I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1144 A Kiss (First and Bigger Chapter, Please Give Me a Monthly Vote)

The safe that Li Fu rented was the most common and standard safe.

It was only about 0.2 cubic meters in size, so it couldn't hold much stuff.

Xia Chujian calmed down, slowly put in the key, and twisted it together with the key provided by the bank.

With a click, she opened the safe.

At first glance, the safe was empty. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see anything inside.

Xia Chujian still poked her head in and checked it carefully, only to find that there were only two things inside.

A thin file bag and a relatively old flash drive.

Flash drives are rarely seen on the market.

Many people collect them as antiques.

But it still has some functions, and can store a large amount of electronic content, such as various videos, audios or plain text.

As long as it is kept in a suitable environment, it can be stored for hundreds of thousands of years without any problems.

Take it out and put it into the reading device, it is still the same as new.

Compared with the current general data storage, the only advantage of this flash drive is that it is too backward and incompatible with the mainstream quantum optical computer, so you need to buy a separate reading device to see what is inside.

This reading device does not need to be connected to the Internet, so there is no risk of leakage on the Internet.

However, Xia Chujian is different. She has Qilu. No matter how backward the flash drive is, she can ask Qilu to find a way to directly read the data inside, of course, without the need for an Internet connection.

Xia Chujian looked at the flash drive thoughtfully, played with it for a while, and put it in her pocket.

Then took out the file bag and put it in her backpack.

Then took out the three sets of jewelry in the backpack and put them in the safe.

Then locked the safe and left the bank.

When she left, she didn't take anything.

Only the backpack on her back was a little deflated.

The people in the bank had sharp eyes and could see at a glance that she had put something in the safe.

No one expected that she would take something out of the safe.

As soon as she left the bank, someone outside the bank sent a message: No one took anything out, but new items were put in the safe.

Xia Chujian knew nothing about this, or she didn't care if she knew.

She took the flash drive and the file bag, drove Li Fu's aircraft, and went to the government department to complete the transfer procedures.

She had Li Fu's will and death certificate, and she looked relatively young, and she didn't look very happy. The staff there thought that she and Li Fu were boyfriend and girlfriend, or engaged, and they all came to comfort her and "condolence", and asked her to think more positively.

Xia Chujian: "..."

However, she didn't explain much, just with a serious face, she completed all the transfer procedures smoothly.

It was already evening when she drove the micro-aircraft back to her villa area next to the First Military Academy of the Imperial Capital.

The sunset glow on the horizon was as red as a battlefield with blood all over the sky.

She walked up the stairs calmly.

The big black dog also lay calmly on the steps at the door without looking at her.

Xia Chujian entered the living room, took off her backpack, and slumped on the sofa weakly.

The housework robot Bei Jiayi brought her a glass of golden juice and said, "Master, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

Xia Chujian didn't want to move, took the golden juice and drank a sip, and said, "Give me a high-grade nutrient solution."

She didn't want to eat anything. Drinking nutrient solution is a way to eat that saves time and can fully supplement nutrition.

Bei Jiayi obediently brought her a high-grade nutrient solution.

Xia Chujian drank the golden juice and the high-grade nutrient solution before carrying her backpack and going upstairs.

She took a quick battle shower, and while drying her hair, she planned to take out the flash drive left by Li Fu and play it to see what was inside.

She sat on the chaise longue in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the bedroom. After communicating with Qilu, she asked it to block the network, then inserted the flash drive into her quantum optical brain watch carrier, and then pulled out a 32-inch virtual display screen.

Then enter the password.

She remembered the time when she first participated in the action.

Not to mention accurate to the minute, even if it was accurate to the second, she would remember it.

Because she had just turned fourteen when she first participated in the operation, she was afraid that if she missed the operation, no one would want her in the future.

So she almost didn't sleep all night, counting the seconds until the departure time.

Sure enough, the password was displayed correctly.

