I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1039: Speak with Fairness (Second update, please give me a monthly ticket!)

Huo Yushen shook his head and said, "This is Qiu Zining's three-dimensional avatar data analysis."

"The true state of the skull can be restored based on her genetic status."

"Then we use machine intelligence analysis to deduce her true appearance, which is what she looked like before plastic surgery."

Xia Chujian perked up: "Ah? You can actually do this?!"

"Hurry up! I want to see what she really looks like!"

On the virtual display screen, a girl's avatar gradually appeared.

This is the true appearance of Qiu Zining before plastic surgery, as deduced by mechanical intelligence through genetic and skull data analysis.

When the girl's complete face appeared on the virtual display screen, Xia Chujian fell silent.

She never expected that Qiu Zining's true appearance would be like this!

Xia Chu couldn't help but murmured when she saw the situation: "How is it possible?! How is it possible that he looks like this?!"

"Is there no error in the data derivation of this mechanical intelligence?"

Huo Yushen said: "This is a mechanical intelligence that specializes in portrait derivation. So far, the average similarity has reached 99.999%."

Xia Chu was convinced: "Then this look is her true appearance?"

"What do you mean, what is she trying to do?!"

"No... then you... have you tested her genes again?"

Because the virtual screen appeared, Qiu Zining's face before plastic surgery was exactly the same as her human face mask!

The aquiline nose that was almost identical to the dog emperor, and the appearance that was more or less similar to Princess Jing, shocked Xia Chujian.

It turns out that Qiu Zining’s true appearance is exactly what she looks like with a human face and a hood!

She asked Huo Yushen if he had tested his genes again, because she suspected that Qiu Zining was actually the illegitimate daughter of the dog emperor...

She began to think wildly: "Could it be that she is actually... that person's illegitimate daughter? But she was kidnapped when she was a child... and then she was raised to look like someone else?"

"She has always believed that she has an extraordinary status. Does she also know her true appearance? - So her arrogance is not just an act?"

Huo Yushen listened quietly to her words before saying, "There must be a story in this."

"The most important thing now is to catch the person behind Qiu Zining."

"There are so many things, and the manpower and resources she can mobilize are not something she, an orphan, can do."

Xia Chujian said: "Of course, do you have any clues? Has Qiu Shiba confessed?"

Xia Chujian had actually targeted someone, but she wanted to know what information Huo Yushen knew.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yushen actually said: "Not yet. Qiu Shiba is just an S-class genetic evolver funded by the Qiu family."

"His mission is to protect Qiu Zining. He confessed that the people who come into contact with Qiu Zining are all members of the Qiu family."

"The pink and purple aircraft that appeared last that day was the noble daughter of the Qiu family.

"But the noble daughter of the Qiu family who was determined to never marry, who was Qiu Zining's nominal mother, just died in an 'accident'."

Xia Chujian: "..."

"...No one in the Qiu family knows who is behind the scenes?! I don't believe it."

Huo Yushen said: "The Qiu family can even kill people from their own lineage. The people behind them must have a very high status."

"I sent people to ask, and the Qiu family all blamed the Qiu family daughter who died in an 'accident'. Others didn't know anything about it."

"We have no evidence to prove that anyone else from the Qiu family is related to Qiu Zining."

"Therefore, there are no clues about this matter for the time being."

"If you didn't kill her, I'm sure I could pry out the person behind her from her mouth."

After saying that, he glanced at Xia Chujian and advised: "You should believe me."

"If something like this happens in the future, I will definitely give you justice."

Xia Chujian still shook his head resolutely: "No. When others give me justice, maybe they can only burn paper for me. What's the point?"

"I am a little person. Delayed justice is a disaster for us little people."

"I have to save myself."

"I have my own justice."

Xia Chujian raised his mechanical right arm and launched a large sniper: "This is my justice."

"If someone wants to kill me in the future, I will speak to him fairly right away!"

"It was wrong of me to allow those who bullied me, my family and my friends to survive the night, and I will never do it again."

