I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1051 Family History Officer (Second larger chapter, monthly ticket)

Chapter 1051 Family Historian (Second larger chapter, monthly ticket +)

Xia Chujian suddenly thought of Huo Yushen. What level was he?

Could he also live for a thousand years?

This is too outrageous!

Xia Chujian immediately asked: "I know there are many S-class genetic evolvers in the Beichen Empire now. How long have they lived?"

Zong Ruoning suddenly laughed: "So far, there is indeed no S-level evolver who has lived as long as five hundred years."

"The oldest existing S-class evolver in our country is two hundred and ninety-eight years old, but he is already old enough to take care of himself at home."

Xia Chujian raised an eyebrow: "So even if you are an S-class genetic evolver, your lifespan can be extended, but you cannot delay aging."

Zong Ruoning nodded: "Well, that's it."

"After the founding emperor of the Tantai Dynasty, Tantai Lin, came to the throne, he spent at least 999 years in a thousand years searching for the secrets and underworld."

Xia Chujian: "...Where do you know this? This is not what is written in our history books."

Zong Ruoning said: "The family history book of our Zong family."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Well, the four nobles are amazing.

He lived as long as the country and had his own family historian.

Families like the four have huge heritage, population, wealth, and even their own planet and history...

How is it different from a country?

Xia Chujian asked curiously: "Then why don't your four major families break away from the Beichen Empire and become independent?"

Zong Ruoning glanced at her and said angrily: "I think you are getting bolder."

"Why do we want to be independent from the Beichen Empire?"

"What's in it for us?"

Xia Chujian: "..."


She thought about it carefully, and there was no shortage of wealth, power, land, population, and history.


Xia Chujian said: "If you are independent, then you don't have to grovel in front of Emperor Beichen."

In fact, what she said was a bit shameful.

The heads of the four major families definitely have a place in front of the emperor, and there is no need to grovel.

If they grovel, they will not be the four great families that have been inherited for thousands of years and have lived with the country for as long as they have.

Zong Ruoning smiled and said, "Let's not talk about groveling. Think about it, what are the benefits that we wouldn't be able to enjoy if we didn't have to build a country?"

"Is it a life-and-death diplomatic relationship with the other three countries, or is it facing various wars that it will fall into from time to time?"

"Our Zong clan is a military-industrial enterprise, but we do not support private soldiers."

"Is it interesting to build an independent country like this and put a few big mountains on your head?"

Xia Chujian tilted his head: "It makes sense. It seems that if you are not in that position, you would not have thought of these things."

"Okay, I just said it casually. I have no intention of letting you establish an independent country."

Zong Ruoning said: "The Beichen Empire has already split into three independent countries, and there is no need for further division."

Xia Chujian knew that he was talking about the three countries of Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, Southern Cross Principality, and Cimanelli Federation.

She also learned about the history she learned in the military academy and the specific "independence" processes of these three countries. This was something she could not learn in elementary school and middle school.

If it were in the past, Xia Chujian would have said ambitiously: "Sooner or later, we will unify these three 'rebellious countries'!"


She just wanted to watch this dog emperor quickly move toward his demise.

That bitch doesn't even deserve to be a human being, so why should he be an emperor?

Xia Chujian sneered in his heart, but nodded with deep approval on his face and said, "That's true. Let's not talk about these depressing words. Let's talk about how the four major families of yours recorded the incident of Mijin Huangquan back then?"

Zong Ruoning said: "You finally stopped diverging."

"Our records are actually very simple."

"It is said that they all refer to the records of the founding emperor Tantai Lin."

"He wrote down his experience of searching for the maze and underworld for a thousand years. He just wanted to give everyone more clues."

"He said that he once saw a door while searching for clues to the maze in a certain galaxy."

"He drew what the door looked like, and there were four big characters on the door, 'The Gate of God's Descendance'."

"He said in the record that as long as you find this door and make a sacrifice to it once, it will give you a piece of the maze."

"He also said that he hasn't figured out the interval yet."

"Because if you sacrifice continuously in a short period of time, you won't get more maze."

"So he speculated that there must be other conditions in order to get more mazes."

Xia Chujian was fascinated by what he heard and couldn't help but ask: "Then how did he know? Did he make a sacrifice?"

Zong Ruoning said: "He didn't write how he knew, but he did offer sacrifices..."

Xia Chujian clicked his tongue: "What did he sacrifice? A cow or a sheep?"

