I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1087 God's Armor (Second super long chapter, monthly ticket)

Chapter 1087 Armor of God (Second super long chapter, monthly ticket +)

Huo Yushen stepped forward, hid Xia Chujian behind him, and said: "I'll do it."

He used the life detector to check it, and said regretfully: "He is dead."

Xia Chujian's eyes darkened and said: "Since he is dead, we should help him fulfill his last wish."

Huo Yushen said: "His last wish?"

Xia Chujian said: "He wants to die with Wen Renzhao."

As she said, her eyes were already looking at Wen Renzhao standing in the space not far away.

In the dark blue space, Wen Renzhao was wearing a very familiar tight skirt.

It was the tight skirt on Broad's phantom just now.

It's just that what Xia Chujian saw before was a phantom as tall as a planet.

But now, it's just a two-meter-tall woman.

It's really incomparable with the phantom just now.

But she has the same expression and momentum as that phantom.

Huo Yushen looked up and saw the woman standing in the distant starry sky on his eyepiece display.

His expression slightly changed: "Is this Wen Renzhao?"

Xia Chujian said: "Are you surprised? But Doctor Shen said she is Wen Renzhao."

Huo Yushen: "..."

Xia Chujian said, and had already driven the mecha to fly.

Huo Yushen was a little worried and quickly drove the mecha to follow her.

Xia Chujian's speed was very fast.

Although she was far away from Wen Renzhao, this was in space, and she also had a mecha that exceeded the third cosmic speed, so it only took a moment for her to get close to Wen Renzhao.

Xia Chujian did not say anything harsh.

She flew into the range of the Judge No. 1 sniper and immediately raised her mechanical right arm.

The switched sniper was already on it.

She gently pressed the trigger with her left hand.


With a slight sound, a beam of electromagnetic beam bullets shot forward in the space without gravity and resistance!

That Wen Renzhao is indeed different now.

She had seen a mecha flying towards her a long time ago.

She also recognized that it was the second-generation mecha of the Beichen Empire.

If it was before, she was indeed very afraid of this second-generation mecha.

But now, with the power given to her by God, the second-generation mecha can't hurt her at all.

Unless it is a third-generation mecha...

But how can a third-generation mecha be so easy to develop?

She was once a leader of a country and was very enthusiastic about the country's development of mecha projects.

Therefore, she also knew that the breakthrough of the second-generation mecha was already a miracle in human history.

And the third-generation mecha, that is not something that humans can have.

That is the armor of God!

So when she saw the second-generation mecha gunner shooting an electromagnetic beam at her, she didn't dodge at all, and directly activated her mental power to act on the electromagnetic beam that was shooting at her.


The electromagnetic beam was not blocked as she imagined, but instead, like a dagger that went straight forward, piercing straight into her chest!

Wen Renzhao looked down in disbelief, looking at the round hole in his chest.

It was a penetrating wound.

Xia Chujian could see the space on the other side from this side.

Wen Renzhao had no time to think about it, and had mobilized all his abilities, retreated quickly, merged with the "star field isolation cover", and then disappeared.

When Xia Chujian chased in front of the "star field isolation cover", she saw Wen Renzhao had already entered.

She wanted to follow in, but Huo Yushen stopped her.

"No need to chase her anymore, ordinary guns can't kill her."

Xia Chujian pursed her lips and said, "I hit her chest, a penetrating wound."

Huo Yushen said, "Then did you see her bleeding?"

"Did you see her heart?"

Xia Chujian blinked, and suddenly remembered that although the wound was a penetrating wound, it did not bleed!

And she did hit the heart.

But, there seems to be no heart there...

Xia Chujian still insisted: "Maybe her heart grows on the other side."

Huo Yushen said slowly: "What if there is no heart on the other side?"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She sighed and said: "I want to try again."

She still raised her sniper rifle and aimed at the "Star Domain Isolation Shield" where Wen Renzhao disappeared.

Suddenly, a prompt appeared on the eyepiece display screen of both of them at the same time.

"The target person appears in the sky."

The two looked up at the same time, and Wen Renzhao, who had just disappeared, had passed over their heads like lightning.

