I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1069 Do you know that he knows? (Second and bigger chapter, monthly ticket)

Chapter 1069 Do you know that he knows? (The second and bigger chapter, monthly ticket +)

Xia Chujian was shocked: "Wormhole exit?! Here?! Inside the atmosphere of Guiyuan Star?!"

She didn't react for a while, her mind was full of those large wormholes that can allow interstellar spacecraft to pass through.

Qilu explained: "This is not strange... Huo Shuai's small wormhole opening device can open a small wormhole in the atmosphere of the planet."

Xia Chujian said "Oh", remembered, and said: "Yes, it is a small wormhole..."

"I think of those large wormholes in the space outside the atmosphere that are used as directional transportation."

Those wormholes are very large.

Even the smallest wormhole outside the atmosphere can accommodate those large interstellar spacecraft, and even allow several ships to travel side by side.

That kind of large wormhole is impossible to appear in the atmosphere of the planet.

Because there is not enough space.

And the small wormhole opened in the atmosphere is much smaller in size.

Qilu said: "These small wormholes can only allow one person to pass through at a time."

Xia Chujian nodded: "I know, thank you Qilu for reminding me."

"But I also remember someone saying that wormhole channels are either energy channels opened by powerful people themselves, or natural channels formed by inherent energy in the universe."

"Then is the wormhole channel here opened by a powerful person, or formed by inherent energy in the universe?"

Qilu said: "This is definitely not a wormhole formed naturally in the universe, because there is no such innate condition in the atmosphere."

"Then it must have been opened by a powerful person."

Xia Chujian asked again: "Which powerful person opened up the seven coordinates?"

Qilu said: "Master, this is too difficult to check, Qilu can't do it."

There was a hint of grievance in the child's voice.

Xia Chujian smiled and said, "I'm just asking casually. I don't mean to ask Qilu to check."

Qilu's childish voice was a little hesitant, as if there was a trace of disbelief: "...Really?"

Xia Chujian said seriously, "Of course, not all questions have answers, but that doesn't stop us from asking questions."

"Okay, let's go look around those directions and see what the royal family is doing."

"Didn't the robot's chip say that they were going to bury something here?"

Qilu said, "Master, according to the data in the chip, it should be here."

It marked a location on the map on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display screen, and then automatically generated a route map.

Xia Chujian walked along the route and looked carefully around there.

Finally, under a big tree, some dark black floating soil was found.

She thought deeply and said, "The color of this soil should be buried underground for a long time."

"But it is piled outside to make loose soil."

"The color of loose soil is not like this at all."

"It should be here, right?"

In fact, right under her feet, there were wisps of thicker and denser black mist, slowly emerging from the pile of dark black loose soil under the big tree.

However, a layer of light earthy yellow light floated on her mecha, and the black mist seemed to be very afraid of this layer of earthy yellow light, and did not dare to approach Xia Chujian within three feet.

It was just that although Xia Chujian did not see it and was not contaminated by the black mist, she felt a little uncomfortable.

It seemed that something was wandering in the surrounding environment, making her feel suffocated.

She looked around and said in confusion: "Qilu, do you feel anything strange?"

Qilu said: "No, Master."

Xia Chujian said: "Then can you detect the air composition here?"

"Although I didn't breathe the air here, I still feel that there is something wrong with the air here."

Her mecha is now in an internal circulation state, and the mecha automatically produces oxygen, so she will not breathe the air outside.

But there is still a sense of shackles that is becoming more and more oppressive.

Qilu began to detect.

After a while, Qilu said: "The content of various components in the air is normal, but there are also some trace elements that cannot be detected."

"But this situation is also normal."

"There are some very small elements in the air, but they cannot be detected because the sensitivity of the instrument is not enough."

Xia Chujian thought, if even the sensitivity of her Xuannv Qingyao Titanium mecha is not enough, the content of that thing must be really "micro"!

Since it is so little, she doesn't care.

Because toxicity has always been associated with dosage.

Talking about toxicity without dosage is just hooliganism.

Xia Chujian breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go to the second coordinate position. The wisps of black fog, like a coiled snake, had risen to the height of her eyepiece.

A khaki light also floated on Xia Chujian's eyepiece.