Zong Ruoning shook his head: "He sacrificed a person. No one knows who it is, but it is said that after the sacrifice, the 'God's Descending Gate' really gave him a piece of the puzzle."

Xia Chujian: "..."

"Isn't it?! Didn't you say that it was only now that the one from the Beichen Empire got the first piece of Maze Yellow Spring?"

Zong Ruoning said: "Listen to me, our family history book records that the founding emperor Tantai Lin returned to Beichen Star with the piece of Maze Huangquan. After leaving these records, he suddenly passed away."

"After his death, the second emperor of the Beichen Empire's Tantai royal family finally ascended the throne."

"But on the second day after he ascended the throne, the piece of Maze Huangquan disappeared again."

Xia Chujian: "..."

That's for sure, this Maze Huangquan originally had self-awareness.

But Xia Chujian said nothing.

She listened quietly, just showing an extremely surprised expression.

Zong Ruoning said: "You are also surprised, right?"

"More surprising things are coming later."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She was ready, staring intently at Zong Ruoning on the virtual display in front of her, with a look of "please speak quickly".

Zong Ruoning said: "...Since it is a sacrifice, the sacrifice will not come back by itself after being enjoyed by the 'god'."

"In the past ten thousand years, the Beichen royal family has encountered that door three times."

"They have all offered sacrifices, but they did not get the same response as their founding ancestor Tan Tailin."

"Of course, the sacrifice did not come back by itself."

Xia Chujian frowned in confusion, but quickly came to his senses and said in surprise: "So, I am the only 'sacrifice' that came back by itself?!"

Zong Ruoning nodded.

Xia Chujian closed his eyes and said, "Impossible."

"First of all, I was pushed in by mistake. I don't think I am a sacrifice, at least that door doesn't think I am a sacrifice."

"Also, if I was really sacrificed, wouldn't there be a ceremony?"

"Without a ceremony, how would that door, or the existence behind that door, know that this is a sacrifice?"

"Couldn't someone just throw flowers and plants around?"

"Then since I'm not a sacrifice, there is no problem of not being able to come back."

"If that's the reason, then I can't It's so unfair!"

"If that person had spoken to me like you at the beginning, maybe I wouldn't have to go through this inexplicable ordeal."

She nodded her head and said regretfully: "It's a pity... After I came back, I was tortured by that person and lost my memory, otherwise I could tell you in detail what happened there."

"Maybe there are really clues or clues to the whereabouts of the Mi Jin Huang Quan."

She had briefly told people about the Kingdom of Devotion she experienced on the other side of the door before, but now, she has "forgotten" everything, all because of "amnesia".

Don't even think about asking her to repeat it.

If you ask, she has lost her memory and doesn't remember.

If you ask about suicide again.

Xia Chujian thought with an embarrassed look.

Zong Ruoning said: "I understand everything, so I don't want to know what you experienced behind the door. I just want you to know, Your Majesty, why you look at you differently, why you are determined to get the Mi Jin Huang Quan."

Xia Chujian doesn't like these two words very much.

She said seriously: "That person didn't look at me differently, he just wanted to get the news from me."

"I don't dare to take it as a guarantee. If I can recover my memory, I will definitely tell him."

"But now I don't know when I can recover my memory, so respect and bless him."

Xia Chujian said casually, not caring much about her amnesia.

Zong Ruoning said: "It's best if you can think it through."

"Take care of yourself. I hope you won't tell others what I said to you today, let alone post it on the Star Network."

He felt that Xia Chujian was not the kind of person who talked too much and could be trusted, so he told her these things.

He also wanted her to understand the real reason why His Majesty the Emperor "lie-detected" her.

Only in this way can she not make a wrong judgment.

This is a girl who is a little impulsive, Zong Ruoning thought silently.

Other people are impulsive, and they may fight with others at most.

But this impulsive...

He couldn't help but think of the information about Xia Chujian that he had investigated before.

A girl who has been in a bounty hunter organization like the Night Hunter since she was fourteen and has made a name for herself with her marksmanship is definitely not a good person.

She can kill people and is not afraid of killing people.

Her impulse is probably a river of blood...

Zong Ruoning watched her silently.

Xia Chujian solemnly promised: "I swear in the name of my aunt that I will never tell anyone, let alone post it on the Star Network."

Zong Ruoning: "..."

