I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1045 Half a Catty and Eight Taels (Second Update)

The eldest princess, Tan Tai Jin Yu, was unmoved. She sneered and said, "You said you are Ruoning, you are Ruoning?!"

"It is obvious that our Ruoning was unfortunately killed on that interstellar spaceship. Where did you come from, you liar?!"

"Do you think you can pretend to be our Ruoning by wearing a human face mask?!"

Zong Ruoning put away her smile and said lightly, "Second Aunt, let's not beat around the bush."

"There is no need to play such tricks, right?"

"What era is it now? How can you pass yourself off as a real person by wearing a human face mask?"

"Is our Zong family's irregular genetic testing just for show?"

Not to mention the great nobles like the Zong family, even the lowest baron family is very strict about their family bloodline.

The Beichen Empire prohibits gene therapy, but it does not prohibit genetic testing.

On the contrary, from childhood to adulthood, people in the Beichen Empire do not know how many times they have to undergo genetic testing!

So the bloody plot of holding the wrong child has no market at all.

How can a parent-child relationship that can be tested by a free genetic test be performed for a hundred episodes?

Wearing a human face mask to avoid some obvious dangers is possible, but it is impossible to use this method to "pass off fakes as real and usurp the throne" in a big family.

Zong Ruoning said so, and the eldest princess Tan Tai Jinyu also gritted her teeth.

She was actually stalling for time, because Zong Ruoning's appearance just now gave her a great shock, and she didn't react for a while.

Now she came to her senses, and she made up her mind to do it once and for all!

Let's tear our faces apart!

Never maintain the superficial family affection again...

One hand was behind his back, and he quietly made an agreed gesture.

The sniper hiding in the dark received the order and immediately aimed at Zong Ruoning and shot!

The sniper rifle equipped with a silencer only made a light click.

A sniper bullet shot from the dark corner at the most tricky angle.

And Zong Ruoning also suddenly sensed the danger, and then with the physical fitness of an S-level gene evolver, he suddenly twisted his body and narrowly avoided the sniper bullet!

At the same time, his subordinates also picked up the rocket launcher and fired directly in the direction of the sniper!

Completely ignoring the fact that this was in the ward of Mr. Zong!

The small rocket penetrated the wall and exploded in the direction of the sniper's shooting.

The sniper who fired the shot did not have time to run away and was blown to pieces on the spot.

Zong Ruoning was as fast as lightning at this time and had already approached the direction of the eldest princess Tan Tai Jinyu.

Tan Tai Jinyu was also guarded by an S-level genetic evolutionist.

He stepped forward and stood in front of Tan Tai Jinyu, saying lightly: "Mr. Zong, I didn't expect you to be able to dodge the bullets of the sniper rifle... I really underestimated you."

Zong Ruoning did not disclose the news that he had upgraded to an S-level genetic evolutionist, nor did he want to disclose it.

Therefore, he just said disapprovingly: "If you have a second-generation mecha, you can also dodge the bullets of the sniper rifle."

The guard was surprised: "How can you have a second-generation mecha?!"

Zong Ruoning laughed angrily: "Why don't I have one? Don't forget that the inventor of the second-generation mecha, Master Su Buyan, is my cousin!"

The guard's mouth twitched, and he said unwillingly: "That's because you have a big face."

"But at this time, you should now track down the murderer, not fight in the nest."

Zong Ruoning smiled: "Really? Did the second aunt hear this?"

"Your subordinates all said not to fight in the nest, you must feel the same way, right?"

The eldest princess Tan Tai Jinyu was immediately confused, looked at Zong Ruoning deeply, and said coldly: "This is all slander! I never sent anyone to pick you up, and I don't know what happened just now! Who knows who did it!"

She raised her head and snorted, and quickly left with her people, trying to find clues.

She wanted to find out how Zong Ruoning escaped this cosmic gravitational wave explosion!

After she left, the elders of the Zong Clan Elders Association also said goodbye awkwardly.

They were willing to come before because they thought that the father and son of the first house were dead.

In this case, the line of the Zong Clan that inherited the title was indeed the turn of the second son, Zong Weiding.

Therefore, they all came to join in the fun, which was also a way to show goodwill to the second house.

Unexpectedly, Zong Ruoning was not only alive, but also unharmed.

Although the first house of the Zong Clan had no male owner, it had a good foreign family, the Su family, which was one of the four dukes.

The eldest princess of the second house, Tan Tai Jinyu, of course, had an extraordinary family background.

If she was not from the royal family, even if she was one of the four dukes, she could not compete with the mistress of the first house.

So now she is just the same as Su Shuangluo.

And the first house has another advantage, that is, Zong Ruoning, who was brought up by the old man himself since childhood.

This posthumous child of the first house has always been very low-key. After graduating from college, he only showed filial piety to the old man Zong and his mother.

Then, starting last year, he represented Mr. Zong and joined the board of directors of Zong Military Industry as acting chairman, which made everyone realize his ability.

So when there was news that he was on the interstellar spaceship that crashed in the wormhole, the elders of the Zong clan, in addition to regret and grief, turned their attention to the second branch of the Zong clan.