Against the backdrop of this khaki light, the black fog was finally observed by Xia Chujian's eyepiece.

Xia Chujian was puzzled: "What is this? Why did the black fog suddenly appear in the forest?"

Qilu's childish voice was also puzzled: "Master, Qilu also saw it."

"If it was at night, with the resolution of the mecha eyepiece, these black fogs would definitely not be visible."

"Because the color of these black fogs is as black as the night."

"When they appear at night, they will blend into the night."

Qilu was confused and didn't say anything.

But Xia Chujian understood its unfinished meaning.

It's daytime now, and there is white snow and ice all around. These black mist suddenly appear, I don't know how unexpected it is.

Anyone who is not blind can see.

Qilu asked Xia Chujian to stretch out his mecha arm and detect the edge of the black fog.

When the mechanical finger just touched the edge of the black mist, Qilu quickly asked Xia Chujian to withdraw: "Master! Don't touch it! This thing is too corrosive!"

Xia Chujian looked at his mecha fingers made of Qingyao titanium.

There were actually green rust spots on the black and silver fingertips!

Xia Chujian's expression changed in anger: "Qilu, didn't you say that the material of my mecha is Qingyao titanium?"

"Don't Qingyao Titanium have the most stable material structure in the universe?!"

"How did it get rusty?!"

Even if it later becomes a double helix structure, the essence of Qingyao Titanium will not change, only its appearance will change.

Its corrosion resistance is definitely the first in the universe!

Otherwise, how could it be the main raw material for the third generation of mechas? !

Qilu said: "Master, don't worry, this is not a rust spot, this is just... the black mist has a chemical reaction with certain components in the air, and the metal film on the surface of Qingyao Titanium."

"Qingyao Titanium itself has not changed."

Xia Chujian breathed a sigh of relief: "Then how to remove it?"

Qilu said: "Just go through the mecha's own cleaning procedure."

Xia Chujian started the automatic cleaning process of the mecha, and sure enough, the layer of green rust quickly fell off.

The fingertips of her Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha returned to the black and silver color she had switched out.

This is to protect the secrets of the third generation mecha. The color of this Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha is still mainly black and silver.

Xia Chujian felt relieved and switched the color of the mecha again, back to the snow camouflage color.

After some operations, Xia Chujian looked at the place where the black mist was in front of her, and found that a vague circular hole seemed to be taking shape in front of her eyes.

Xia Chujian asked nervously: "Qilu, does this black mist seem to be drawing a circle?"

Qilu said: "Master, this is not the black mist drawing circles. It is...corroding the space wall here!"

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

She understood every word of Qilu's words, but when put together, her brain buzzed, and she seemed to be unable to think properly!

Is that what she meant?

Yes, yes, yes? !

She asked nervously: "Can it corrode the wall of space?! Qilu, can you speak more clearly?"

Qilu said: "Master! Let's go back quickly and ask Awu to come over!"

"We can't deal with this thing, but Awu seems to have a way!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She asked in confusion: "Qilu, how do you know Awu has a solution?"

Qilu said: "When we came back in the interstellar spacecraft, as soon as we came out of the wormhole, we encountered these similar things."

"Master, do you still remember? You also asked Awu what good food he had eaten..."

Xia Chujian was greatly surprised: "...Awu said it was just a few wisps of decayed dragon energy!"

"But Qilu, why do you think the dragon energy is similar to the black mist here?"

In Xia Chujian's heart, dragon aura, even a rotten dragon aura, must be shining with golden light and arrogant!

Qilu's childlike voice was a little uneasy and embarrassed, and even his voice became lower: "Master, after coming back, Qilu was curious and asked about Awu and Aqun's situation at that time..."

"They told Qilu that it was a few wisps of black mist."

"Awu used his mental power to project it out and directly wrap the black mist back, allowing himself to swallow it."

Qilu didn't hide anything at this moment and told Xia Chujian everything.

Xia Chujian nodded and said, "That's good! Otherwise, I really don't know what to do!"

While she was talking to Qilu, the space wall here seemed to have been corroded enough by the black mist. A black circle with a diameter of about one meter was looming in the space.

Qilu reminded Xia Chujian: "Master, the wormhole exit has appeared."

