I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1113 Professional Habits (Second Update)

Xia Chujian said quietly at this time: "...Is it only possible to assassinate business tycoons?"

"Is there a mission to assassinate nobles, high-level government officials, or members of the royal family? - It would be more exciting!"

The virtual display screen that was originally laughing and joking suddenly went silent.

After a while, Ye Shijie chuckled and said, "I'm still so speechless when we first met. I'm still shocked to death."

"There is no need to assassinate nobles, high-level government officials or members of the royal family. However, organizations like the Night Hunters are not qualified to take over."

Li Fu came to his senses and said: "The bounty hunters who can meet this demand are either foreign bounty hunter organizations or underground bounty hunters who are shady."

"The Night Hunters are still a law-abiding organization on the surface."

Xia Chujian chuckled: "Really? Actually, I think this law is quite weird."

"Nobles can kill civilians without having to pay with their lives. This alone is enough to generate countless demands..."

Song Mingqian nodded and said with emotion: "Although he is the youngest among us when we first meet him, his insights are really sharp!"

Sister Cai said: "Although nobles do not have to pay for killing civilians, they will have to pay for it..."

Xia Chujian glanced at Sister Cai, thought about it, and swallowed what he said. He changed the subject and said, "I was just joking. By the way, Captain Ye came to us today. Did he see something?" Task?"

Sister Cai said curiously: "But Captain Ye just said that he didn't fancy any tasks?"

Xia Chu smiled but said nothing.

Li Fu and Song Mingqian were also well aware of Ye Shijie's style.

If he really didn't fancy any tasks, he wouldn't call everyone online.

Unexpectedly, Ye Shijie just laughed twice and said: "I really don't have a mission. I just haven't gotten together with everyone for a long time. I want to bring everyone up to talk together."

Xia Chujian said: "Although I am not free, you are free...haven't you all taken on tasks together this year?"

If you were taking on a mission together, why would you say that you haven't gotten together with everyone in a long time?

Ye Shijie said coquettishly: "Everyone has been more picky in the past year... Let's leave it like that for the time being. Let's talk about it later."

With that said, he logged off first.

Xia Chujian looked at Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai who were still online.

Sister Cai shrugged and said, "Li Fu, Song Ming, and I took over some small tasks on Beichen Star."

"We still have to live our lives, we can't just sit back and live in vain."

Li Fu said with a smile: "It's the first time we've met, so don't be surprised. Team Ye, you're in luck!"

"Of course you have to spend time and energy chasing your sweetheart."

"I understand!"

Xia Chu was surprised when he saw it: "Huh?! Captain Ye is on his luck? Chasing his sweetheart? Who is his sweetheart?!"

Song Mingqian and Sister Cai obviously didn't know either, and they became excited.

Song Mingqian hurriedly said: "Is she that noble girl?! I have always felt that Captain Ye has some thoughts about that noble girl..."

Sister Cai came back to her senses and said: "She is really a noble girl! It's not easy to chase! But if Team Ye can break through to an S-level genetic evolver, maybe there is still something to be done..."

Li Fu said: "Team Ye is at the pinnacle of A-level, right? From A-level to S-level, tsk tsk, that's not easy!"

Xia Chujian said: "You have been talking for a long time, but you still haven't said who the noble girl is?!"

Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai looked at each other, and then Song Mingqian and Sister Cai both nodded towards Li Fu.

Li Fu said: "Then I said, don't spread the word when I first met you. Just the people in our team know about it."

Xia Chujian nodded: "No problem! Say it quickly!"

Li Fu said: "She is the noble daughter of the Qiu family, Qiu Zijun."

Xia Chujian raised her eyebrows: "It's her! Then I have an impression!"

She guessed it was also Qiu Zijun.

But Qiu Zijun's family background makes it impossible for Ye Shijie to break through and become an S-level genetic evolver.

The more Xia Chujian comes into contact with these top noble families, the more he can understand this.

But it doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with her, she doesn't worry about it.

Xia Chujian smiled and said: "Congratulations to Team Ye! No matter what the result is, as long as you have had it, it is wonderful!"

Sister Cai said: "We first met, don't you think highly of Captain Ye and Qiu Guinv?"

Xia Chujian said: "Of course I'm not optimistic about it. Are you optimistic about it?"

Song Mingqian and Li Fu both said: "Not optimistic."

Sister Cai was greatly surprised: "Why?! Captain Ye is also very powerful!"

"Not to mention the money he makes, and as long as he breaks through the genetic evolution level to S level, he will definitely be able to choose from so many powerful people!"

Xia Chujian said: "Sister Cai, wake up...the rich and powerful are also different."

"With an ordinary baron family background, if Team Ye breaks through to become an S-level genetic evolver, there is still a slight possibility."

"But for nobles above baron, genetic evolvers are not factors they consider in marriage at all."