Her speed was so fast that she even left a residual image on the eyepiece display screen of both of them!

In a glance, both of them saw that the penetrating wound on her chest had healed.

Wen Renzhao was running forward at a very fast speed at this moment.

Xia Chujian was furious, raised her hand and waved her gun, and fired another string of electromagnetic beam bombs at Wen Renzhao's back!

The blue-purple electromagnetic beam bomb is faster than the speed of light in space.

But Wen Renzhao didn't seem to care at all.

She didn't dodge at all, and the electromagnetic beam bomb hit Wen Renzhao's back this time.

But a huge round fan appeared on Wen Renzhao's back!

When the electromagnetic beam bomb hit the round fan, it was reflected back.

Xia Chujian drove the mecha to stretch rapidly, and barely avoided the reflected electromagnetic beam!

Could it be that what Huo Yushen said was true?

Wen Renzhao is no longer afraid of ordinary bullets now? !

If it weren't in space, Xia Chujian really wanted to give Wen Renzhao a magazine!

If one bullet doesn't work, then 100,000 bullets!

Let's see if she is afraid!

Xia Chujian complained in her heart, but she was much more cautious and stopped shooting directly.

Her mecha had excellent performance and she was very agile, so she quickly dodged the reflected electromagnetic beam.

When he saw Wen Renzhao in front of him, he could actually use the huge round fan exposed on his back to reflect the electromagnetic beam, Huo Yushen reached out without hesitation, and a silver longbow appeared in his hand, followed by a golden long arrow.

He pulled the bow like a full moon, and a golden long arrow came in an instant!


The long arrow passed through Wen Renzhao's back and chest, and directly shot through the round fan on her back that could rebound electromagnetic beams!

Wen Renzhao's body swayed, and she lowered her head in disbelief, looking at the golden long arrow that passed through her chest.

Her body was carried forward by the force of the golden long arrow, and she was unable to stop in time, and hit Wen Renyi's broken aircraft hard.

A human-shaped dent was knocked out of the outer shell of the aircraft.

With this arrow, a faint khaki light corona overflowed from Wen Renzhao and scattered into the dark blue universe.

In a place that Huo Yushen could not see, the khaki light corona merged into a line and merged into Xia Chujian's mecha like lightning.

A line of children's graffiti appeared on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display.

[Qi Lu]: Master, Quanquan said that the little Quanquans he had scattered out are back!

Xia Chujian slightly raised the corners of her lips, and a big stone was put down in her heart.

With this delay, she fell behind Huo Yushen, and quickly cheered up to drive the mecha and catch up.

Wen Renzhao stopped running and directly removed the door of Wen Renyi's broken aircraft.

Then he jumped in without saying a word and picked up Wen Renyi's body from inside.

Xia Chujian could clearly see her face against his face, muttering something in her mouth, as if she was talking.

But in space, sound cannot be transmitted. Xia Chujian couldn't hear it, and she didn't want to hear it.

She just stopped in front, then coughed lightly and turned off the external communication system in the fully enclosed helmet.

In this way, Huo Yushen could not hear her.

She then said to Qilu: "Qilu, have you ever come into contact with the mechanical intelligence of the aircraft in front before?"

Qilu said: "Yes! The mechanical intelligence in that aircraft is very primitive and there is nothing to take."

Xia Chujian said coldly: "Then can you still control the mechanical intelligence there and directly detonate the aircraft in front?"

Qilu said: "Yes, no problem! When does the master want to detonate it?"

Xia Chujian said decisively: "Now! Immediately!"

Qilu stopped talking.

In an instant, the broken aircraft in front suddenly shook, and then a huge extreme spark burst out in the space with a pure black background.

Waves of explosion shock waves instantly radiated around with the aircraft as the center.

Its shock wave was so strong that the entire universe seemed to tremble for a moment.

Xia Chujian's eyes blurred, and the figure of the mecha almost staggered.

Huo Yushen hurriedly grabbed her mechanical arm, protected her in front of him, turned around and ran towards the direction of his Bat fighter.

Xia Chujian did not forget to look back and looked at the mushroom cloud rising in the space.