Although he knew that Xia Chujian valued her aunt the most, this swearing mode still made him feel strange.


After the conversation with Zong Ruoning, Xia Chujian was restless and always out of the situation, as if thinking about something.

She always secretly looked at Xiao Jiuxiang when no one was paying attention, with a thoughtful look.

At night, Xia Chujian coaxed Wu Fu, A Wu and A Xuan to sleep in the small compartment of her bedroom before going to see Xiao Jiuxiang's bed.

As a result, Xiao Jiuxiang was not seen.

She was slightly startled, turned back to her bedroom, and saw Xiao Jiuxiang on her bed, hiding his entire fat body in the quilt.

Xia Chujian was amused.

After washing up, she went to bed, patted the quilt that was arched into a small round bag, and said, "Is Xiao Jiuxiang in there?"

Xiao Jiuxiang said in a baby voice, "No! Jiuxiang fell asleep!"

Xia Chujian nodded and said, "Okay, Xiao Jiuxiang, let's go to bed first, and we'll talk tomorrow if we have anything to say?"

Xiao Jiuxiang opened the quilt, widened his clear eyes, and said, "No! Wufu will wake up tomorrow, and he will pester me!"

"Jiuxiang knows that I have something to say!"

Xia Chujian smiled and nodded his little upturned nose, saying, "You are so clever!"

"Okay, it's only nine o'clock, so it doesn't hurt to talk to you."

She held Xiao Jiuxiang in her arms and said in his ear: "Xiao Jiuxiang, can you still feel those fragments of the maze?"

She had an idea, but she didn't know if it would work.

So ask Xiao Jiuxiang first.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jiuxiang nodded and said, "Yes, what does sister want to do?"

"But those are useless pieces. There are only nine pieces in total. Oh, no, there are ten pieces now."

He looked at Xia Chujian doubtfully: "Sister, did you send a small piece away?"

Xia Chujian nodded and said sheepishly: "I can't help it. I'm being forced. I can't do it unless I hand it over..."

Xiao Jiuxiang became angry: "Who?! Who forced my sister?! I'm going to teach him a lesson! I want to avenge my sister!"

Xia Chujian hurriedly hugged his chubby arm that was waving in the air and said, "It's okay, it's okay! It's all over!"

"I can take my own revenge... I was wondering if you could get the pieces of Mizinhuangquan you sent out back quietly?"

"Of course, if it's too much trouble, forget it."

"If anyone finds out, our whole family will have to flee."

She looked at Xiao Jiuxiang nervously, wishing for a miracle to happen.

Sure enough, a miracle happened.

Xiao Jiuxiang nodded seriously: "Yes! Those mazes belong to Jiuxiang."

"Sister, did you regret it after giving it away?"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She thought for a moment and said, "It's not that I regret it, but that I was forced to give it away, and now I realize that I gave it to the wrong person."

"By the way, if you get back the pieces of the maze that you sent out, no one will really find out, right?"

"If someone discovers it, then don't do it. The gain outweighs the loss. We don't do business at a loss."

She just had a whim and didn't want to put herself and Xiao Jiuxiang in danger.

Xiao Jiuxiang clapped her chubby hand and said, "No! Mijin Huangquan already has its own consciousness."

"I broke out of the shell before and suppressed their consciousness."

"Now let them regain their consciousness, and they can come back on their own!"

Xia Chujian became even more nervous and emphasized repeatedly: "You can't let others find out! You must not let others find out!"

"Otherwise we won't survive!"

Xiao Jiuxiang glanced at her and nodded in understanding: "I won't find out."

He closed his eyes in Xia Chujian's arms, not knowing what he had done, and then fell asleep like this.

Xia Chujian carefully put him back on the bed and slept with him.

She discovered that Xiao Jiuxiang still had a strong sense of insecurity about the current environment.

He could only truly fall asleep when he was next to her.

Children will grow taller only if they sleep more.

Xia Chujian felt that Xiao Jiuxiang had not grown much since he came to her house. It must be because of too little sleep.

This is the second larger chapter, including April monthly passes worth 1,500+.

There will be a new update at 05:00 in the evening!

PS: I got a new keyboard. The previous one was a mechanical keyboard with a retro style of typewriter. It required a little strength to press down. After writing a chapter, my fingers were almost swollen. I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I got a new one. The new one doesn’t require so much force on the keyboard, but it’s not very smooth and needs to be broken in...o(╥﹏╥)o

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