Xia Chujian was confused: "If the wormhole existed, wouldn't there have been an exit already?"

"Why do you have to corrode it so that the exit can appear?"

Qilu said: "I don't know either. I can only infer from the facts that someone may have sealed the wormhole exit before."

"Is it not the space boundary wall that is corroded by this black mist, but the seal of the wormhole exit?"

Xia Chujian's eyes flickered, remembering that Huo Yushen brought her back from Yanze Star. He also specially took her back to the Alien Beast Forest and asked her to say that she came back from the Alien Beast Forest...

This statement did not make the dog emperor doubt it.

So, do Huo Yushen and the Dog Emperor both know that there is actually a wormhole passage to the outside world in the Alien Beast Forest?

Moreover, this small wormhole passage must have been created by some powerful being in the atmosphere.

Who on earth is it?

Why do both Huo Yushen and the Dog Emperor know?

Also, does the Dog Emperor know that Huo Yushen knows?

Xia Chujian thought about it, almost dizzy with her "knowing or not".

She glanced at the more solid black circle above the open space in front of her, turned around and said, "Let's get Awu and A'qun over here!"

Xia Chujian activated the Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha and used it at the highest speed it could drive within the atmosphere.

When she came, it took her ten minutes, and when she went back, it only took her three minutes.

Entering the aircraft's hatch, Xia Chujian quickly put away his fully enclosed helmet and looked at his friends in the aircraft.

Sanzong sat upright in the driver's seat, tilted his head and looked at her curiously, and said, "Master Shaojun, why have you been gone for so long?"

Xia Chujian sat down in the passenger seat and sighed: "I encountered some trouble, I have to go out again."

After saying that, Xia Chujian looked back at the teacup dog Awu and the little fat Jiu Aqun in the back seat, and said: "Awu, Aqian, you are with me."

Wufu immediately shouted: "Sister! Wufu is going too!"

He clenched his fists and looked nervous.

Xiao Jiuxiang followed suit and said with a tight little chubby face: "...I want to go too!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

This child has become the mouthpiece of Wufu, and he only conveys the last few words.

She reached over and rubbed Xiao Jiuxiang's fat head, then pinched Wufu's fat cheeks, and said, "You two and Brother Sanzong wait here, watch Xiao Sixi carefully and don't let him escape. "

As soon as Wufu heard that there was a task for him, he immediately nodded and said, "Wufu must take Sixi very seriously!"

To prove that he could work, he picked up Sixi who was squatting next to Xiao Jiuxiang and held him in his arms.

Si Xi looked at him innocently, and then at Xia Chujian. The puppy had a confused look on his face, not knowing what was going on.

Xia Chujian raised the corners of his lips, nodded and said, "This is how Wufu behaves!"

"You, Xiao Jiuxiang, Sixi, and Sanzhao are all in the aircraft to help us keep watch, okay?"

"If there is any danger, please inform me, Ah Wu and Ah Quan immediately!"

Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang nodded together.

Sanzong said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shaojun, this aircraft has always been in a stealth state and will not be discovered."

Xia Chujian said: "If anyone finds out, we will be in trouble."

Sanzong solemnly wrote down her instructions.

Xia Chujian asked A Wu and A Quan to fly to his left and right shoulders.

There are two little brackets in the shape of Bana flowers sticking out there, which are small seats prepared for Ah Wu and Ah Quan.

She flew out of the aircraft door like an arrow and flew to the seven coordinate positions in the north.

Just like when he went back, Xia Chujian also drove his Xuannv Qingyao titanium mecha to the fastest speed it could reach in the atmosphere.

It only took three minutes to return to the area where the seven coordinates were located.

From the time she went back to the time she came back, it only took seven minutes.

But within these seven minutes, seven black circles had appeared in this open space.

It's as if someone used black oil paint and used space as a canvas to draw seven black circles.

These seven black circles are not perfect circles, but slightly oval.

The diameter of the longest black circle is about one meter.

The shorter diameter is about 0.8 meters.

Moreover, small grids have begun to appear in the area circled in the middle of the circle, and the color is getting darker and darker.

This is the second update, including 3000+ monthly passes for April.

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