I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1142 Chess Piece (First and Bigger Chapter, Please Give Me a Monthly Vote)

Although Bai Cuiwei does not regard Li Fu as her fiancé, those clothes always make her think of Li Fu when she has time, right?

Although Li Fu did not treat Bai Cuiwei as his fiancée or girlfriend in his will, Xia Chujian felt that this was just Li Fu's self-humiliating consciousness at work when he made the will.

He may want to show his inheritance heir that although he is a lover, deep down in his heart, he still clearly knows that Bai Cuiwei does not love him.

Therefore, he also stated in his will that he did not love Bai Cuiwei.

However, he can only lie to himself.

After all, he sacrificed his life for this unearned feeling.

After all, Xia Chujian knew that Li Fu actually liked Bai Cuiwei very much.

Whether it's love or not, Xia Chujian doesn't know or understand, but she likes it for sure.

He probably only liked one girl like this in his life.

But just for this "like", this girl sent him to a dead end.

You have to give that girl something to think about, right?

Even if for the girl, these things are not "thoughts" but inner demons, it is better than letting her forget about Li Fu completely from now on!

Xia Chujian still doesn't know why Bai Cuiwei asked Li Fu to kill the noble woman.

Is it just to create chaos so that the queen can justifiably obey and come out of the royal sanatorium?

If that's the case...

When Xia Chu met, he cursed in his heart for a moment!

Why are the lives of their civilians so worthless in the eyes of those powerful people? !

They civilians have nothing, only one life is the most precious, but they are only qualified to be pawns in the game of these big shots? !

What are chess pieces?

Chess pieces are not people.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath to calm down her excitement.

She closed the door to the small hidden arsenal and came out of the second bedroom.

Then he went to the master bedroom and put the jewelry into his backpack, planning to take it to the bank and deposit it in the bank safe, and take a look at what was in the bank safe.

Then he folded up the big red quilt on the master bedroom bed and planned to take it away and burn it in front of Li Fu's tomb.

At this moment, there was a noise from the living room.

Xia Chujian subconsciously hugged the quilt and came out, just in time to see a person open the door and walk in.

It’s actually Bai Cuiwei!

Xia Chujian narrowed his eyes.

How come Bai Cuiwei has the key here?

This doubt flashed through Xia Chujian's mind.

But sorry, this place belongs to her now.

Xia Chujian threw the bright red quilt to the ground and said coldly: "Hand over the key."

Bai Cuiwei saw Xia Chujian, but as if she didn't know her, she frowned and said, "Who are you? Why are you at my house?"

Xia Chujian laughed angrily at her: "You don't know me? This is your home? - If you call it, it will respond to you!"

Smart homes can respond to their owners.

Bai Cuiwei was pushed back and became even more unhappy. She frowned and said, "Are you here to clean? You can leave. I want to stay here for a while and don't want to be disturbed."

Xia Chu was completely speechless when he saw it.

Not only does this girl turn her back on others, but she also talks to herself. Is there something wrong with her brain?

Didn't you see the clothes she was wearing?

Which cleaning person can wear a sniper hunting suit? !

Xia Chujian stopped chattering with her, flipped her wrist, and a pistol appeared in her hand, pointed steadily at Bai Cuiwei.

She said coldly: "I count to three, and if you still don't leave, I will break into a house and shoot."

"One, two..."

Before Xia Chujian could count to three, Bai Cuiwei had quickly retreated into the elevator.

Seeing that she was about to close the elevator and go down, Xia Chujian felt something was wrong in her heart.

She quickly rushed to the smart control panel next to the door and reached out to lock the elevator.

The slowly closing elevator door stopped.

Bai Cuiwei in the elevator looked at Xia Chujian in panic, and said tremblingly: "What are you going to do?! I'm warning you! This is my fiancé's house!"

"If he dies, I will inherit this house!"

"You are the one who broke into private houses!"

"If you don't let me go, my family won't let you go!"

Xia Chu said "Oh" when he saw it, still holding the gun in his hand, pointing it at Bai Cuiwei's forehead and said: "Come out."

Bai Cui blushed slightly and said, "You were the one who asked me to leave just now!"

Xia Chu didn't change his expression when they met: "I changed my mind. - Come out!"

Her finger was already on the trigger.

Bai Cuiwei hesitated for a while, not daring to confront Xia Chujian, but under the threat of the gun, she slowly walked out.

