I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1090 Kuixing Kicks the Fighting Star (The first and biggest chapter, please give me your mon

Huo Yushen tried to support She Zhuyin, but she pushed him away: "Go, go, your old mother is not too old to walk."

Huo Yushen's mouth twitched: "Mother, can your body support it?"

She Zhuyin said: "I am full, so I have strength, much better than before."

"Although the injury this time is more serious than last time, my body seems to recover faster."

She was a little proud: "It seems that my body is recovering."

Suzaku hurriedly said: "President, your body is getting better?! That's great!"

She Zhuyin smiled: "Maybe it's because I eat delicious food, my mood is good, and my body is also good."

Before eating meat buns, she did pant after walking a few steps, and she was not as brisk as she is now.

She winked at Huo Yushen: "Yushen, if you bring me a few more of these delicious foods, maybe I won't have to stay in the medical cabin any longer."

Huo Yushen said: "It's just a few meat buns, don't exaggerate, just stay in the medical cabin."

"I think it's the top medical cabin's credit. - Are you sure you don't want to move it?"

She Zhuyin snorted and said: "I'm sure it's not the top medical cabin's credit, it's my own physical fitness that's better!"

She was unwilling to move the top medical cabin back to her home.

Huo Yushen and Zhuque looked at each other, both knew what she meant, and it was hard to persuade her.

The main reason was that the two remembered that the last time She Zhuyin's body was on the verge of collapse, she did not have the opportunity to lie in this top medical cabin, but just an ordinary medical cabin.

But after she lay there for nearly a year, her body recovered.

This time, it looks like she will recover faster.

Huo Yushen is already planning to ask Su Buyan to negotiate with Li's Medical, which manufactures top medical cabins, and customize another top medical cabin for his home...


Xia Chujian has been thinking about whether to move his family to Beichen Star these days.

There are of course many advantages to moving to Beichen Star.

For example, it is more developed there, the education quality of the school is better, and the natural environment is superior to Guiyuan Star.

The natural environment on Guiyuan Star is well known to be harsh.

For example, in winter, it can reach an extremely cold state of minus 80 degrees, which ordinary people really can't stand.

So although Mulan City on Guiyuan Star is not developed, there are no homeless vagrants on the streets.

Because when winter comes, they either find a place to hide or freeze to death.

There is no middle way.

But apart from this, is Beichen Star really safer than Guiyuan Star?

Xia Chujian thought, if she was an enemy and wanted to attack the habitable planet of the Beichen Empire, she should attack Beichen Star first, right?

As long as Beichen Star is taken down, the entire Beichen Empire will collapse without a fight...

But thinking about it again, she thought so, but the enemy might not think so!

According to normal people's logic, why should we attack the most difficult planet first?

If we are destroyed in the first wave, why invade!

So, if the enemy over there is not crazy, he should pick the soft persimmon and attack the planet with the weakest defense and the easiest to attack first, right?

That is undoubtedly their most remote and backward agricultural planet-Guiyuan Star.

Thinking about the status of their Guiyuan Star in the entire Beichen Empire, it is really embarrassing.

The lowest treatment, but the greatest risk!

Thinking about it this way, she still feels that the other side will not attack Guiyuan Star first.

They have neither mineral deposits nor large military industrial enterprises on Guiyuan Star. Even the food, the land crops provided by their Guiyuan Star, are not the staple food supply in the entire Beichen Empire.

The staple food of ordinary people in the Beichen Empire is still mainly nutrient solution.

The yield of food crops grown by humanoids on their Guiyuan Star is relatively low compared to the entire empire population, and can only be mainly supplied to the royal family, nobles, and ordinary people with wealth and power.

If the locals of Guiyuan Star want to eat some real food, they have to go to the supermarket to buy some expensive brown rice.

Of course, their family now has three manes, and they have achieved freedom in rice and flour, and they are the highest-level staple food.

And all this can only be achieved on Guiyuan Star.

The land outside the villa on Beichen Star is okay for growing flowers and grass, and growing food, but the yield and quality are not as good as their small manor on the edge of the Alien Forest.

So if there is nothing else, why bother to fight hard for such a big planet, but it can't provide various high-tech bonus benefits?

In addition to the five billion people...

When Xia Chujian thought of this, he looked out the window with a complicated look.

To the north of here is the famous Alien Forest.

Deep in the forest, the magnetic field is seriously disordered, and the star network cannot be connected. The visible radar range is only about ten meters.

