I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 107 The distance between me and him (first update)

When Zong Ruoan saw that Xia Chujian was almost beaten to death by Fan Chengcai's men at the Mulan City checkpoint, he felt very disliked by this person.

But he couldn't say that to Huo Yushen.

Zong Ruo calmed down and said calmly: "The Department of Corrections is originally a powerful agency that manages local public security. They are the enforcers of the law. When they know and break the law, they cause too much damage to social order."

Huo Yushen listened to Zong Ruoan's words calmly, and then said calmly: "When will the Department of Punishment be able to maintain social order? - If that group of trash can maintain order, how can bounty hunters become a legal organization?"

Zong Ruoan: "..."

Completely irrefutable.

But he also has his own persistence and belief.

Zong Ruoan said: "Inspector Huo's views are indeed profound. But I can't control that much. I just want to keep those flies and dogs away from where I can see them."

Huo Yushen said lightly: "On Guiyuan Planet, the Fan family has become too big to survive. He is just a low-ranking little nobleman, but relying on his marriage relationship with the Governor of Guiyuan Planet, he has already controlled the entire Punishment Department. - If you really want to To rectify the punishment department system of Guiyuan Planet, you need to clean it from top to bottom."

His tone was very light, but the content of his words was chilling.

Zong Ruoan only heard the words "Great Purge" and seemed to see blood and murderous intent filling the sky.

He subconsciously resented such an approach, but said seriously: "I will investigate carefully."

Huo Yushen was noncommittal and nodded slightly: "Okay, you can do whatever you want. The Special Security Bureau will definitely support you."

"Thank you, Inspector Huo!" Zong Ruoan breathed a sigh of relief, saluted Huo Yushen, and then said, "However, this is not the main purpose of my meeting with Inspector Huo today."

Huo Yushen stared at him speechlessly for a while, then said in a low voice with a hint of metallic magnetism: "...When reporting on work in the future, we must first focus on the key points."

"Yes, Inspector Huo." Zong Ruoan said, continuing to play the three-dimensional holographic projection video.

"Inspector Huo, look, this is the video that I originally collected for Xia Chujian and used it as evidence for her to complain to the school about Wang Yixiao. According to the bureau's practice, we will take the first ten minutes of the designated time. And ten minutes later, download together."

"And then I saw this..."

He moved forward the time when Xia first met by ten minutes.

Then I saw on the screen that Wang Yixiao came to her office, found a medicine bottle in a secret place, and poured two pills out of it.

Then he dug out a little bit of medicinal powder with his fingernails and fed it to the goldfish.

Then, a goldfish grew small horns, but soon turned up its white belly and died together with several other goldfish.

Zong Ruoan's voice was slightly excited: "When I saw this, I immediately asked Lu Jianpeng to go to the hospital to take Wang Yixiao's body away for an autopsy."

Huo Yushen nodded: "...especially checked her fingernails?"

"Yes! At that time, she dug out a little bit of medicinal powder with her fingernails and sprinkled it into the fish tank, causing genetic abnormalities in the goldfish."

"Fortunately, we arrived in time. If we were too late, her family would have sent her to the crematorium for cremation."

"After the autopsy, we found that there was no abnormal drug effect in her body. The only evidence we had was the little remaining drug powder in her fingernails."

"After analysis and purification by technical staff, we discovered abnormal components that can cause genetic mutations!" Zong Ruoan said excitedly.

Huo Yushen couldn't help but sit up straight and asked seriously: "Are you sure that it is a chemically synthesized drug and not a natural ingredient?"

Zong Ruoan nodded heavily: "My subordinates at the headquarters specifically tested it three times and are convinced that it is a chemically synthesized drug."

However, Zongruo settled down and said: "But it is also very likely that this kind of chemically synthesized medicine is based on some natural ingredients. It can be refined and processed, plus chemical preparations, to make large-scale pharmaceuticals, that is chemistry medicine."

Huo Yushen raised his eyes and looked at the ceiling of the conference room, pondered for a moment, and said, "Looking at those two pills, they are already very mature craftsmanship."

Zong Ruoan agreed: "Yes, this shows that not only are some people secretly doing research on genetic evolution, but they have been doing it for a long time."

He added: "I even feel that if I follow the clues, I will find a whole supply chain!"

Zong Ruoan said excitedly: "The imperial laws strictly prohibit genetic research. As for secretly developing chemical drugs that can cause genetic mutation, that is already a felony!"

Huo Yushen nodded and finally praised Zong Ruo'an: "Well done, as expected of the director of the Information Department, very sensitive to information. - You will be responsible for this case."