Xia Chujian put the gun directly on her forehead and said with some surprise: "...Aren't you a genetic evolver? Why can't you dodge my gun?"

Bai Cuiwei's eyes flickered, she pursed her lips and said, "You have a gun, so what if I am a genetic evolver?"

Xia Chu smiled: "No, you are not a genetic evolver."

"Genetic evolvers are not afraid of guns. Many D-level genetic evolvers can dodge pistol bullets..."

Bai Cuiwei's face turned from red to white, and she began to look panicked.

Xia Chujian said again: "Li Fu took you to my house for dinner that day. You even added me as a friend of the Quantum Optical Brain account. You don't even remember?"

Bai Cuiwei's eyes flashed slightly, and she murmured: "Oh...it's you...I'm really sorry. I have many friends, and I've added a lot of friends. I often forget about them after adding them, and I can't say a few words all year round. Don’t mind it!”

"Are you... Li Fu's friend?"

Her intention to test was obvious. At this time, she wanted to survive, so she naturally followed Xia Chujian's words.

Xia Chujian suddenly tried it out.

Her friends are hard to find.

How could he be friends with Bai Cuiwei, whom he had only met once? !

Xia Chujian's face darkened: "You are not Bai Cuiwei, who are you?!"

Her pistol was directly pushed against Bai Cuiwei's forehead, and a small round hole the size of a bullet hole was directly pushed out of her fair and smooth forehead.

Bai Cuiwei was so frightened that she trembled all over and shouted, "I am Bai Cuiwei! I am really Bai Cuiwei!"

"If you don't believe me, I can show you my national ID number!"

"My quantum optical brain account was authenticated with real name!"

Xia Chujian narrowed her eyes slightly, this was different from what she expected.

The expression on her face did not change. She first peeled off Bai Cuiwei's face to check whether she was wearing a human-face hood.

After discovering that she was indeed not wearing a human-face mask, he continued to say coldly: "Are you really Bai Cuiwei? Where is your home address? Who is at home?"

"Say! If you can't tell me, I'll shoot you!"

Bai Cui was slightly trembling and hurriedly told all the news about Xia Chu's interview.

Xia Chujian said: "I have remembered everything and will check it."

Then he moved like the wind and pulled a handful of hair on Bai Cuiwei's head.

Bai Cuiwei felt a sharp pain in her scalp and burst into tears.

But under the threat of the gun, she did not dare to express her anger, let alone resist.

When Xia first met, he felt more and more strange.

Although this Bai Cuiwei looks exactly the same as the Bai Cuiwei she has met, the way he handles things is completely different from that of the two people.

However, Xia Chujian did not expose her face to face.

She had many questions in her mind and was worried that she had no clues.

This seemingly specious "Bai Cuiwei" is her first clue.

Xia Chujian looked at the red quilt at his feet and said, "Li Fu is your fiancé, so where is the ring he gave you?"

Bai Cui made a slight "ah" sound and said doubtfully: "Ring? What ring?"

Xia Chujian said: "Aren't you engaged? Don't you need a ring to propose?"

Bai Cui said "Oh" slightly and stammered: "This...this...I'll leave it at home."

"Li Fu is gone. I want to keep the ring as a thought."

Xia Chujian nodded, slowly put away the gun, and said, "Since you're already here, come with me."

Bai Cuiwei became anxious again and said, "You just said you would let me go!"

"You can't go back on your word!"

Xia Chujian stopped nagging her and said, "Pick up the bedding on the ground. Otherwise, I will cripple your legs first and then drag you to Li Fu's cemetery."

Bai Cuiwei seems to be very timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

Xia Chujian threatened her a few times and she gave in.

She also secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that she was going to Li Fu's graveyard instead of beating her to death right away.

Wrongfully, he picked up the red quilt on the ground and looked at Xia Chujian, waiting for her next order.

Xia Chujian looked at her coldly and said, "How did you get here?"

Bai Cuiwei said: "I flew here in an aircraft."

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows: "You still have a flying machine? What kind of title? It's so luxurious."

Bai Cuiwei whispered: "Earl... Count."

He is actually one of the sixty counts in the empire. He is indeed in the upper echelons. There is nothing extraordinary about having an aircraft.

Xia Chujian did not let her go and continued to ask: "How many aircraft do you have?"

She asked this because she was weighing the financial resources and power of the Bai family.

In such a noble house, having a flying machine is no big deal.

But having two or more aircraft is a symbol of strength and status.

