Xia Chujian listened silently, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Yes, it was Li Fu who felt sorry for her and persuaded Ye Shijie to recruit her into the team.

It was also Li Fu who "taught" her to shoot.

In the gun room of the Dark Night Hunter, he showed her how to choose a gun, how to load the gun with bullets, load it, and aim it.

Then she took over, and hit ten rings with the first shot...

The past was vivid in her mind, and Xia Chujian sighed again, not knowing how to react.

She listened to Li Fu still trying to "persuade" Bai Cuiwei to give up the idea of ​​letting her be a "cannon fodder".

It was obvious that Bai Cuiwei's idea was to let her help them "do the task", and after the task was completed, she would never speak again.

That is, after the task was completed, she would be killed directly to silence her.

Xia Chujian understood this set of practices very well, and had seen this "routine operation".

And Li Fu, who was obviously fascinated by Bai Cuiwei, still kept the bottom line and did not let her wade into this muddy water.

If Xia Chujian hadn't heard it with her own ears and seen it with her own eyes, it would be hard for her to believe it.

Bai Cuiwei's voice became slightly higher: "Afu, don't let me down!"

"I promise you, as long as you help me kill that man, I will be yours for the rest of my life!"

Li Fu's chest rose and fell, and his breathing became a little heavy.

He stared at the woman in front of him, the woman he had secretly loved since his youth, and suddenly said: "Cuicui, can I... can I hug you?"

For so many years, he has protected her and rarely even pulled her hand.

Bai Cuiwei looked at him subtly, nodded, and said casually: "Sure!"

Li Fu looked like he was sad and happy. He slowly stretched out his hand, carefully, as if he was holding a treasure, and put his arms around Bai Cuiwei's shoulders and hugged her.

Then he lowered his head and kissed Bai Cuiwei on her helmet.

Bai Cuiwei's helmet was not completely closed because she wanted to talk to Li Fu.

But Li Fu only kissed the top of her helmet, not even her forehead, cheek, or even her lips.

This kind of light touch was like a little burst after extreme restraint.

Xia Chujian found it difficult to understand Li Fu's feelings.

She wanted to rush out and wake up Li Fu's "love brain"!

Does Bai Cuiwei, the ferocious "beautiful snake", really like Li Fu?

Xia Chujian couldn't tell.

But Bai Cuiwei was willing to let Li Fu hug her, and she remained motionless when he kissed her helmet. She should still like him, right?

Xia Chujian was short in this regard and couldn't see the subtle changes in Bai Cuiwei's feelings.

She asked Qilu in wonder: "Qilu, do you think that Bai Cuiwei really likes Li Fu?"

Qilu's childish voice was also muffled: "Master, Qilu doesn't have this kind of logical program."

"But Qilu saw from those CEO articles on Xingwang that Li Fu likes Bai Cuiwei."

"But Bai Cuiwei just took advantage of Li Fu's love for her and did whatever she wanted to him."

Where did these lewd words come from!

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and goose bumps appeared all over her body.

She whispered: "Qilu, in the future, you are not allowed to read small online articles on Xingwang without my permission!"

Qilu stopped talking.

Xia Chujian could feel its last stubbornness under silence.

Because it is a mechanical intelligence, it can't say "no" to her.

But it can keep silent!

Xia Chujian sighed, looked up and saw that Li Fu in front of him had let go of Bai Cuiwei and leaped forward quickly.

But Bai Cuiwei didn't follow.

She just stood there, silently watching Li Fu's back as he went away, and finally switched herself to invisible mode and disappeared.

Xia Chujian no longer paid attention to Bai Cuiwei, and leaped after Li Fu's figure.

Anyway, she was also invisible, and the level of the mecha was higher than Bai Cuiwei's second-generation mecha, so Bai Cuiwei didn't realize that someone passed by her.

Xia Chujian hurried to chase, and soon saw Li Fu's figure, who had entered the castle complex in front!

When she got closer, Xia Chujian discovered that this castle complex also had a wall with a fully automatic intelligent machine gun!

The wall was about three meters high, and it was also deep and light green, blending with the surrounding trees. Not to mention at night, even during the day, it was difficult to see clearly.

Xia Chujian said to himself: "What kind of place is this? Why is there even a fully automatic intelligent machine gun?"

A place guarded by a fully automatic intelligent machine gun should be related to the military, right?

Xia Chujian hesitated and didn't dare to fly in.

Qilu said at this time: "Master, because of the magnetic field interference, the mechanical intelligence here should have been paralyzed."

"So those fully automatic intelligent machine guns are just decorations."

Xia Chujian asked curiously: "Then why are you not paralyzed?"

Qilu's childish voice was a little embarrassed: "Master! How can the low-level mechanical intelligence in these intelligent machine guns be compared with Qilu?!"

Xia Chujian understood and said with a smile: "Qilu means that the mechanical intelligence in those intelligent machine guns needs to be connected to the Internet to operate?"