Sister Cai said: "Then what do they consider? Money?"

Xia Chujian said: "Of course they are from the same or higher level family background..."

"Money is difficult for us ordinary people to make."

"But for these nobles, the only question is how much they can earn."

After hearing this, Sister Cai just sighed and said, "So that's it... Even S-level is impossible, but Captain Ye still cares about it."

Xia Chujian said: "Just care, it means he really likes her."

"It's not because of her family background."

"So just enjoy the beauty of free love."

Li Fu said at this time: "Chu Jian, are you lucky in love in the first military academy of the empire?"

"Are there any male classmates chasing you?"

Xia Chujian laughed and said: "Of course not! Whoever dares to chase me, I will kill him! This is a professional habit!"

This sentence made Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Sister Cai laugh.

The four chatted for a while before logging off.

A week later, when Xia Chujian was planning to take everyone to the exotic forest to hunt again at home, he received a notice from the school.

All military academies in the Beichen Empire sent notices to their students to return to school early, and announced that the semi-recruitment order issued previously was invalid.

Considering that the Southern Cross Principality, no, the Southern Cross of the Beichen Empire, was fighting a bloody battle with Wen Renzhao's Zerg army, and the tense atmosphere on the front line of Shaofu Star, this notice immediately became a hot search.

The location of the Shaofu Star Region borders the former Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom and the Ximaneli Federation Star Region.

Although the tense war has not spread to the Beichen Star Region, it is only a hair's breadth away from the Shaofu Star, which is located in the south of the Beichen Empire Star Region.

So the atmosphere within the Beichen Empire has always been tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

Before, a semi-recruitment order was issued to military school students, asking them to wait for news.

As a result, it was suddenly said that the previous semi-recruitment order was invalid, and now the school issued an early return notice to students.

The entire Beichen Empire was suddenly different, and people were visibly panicked.

This time, Xia Chujian was not spared and also received an order from the school to return to school early.

Everyone was wondering what all the military schools in the empire were doing by calling students back to school more than a month in advance.

Is the war imminent? !

Xia Chujian looked at the school notice displayed in the carrier of the quantum optical brain watch and was also puzzled.

The notice didn't say anything, just asked them to return to school, saying that it was a special period, and the school's courses and schedules would be changed to a certain extent.

Xia Chujian thought about it, and still secretly sent a message to Su Buyan, asking him if he knew why.

Su Buyan replied to her, saying that he would take time to inquire.

Two hours later, he replied to her.

[Su Buyan]: Disciple, this is what happened. It is said that the military academy will select a group of elite students to form a new interstellar fleet in order to cooperate with the military's expansion requirements.

[Su Buyan]: The latest star destroyer will actually take two years to officially serve, but because of the current tense war, it is likely that one will be urgently produced...

Xia Chujian was excited all of a sudden.

Star destroyer!

The star destroyer that represents the highest military technology level of the Beichen Empire!

Xia Chujian went to the military academy just for this star destroyer!

[Xia Chujian]: Really? ! Will any student be selected? !

[Su Buyan]: Don't expect anything good. We are selecting active-duty officers from seniors and graduate students. You sophomores are just joining in the fun.

[Xia Chujian]: ...Oh.

Although we are just joining in the fun, we still have to go to school!

Xia Chujian had no choice but to pack her luggage in advance and prepare to go to Beichen Star.

But she was worried about the safety of her family on Guiyuan Star, and she was very worried about going to Beichen Star to study.

Although the micro-wormholes in the forest of strange beasts were destroyed by her and Awu and Axuan, what if there were any omissions?

Even if Qilu said that there were no omissions, what if there were new micro-wormholes?

Xia Chujian still remembered Wen Renzhao who was possessed by Broad's power...

That woman is getting more and more powerful.

Xia Chujian used to knock down the relic species with one shot.

This time, Wen Renzhao, who was possessed by Broad's power, had some characteristics different from the relic species.

This made her a little worried.

Should she go to Beichen Star alone or take her family with her?

Xia Chujian couldn't make up her mind.

She went to see Xia Yuanfang.

Xia Yuanfang was in her laboratory, looking at the latest gene culture data.

She had already started to do gene culture, to make a human body for Qin Wanglan (Yin Zechuan) and others.

This was originally a large-scale integrated project, which could not be completed by one person.

But she had no help, so she had to complete it by herself.

Even if she was a genius scientist, she had to work day and night, repeating experiments and designing plans, just to get the best results.

Xia Chujian knocked on the door.

Xia Yuanfang said without turning her head: "Is it Chujian?"

Xia Chujian nodded: "Aunt, it's me."

Xia Yuanfang said: "Is it because I have to go to school early and you are worried about my family?"

Xia Chujian nodded again: "Yes, aunt."

"I can't make up my mind."

"Are you going with me, or am I going alone?"

This is the second update. There will be new updates at 5:00 p.m.!

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