Only conventional weapons are effective. All those high-end electromagnetic weapons will be inaccurate when used there.

I don’t know how the army of Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom fights, but no matter how powerful the weapons are, they can only be used as conventional weapons in the Alien Beast Forest...

And as long as they are conventional weapons, Xia Chujian is not afraid.

From this perspective, even if a war breaks out, the Alien Beast Forest is the safest for their family!

In addition, if they go to Beichen Star, they will definitely be under the direct surveillance of that dog emperor...

Because Beichen Star is the territory of the Dan Tai Royal Family, and they have been operating there for 10,000 years!

Xia Chujian is not sure what kind of heaven-defying means the Dan Tai Royal Family has on Beichen Star, so he can’t convince himself to move his whole family to Beichen Star.

As for Guiyuan Star, although it is nominally the royal territory, and even the property rights of the Monster Forest are said to be owned by the royal family, but let me say that I am not afraid of offending the royal family. If you say it is yours, it is yours?

Do you have the ability to walk sideways in the life restricted area of ​​the extreme north of the Monster Forest?

Do you have the ability to set up a star network in the depths of the Monster Forest?

Do you have the ability to summon those beasts and monsters in the Monster Forest? !

If you don’t have the ability, don’t talk nonsense!

When Xia Chujian thought of this, she had already determined the idea of ​​staying in Guiyuan Star with her family.

She wanted to go to Beichen Star to go to school herself, there was nothing she could do.

But as long as she stayed in school, she didn’t have to worry about that dog emperor causing trouble again.

And Yingying, she originally wanted to go to Beichen Star when she took the college entrance examination, so that she could reunite with them.

But now she no longer considers moving her family to Beichen Star, so she should not take the college entrance examination in Beichen Star.

This should put less mental pressure on Yingying.

Thinking that Yingying would take the college entrance examination tomorrow, Xia Chujian simply went to talk to her.

Yingying had been relaxing all day and had not studied at all.

Yingying listened to her thoughts and said happily: "That's great! In fact, I really don't think I can get into the university on Beichen Star!"

"If it's not a university on Beichen Star, but a university on another planet, I still have a great chance!"

"In addition to the university on Beichen Star, I actually like Zangge No. 1 University on Zangge Star the most."

"This is also the tenth-ranked comprehensive university in the empire."

"Its psychology major ranks third in the entire empire!"

Yingying obviously still has a lot of ideas.

Applying for a university that is not ranked high in the comprehensive ranking, but has a relatively high professional ranking, is very suitable for her actual situation.

Otherwise, she could go to the psychology major of the worst university on Beichen Star, and she herself would not want to.

Xia Chujian's words gave Yingying a reassurance.

She fell asleep in a good mood.

After settling all this, Xia Chujian fell asleep happily.


Early the next morning, when the whole family was still asleep, Xia Chujian woke up.

Yingying is going to take the college entrance examination today, and she prepared a high-quality nutrient solution for her.

During the college entrance examination, it is best not to prepare any strange food. The usual food with high energy and good quality will do.

Xia Chujian was waiting for her in the restaurant.

At seven o'clock, Yingying packed up and came down from the second floor with her schoolbag.

She saw Xia Chujian sitting in the restaurant with a glass of golden fruit juice and a tube of high-quality nutrient solution in front of her.

On the empty seat opposite her, there was also a glass of jade fruit juice and a tube of high-quality nutrient solution.

Xia Chujian greeted Yingying: "Good morning, Yingying, come for breakfast."

Yingying's eyes lit up, and she sat opposite Xia Chujian, saying happily: "Chujian, you understand me too well!"

"My mother insisted that I have an exam today, and she had to make something delicious for me, so she went to the exotic forest to hunt early in the morning..."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Eating wild game on the first day of the college entrance examination, isn't Aunt Chen worried that Yingying will have a stomachache? !

But then I thought, she is a 朏朏, and a 朏朏 of royal blood, maybe her stomach is better than that of ordinary people?

Poor parents in the world!

Xia Chujian smiled and said, "Aunt Chen is really good to you, but she hasn't come back yet, will it be too late?"

"You eat first, I'll go and see."

Yingying started to drink her favorite jade fruit juice, and said vaguely: "Chujian, please help me persuade my mother, she may not listen to what I say. But she will definitely listen to what you say!"

Xia Chujian nodded, got up and left the restaurant, and returned to the small compartment in her bedroom.

