I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1058: Extraterritorial Power (First Update)

At this moment, the middle-aged woman on the other side of the virtual display screen in the aircraft spoke again.

"Don't worry, the second lady asked you to take action, and she must have a perfect plan, and she will never make it difficult for you."

"In another fifteen minutes, a tiny space crack will appear at the coordinate position above your community, and then a force from outside the world will descend."

"You just need to guide this force from outside the world and kill the mother and son by the way, and no one will know."

The scalps of several people in the aircraft tingled when they heard it.

They looked at each other and asked the middle-aged woman tentatively: "Secretary Wan, are you saying that there will be space cracks here?!"

"But this is the imperial capital!"

"Isn't it known as the most stable place in the entire Beichen galaxy?!"

"How can there be space cracks?!"

"Secretary Wan, what is the outside force? Can you explain it in detail?"

The middle-aged woman was impatient with the question and said with a stern face: "Just do what the superiors tell you to do. Why ask so many questions?"

"These things, can people of your level know?"

Xia Chujian was also impatient, and muttered to Qilu: "So much nonsense, let them fight each other."

"Is there any other useful information?"

Qilu checked the control system of the aircraft for a while, and suddenly said "Huh", "Master, look at this!"

As he said, Qilu changed the picture played on the eyepiece display screen, and another picture appeared.

Although it was a video call, Xia Chujian could see that it was a secretly filmed video call of others, not a direct video call video.

There was no figure on the other side of the hidden camera screen, only a gray landscape with shadows, like an evening with drizzling rain in an ink painting, with a bit of haziness and etherealness.

However, the voice on the other side was not worthy of this beautiful scenery.

The voice was sonorous and harsh, as if a sharp knife was scratching on a rough surface of unknown material.

The voice jumped out word by word: "Steady... hold... the military... side..."

Xia Chujian frowned when she heard it, and she didn't like this voice very much. Just when Qi Lu was about to stop playing, she heard another voice "Hmm".

The voice only responded with one word, but Xia Chujian felt that it sounded familiar.

But she couldn't remember who it was for a while.

Because she didn't feel much familiarity, only a little bit, so it was probably not the familiar people around her.

If it was someone else, who would it be?

Xia Chujian felt that only if that person said one more word, she could remember who that person was!

But that person was very frugal with words and had no intention of talking anymore.

The shadowy gray scenery on the display also disappeared.

Before the video call ended, Xia Chujian heard a woman's voice.

The woman's voice was very mature, and she should be quite old. She had never heard such a voice before.

Then there were some indescribable... rustling sounds.

Soon the video call was disconnected.

Xia Chujian frowned.

What's going on?

How could there be such a beginningless and endless video call in this Quan family's aircraft?

While Xia Chujian was pondering, Secretary Wan on the other side seemed to have finished speaking and interrupted the video call.

Then Xia Chujian only heard a few people in the aircraft discussing whether they should do what Secretary Wan told them to do.

They were all very hesitant.

Because they were not stupid, they knew that people who could live in such a villa area must have a background, and it was not an ordinary background.

This area is not something that can be lived in just by having money.

One person said, "We are employees of the Quan family, not servants who signed a life-long servant contract."

"We are just getting a salary, so there is no need to sell our lives to them, right?"

Another person joked, "If they give enough, I can sell my life too."

"But the problem is, they didn't give it!"

There were four people in the aircraft, and they reached an agreement at this time.

"Let's tell the second wife that we didn't see the space crack appear, so we just left."

After they discussed this, Xia Chujian was relieved.

She really didn't want to make a big scene here.

Not long after, the aircraft circled over the villa area and sped away.

Xia Chujian thought the matter was over, but unexpectedly, as soon as this aircraft disappeared, another aircraft appeared.

There was no family emblem or other logo on this aircraft.

It was just a very ordinary aircraft that was common on the market.

Qilu's childish voice became nervous again: "Master! The missile on this aircraft has locked onto our house!"

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

So this one is the one that really wants to kill Ning Sa and her son!

The aircraft just now was just a substitute and a cover!

That so-called Second Madam of the Quan family is really good at making things happen...

Xia Chujian hurriedly told Qilu the method he had just thought of to deal with the previous aircraft.

Qilu listened and executed it immediately!

In just a moment, Qilu had connected to the security system of this villa community.

Then he changed the target of the missile on the aircraft above his head to the location of the warehouse of the villa community security system.

The next second, the security system of the villa community suddenly sounded the alarm.