When the mushroom cloud dissipated, Wen Renzhao was still there!

But he was almost a skeleton!

And there was no Wen Renyi in her arms.

Wen Renzhao just stood in the space in a daze, standing under the rising mushroom cloud, looking at his empty skeletal arm.

Just a few seconds ago, she was still holding him...

Wen Renzhao suddenly raised his head and roared hard.

There are no particles in space, so sound cannot be transmitted.

But Wen Renzhao didn't know how he did it.

Even Xia Chujian and Huo Yushen, who were running fast, heard her voice.

Even the fully enclosed helmet could not block it.

The roar was full of pain and sadness, as if every syllable was soaked in despair. It was a cry from the bottom of the heart, with an unconcealable tremor.

That roar also sounded like crying, as if a lonely traveler had struggled in endless pain, but when he was about to see hope, suddenly everything was gone.

The sound seemed to come from hell, so harsh that it made people palpitate, like a dull metal carving knife, scratching on frosted glass, and like a worn-out gear, trying to run even when it was stuck.

It was a sharp frequency that could pierce the eardrum, without any rhythm, and never stopped.

Xia Chujian had a headache tortured by this roar, and shouted to Huo Yushen through the internal communication system of the mecha: "Huo Shuai! My fully enclosed helmet is obviously completely soundproof, how did this sound come in?"

Huo Yushen asked in surprise and nervousness: "That's not a sound, it's mental power. ... You actually felt it too? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Huo Yushen can resist this mental power because he is a Ming-level gene evolver.

Although Wen Renzhao now carries part of the power of Broad's phantom, that power is still not worth mentioning compared to Broad's own strength.

Of course, it was enough to deal with ordinary gene evolvers in the entire Beichen Galaxy.

But she did not expect that the Beichen Galaxy not only had Xia Chujian, who was immune to mental power, but also Huo Yushen, who could actually evolve to the Ming level!

She thought that her mental roar could kill the two gunmen wearing second-generation mechas in front of her.

Therefore, she did not use other means.

Moreover, at this distance, she had already risked her body being torn apart. If she went any further, her body would fall apart.

She had to retreat immediately.

Of course, before retreating, she had to take some spoils.

Xia Chujian didn't know Wen Renzhao's complicated psychological process at this time.

She just said to Huo Yushen: "I feel it, it's a headache, this sound seems to pierce my eardrum... Is this what a mental attack is like?"

She had never felt the legendary mental attack before.

Huo Yushen felt something was wrong.

Mental attack can make people feel a headache, but it will never make people feel like piercing their eardrums.

This is a physical attack, not a mental attack.

Huo Yushen's mouth twitched, and he said, "It should be that her mental attack was too powerful, which triggered a trace of gravitational waves in the universe."

"The headache you feel should be caused by the gravitational waves causing an imbalance in your body, just like the feeling of motion sickness."

Xia Chujian took a breath of cold air: "Mental attack can also trigger gravitational waves?! This... this Wen Renzhao has become too strong!"

Huo Yushen said: "She should have suddenly received a strong mental stimulation and performed beyond her normal level."

Xia Chujian said "Oh", and looked at the mushroom cloud that had not yet dissipated and said: "What about the self-destruction of the aircraft? There is such a big battle?!"

Huo Yushen said: "... Wenren Yi should have made preparations. In his aircraft, high-energy explosives are saturated."

Otherwise, how could a mushroom cloud explode?

Xia Chujian felt complicated.

She knew that she had asked Qilu to blow up the aircraft.

Wenren Yi was indeed counting down his own death before...

But Wenren Yi was already dead, and he couldn't come back to blow up Wenrenzhao.

How did Wenren Yi know that she would help him blow the "fuse"? !

He probably wanted to use himself as bait, and when Wenren Zhao caught up, they would die together.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Wenren Zhao's fighting power.

If Xia Chujian hadn't intervened, his wish of "dying together" would have been in vain.

She frowned and said, "What's the matter with Wenren Zhao?"

"She's blown into a skeleton, but she's not dead yet?"

