I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1081: One for One Beyond the Limit (Second Update, Monthly Ticket)

Chapter 1081: One for one above the limit (second update, monthly ticket +)

Xia Chujian understood, and said angrily: "Do you really want me to remove all the big khaki cocoons?!"

"Isn't this too much?!"

"I can't do this!"


"That big khaki cocoon is not ordinary!"

"They could wrap around a planet!"

"Planet! Do you know?! How much firepower is required to completely destroy it!"

"Those are six habitable planets!"

"Even if I mobilize all the empire's space ion beam cannons, I still can't defeat him!"

The best thing to do is to make a hole and completely eliminate it. Xia Chujian can't think of any way at the moment.

Sometimes, size is a deterrent!

Just like the intensity of poison is related to the dose.

The dosage is related to volume.

For example, a poison that can kill a small mouse may not be able to kill an elephant.

Xia Chujian categorically rejected this proposal.

But then I thought about it, could it be possible to bring over the ultimate weapon, the Star Destroyer? !

Xia Chujian knew that the newly developed Star Destroyer of the Beichen Empire had very powerful space weapons.

It is said that if it self-destructs, it will have an explosion yield that can kill a planet!

But they haven't built two Star Destroyers after all. There are six habitable planets here, and even exchanging one for another is not enough at the limit!

Xia Chujian was so anxious that his forehead was almost sweating.

Qilu seemed to think for a while before typing another line of children's graffiti fonts.

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said, you don’t need to destroy all the large khaki cocoons, just punch through their cores.

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said, as long as the core is penetrated, there will be no continuous flow of Browder's power instilled.

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said that as long as the core is penetrated, the large khaki cocoon will stop growing.

Xia Chujian was interested: "So the big khaki cocoon grew because of Browder's power?...Interesting, can you tell me more?"

[Qilu]: ...Master, Quanquan said, there is no more.

Xia Chujian: "...Then how do you know you can kill them by punching through the core of the big khaki cocoon?"

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said, these large khaki cocoons have something to do with the place where they come from, so he knows how to destroy them.

Xia Chujian was pleasantly surprised: "Huh? It turns out it's an acquaintance... Oh, no, it's Familiar Quan! Then how to fight?!"

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said, he will instruct the master on the core of the large khaki cocoon, and then wrap himself around the master's bullet.

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said, after the master shoots, he can go to the core of the khaki cocoon and replace the core power of the cocoon.

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said that all the forces in the universe are conserved. If there is more here, there will be less there.

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan also said that as long as the core power of the big cocoon is replaced, Quanquan's power will become larger and the power of the big cocoon will become smaller.

Xia Chujian: "..."

How can conservation of energy still be explained in this way? --learned……

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and said, "After Quanquan is wrapped around the bullet and shot out, can he still come back?"

"If I can't come back, I won't let Quanquan go out."

Xia Chujian felt speechless after finishing speaking.

Why did she follow that unreliable maze and call Him "Quanquan"...

It was as if she was inciting a minor to commit a crime.

The feeling in my heart is particularly strange.

[Qilu]: The cat spins in circles happily.JPG. Master, Quanquan said He is very happy! Quanquan said, no longer have to worry about the master not wanting Quanquan!

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said, not all Quanquan has left, just a little bit is enough.

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said, this little lack will not affect Quanquan.

Then Qilu also drew a very small dot on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display, indicating that it was just a little bit.

Xia Chujian: "..."

She took a deep breath and said, "Can Jiuxiang help you get back what you are missing?"

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said that although the journey is far away, the little bit that Quanquan lost will still work hard to return to the master!

Xia Chujian understood.

Mijin Huangquan means that if the distance is too far, even Jiuxiang can't do anything.

Previously in the palace, in the country of love, Mijin Huangquan could gather and recover all his components.

But now we are in space, often separated by light years.

To come back from the "Quanquan" we left, we have to go through a long journey...

But, that’s not right!

Xia Chujian frowned and then asked: "If the journey back is long, it will take a long time, but the time for the bullet to hit is not that long..."

She realized now that she was different again.

Not only can she hit the bodies of those relics that switch between reality and reality, but she can also be in space, ignoring the distance of space?

This latter one is a bit awkward...

Xia Chujian couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

Although she is not a genetic evolver, she still seems to have special abilities in shooting...

While she was thinking wildly, Qilu replied again.

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said that the bullets fired by the master have special effects against Broad. As long as His power is revealed, the master's bullets can ignore the ultra-long distance of space and hit Him directly!