Zong Ruoan was stunned for a moment and declined: "I am only responsible for big data. If we want to pursue this case, at least someone from the Operations Department must come forward."

"Colonel Zong, there is no doubt that your work ability is very strong. If you can investigate this case this time and uncover the entire supply chain behind it, the position of deputy inspector of the Special Security Bureau will definitely be yours. Huo Yushen said slowly, as if he had great trust in Zong Ruoan.

Zong Ruoan had never been so valued by Huo Yushen, and his mood was particularly complicated.

He said: "If Inspector Huo trusts me and gives me this opportunity, I will definitely try my best! But the position of deputy inspector is no longer needed. I have only been in this department for three years and my qualifications are too junior."

"... Our department is the one that least needs to talk about seniority." Huo Yushen stood up and said calmly with his hands behind his back: "Those who like to talk about seniority will not survive a day in my place."

Zong Ruoan: "..."

What is this nonsense?

It's too scary...

Huo Yushen's face suddenly turned grim: "Because I will send them out on field missions as soon as possible. Those who are incompetent will either die in the hands of the enemy. Or they will rebel outside and die in my hands."

Zong Ruoan: "..."

He said nothing and silently saluted Huo Yushen.

Huo Yushen put his hands behind his back and said without any pretense: "The private club case follows Wang Yixiao's case. I'll find out what connects them when I have time, but I don't need to invest too much energy."

"However, Wang Yixiao's case involves the research and development of genetic drugs. It is a derivative clue and needs to be focused on."

A few words gave Zong Ruoan the direction.

Zong Ruoan hurriedly saluted again: "Yes, chief."

"Also, do you have any clues about the private interstellar spacecraft I asked you to investigate?"

"We're checking, it should be soon."

Huo Yushen nodded: "Then let's clean up the Punishment Department and the Fan family first." After saying that, he walked towards the door of the conference room.

But after taking a few steps, he turned half sideways and asked without looking back: "...the modified photos Wang Yixiao showed, were they taken by herself, or were they passed on to her by others?"

Zong Ruoan was stunned by the question, thought for a while, and then said: "It's not clear yet. The technical department just checked. The memory chip of Wang Yixiao's quantum optical brain was severely damaged. All the data in it is gone, and there is no trace of it." The law is restored.”

"Oh? Is it so bad? Even the Information Department and Intelligence Department of the Special Security Bureau can't restore it?" Huo Yushen turned around at this time and looked at Zong Ruo'an and asked.

Zong Ruoan, who majored in information at University and is relatively familiar with this, said: "If it is just data overwriting, we will have no problem recovering it. But the memory chip in Wang Yixiao's quantum optical brain is obviously physically damaged, and it is It’s damaged beyond repair. So the data can’t be restored.”

Huo Yushen immediately said: "Have you checked Wang Yixiao's cloud account? See if she has the habit of cloud backup at any time."

Zong Ruoan's eyes lit up and he said, "What a great idea! I'll have someone go check it out right away."

After saying that, he thought about it and said, "By the way, I can also ask Xia Chujian to see if she knows where these photos of Wang Yixiao came from, because she was the person involved at the time, and it was Wang Yixiao who used these photos to directly Threatening people.”

Huo Yushen seemed to be reminded and asked thoughtfully: "What case is involved in the document you asked Xia Chu to sign?"

Zong Ruo'an didn't expect Huo Yushen to even ask this, so he had to say: "It was at the Mulan City level, when their team of dark night hunters came back from the forest of alien beasts, Fan Chengcai took a fancy to the team's combat aircraft, and... they coincidentally created a name. , saying that they colluded with the humanoid riots and wanted to beat them into submission."

"I happened to be there at the time. If I hadn't gone down, Xia Chujian would have been... killed by them." Zong Ruoan said more implicitly.

Huo Yushen showed no reaction on his face and asked, "Is Fan Cheng the one from the Punishment Department who attacked that team?"

Zong Ruoan shook his head, nodded again, and said, "Fan Chengcai used his subordinates in the Punishment Department to do this, but he still knows how to measure. In the Night Hunter team, only Xia Chujian is an ordinary person with no mental power. So we only attacked her. The other four were all genetic evolvers and were not harmed. Therefore, she was beaten the worst..."

Huo Yushen seemed to suddenly be interested: "...is there any surveillance video?"

Zong Ruoan had no choice but to pull out the surveillance video that was restored at that time and showed it to Huo Yushen. He explained: "This was restored because Fan Chengcai had shut down the surveillance video at that time."

Huo Yushen watched intently on the virtual video, the whole process of Xia Chujian being beaten, waking up, and then resisting.