Therefore, even if he is one of the sixty earls, he should belong to the upper class among the earls.

The status of the Bai family and Bai Cuiwei's position in the Bai family will determine Xia Chujian's next step in dealing with Bai Cuiwei.

Bai Cuiwei didn't understand why Xia Chujian asked this, her eyes flickered and she whispered: "...One."

Xia Chujian raised an eyebrow.

There was only one aircraft, and it was flown out for this girl. This girl seemed to have a high status in the Bai family.

Xia Chujian held her arm and said, "Let's get on your aircraft."

Bai Cuiwei didn't dare to resist at all, so she obediently entered the elevator and went down to the underground apron.

The helipad of this building is underground except for the top floor.

Xia Chujian followed Bai Cuiwei out of the elevator and soon came to an aircraft.

This is a small, or rather small, aircraft.

It is only five meters long and three meters wide, which is about one-third smaller than standard aircraft on the market.

Xia Chu sighed and said, "Is this your aircraft? It's quite shabby..."

Bai Cuiwei's strange desire to win came to the surface, and she subconsciously said: "This is not my family's aircraft. My family's aircraft is much bigger than this!"

Xia Chujian said: "But that's not what you said just now."

Bai Cuiwei forced her respect: "You didn't ask me just now if you came in my aircraft..."

So it was all her misunderstanding?

Xia Chujian's face darkened, and she said in a cold voice: "Whose aircraft is this?!"

"I don't have the patience to listen to your word games!"

Bai Cuiwei wanted to hesitate, but Xia Chujian glanced at her, and she immediately became honest and whispered: "This... This is Li Fu's! He said he would give it to me!"

Xia Chujian understood.

This is her Xia Chujian's aircraft!

Li Fu said he would leave his aircraft to her, and she didn't have time to verify it just now!

She thought the aircraft was parked obediently in the underground apron!

This is "catching the person red-handed"!

Xia Chujian pushed her into the aircraft, closed the hatch, and immediately said: "Give me the power-on password."

Bai Cuiwei glared at her: "You want to steal my things again!"

Xia Chujian didn't care: "Why do you say 'again'?"

Bai Cuiwei pursed her lips.

Xia Chujian didn't beat around the bush with her and said word by word: "Listen carefully, I don't care who you are or what your relationship with Li Fu is, but now all of Li Fu's property, including the house and the aircraft, has been left to me."

Bai Cuiwei shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible!"

"It was clearly agreed that all his things are mine!"

Xia Chujian asked sharply: "Agreed? Who did you agree with?!"

It must not be Li Fu, Li Fu would never leave his inheritance to this fake.

Bai Cuiwei hugged the red quilt tightly and buried her whole face in it, very upset that she had said the wrong thing again.

Xia Chujian had to take out the pistol again, pointed it at the back of her head, and said: "Power-on password."

Bai Cuiwei hesitated, and finally said a string of numbers.

Xia Chujian entered it into the control panel of the aircraft, and then let Qilu take over the entire aircraft.

She wanted to erase all control of Bai Cuiwei.

Bai Cuiwei waited for a while, but didn't hear Xia Chujian speak.

She raised her head slightly from the red quilt and saw Xia Chujian already sitting in the driver's seat.

Bai Cuiwei thought, what a bumpkin, what's the use of just the power-on password?

The mechanical intelligence of this aircraft has already recognized her as the owner...

If she doesn't say anything, this woman can't drive this aircraft away!

But then again, who is this woman?

Why did Li Fu leave all his property to this ugly freak?

Could it be that a man like Li Fu, who looks honest and devoted, would also play two women at the same time? !

Bai Cuiwei seemed to have figured something out, and suddenly raised her head, looking at Xia Chujian's back, with a hint of obscure light in her eyes.

Xia Chujian didn't bother to pay attention to this girl.

Since knowing that she was not a genetic evolver, Xia Chujian was not so vigilant.

In the face of absolute strength, no matter how many conspiracies and tricks there are, they are all scum.

Xia Chujian quickly started the aircraft and flew to Li Fu's grave.

Bai Cuiwei watched the aircraft take off with her own eyes, and was so scared that she almost sat on the ground.

She said in surprise: "What's going on?! How can you fly the aircraft?! The aircraft's mechanical intelligence has no instructions from me, and it is impossible to execute your orders!"

This is the first bigger chapter! There will be a second chapter at 12:05 noon!

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