[Qilu]: Master, Quanquan said that it's just that the power of ordinary bullets is not strong enough, but if a small part of Quanquan is wrapped, the core of Broad's power can be killed!

Xia Chujian suddenly realized.

Sure enough, she has "superpowers".

But this "superpower" seems to have special effects only when dealing with alien species related to the relic, just like their natural enemies.

Apart from this, she is still an ordinary person.

Xia Chujian calmed down instantly, thinking, if this is the case, then although the way back is long, the maze Huangquan itself has a very powerful concealment function, so He should still have a chance to return to her side, right?

Her maze Huangquan, don't want to lose it at all!

Xia Chujian somehow thought of the robot Xiaofei.

In order to save her, its robot body has been sleeping in the forest of the Green Star Country.

Now Mi Jin Huang Quan has to separate a part of him to help her solve the problem of those khaki cocoons.

Xia Chujian was a little reluctant.

This is the habitable planet of the Dongtianyuan Kingdom, not the Beichen Empire...

Not to mention Guiyuan Star.

Xia Chujian is not a saint, her mercy and sympathy can only include the entire Guiyuan Star at most.

Beichen Star is not within her consideration.

Then why should she use Mi Jin Huang Quan, who is loyal to her and has even saved her many times, to exchange for that core power?

It’s a pity for the more than a thousand people in the Special Security Bureau, but this is also part of their work, isn’t it?

Besides, after so long, Xia Chujian really doesn’t think there are any living organisms in those habitable planets wrapped in khaki cocoons.

Xia Chujian stroked the Judge No. 1 sniper on his mechanical right arm and couldn’t make a decision.

The six female phantoms standing on the six habitable planets in front of them all curved their eyebrows and showed six mocking smiles again.

Xia Chujian watched silently.

She has calmed down now and will not act in anger because of these superficial things.

Just when she was about to give up and turn around to leave this star field, the female phantom on the khaki cocoon of the Da Zang star closest to her suddenly moved.

His figure is so huge that even a slight movement of His can affect the nebula airflow in the universe.

Xia Chujian noticed it all at once.

She looked up and suddenly found that the figure of the illusory woman had undergone a horrifying change!

And only this woman's illusory figure had changed, while the illusory figures of the other five women were still as slender and graceful as before.

The illusory figure of this woman that had changed was mainly reflected in her belly.

It gradually bulged and expanded, as if... a pregnant woman!

Xia Chujian widened her eyes.

Can phantoms also get pregnant? !

This is too unbelievable!

Xia Chujian couldn't help but raise her Judge No. 1 sniper rifle and aimed at the bulging belly of the woman's illusory figure.

Looking at the tentacles with fangs and claws in the black silhouette behind the woman, and the round body, Xia Chujian suddenly thought of the disgusting monsters she, Awu and Axuan had killed in front of the wormhole in the forest of strange beasts!

Her intuition told her that there might be something similar or even more powerful hidden in the belly of this illusory woman!

At this moment, Qilu's prompt appeared on her eyepiece display again.

[Qilu]: Master! Quanquan said that the phantom began to absorb the core mass of Broad's power! Hurry up!

[Qilu]: Quanquan said, otherwise when He absorbs it completely, He will become real, and Quanquan will not be able to replace His power!

Xia Chujian understood. Mi Jin Huang Quan was saying that once the phantom absorbed the core power of Broad's power and transformed itself into a physical entity, Mi Jin Huang Quan would not be able to defeat Him...

If even Mi Jin Huang Quan could not defeat Him, Xia Chujian did not think that he had the ability to defeat Him.

In addition, if He was allowed to materialize, would He be able to leave the khaki cocoon and fly around in the universe?

What if He broke through the barrier of the star field here and flew to the Beichen galaxy?

Their Guiyuan Star was the most remote and weakest habitable planet in the Beichen Empire!

Xia Chujian no longer hesitated and said, "Thank you, Quan Quan!"

She raised her sniper rifle and aimed at the phantom of the woman who was as tall as the planet in the distant starry sky.

Click! Click! Click!

She fired three shots in a row, all at the bulging belly of the phantom woman.

And on these three bullets, there was a faint yellow light corona, which wrapped the three sniper bullets, crossed the distance of the starry sky, and whistled through the bulging belly of the illusory woman!

Sure enough, after three shots, the illusory head of the woman slowly lowered and looked at her bulging belly.

It was no longer completely illusory, but a semi-solid state.

This is the second update, including 4000+ monthly tickets for April.

There will be a new update after 5:00 p.m.!

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