Xia Chujian felt funny in her heart, so she comforted the uneasy Sanzong and said, "Sanzong, it's okay, let him stay at my place for a few days."

"Anyway, I have a small cubicle there. Ah Wu, Ah Quan, Wu Fu and Xiao Jiuxiang all live there."

"Maybe it would be more suitable for these little guys to play together."

Sanzong nodded anxiously and said, "Master Shaojun, will Sixi ignore me forever?"

Xia Chujian said: "No, Sixi will be fine after a while. Don't scare it anymore."

Sanzong nodded heavily: "I definitely won't do it in the future!"

Xia Chujian returned to her room and asked Sixi, who was holding her puppy's nest in her mouth, to live in a small cubicle in her bedroom.

In the small cubicle, Ah Wu and Ah Quan were already fast asleep on the cat climbing frame.

Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang also snored in their little beds after Aunt Chen and Yingying gave them a bath.

Xia Chujian placed Sixi's puppy house on the ground near the floor-to-ceiling window of the cubicle.

Then go to the bathroom to wash up.

When she came back from washing, she found that Sixi had taken out its puppy nest from the small compartment and placed it on the plush blanket in front of the bed in her bedroom.

And he was already nestled inside, falling asleep in a very comfortable position.

Xia Chujian gently touched its head, feeling cozy and warm.

She didn't know how to express her feelings in return for such unreserved trust and attachment from a little animal.

That night, Xia Chujian slept deeply.

But, it's different from the past.

In the past, if she fell asleep from exhaustion, she would not dream at all.

But tonight, she had a dream.

I dreamed of snow-white cabins, navy blue sea, winged sea dragons, vast plains, fire-red giant birds, cyan dragons, and an oval egg on top of the dragon's head.

More and more small animals appeared from all directions, playing games around the egg.

This time, Xia Chujian saw herself in her dream.

She stood beside her with a smile, caring for the egg very carefully...

In the dream, she seemed to have swallowed her saliva?

When she woke up the next day, she recalled this dream. Afterwards, she realized, wasn't this the vision she had seen in the asteroid belt between Kanli and Zangge? !

She was drooling over the egg. Did she want to eat the egg?

Xia Chujian got up immediately and planned to boil a few eggs of the Phoenix-tailed Luan and Bird to eat.

In the next few days, Xia Chujian first took Yingying and Sanzong to the city's real estate management department to transfer the houses to Yingying, Aunt Chen and Sanzong respectively.

Now that the house and land were bought, the first thing Xia Chujian wanted to do was to circle the newly purchased land.

Because this place is outside Mulan City, the security measures are indeed not very reassuring.

She contacted Bailixin and asked them to do the project.

Baili Xin was so happy that he took his family to the Xia Family Manor near the outskirts of Mulan City that day.

Baili Xin was shocked when he learned that Xia Chujian had bought another thirty hectares of land.

"Master, buy land now?! Didn't Guo Sheng remind you?! Now is really not a good time to buy land or a house!"

Xia Chujian said: "He reminded me, but I think the current houses and land are too cheap, so I can't help it..."

She didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Because the more people say she shouldn't buy a house at this time, the more she will gradually doubt her decision.

This is the natural herd mentality of humans.

She didn't want to be affected.

So he changed the subject and said, "Boss Baili, how is your business lately?"

Baili Xin and the others are engaged in construction projects, focusing on interior decoration and outdoor garden design, and occasionally building houses.

Of course it's a small house, not a skyscraper.

When Bailixin heard this question, he smiled and said, "It's actually not bad."

“Whether there are more people buying houses or more people selling houses, we still make money.”

Xia Chujian said curiously: "You buy a lot of houses. I know you make money doing decoration."

“But how do you make money when there are so many houses for sale?”

Baili Xin said with a smile: "Because it is difficult to sell houses now, those sellers are spending money to renovate their houses so that they can be sold easily."

Xia Chu saw "Oh" and said, "That's it! Get taught, get taught!"

She was still thinking, no wonder. Although the houses she looked at were second-hand houses, the decoration looked new and fashionable, not like old houses that she had lived in for several years.

It turned out that the seller had renovated it again.

Moreover, all environmentally friendly building materials are used, and there is no air pollution.

However, Xia Chujian won't live there for the time being, and he will just leave it alone if he buys it.

She planned to ask Sanzhao to get some pots of air-purifying flowers and plants and put them in the newly bought houses.

Even if there is no decoration pollution, it is better to use these natural flowers and plants to purify it.

If there is pollution, we will eliminate the pollution; if there is no pollution, we will optimize the air.

Xia Chujian and Baili Xin agreed to build the wall and some new greenhouses that Sanzong wanted, so they were fully responsible for it.

A week later, the newly purchased land of the Xia family was surrounded by a new fence.

The new outer wall is made exactly like the previous inner wall.

The previous wall in the inner circle has been modified and is no longer as high.

