I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1102 She has many secrets (first and bigger chapter)

It is no longer news in the upper echelons of the Southern Cross Principality that the Zerg army can transform strong ordinary people into their breeding tools.

Especially men and women who are genetically evolved are the favorite "surrogate" carriers of the Zerg.

Mai Aotuo himself did not want to leave, and wanted to die in battle, but he could not watch Van Ruisi "die in battle".

What if she was captured by the Zerg without paying attention? !

Mai Aotuo shuddered and changed his mind instantly.

He took a deep breath and said, "Rui Si, marry me. My family has a quota and can take you to the Beichen Empire!"

Van Ruisi suddenly looked up at him, her expression was very excited, but her lips were closed, and she could not say a word.

Before, she was determined to die, so it didn't matter if she went to the battlefield where she was bound to die.

Now there was a sudden turn, and her desire to survive surfaced again.

But she quickly calmed down, took a deep breath and said, "Aoto, I'm glad you said that."

"Really, it's worth it to have someone like you who loves me in my life..."

"But I don't want to go with you, I want to stay here and fight the Zerg to the death!"

Mai Aoto was inspired by her courage and was full of passion for a moment, saying, "Okay! Let's go to the battlefield together! We must die together!"

Van Ruisi nodded and threw herself into his arms.

The two of them snuggled together quietly.

After a while, Mai Aoto took out the ruby ​​engagement ring he had prepared before and solemnly put it on Van Ruisi's ring finger.

Looking at this ruby ​​engagement ring, he thought of the ruby ​​bonsai tree he had promised to buy...

At that time, 20 million Beichen coins were worthless to him. The currency of the Southern Cross Principality was at a ratio of one to two with Beichen coins.

That is to say, at that time, he only needed to spend 10 million Southern Cross coins to exchange for 20 million Beichen coins.

But now, the currency of the Southern Cross Principality is one hundred to one with the North Star coin.

Where would he have the money to exchange the ruby ​​bonsai tree for the betrothal gift to Van Ruisi?

He said: "Rice, when I have money in the future, I will give you the ruby ​​bonsai tree as a betrothal gift."

"Now there is only this little thing, which is our token. From today on, you are my wife."

Van Ruisi blushed with excitement.

She kissed her ring face and then kissed Mai Ao Tuo, saying: "I don't want a betrothal gift, and I don't have a dowry."

"You are my husband, forever."

Although there was no grand wedding, no blessings from relatives, and no betrothal gifts and dowries, they did not feel missing at all.

In their world, as long as they have each other, it is enough.

What they don't know is that Mai Ao Tuo's aircraft has been under the surveillance of his eldest brother Mai Qixun inside and out.

When Mai Ao Tuo drove his private aircraft and hurriedly left his home, his eldest brother knew it.

He turned on the surveillance and watched silently.

Until he saw Mai Aoto and Fan Ruisi "secretly get married" in the aircraft...

He wanted to laugh, but couldn't help crying.

He also had a fiancée with whom he had a deep affection...

But his fiancée was on the ten habitable planets occupied by the Zerg army of the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom!

He knew she was no longer in this world.

She was either eaten by the Zerg or used as a breeding tool.

That was the person he loved deeply...

When Mai Qixun thought about it, he felt so painful that he couldn't breathe.

He closed his eyes and made a decision.

Mai Qixun said to his men: "Give my ticket to Aoto and let him take Ruisi with him. Let's go tonight!"

After negotiations between the Principality of the Southern Cross and the Beichen Empire, the Beichen Empire still accepted the asylum request of one thousand people.

However, the Beichen Empire did not allow them to go to other habitable planets in the Beichen Empire, and they could only go to the place designated by Shaofu Star.

And Shaofu Star is the habitable planet closest to the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom in the Beichen Empire!

They knew that the Beichen Empire had bad intentions and did not really regard them as people of the same country, but they had no choice.

Even though Shaofu Star was the closest to the star field of the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, at least the Zerg army of the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom had not yet attacked them...

Mai Qixun's subordinates obeyed his orders and did not dare to question any of his decisions.

He said to give the boat ticket to Mai Aotuo, and that was to give it to Mai Aotuo.

However, thinking of Mai Aotuo's stubbornness, Mai Qixun said again: "Find someone to knock these two out and send them directly to the spacecraft."

So Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi were suddenly knocked out before they could get intimate in the aircraft.

When they woke up, they were already on the interstellar spacecraft leading to the wormhole.


