I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1104 Meeting an acquaintance (First update)

Guo Sheng said: "We have already bought this house, do we still want to look at it?"

Xia Chujian said: "Of course I want to see it! I don't just want to buy one set."

Now that it's so cheap, she thinks she can buy a few more cheap houses so that when her classmates come to "come to her", she can have a place for them to live.

At Xia Chujian's request, Guo Sheng took them to see ten more standard houses with three bedrooms and one living room, which were finely decorated.

This kind of house that used to cost 300,000 yuan now only costs 100,000 yuan.

Xia Chujian stopped negotiating the price and took it directly.

Later, Guo Sheng's real estate agent friend contacted him and insisted that he take his "rich woman" big client to see two more large flats, just below the first top-floor duplex flat that Xia Chu decided to decide before meeting.

However, these two sets of flat floors are smaller flat floors.

It's only about 250 square meters, which can't be compared with Xia Chujian's large duplex with 500 square meters on each floor. It's only a quarter of the total area of ​​her apartment.

But the price was also much cheaper. The asking price was less than one million. Xia Chujian made a quick decision and bought one set of four hundred thousand, and won two sets.

Xia Chujian planned to give one of these two sets of large flats to Yingying as a gift for her college entrance examination.

Another set is given to Sanzong.

But she didn't say anything now, only paying attention to Yingying and Sanzhao's views on the two houses.

Yingying prefers the decoration of the house on the west side because there is a little princess-style bedroom there. Yingying fell in love with it at first sight.

Sanzong didn't care, but he preferred the house on the east side because that house had a large terrace and could see the sea.

Moreover, Sanzong likes the deck chair on the terrace very much...

Xia Chujian said to Guo Sheng: "Tell your friends that we all want it. If it is convenient, we can go to the house together in the afternoon."

Guo Sheng clicked his tongue and said: "Sister Xia, you are so brave! But, you really don't think about it? With so much money, it is enough to buy a large flat in Beichen Star!"

Of course, it's not a large flat in a good location.

A large flat in a good location in Beichen Star costs RMB 100 million, but this amount of money is only enough to pay a down payment.

As a result, Xia Chujian said: "I have a villa in Beichen Star, so I don't need to buy a large flat for the time being."

Guo Sheng: "!!!"

I really want to kneel down to Sister Xia!

How was this wealth accumulated? !

Guo Sheng quickly thought of the two friends Xia Chujian knew who were two of the four nobles. He immediately did not dare to ask anymore, but he was more attentive to Xia Chujian.

Because Xia Chujian mentioned that she had a villa in Beichen Star, Guo Shengfu said to his heart, "Does Sister Xia want to see our villa in Mulan City Villa District?"

"I heard that there are many villas for sale over there..."

Xia Chujian thought for a while and said, "Is it the West District?"

Guo Sheng nodded repeatedly: "It's over there! I have a few friends who are real estate agents over there. How about we get in touch too?"

Xia Chujian looked at the time. It was still more than two hours before three o'clock in the afternoon, and said, "Let's go and see it."

However, when I saw the two children and the small animals being a little listless, I knew they were probably hungry.

When Xia Chu met, he discussed with Aunt Chen and Yingying: "How about you take everyone to a restaurant in the city for dinner, and Guo Sheng and I will go to the villa area in the West District."

Yingying said in surprise: "When we first met, you still want to buy a villa?! Why do you want to buy so many houses?!"

Xia Chujian didn't want to tell anything about the Southern Cross Principality. Firstly, she didn't know what was going on with Mai Aotuo and the others. Secondly, she had confidence in herself and felt that Guiyuan Star would not be what everyone thought. , become cannon fodder.

And she is confident that when she joins the army, she can get an interstellar fleet to garrison Guiyuan Planet!

Therefore, the house prices in Guiyuan Star will not always be so low.

She now has a lot of money left. Even if she buys so many houses, the total is less than five million, so she can afford it.

Xia Chujian said vaguely: "I didn't buy it myself, I also bought it for my friends."

Aunt Chen said cautiously: "This is the first time we've met. Just have an idea. I heard that everyone is selling their houses..."

Xia Chujian said: "Don't worry, maybe in the future, they will come back to our return planet to buy a house in tears! Hahahaha!"

She smiled cheerfully, and her contagious laughter made everyone happy.

So Aunt Chen, Yingying and Sanzong took Sixi, Awu, Aqu, Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang to a restaurant for dinner.

Xia Chujian and Guo Sheng took the urban floating train to look at houses in the famous villa area in the west district of Mulan City.

As soon as Xia Chujian entered the villa area, he saw an unexpected person - Lin Nianen.

Lin's little sister.

She was in a hurry, as if she had just come back from outside.

Xia Chujian glanced at her and wondered whether he should call her.

However, Lin Nianen soon discovered Xia Chujian and ran over in surprise, saying, "Sister Xia! Why are you here? Are you here to see me?"

Xia Chujian smiled and said, "So you guys live here..."

She said this to make it clear that he was not here to find her.

Lin Nianen smiled sheepishly and said, "It's my fault. I live over there, in the smallest house next to it. If Sister Xia is free, you can come to my house to sit."

Xia Chujian said: "I came to buy a house, but I didn't expect you to live here too."