The second branch of the Zong clan not only has a smart and capable male owner, but also a female owner who is the eldest princess of the empire.

The only son of the second branch, Zong Ruoan, has been more dazzling and eye-catching than Zong Ruoning since he was a child.

Now he has been successfully elected as a member of the lower house of the Senate, and he can see a smooth road ahead of him. He just needs to walk steadily.

In contrast, it is natural for these elders to favor the second branch of the Zong family after the old man Zong suddenly became seriously ill and entered the medical cabin.

However, when Zong Ruoning appeared, this bias was broken.

Now the mistress of the second branch, Princess Tan Tai Jinyu, has taken her people away. In the ward of the old man Zong, there are only the embarrassed elders of the Zong family and the loyal subordinates who followed Zong Ruoning back.

Zong Ruoning did not blame the elders, but bowed and said, "Thank you for your help."

"When my grandfather recovers, I will invite you all to be my guests, and I will apologize to you all."

The elders hurriedly said, "Young Master, you are too polite!"

"Young Master, you really make us old men feel ashamed!"

"Young Master, we really didn't know you were safe and sound... Mrs. Zong Er sent someone to invite us before, saying that you had an accident in the wormhole, and the old man fell down when he heard the news..."

"We are also worried about the interests of the Zong clan."

Zong Ruoning nodded: "I understand, I know everyone is doing this for the good of the Zong clan."

"But now, the most important thing for me is my grandfather's condition."

"Please forgive my neglect, I have invited the best imperial physician in the imperial capital to treat my grandfather."

This is almost the rhythm of serving tea and seeing off the guests.

These elders actually want to know how Zong Ruoning escaped the accident in the wormhole.

As far as they know, no interstellar spacecraft escaped the cosmic gravitational wave explosion that day.

Zong Ruoning didn't mean to hide it, but just said: "I was on the ship at that time, but something suddenly happened, so I went down to deal with it before the spaceship took off."

"I was originally planning to take the second interstellar spaceship back."

"As a result... Alas, I really didn't expect it."

Zong Ruoning certainly didn't tell Xia Chujian about what he reminded him of, and his special ability.

It seems that his secrecy saved his life.

Otherwise, the princess probably wouldn't arrange a sniper to deal with him...

She would use a high-level gene evolver to directly launch a mental attack on him.

It's just that high-level gene evolvers, especially S-level ones, are very careful about their feathers.

It's okay to let them kill ordinary people, but if they want to kill the heir of the Zong family, then they will decline.

So if the princess knew that Zong Ruoning had become an S-level gene evolver, she would definitely find a super S-level gene evolver to deal with him.

But the price she has to pay must be extraordinary.

Unless she asks her emperor brother for help, there is no way to kill him.

Zong Ruoning had many thoughts in his mind in an instant, but he didn't show them at all.

He bowed and said goodbye to the elders.

After the elders left, he asked a doctor from his subordinates to come over and check the data in the medical cabin.

This subordinate was Su Muzhe, who had examined Xia Chujian's injuries last time.

She frowned and said, "The Duke's condition has deteriorated rapidly in the past seven days."

"The old age disease is not very serious, but the condition of the genetic disease has been declining sharply in the past seven days."

"This is not easy to treat."

They all knew that it was not difficult to treat now, but that there was no medicine to treat it.

Genetic disease, in the Beichen Empire, is equivalent to a terminal illness.

Hearing Su Muzhe say this, Zong Ruoning's heart sank.

But he still held on and waited for the chief imperial physician who came from Beichen Star.

He also looked at the medical data of Mr. Zong, but unlike Su Muzhe, he did not draw a conclusion immediately. He just frowned and kept operating the console of the medical cabin, as if he was doing some special tests, while constantly searching for data comparison in his quantum optical brain watch carrier.

Zong Ruoning did not urge him and waited quietly.

Five minutes later, the chief imperial physician looked up at Zong Ruoning and said, "Mr. Zong, can you talk to me for a moment?"

This was a request to talk to him privately in a safe place.

Zong Ruoning's heart tightened, but his expression did not change.

He raised his hand and took the chief imperial physician to a small room attached to this medical room.

This small room did not even have windows and was built according to the specifications of a secret room.

Not only was it bulletproof, but it could also shield various electromagnetic devices. There was no such thing as eavesdropping and monitoring in this room.

Zong Ruoning closed the door and said calmly to the chief imperial physician: "If you have anything to say, just tell me. As long as my grandfather can be cured, I can get whatever I need."

The chief imperial physician whispered: "I know that you, Mr. Zong, are not short of money. The Zong family has been passed down for thousands of years, and you are indeed confident enough to say such things."

"But what we need now is not even available with power."

"Even the royal pharmacy, as far as I know, doesn't have this thing now."

Zong Ruoning frowned: "You talk, I'll find a way."

The chief imperial physician sighed: "Mr. Zong's disease is not a genetic disease."

"He is poisoned!"

Zong Ruoning could no longer control his expression and said in surprise: "Really?! How did you diagnose it as poisoning?!"

"So many doctors have tested it and said it was a genetic disease!"

He absolutely believed in his subordinates, and he felt that Su Muzhe would not lie to him.

This is the second update. There will be a new update at 5:00 pm!

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