Beichen Empire, Guiyuan Star, Mulan City.

Xia Chujian sighed as she looked at the empty virtual display screen.

She was not very comfortable after ending the communication with Mai Aotuo.

She did not want to get stuck in a dead end and tried to distract herself with other things.

Sitting alone on the sofa, she looked out of focus at the endless night outside the French window, thinking, if Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi really wanted to come to Guiyuan Star to join her, where should they live?

Although her house was large, her relationship with them was not good enough to invite them to live in her house for a long time.

However, their house in Mulan City was not expensive.

If you are not picky about the location, you can buy a three-bedroom, one-living-room house for tens of thousands of yuan.

Even if it is a well-decorated community in a good location, you can buy a house of the same size for only more than 300,000 yuan.

Xia Chujian looked at the balance of her digital bank account and decided to go to the city to buy a house tomorrow!

Sister is finally rich now, and she can buy a house in Mulan City like buying cabbage!

She wants to buy a few more houses, big and small.

In this way, if other classmates want to come here to play in the future, she can entertain them in the big house in the city.

As for this small manor in the suburbs, people who are not absolutely trusted are absolutely not allowed to come in.

She has too many secrets and doesn't want to expose them to others.

Even with friends and classmates like Chen Yanjun, she is very cautious.

Not to mention classmates like Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi, who are between strangers and ordinary friends.

Xia Chujian thought about the college entrance examination results coming out soon, and Yingying should have no problem getting into college.

She wanted to give Yingying a house as a gift...

Xia Chujian became more and more excited as she thought about it, and immediately sent a message to her familiar real estate agent Guo Sheng.

[Xia Chujian]: Boss Guo, make a fortune! Long time no see, I want to ask, are there any good renovated houses for sale in Mulan City recently? New or second-hand houses are fine!

Guo Sheng saw that it was Xia Chujian's message and replied immediately.

[Guo Sheng]: Sister Xia, is she home for summer vacation? Why do you want to buy a house in Mulan City? Now people with a little money are selling their houses and moving to Beichen Star or Zangge Star!

Although Guo Sheng is older than Xia Chujian, in his heart, Xia Chujian is many times better than him in terms of martial arts and connections, and deserves to be called "sister"!

In fact, if Xia Chujian was not too young, Guo Sheng might have called her "grandma"...

This girl shocked him too much!

Xia Chujian felt strange and didn't want to type anymore, so he sent a video call invitation directly.

Guo Sheng hurriedly accepted the invitation.

On the virtual display, Xia Chujian saw that he didn't use a virtual background, as if he was in a very spacious office.

She asked curiously: "Guo Sheng, it's already eight o'clock in the evening, right? You haven't gone home yet? Are you working overtime?"

Guo Sheng said: "Yes! Sister Xia, there are too many people selling houses recently, and too few people buying houses. The housing prices have been falling. My commission has been reduced by several percent. I have to work overtime to make money to supplement the family income!"

Xia Chujian said: "It doesn't matter. I want to buy a house, and you can earn more commission!"

Guo Sheng smiled and said: "That's great! But to be honest, Sister Xia, I really don't recommend you to buy a house at this time, it's too bad!"

"Buy today, and the price will drop by 10% or even 20% tomorrow!"

Xia Chujian said: "There's nothing I can do. I need to buy a house now. It's a rigid demand!"

Guo Sheng wondered: "Don't you have a house? It's a manor! Aren't there enough rooms to live in? How can there be a rigid demand?"

Could it be that during this period of time when he didn't know, there were many more people in the Xia family?

Although Guo Sheng was curious, he still held back and didn't ask.

This is the customer's privacy, he has to respect it.

In the past, he was careless and never had such a good sense of margin, but after being taught a lesson by Xia Chujian for taking advantage of the power of others and helping the tyrants, he switched to real estate brokerage to make a living.

After doing this job, he gradually realized how bad he was before!

Now, he just hopes to do something good to make up for the mistakes he made before.

He is still a little afraid of Xia Chujian, but he respects her more.

Of course, there is also the thought of flattering her.

The more they get along, the more true friendship they have.

He really advised Xia Chujian not to buy a house now. If he really has money but nowhere to spend it, he should buy a house in Beichenxing!

He said excitedly: "Only if you buy a house in Beichenxing, the price of the house will never fall!"

Xia Chujian was so amused by him that he felt much better.

She smiled and said, "The houses in Beichen Star are good, but they are too expensive. I can't buy several at once."