This completely enclosed the nearby hill and the entire small lake.

Xia Chujian felt even more relieved when he thought about the round-hat-shaped aircraft still hidden at the foot of the hill.

No more worrying about being discovered by others.

That piece of land now completely belongs to her.

And it is all fenced off.

Then we need to lay cables on the top of the outer wall and take security measures.

Xia Chujian even secretly found Su Buyan and bought a few "scrapped" intelligent machine guns to install at three key places of her manor's new wall.

Adding these three intelligent machine guns to the three slightly higher wall bunkers can cover the entire east, west and north sides.

As for the south, it faces Mulan City and cannot be defended.

Because it is too close.

If an intelligent machine gun is installed, the bullet will hit Mulan City as soon as it is fired.

The wall of Mulan City also has automatic defense facilities.

When the mechanical intelligence over there determines that she is going to "attack" Mulan City, she will have nowhere to cry when "10,000 artillery fires" at her manor!

Therefore, the south side of the manor is categorically undefended!

Within a week after buying the house and land, Xia Chujian was busy integrating her newly purchased land into the previous manor.

Every morning when she woke up, she would go out and talk about drawings, building materials, costs and allocation with Baili Xin and others until she went to bed at night.

Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang were very obedient and didn't disturb her. They stayed in the living room on the first floor, playing with toys and watching TV, and never went out of the door.

Teacup dog Awu and little fat chick Axuan once went out with Xia Chujian.

They didn't do anything, and Baili Xin's family, who were particularly sensitive to their smell, rubbed and rubbed, and their heads turned into horse heads one by one...

They couldn't even keep their human-like forms.

From then on, Xia Chujian didn't let Awu and Axuan go out until the outer wall was completed.

This was a week later.

Baili Xin's family took the balance and left. Xia Chujian took the whole family and drove a small hybrid car to patrol along the outer perimeter of the wall.

The outer wall was forest camouflage, and the wall was loaded with a special smart dye that could change color according to climate changes and imitate the surrounding environment.

Compared to when they built the inner wall two years ago, the technology has obviously improved a lot, and of course, the price is more expensive.

It is midsummer now, and the wall looks mossy green from a distance, which can blend in with the surrounding grassland.

When you get closer, the wall is gradually green, which visually creates the illusion of a small hillside rather than a wall.

Of course, it is just an illusion for a moment, and if you look closely, you can still see that it is a wall.

But when you reach the distance where you can see that it is a wall, the smart machine gun has already locked the target.

And you can also see the large sign hanging on the wall: Private territory, those who enter without invitation will be killed without mercy!

There are also some gun graphics painted on the sign as decoration.

If you don't want to pay attention to these prompts, if you want to make a high-risk action of climbing over the wall, the smart machine gun will open fire!

Xia Chujian tried it with a few stones and found that the smart machine gun is indeed very smart.

These inanimate stones, they don't move at all.

But when Xia Chujian took out the pistol and hadn't fired yet, she felt something strange on her wrist, as if she was being stared at by some large beast.

She slowly put away the pistol, and the feeling disappeared.

Xia Chujian looked meaningfully at the position of the smart machine gun.

Not bad, very smart!

San Zong drove the hybrid car and said to Xia Chujian happily: "Master Shaojun! Should the extra 30 hectares of land be developed into fertile fields?!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

San Zong, you are really amazing!

Aren't the dozens of acres of land before enough for you to plant? !

She smiled and said, "San Zong, do you think the surrounding land is good farmland?"

San Zong said excitedly, "Master, our previous manor had an area of ​​10 hectares, and there was another 10 hectares that were not included in the area, which were all hillsides, lakes, and wetlands."

"The 10 hectares that were included in the area are about 150 acres."

"We built a house and yard and enclosed 10 acres of land."

"Then we enclosed 10 acres of land for breeding, reclaimed 50 acres of land for Dangkang Zhuyu rice, and another 50 acres for Chihua Jiarong wheat."

"The remaining 30 acres of land on the other side of the hillside were enclosed as a breeding farm, where we raise phoenix-tailed pheasants and wild rhinoceroses."

"There is no extra land, so we can try the rare plants that the master brought back from Green Star!"

Xia Chujian was surprised: "We actually reclaimed 100 acres of land! San Zong, how did you do it?!"

She didn't even buy him many farm tools!

Xia Chujian felt a little guilty...

San Zong didn't plant with his hands? !

She also quickly glanced at Sanzong's hand...

Unexpectedly, Sanzong said happily: "Sanzong has farm tools now!"

"Sanzong bought them with his own money at first, but then Aunt Xia said that this was for everyone to farm, and Sanzong's own money couldn't be used, so she reimbursed Sanzong and raised his salary, saying that Sanzong would get dividends!"

Sanzong straightened his chest: "Sanzong has money now!"

This is the second update!

There will be new updates at 5:00 p.m.!

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