It seems that the conditions of the Lin family are pretty good.

Lin Nianen's expression suddenly brightened: "Ah! Sister Xia wants to buy a house here too?! That would be great!"

"Recently, people are selling houses here, and almost all the people have left. Many people even left without selling their houses."

"Our family actually used to rent a house nearby, not in the villa area."

"More than a month ago, the houses here were suddenly sold at a large price reduction. Our family still had some savings, so my mother decided to buy a house here."

"Fortunately, the smallest villa here is more spacious than the houses outside. It also has a small yard where you can grow vegetables. My mother likes it very much."

Xia Chujian gave her a thumbs up: "Your mother is very discerning!"

"Now is indeed the time when house prices are at their lowest, and I also want to take advantage of this opportunity to buy a few more units."

"In the future, if relatives and friends come to visit Guiyuan Star, they can live more comfortably."

Lin Nianen said happily: "Can I accompany you to see the house? I am familiar with all the houses here!"

Xia Chujian nodded and said, "Let's go together."

Guo Sheng took them both to see the house together.

Guo Sheng's agent friend recommended five villas, and Xia Chujian and Lin Nianen both liked two of them.

The house is grand in style, beautiful in appearance, and large in area. The key is that the courtyard design is very good and the space is used properly. It is far away from other houses in the community, and there are large tracts of bamboo forests, trees, and flowers in the middle. It should be very comfortable to live in. Comfortable.

Xia Chujian said: "Just these two sets, how much do they cost?"

Guo Sheng said: "This is a villa. Although the owner is willing to lower the price, the price reduction is not as harsh as those of large flats..."

Xia Chujian was curious: "Why is that?"

Guo Sheng sighed and said: "Of course because of the different status of the owner..."

"The upper class of the working class can also afford it, but these people have poor risk tolerance."

"Basically, we stop talking, so we would rather reduce prices significantly to get cash back, so that we can support them to buy houses elsewhere."

"Those who live in villa areas are different. They basically live on wages, have ancestral property, or are in-laws of wealthy aristocrats. They are not short of money."

"So they will lower prices, but not by much."

"The villa your friends bought was indeed a huge bargain."

"The owner of that small villa is a small businessman."

“I made money on my own, but not a lot.”

"Now that I have moved to Zangge Star, I will buy a house in the capital star there. Of course I need cash to get it back immediately."

"Sister Xia, the owners of the two villas you are interested in are not short of money. The price will be lowered a little, but not so severely."

Xia Chu heard him talk a lot and said a little impatiently: "How much is it?"

Guo Sheng said with a wry smile: "The house on the east side costs 2 million, and it can be cheaper by 200,000 at most. The base price of 1.8 million cannot be lower, and we won't sell it any lower."

Xia Chujian said: "What about the other one?"

Guo Sheng said: "The one in the south has a yard twice as big, with two acres of land. The house costs three million. It can't be cheaper."

The villa with an asking price of three million used to cost more than five million.

Xia Chujian still felt it was a bit expensive, so he said calmly: "You don't want to negotiate the price? Forget it, let's look at other houses."

Guo Sheng had no choice but to tell the agent over there the "unfortunate" news.

The agent there really wanted to do this business so that he could earn a commission and move his family to other planets.

He tried hard to convince his client and said to Guo Sheng: "My client said it can be cheaper by 200,000 yuan."

Guo Sheng told Xia Chujian.

Xia Chu saw the price: "Two million and a half million, if he wants to sell it, he can sell it. If he doesn't, forget it."

What she was interested in was the two acres of land attached to the house.

Although it is all lawn now, two glass greenhouses can be transformed into three-mane cultivation.

This villa area has mountains and water, and the land is black and very fertile.

Guo Sheng conveyed the news to his agent friend.

Then when Xia Chujian and Guo Sheng walked out of the villa area and went to the real estate management department to transfer the ownership, the other party agreed to her offer.

At the same time, it is also required to transfer money immediately, and the transfer can be done immediately.

Xia Chujian had already prepared all the money.

A total of 7.1 million Beichen coins.

There is now a balance of 20 million in her digital bank account, which is more than enough.

When she and Guo Sheng went to the real estate management department to transfer the ownership, the people in the real estate management department were surprised. Why are there still people buying so many houses at once? !

Xia Chujian smiled and said a few perfunctory words, then changed the subject and asked them: "You can't sell your land now, right?"

The people in the real estate management department immediately complained: "That's right! Where is anyone building a house now?!"

"Second-hand houses can't be sold, and real estate developers don't even dare to build houses."

Xia Chujian said: "Then are you still selling land?"

People from the real estate management department said: "Sell it! Why not sell it?! Our department is short of funds now, so we just sell the land to pay everyone's wages!"

"If these indicators are not sold out, not to mention benefits and benefits, even wages will be affected!"

Xia Chujian asked curiously: "Really? What land do you want to sell?"

Could it be that now that there is no money, the land that was previously said not to be sold will be put up for sale?

When the people in the real estate management department saw that she had bought fifteen houses in one go, they regarded her as a big customer and simply showed her the topographic map of the land sold by the bureau.

Xia Chujian saw that the land near the forest of alien beasts was also being sold!

And it’s right next to her small manor!

There will be a second update at five past twelve noon

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