"But Mulan City is different. I can buy three, four, five or six at a time, and I can pay in full without taking out a loan!"

Guo Shengjian couldn't persuade her, so he didn't say anything more. He just made an appointment with Xia Chujian, and the two of them went to see the house together tomorrow.

After the video call with Xia Chujian ended, Guo Sheng secretly sent a message to Xia Yuanfang.

He used to help the Xia family organize the small manor on the edge of the exotic forest, and he and Xia Yuanfang added each other's quantum optical brain numbers as friends.

[Guo Sheng]: Researcher Xia, I'm Guo Sheng, your real estate agent.

[Guo Sheng]: Just now, your niece, Ms. Xia Chujian, told me that she wants to buy a few houses in Mulan City. I hope you can persuade her.

[Guo Sheng]: Now is not a good time to buy a house. Everyone is selling houses, and almost no one is buying houses!

[Guo Sheng]: If you buy a house now, you will lose half of your wealth immediately!

After dinner, Xia Yuanfang went upstairs to her own laboratory to do experiments.

She was designing an experimental plan to cultivate a body for Yin Zechuan (Qin Wanglan) and others.

She worked day and night every day and rarely took care of family affairs.

Therefore, she didn't see these messages until she finished the experiment in the early morning.

She looked at the time. It was already past five in the morning. She simply decided not to sleep and wait for Xia Chujian to get up and ask her.

Xia Yuanfang went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

She not only made wild rhino pork buns and crispy small sesame cakes, but also cooked fragrant porridge with Dangkang Zhuyu rice and added some minced pork to enhance the flavor.

I made a few more children's cakes, including the brown sugar rice cakes that small animals love to eat.

Of course, there is also Xia Chujian's favorite - fried dough sticks.

And the salty tofu brain eaten with dough sticks.

Xia Chujian also wakes up very early in the morning.

She is now used to getting up at six in the morning and going out for morning exercises.

As soon as she went downstairs, the housework robot Liushun came up to greet her. The two curved lines on the eye display showed that it was in a good mood: "Good morning, master!"

"Aunt Xia is making breakfast in the kitchen at five in the morning. Do you want to say hello?"

Xia Chujian hurried to the kitchen and saw that the kitchen counter was full of delicious food. She couldn't help swallowing her saliva and said, "Aunt, you are making so many delicious foods now, and my morning exercise will be postponed."

You can't exercise immediately after breakfast. You have to wait at least an hour.

She made an appointment with Guo Sheng to view the house at nine o'clock today, so the time for morning exercise has to be shortened.

Seeing that she was the only one there, Xia Yuanfang waved to her to go into the kitchen, and picked up a fried dough stick with chopsticks for her, "Try it, how does it taste? It uses Chihua Jiarong wheat and freshly squeezed avocado oil."

Xia Chujian took it and took a big bite. The fried dough stick, which was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, tasted as good as ever, and there was an indescribable fragrance, without the heavy feeling of ordinary oil.

After taking a bite, the satisfaction brought by carbohydrates and the pleasure brought by oil instantly made her get rid of all negative states.

Xia Yuanfang then whispered to her: "Guo Sheng said you want to buy a few houses, why do you want to buy them in Mulan City now?"

"I think he makes sense. If you want to buy a house, go to Beichen Star to buy it. I know you have money." Xia Yuanfang is not as strict as before in controlling Xia Chujian's use of money.

First, she knows that Xia Chujian is not the kind of child who spends money recklessly.

Second, she is also trying to let go and let Xia Chujian be the first person responsible for her own behavior.

Xia Chujian swallowed a mouthful of crispy and tender fried dough sticks, and scooped a spoonful of salty tofu pudding with a spoon, and then whispered: "Aunt, we'll talk about the house in Beichen Star later."

"But I still need a few houses in Mulan City."

"If my classmates come to visit in the future, I want to receive them in the house in the city."

"I don't want many people to come into the house here."

Xia Yuanfang looked at her and said in surprise: "Do you dislike the bad location of the house here, and are afraid of bringing classmates back to embarrass yourself?"

Xia Chujian hurriedly denied: "Of course not! Aunt, we have too many secrets here, I don't want outsiders to know!"

When she said this, Xia Yuanfang was also moved.

She has renovated several high-level sterile culture rooms in the basement of this manor.

In the future, Yin Zechuan and others will be cultured in the basement here...

This is the first update. There will be additional updates after 12:05 noon with monthly tickets.

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