She is still willing to be the night hunter Xia Chujian.

Anyone who messes with her will be killed immediately.

It doesn’t matter whether you are just a snake with a gray line, but your pulse is thousands of miles long.

I'll kill them all with one shot!

Huo Yushen said calmly: "You used to work at the bottom, and you would kill anyone who messed with you, no problem."

"But as your level gets higher and higher, the pressure and resistance you face get bigger and bigger, and you just want to talk with a big sniper. It's really a waste of your abilities and talents."

Xia Chujian said stubbornly: "No matter where I hang out, I have to stick to the way of doing things that suits me best."

“No matter what level I’m at, I follow through.”

"In a word, if someone kills me, I will kill someone."

"Not letting the murderer live another minute is what I want to do."

Huo Yushen suddenly felt that this murderous intention was greater than him!

But there is nothing I can do about it. What else can I do with the embryonic killer that I like?

I can only coax...

Huo Yushen explained patiently: "You killed Qiu Zining out of a moment of gratification."

"But the thread behind Qiu Zining was broken."

"What if the people behind her continue to send others to deal with you?"

Xia Chujian said without hesitation: "Kill one if one comes."

"Come two, kill a pair."

"If the other party is willing to give up their lives, what can I do? Of course, I wish them a quick death and reincarnation!"

Huo Yushen saw that he could not persuade Xia Chujian, so he had to shake his head and said: "If you were alone, I wouldn't say much."

"But when you do these things, you think about your aunt, the humans, humanoids, and small animals in your family."

Xia Chujian: "..."

This is indeed her Achilles' heel.

At that time, she was really the only one as a dark night hunter.

Because her aunt was in the hospital and was still unconscious, she was no different from a vegetable.

She didn't have to worry about her aunt's safety, and as a dark night hunter, when she went on a mission, she was anonymous outside, and most of the time she had to change her mask, so she killed them, and the other party couldn't recognize who she was.

In addition, when the dark night hunters accepted the mission, the other party generally could not retaliate against them, the bounty hunters, but only against those who paid to buy them.

This is two layers of protection.

She is different now, she is also a "family" person...

Even if Awu and Axuan can protect themselves, the rest, such as Aunt, Sanzong, Sixi, Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang, plus the housework robot Liushun, and Aunt Chen and Yingying who are still in Mulan City, Guiyuan Star, will be affected by her actions.

Xia Chujian thought seriously and said, "Then I have no choice but to do this. Not only do I have to kill people, but I also have to find and kill all the people behind that person."

"As long as I kill everyone on that line, naturally no one will come to my house."

Huo Yushen said, "What if they have already come to your house when you kill them?"

Xia Chujian said, "I am chasing them, and they can still come to my house?"

"That's because I am not working hard enough!"

"From now on, I will train well to ensure that one person can be as powerful as thousands of troops."

Huo Yushen: "..."

Forget it, just ignore his words.

Huo Yushen rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

At this moment, the small bat fighter, which had been parked steadily, suddenly shook a few times.

It was like a small boat in the sea suddenly encountered a storm, and the violent sea surface was full of huge waves, which were about to overturn all the ships on the sea.

Xia Chujian also noticed it and said in surprise: "Is your bat fighter really the prototype of the big bat fighter?"

"This technology..."

Huo Yushen also said that the technology of this small bat fighter is stronger than that of the large bat fighter!

Where is it strong?

It can't even resist a little bit of cosmic nebula storm...

Huo Yushen looked serious, looking at the control panel in front of him and said: "This is not an ordinary cosmic storm... This is a gravitational wave riot!"

"Let's go!"

As he said, he came to the console and quickly clicked a few options on the virtual display.

Then the engine of the bat fighter instantly entered full speed.

The next second, when the distant cosmic gravitational waves were about to affect this place, Huo Yushen's small bat fighter had already entered the space jump.


Huge gravitational waves are like invisible tides, spreading in the universe.

Xia Chujian discovered that just when they had just entered the space jump, the huge 8-shaped double spiral galaxy, under this huge cosmic energy fluctuation, all the star positions had slightly shifted.