The mechanical intelligence of Qilu's level does not need to be connected to the Internet at all. It can be comparable to a local area network by itself.

Qilu's childish voice seemed cheerful: "Master is right! Not only are the intelligent machine guns here temporarily paralyzed, but the air defense system here is also paralyzed."

"Because they all rely on networked mechanical intelligence to operate."

Xia Chujian was relieved and said, "That's great. I was worried that something might happen to Li Fu."

Li Fu didn't pull her in, and Xia Chujian was still very touched that he took on all these things alone.

This is the teammate she trusts!

Xia Chujian plans to help Li Fu when he is in a life-and-death crisis.

Of course, she has to switch the form of the mecha. She can't use the second-generation mecha, let alone the third-generation mecha!

She has to use the regular mecha form so that people don't associate her with it.

Xia Chujian made up her mind and followed Li Fu over the wall and entered the wall of the castle complex.

Sure enough, she did not trigger the fully automatic intelligent machine gun, nor did she trigger any alarm system.

After she went in, she quickly followed Li Fu's footsteps and walked onto a mountain path.

At this moment, Qilu suddenly said in her fully enclosed helmet: "Master! Found it!"

"Qilu knows where this is!"

Xia Chujian: "?"

Qilu said: "This is the place that appeared in the video!"

"It is the royal sanatorium where the Queen and the Crown Princess were attacked!"

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

"Royal sanatorium? Attack video? - Ah! I remember it too!"

She looked at the scenery on both sides and murmured: "The Queen and the Crown Princess were attacked on this road at that time..."

There was a video on the Star Network, showing Queen Li Fengen and her daughter, the Crown Princess Tan Taijing walking on a tree-lined path.

Then a bullet came and hit the Crown Princess Tan Taijing first, and then the Crown Princess Tan Taijing pulled the Queen over to block the bullet for her, causing the Queen to be shot as well.

The news on the surface of this incident was that the Queen blocked the bullet for Princess Jing in order to save her.

But in that video, it was indeed shown that Princess Jing pulled the Queen to block the bullet in order to survive!

That video was once a hot search on Starnet.

She had watched it several times, and she couldn't figure out why at the time.

Moreover, no one knows who released such a secret surveillance video!

But the image of that video is very high-definition, and there is no trace of fraud.

Even if the video was deleted and taken off the shelves soon, many people secretly downloaded and saved it.

Qilu happened to have such a video.

Now it was directly compared, and it actually determined the location.

Xia Chujian subconsciously looked up and looked around, saying: "Then there must be surveillance here, Qilu, can you detect it?"

Qilu said: "No, the surveillance here must not work."

Xia Chujian said: "Because of magnetic field interference? But this place has not been attacked like the hot spring hotel, why is there magnetic field interference here?"

Qilu said sullenly: "... I don't know."

It's rare to hear the three words "I don't know" from Qilu's mouth.

Xia Chujian curled the corners of her lips and didn't ask any more questions.

She just looked at Li Fu, who was getting faster and faster in front of her, thoughtfully, and also slightly increased her speed.

Of course she couldn't go too fast, otherwise it would be bad if she surpassed Li Fu.

Moreover, this tree-lined path is very narrow, and can only accommodate two people walking side by side at most.

A person with a broad mind like Li Fu walking here cannot have another person walking side by side with him.

So Xia Chujian would not run ahead of Li Fu.

And Li Fu seemed to be very familiar with this place.

He did not walk along the tree-lined path all the time, but walked into the jungle from the tree-lined path from time to time, and then came out from a place.

After twists and turns, Xia Chujian felt that they had long deviated from the tree-lined path when they first came in.

Xia Chujian whispered to Qilu: "Qilu, where are we now?"

Qilu said: "Master, the compass here cannot be used. Qilu is determining the direction according to the stars in the sky."

Xia Chujian praised it: "Qilu is so smart!"

While continuing to follow Li Fu forward.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Li Fu finally came out of the woods again.

This time, he came to an inconspicuous small building.

There are so many tall and noble castles here, but I didn't expect there is such a modern-style small building.

There is nothing special about it, just like the common ones in the villa area of ​​Guiyuan Star.

Xia Chujian was also surprised to see such a house here.

The castles that she had seen along the way were all very beautiful.

So when she first saw this ugly duckling-like single-family house, she almost felt that she was blind and saw it wrong.

She blinked her eyes to confirm that the building she saw on the eyepiece display was not fake.

This seemed to be the target that Li Fu was looking for.

Li Fu stood in front of the small building, looked up for a while, then turned around and jumped onto the treetop.

There were no trees inside or outside the small courtyard of the small building.

The nearest tree to the small building was about fifty meters away.

Xia Chujian followed Li Fu up the tree, just above his head.

Li Fu was completely unaware of Xia Chujian's presence.

He just took out his telescope and began to explore the small building.

This is the second update. There will be a big chapter update after 5:00 p.m.!

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