcase to feel it.

It was so heavy!

The suitcase could only be lifted up with the cooperation of the Shao Siming black and silver mecha inside.

Huo Yushen looked at her and said, "You also wear a mecha at home?"

"You wear the mecha as clothes?"

Xia Chujian said without raising her head, "Of course. I don't know when the danger will come, how can I not be cautious?"

Huo Yushen watched her pick up the suitcase, put on her backpack, and walked into the yard.

The gate of the yard was wide open, but Huo Yushen had no intention of going in.

Xia Chujian took the suitcase and backpack to her bedroom upstairs and put them away.

The suitcase had to be hidden for the time being, so that no one could find out what was inside.

The backpack contained various rare plants she had obtained on Green Star.

She did not hand them all over, but kept some.

These were all left for San Zong.

In fact, these were all given to her by Xiao Jiuxiang.

Xia Chujian looked out the window with a vacant look in her eyes.

She originally wanted to ask Xiao Jiuxiang to come up, but she saw Huo Yushen still standing at the door of her front yard.

Xia Chujian frowned.

The things have been delivered, but he still refuses to leave. What does it mean?

Xia Chujian pulled out the virtual display screen and sent a message to Huo Yushen.

[Xia Chujian]: Huo Shuai, do you have anything else to do?

Huo Yushen saw the message, slowly exhaled, and replied to her.

[Huo Yushen]: A little bit, are you free to go to outer space with me.

[Xia Chujian]: ... Huo Shuai, are you too idle? Do you have nothing to do and want to find someone to chat with?

[Huo Yushen]: I can teach you how to fly a bat fighter.

[Xia Chujian]: I have time! I have time! I'll be there soon!

Because of Qiu Zining's matter, Xia Chujian did have complaints about Huo Yushen.

But this complaint had mostly dissipated with Qiu Zining's death and Huo Yushen's acquiescence.

The last bit of resentment also disappeared with Huo Yushen's promise to teach her how to fly a bat fighter.

She was originally open-minded, and she was not a person who liked to dwell on trivial matters.

Huo Yushen took her on his aircraft.

Xia Chujian said, "When I sent you a message, you happened to come here?"

Huo Yushen didn't say anything, just a faint "hmm".

He wouldn't tell Xia Chujian that as soon as he saw the message, he took his private fighter and went directly to the high-altitude airspace near the suburbs of the imperial capital.

Then he drove the aircraft to Xia Chujian's door.

It only took five minutes in total.

Xia Chujian soon came to the high altitude with Huo Yushen.

A huge fighter plane appeared in her field of vision.

Xia Chujian narrowed her eyes.

This is indeed a very large fighter aircraft.

It looked similar in appearance to the Bat fighter she had seen before.

However, she knew that this was definitely not Huo Yushen's previous Bat fighter.

That Bat fighter was about the same size as an empire-wide temporary war headquarters, comparable to a small city.

And now this "Bat Fighter" can only be said to be a smaller version of that Bat Fighter.

It seems to be only ten meters long, smaller than some large aircraft.

But the appearance looks more intimidating.

The bat-shaped fuselage shining with jet-black light looked a bit unspeakably evil.

Xia Chujian asked curiously: "...Is this another bat fighter of yours? Why is it so small?"

Huo Yushen didn't say anything. He operated the aircraft and quickly opened the bottom cabin of the bat fighter overhead.

The aircraft suddenly accelerated and flew in.

The door of the bat fighter's bottom cabin automatically closes, isolating the inner and outer spaces.

Huo Yushen took Xia Chujian down from the aircraft.

Xia Chujian thought of Huo Yushen's last visit to the Bat fighter that looked like a city, and couldn't help but ask: "Huo Shuai, what's going on with your small Bat fighter?"

"You taught me how to fly a Bat fighter, but it turned out that I was flying this small one..."

Huo Yushen said coldly: "This small one is a prototype of the big one."

"The large Bat fighter was developed based on the performance of this small Bat fighter."

Xia Chujian was surprised: "Huh? You mean, this small one is the original version, and the big one is...authorized?"

Huo Yushen said: "You can understand it this way. As long as you can operate this small bat fighter, the big one is no problem."

Xia Chu saw it but didn't believe it: "Really? But there is such a big difference in size, so there is a difference in function, right?"