"...Fan Chengcai used humanoids to attack normal humans?" Huo Yushen glanced at Zong Ruo'an, "Isn't this Fan Chengcai's problem?"

Zong Ruo'an smiled bitterly: "According to the laws of the empire, it is indeed a capital crime for humanoids to attack humans. The problem is that Xia Chujian has already beaten all these humanoids to death. The Fan family is a noble after all, and his family also invited people from the Quan family Let a particularly famous lawyer appeal to him in the internal review. It is even more unlikely that the Mulan City Department of Justice will come forward to sue the nobles for a commoner."

Huo Yushen said no more, turned and left.

After he left, Zong Ruoan sat down exhausted, propped his head on his hands, and did not leave the first-level conference room for the time being.

No wonder even within the Special Security Bureau, few people are willing to talk to Huo Yushen. It is too difficult to resist...

Zong Ruoan's secretary Lu Jianpeng came in.

"Colonel Zong, what's wrong with you?"

Zong Ruoan murmured: "Give me a glass of water."

Lu Jianpeng hurriedly got him a bottle of bottled water from the refrigerator in the conference room.

Zong Ruoan unscrewed the bottle cap and drank half of the bottle in one breath, then wiped his mouth with a tissue and said: "...A Peng, I was really wrong..."

"What's wrong?" Lu Jianpeng was confused.

Zong Ruoan whispered: "I always thought that I was no worse than Inspector Huo. My university is better than Inspector Huo's, and my family background is better than him. I am the same as him, and we are both twenty-eight years old this year. Why should he compare?" I was two ranks higher?—and to this day, I don’t understand why.”

Lu Jianpeng was startled, and looked around quickly. He was convinced that they were in the first-level conference room, and the door of the conference room was closed. No one would hear them, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He adjusted his tightly buttoned collar and whispered: "Master Zong, you are a true son of a noble family and the eldest son of the eldest princess. You will inherit the entire Zong family from now on. Why do you have to come to this place?" ?”

Zong Ruo'an was silent for a while and said: "The Zong family has a big cousin who will inherit it. I will not argue with him... I just want to prove myself. I can have my own career without the Zong family."

Lu Jianpeng: "..."

"Master Zong, why bother? In fact, wherever you go, the label of the Zong family cannot be removed."

Zong Ruoan suddenly laughed and said, "I know, I just figured it out. Why should I compete with Inspector Huo? Besides, he is indeed more capable than me. Although his family background is average, he joined the army at the age of seventeen and was promoted to the top within ten years. To the marshal, and then to control this special security bureau that is only responsible to His Majesty the Emperor. - I can't compare to this."

Lu Jianpeng's voice was even lower: "...Master Zong, please stop trying to get into trouble...Why did Inspector Huo become the boss of the Special Security Bureau? He is indeed very capable, but there are people better than him, right? For example, the eldest son of the Quan family? But Why is he in charge of the Special Security Bureau? Isn’t it just because he comes from an ordinary background that he is the most reassuring to His Majesty the Emperor..."

The implication is that with Zong Ruoan's background as one of the four nobles, the emperor was crazy and put a department like the Special Security Bureau in his hands.

Zong Ruoan glanced at Lu Jianpeng unexpectedly: "You are quite smart, don't hide it anymore... Your master, I am not the kind of person who is jealous of talents and talents."

Lu Jianpeng chuckled: "I know Mr. Zong is not that kind of person. To be honest, if you were really that kind of person, Mr. Zong, I would not still be following you now."

Zong Ruoan punched him lightly and said, "Inspector Huo agreed. Wang Yixiao's case involves a major genetic drug research and development case. Inspector Huo has authorized me to take full responsibility."

"Really?!" Lu Jianpeng's eyes lit up, "What about the Department of Punishment and the Fan family?"

"We have to take care of it over there, but we need to close the case as soon as possible. Also, find out what the connection is between the private club arson case and Wang Yixiao's case. We need to find out before the end of the year."

Zong Ruoan stood up and walked back and forth in the first-level conference room, thinking: "There is not much time this year, let's make preparations first, and then invest in the genetic drug research and development project next year. By then, I will coordinate the Information Department, Intelligence Division and Operations Division.”

Lu Jianpeng knew that according to the practice of the Special Security Bureau, once someone is responsible for a project, they will coordinate the management of the Information Department, Intelligence Department and Operations Department.

"Great!" Lu Jianpeng also stood up excitedly, "Then let's settle the matter with the Punishment Department and the Fan family first!"

Thanks to the leader of "Ji Yu'er" for the reward!

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

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