The cat climbing frame where teacup dog Awu and little fat chirp Axuan sleep at night is in that small room.

There are also two small beds for Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang, facing each other, with an aisle in the middle.

When she went in, the little things were still snoring.

Xia Chujian quietly walked to the cat climbing frame and rubbed the head of teacup dog Awu.

Awu opened one of his black eye in a daze and saw that it was Xia Chujian. He closed it again and asked with a hum, "Sister, is there something wrong?"

Xia Chujian whispered, "Awu, can you sense where Aunt Chen is now?"

Awu said without opening his eyes, "...Where is she? Can't we use the quantum optical brain to locate her?"

Xia Chujian said, "Aunt Chen went to the strange beast forest. I'm afraid the star network can't reach that place."

If it can't connect to the Internet, the quantum optical brain can't locate her.

Awu yawned a little and said with half-closed eyes, "Sister, wait a minute..."

Its movements did not change. It still lay on the second highest position on the top of the cat climbing frame. Its black bean-like eyes seemed to be open and not open, as if it had entered a mysterious state.

Xia Chujian didn't understand, but was shocked.

After a while, the teacup dog Awu suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Aunt Chen went to the vicinity of the iceberg and was surrounded by several griffins and gyrfals. She couldn't leave..."

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched.

She had forgotten about the "iceberg" created by nature.

"Is it dangerous?"

"Not sure."

"What should I do? I'm going to pick up Aunt Chen now!"

In front of the "iceberg" deep in the forest of strange beasts.

Although Aunt Chen has the "stealth" ability, she found that she couldn't use it in front of several griffins that were twice as tall as her.

The most important thing is that the ground under her feet seemed to be restricted by something, and she couldn't drill down at all!

Aunt Chen was very nervous. Under her feet were a few long-haired Kuixing rabbits that she had just shot.

This rabbit was very fat, as big as a suckling pig, with a lot of meat and very tender, unlike ordinary rabbits, which had little meat but a lot of bones.

More importantly, the fur of the long-haired Kuixing rabbit was not only golden in color, but also very fine and soft, and had excellent warmth retention performance.

If it was mixed with the fur shed by their 朏朏 to make a special wool yarn, it would also have a certain shockproof function.

Use this blended wool yarn to make a few small vests to protect the upper body, which is an excellent substitute for bulletproof vests.

This is one of the important inheritances of their 朏朏 clan.

Aunt Chen didn't know it before, but recently found that although Xia Chujian had a mecha bulletproof, she was still shaken to death by the kinetic energy of the bullet, so she wanted to help her find a good thing that could be shockproof.

She didn't know that Xia Chujian's mecha had been upgraded to the third generation of Xuannv Qingyao Titanium mecha, and also had excellent shockproof function.

But even if she knew, she would still catch this long-haired Kuixing rabbit unique to the exotic forest.

The name of this rabbit contains the word "Kuixing" because its ears are particularly long and its running posture is very unique, like the "Kuixing kicking" in the ancient folk prints.

And Kuixing, in the folk legends of the Beichen Empire, is the god in charge of literary luck.

"Winning the first prize in one fell swoop" means getting good grades in the exam, or even becoming the top scorer.

When Xia Chujian took the college entrance examination, Aunt Chen wanted to catch this kind of rabbit to add good luck to Xia Chujian.

Unfortunately, Xia Yuanfang didn't care about this set, and hinted that she shouldn't have any unconventional behavior, so as not to add psychological burden to Xia Chujian.

Aunt Chen couldn't take over.

But now Yingying is going to take the college entrance examination, and she is Yingying's mother, so she wants to kill three birds with one stone.

Yingying can get a good word, which gives her more confidence!

The unique tender rabbit meat of the long-haired Kuixing rabbit can make everyone feast on it.

Finally, you can harvest its golden rabbit hair, blend it with the hair shed by the 朏朏, and make a small vest to give to Xia Chujian.

Unexpectedly, after planning well and successfully catching a few long-haired Kuixing rabbits here, it turned into a ditch here...

She was surrounded by several griffins.

Aunt Chen had no idea when an iceberg appeared in the place near the Far North of the Forest of Exotic Beasts!

She had been here many times before and was sure that there was no iceberg here at all.

And there was no large water source nearby. The appearance of this iceberg was both abrupt and unreasonable!

But it just appeared.

This is the first bigger chapter! Ask for the guaranteed monthly ticket from the treasures!

There will be extra chapters with monthly tickets after 12:05 noon!

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