Huo Yushen said no more, but took her to the cab.

As soon as Xia Chujian entered, he was shocked by the design and shape of the entire room.

To be precise, this cab cannot be called a cab. It should be an integrated circuit board that has been enlarged countless times!

Huo Yushen sent the opening command.

At the same moment, huge displays appeared on the four walls, above the head and under the feet.

Xia Chujian found that he seemed to be standing in the void of the universe, with the vast starry sky above, below, left, and behind him.

The darkness is bottomless, but there are infinite possibilities.

Xia Chu met and fell in love with this feeling immediately.

For the next two hours, Huo Yushen taught her how to operate the Bat fighter.

The fighter plane was already extremely fast, and quickly accelerated to the second cosmic speed, flying out of Beichen Star's atmosphere and into the vast space.

It accelerated to the third cosmic speed, and after several space jumps, arrived at a place extremely far away from the Beichen Galaxy.

Xia Chujian looked at his quantum optical brain watch carrier and said in surprise: "I can no longer connect to the star network of the Beichen Galaxy!"

Huo Yushen said: "There is a local area network inside the fighter plane."

Xia Chujian: "..."

"There are only two of us, what's the point of a LAN like this?"

Huo Yushen looked at her, said nothing, and looked at the huge display screen in front of him with his hands behind his hands.

What is shown above is a location near a strange galaxy.

From this angle, we can see this strange galaxy, which looks like a huge figure-eight spiral arm, or an upside-down blue and white porcelain plate with a slight bulge in the middle.

The central protruding part is extremely bright and radiant.

There are countless blazing stars and twinkling nebulae, and the light is intertwined, as if beautiful fireworks are blooming in the universe.

The spiral arms spiral outward from the core, forming two huge bands of light that surround the entire galaxy.

Among the countless stars and nebulae, planets stood silently.

They do not emit light themselves, but they can reflect the light of stars and nebulae. They are like treasures, self-obscuring and introverted.

The entire galaxy is like a bright pearl suspended in the dark universe. The pearls are flowing and beautiful.

Xia Chujian couldn't help but be attracted by the beautiful scenery, and looked at it quietly for a while before saying, "Huo Shuai, what is this place?"

Huo Yushen said: "This is an unknown galaxy, a place where people from the Beichen Galaxy have never been."

Xia Chujian looked at him and said disapprovingly: "Aren't you from the Beichen Galaxy? Am I not from the Beichen Galaxy?"

Huo Yushen said indifferently: "Well, people from the Beichen Galaxy except us."

Xia Chujian glanced at him again before saying, "Why did you bring me here?"

Only now did she understand that Huo Yushen's lecture on how to fly a Bat-type fighter was actually a pretense.

The real reason is to bring her here.

Xia Chujian looked at the starry sky coordinates on the console again, secretly remembered them in his heart, and joked half-seriously: "Are you going to find a place that no one knows about to avenge your sister..."

Huo Yushen said calmly: "She is not my sister, so there is no such thing as revenge."

Xia Chujian said seriously: "But when I had the murderous intention and killed her, I didn't know that she wasn't. I just thought that she was."

Huo Yushen then turned to look at her and said, "You know, but you still do it? Why don't you come to me?"

Xia Chujian looked at the bright 8-shaped double spiral galaxy in front of him and said lightly: "I don't dare to take risks."

Huo Yushen: "...What does this have to do with taking risks? Shouldn't it be a provocation?"

"I am the leader of your leader."

"When you killed her, did you ever think that this was an act of insubordination?"

Xia Chujian said calmly: "No, I was just worried that if I told you, I wouldn't be able to kill her."

"To be honest, I wanted to tell you at the beginning."

"If it weren't for this reason, I would have killed her as soon as I came back."

"Later, I hesitated and wondered whether I should tell you..."

"But the death of Gu Demao and Pan Nanjie was the last straw that broke the camel's back."

"It has reached a point where I can no longer tolerate it and have to kill them."

"So since you are going to kill them, why bother telling you and adding to your troubles?"

This is the second update! See if you guys still have the guaranteed monthly ticket!

There will be a new update at 5:00 pm!

PS: A relatively important detail was modified in the previous chapter. It is best for you guys to go back and refresh it, otherwise you may feel that you can't keep up with the plot later.

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