Because the mechanical intelligence of the security system showed that it was locked by an unknown missile from outside the villa area!

For mechanical intelligence, this situation is equivalent to an enemy attack, and it can take counterattacks directly without reporting.

The aircraft in the air also sensed that something was wrong, and was about to take advantage of the alarm in the community below to fish in troubled waters. A thick laser suddenly shot out from a hidden house in the community below, illuminating the night sky like daylight.

The aircraft in the air appeared in the laser without any preparation.

Before the people on the aircraft had time to activate the launch button, the entire aircraft was neatly cut in half by the laser!

Then, in the ultra-high temperature of the laser, it was melted into two balls of iron juice, and the iron juice rolled into two large iron blocks, and just like that, it fell from the sky with a bang.

Even if it fell, it fell outside the community, and did not hit any grass or trees in the community.

Xia Chujian saw this scene from his eyepiece display screen, which was really amazing.

The security system of this community is something!

Just when she thought the other party would stop because of the mission failure, another aircraft appeared from the clouds.

Xia Chujian was shocked: "Qilu! How many aircraft are there?!"

Qilu didn't seem to have time to answer her, because then, the community's security control system fired laser weapons into the sky one after another, illuminating the area as bright as day.

Until the three aircraft were cut and melted into large iron blocks, no new aircraft appeared in the air.

Because it was more than nine o'clock in the evening, all this was more eye-catching in the dark.

People in the community came out of their houses one after another, looking at the shining light beams that lit up from time to time in the night sky outside in shock.

Senior leaders of the community property company also rushed here from all directions to appease the uneasy emotions of the residents of the community.

What a joke, how many people living here are easy to get along with?

In other communities, these property managers may still be able to play the role of tail wolves, but here, they are just watchdogs...

The biggest leader of the community property management hurriedly sent his own video apology and explanation to the residents of the community, telling them that someone suddenly wanted to attack their community, but the community security system detected it in advance and had used laser weapons to eliminate the invading enemy!

Indeed, the people living in this community are all extremely rich and noble.

Of course, there is only one family who "makes up the numbers".

The property security system of the community must give such an explanation.

Ning Sa and Xia Yuanfang stood in the front yard of the villa, and also looked at the direction where the bright light column disappeared in the night sky in amazement.

The light column burst out by the laser weapon can blind ordinary people for a short time with the naked eye.

Of course, the genetic evolutionists are fine, and the humanoids are fine.

And Xia Yuanfang was reminded by Ning Sa early on and put on special sunglasses that can block strong light, so it's okay.

Just as they were whispering and guessing what happened just now, Xia Chujian walked over from their side quietly.

Of course, she had just come in.

Using the stealth function of the Xuannv Qingyao Titanium Mech, even the particularly alert Ning Sa didn't notice it.

Xia Chujian put away the mech, revealed her figure, and said softly: "Ms. Ning, those aircraft are actually coming for you..."

Ning Sa turned back suddenly, her lips trembling, her eyes widened in fear, and she couldn't speak for a long time.

Xia Chujian raised her eyebrows.

Seeing Ning Sa like this, she knew who was trying to deal with her?

Xia Chujian didn't reveal who it was, although she had already known most of the truth from the first aircraft.

She just said calmly: "Where do you live? I'll take you and Xiao Zheng back in person."

Ning Sa took a deep breath and said after a while: "No, I'll send a message first and let Xiao Zheng's father pick us up."

Xia Chujian subconsciously looked at Xia Yuanfang.

Xia Yuanfang didn't want to get involved in Ning Sa's privacy.

She smiled and said, "That's fine, as long as it can be guaranteed to be safe."

Ning Sa nodded, and returned to the living room with Xia Yuanfang and Xia Chujian.

Ning Sa walked and sent messages along the way.

[A Zheng's mother]: A Xiao, I was having dinner at Xia's house, and your wife chased me and A Zheng, but the aircraft she sent was destroyed by the security system in the community.

Then she sent a few videos of laser weapons destroying aircraft that she had just taken.

When Quan Junxiao saw these videos, his heart almost rose to his throat.

The first thing he checked was whether there was a mark of the Quan family on the aircraft!

When he found that there was no mark, he slowly exhaled and replied to Ning Sa.

[A Zheng's father]: Send me the current coordinates of you and A Zheng, don't go anywhere, wait for me to pick you up.

[A Zheng's mother]: Yes.

This is the first update, and there will be a second update at 12:05 noon!

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