Huo Yushen was in a complicated mood: "Her genetic evolution level should be very high."

"What you see is a skeleton, but as long as there is a skeleton, she will recover soon."

Xia Chujian looked back and saw that Wenren Zhao's skeleton figure had disappeared under the mushroom cloud.

Wenren Yi's aircraft was also blown into ashes, and buried in this vast space with Wenren Yi himself.

A meteor streaked across the universe, causing the cosmic nebula to shake, as if there was wind.

Among the cosmic stardust raised in the wind, there is also a part that is Wenren Yi...

Xia Chujian sighed, shook and waved.

Huo Yushen said: "What are you doing?"

Xia Chujian said: "I am seeing off Doctor Shen."

For her, she only mourned Shen Junyi, who had taken care of her aunt for three years.

As for Wenren Yi, that was another person.

Xia Chujian didn't feel anything.


Huo Yushen took her back to his private Bat fighter.

He asked Xia Chujian to drive the Bat fighter for space jump.

He went to prepare to send a message to the Cabinet General Commander Quan Juntai, the Speakers of the Senate and the Upper and Lower Houses, and the five Chiefs of Staff to convene an emergency meeting.

Xia Chujian quickly got started and adjusted the status of the Bat fighter to "space jump".

Almost in the blink of an eye, on the huge screen on the control panel in front of him, the universe in front began to distort, the starlight became blurred, and soon a line of silver-white light was drawn, flowing like mercury.

It was as if someone had treated the dark universe as a black curtain, and used silver paint to create a spectacular cosmic spectacle.

The bat fighter began to vibrate slightly, and various indicator lights on the control panel flashed alternately.

A route map seemed to be taking shape, showing the progress of the space jump.

The roar of the engine could not be transmitted, but the vibration became more and more intense, accumulating energy at high speed for the upcoming space jump.

This was the first time Xia Chujian operated this bat fighter. Although she was familiar with the process and had trained in virtual mode, it was another matter to experience it in person.

She held her breath and looked at the huge screen on the control panel.

Suddenly, a dazzling light spot appeared on the screen, and then exploded, as if tearing open the barrier of space.

A huge force was pulling in front, as if something unknown was about to come.

The bat fighter seemed to be still for a moment.

Then, the surrounding scene changed dramatically.

The bat fighter vibrated, as if it had entered a vortex-like space crack, or as if a train had entered a narrow tunnel at high speed, and everything around it became blurred.

Colorful apertures appeared on the screen like a rainbow, and everything around it seemed illusory and unpredictable.

In this tunnel, space seemed to have lost its meaning, and time seemed to have ceased to exist.

In the front field of vision, light and shadows were constantly intertwined, and various geometric figures were quickly divided and combined.

At a certain moment, Xia Chujian even felt that she had seen the strange city in the shape of the red spider lily again.

But when she blinked, the illusion disappeared.

The surroundings were still geometric shapes composed of various colors of light. If you look at it for a while, your eyes will lose vision for a while.

After Huo Yushen prepared the draft of the message, he glanced at Xia Chujian's state and said, "Close your eyes, or turn off your helmet eyepiece display, and don't look outside."

Xia Chujian said, "Don't you need to grasp the direction?"

Huo Yushen's mouth curled slightly: "This is a space jump. Do you think you are driving a purely mechanical antique car on the ground?"

Xia Chujian pursed her lips and turned off the external display of the helmet's eyepiece, so that she could not see the outside scene.

Although it is a space jump, it will take half an hour to return to the Beichen galaxy.

Xia Chujian began to close her eyes and rest.

Neither of them spoke. The quiet interior of the Bat Fighter seemed to have entered a delicate state of balance.

No one spoke, and the cabin seemed to be empty, but there was a full sense of existence.

This is a very strange state, empty and satisfied, independent and dependent.

Just like this, half an hour passed in a flash.

Xia Chujian felt as if she had just closed her eyes, and then opened them again, and the helmet eyepiece was turned on synchronously.

On the eyepiece display, the image on the large screen of the control panel had changed.

This is the second super long chapter, including April monthly tickets 5100, 5400+.

There will be a new update at 5:00 pm!

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