If there are intelligent creatures in that galaxy, then a slight change in the position of the planets will be a devastating blow to them.

But she couldn't care so much.

Because next, Huo Yushen started the frequent space jump mode.

After two hours, they returned to the Beichen Galaxy.

Xia Chujian said with lingering fear: "What was that just now?"

Huo Yushen frowned and said lightly: "This phenomenon happens all the time in the universe, what's so strange about it?"

Xia Chujian said confidently: "It's very strange when I see it for the first time."

Huo Yushen said: "Then it won't be strange after seeing it more."

"This is an extraordinary supernova explosion in the universe, or a similar phenomenon, which produces a huge cosmic fluctuation."

"If this energy fluctuation is more severe, it will even cause space-time curvature, and transmit huge waves in the form of waves, like ripples, Energy spreads from the center to the periphery. "

Xia Chujian widened his eyes: "The galaxy we just went to is the center?"

Huo Yushen said: "If that is the center, we can't escape at all."

Xia Chujian: "... Is the center still farther away?"

Huo Yushen said: "Far beyond your imagination."

Xia Chujian said: "How do you know? Do you have any inside information?"

Huo Yushen couldn't help but raise his index finger and tapped Xia Chujian's forehead lightly, saying: "Didn't you see the data display on the fighter?"

Xia Chujian rubbed his forehead and looked at the place where Huo Yushen pointed.

Some data did appear there, but Xia Chujian still couldn't understand it.

She secretly complained in her heart, this damn physics...

Or astrophysics.

It's her damn soft board and weakness.

Huo Yushen only explained one data: "This is light years, you see, it shows that the center is 60 million light years away."

Xia Chujian: "..."

So far?

Then this kind of gravitational wave must be so small that it is almost imperceptible when it reaches their Beichen galaxy.

She was suddenly not afraid anymore.

Huo Yushen drove this small bat fighter and slowly entered the star field of the Beichen Empire.

However, before entering the star field of the Beichen Empire, it changed its appearance and became a large aircraft.

Xia Chujian suddenly asked: "Is this small bat fighter also owned by the Special Security Bureau? Or is it owned by the royal family?"

Huo Yushen said: "This is my personal one."

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

How is it possible? !

Xia Chujian tried his best to calm down his excitement and asked calmly: "Is it your personal one? Did you buy it privately?"

Huo Yushen did not speak again.

He parked the small bat fighter in his own hangar and said: "This bat fighter is too advanced, and no one can detect it."

"The space defense system of the entire Beichen galaxy cannot detect it."

This is the second and biggest chapter!

There will be new updates after 5:00 p.m.!

PS: I would like to recommend some of my old books.

The first one I recommend is "Hello, My Beloved Person", originally named "Hello, Major General". In order to release this book, the background was changed to interstellar, but the content of the story and the characters have not changed. It has added about 100,000 words of plot compared to the previous version. I like it very much.

Secondly, for those who like ancient Chinese, I recommend my "The Beauty of the Golden Age", originally named "The Splendid Love". This book is my favorite ancient Chinese and has the best performance.

If you have read "The Beauty of the Golden Age", you can read "The Love of the World", these two books are in the same series.

There is also the ancient Chinese trilogy "Smoke and Water Cold", "The Rules of Rebirth Space", and "Walking with You", which are my early works. When I wrote it, it was not in line with the mainstream at that time, but now it is not outdated at all.

Finally, the second part of the trilogy of contemporary fiction is "If I Could Love You Less" and "Lan Yan Zhi Yue". These two books are actually in the same series as "Hello, My Beloved". Unfortunately, the background of "The Beloved" has been changed. Smart and clever children will definitely be able to see the essence from the phenomenon!

It seems that I like to write series of articles.

If I say that this is all coincidence, do you believe it?

I forgot that I also have a short immortal cultivation article "Repairing the Sky". This book is not well written, so you can just take a look. Immortal cultivation articles are my weakness, and there is no hope of completing them at present.

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