The contents of the flash drive immediately appeared on the virtual display screen.

There was no text in it, only a video.

Looking at the time, it was recorded not long ago, just before they took action.

Xia Chujian clicked on the video with some surprise.

In the video, there was only Li Fu.

He was sitting in the bedroom of his house.

The bedroom he planned to use as a wedding room.

Li Fu looked at the camera, his expression was very calm, so calm that even his voice did not have the natural ups and downs of the past.

He said: "Chujian, I don't know when you can see this video."

"But since I left everything to you, with your intelligence and suspicion, you will definitely check the bank safe as soon as possible."

"Am I right?"

Xia Chujian: "..."

In Li Fu's heart, she actually has a trait called "suspicion".

Xia Chujian thought about it and felt that she was indeed suspicious, and it seemed to be quite severe.

She has many secrets, and she only intends to keep them in her heart and not share them with anyone.

Because she doesn't know who else she can trust completely except her aunt.

But there are many things that her aunt is not suitable to know, and Xia Chujian doesn't want to scare her.

So the person she trusts and can rely on the most is herself.

She never feels lonely, because she and her secrets are best friends.

She has no desire to confide.

Xia Chujian slightly curled the corners of her mouth and whispered: "Li Fu, you look careless, but you are actually quite careful."

On the virtual display, Li Fu sat leisurely and continued to talk.

"Chujian, when I think back on my life now, I think the most successful thing I have done is to persuade Ye Shijie to accept you as a member of the team."

"Other than that, I am useless."

Li Fu looked at the camera, but his expression was more relaxed than ever before.

"Even though I was born in a family like the Li family, with such a high starting point, I still messed up myself."

"I was only eight years old at the time, and my stepmother provoked me with a few words, so I ran away from home in anger."

"From then on, my life went off track."

"I ran away from home at the age of eight. You must be curious about how I supported myself."

"I'm not as bad as you think. I ran away from home at that time, but I didn't leave home completely."

"I went to find my uncle."

"His surname is Bai."

Xia Chujian's heart jumped.

So this is how Li Fu is related to Bai Cuiwei?

Is this Bai the noble Bai?

Li Fu seemed to understand what she was thinking, and continued: "My biological mother is from the Earl Bai family."

"And she is the main line, but it's a pity that she died too early, otherwise, my life would not be like this."

"After I left home, I got a sum of money from my uncle and started to learn various survival skills."

"I started to be a bounty hunter at the age of twelve."

"When I earned my first sum of money at the age of fifteen, I returned to the Bai family to return it to my uncle."

"At the age of seventeen, I studied by myself and entered university, and returned to Beichen Star to study."

"That summer vacation, I met a noble lady from the Bai family, named Bai Cuiwei, who was my distant cousin."

"She was still young at that time, only nine years old, sitting alone in a corner, but she was not stage-frightened at all."

"There was light in her eyes, and when she looked at people, she was invincible. She is always bold and passionate. "

"She is braver than boys. If anyone bullies her, she will just take a gun and confront him!"

"In a way, I thought of her when I first saw you."

"Your eyes are like that, like a lone wolf that can explode at any time."

"Sometimes when I take care of you, it seems like I am taking care of her."

"But she doesn't need anyone to take care of her."

"It's just that I didn't know it all the time, as if I was blinded by a ghost."

"At the beginning, I just drove away a few Bai clan members who bullied her."

"Later, she stuck to me. There were always people "bullying" her, and they happened to be where I could reach her."

"So, helping her, protecting her, and rescuing her seemed to become my daily routine and gradually became a habit."

"Also Gradually, I paid more and more attention to her. "

"Later, at her 18th birthday ceremony, she specially invited me to celebrate."

"She only invited me to the entire ceremony."

"She didn't need my gift, but gave me a gift - a kiss. Although it was just a kiss on the forehead."

"Since then, I found that my attention to her has changed from friendship to unspoken secret love."

"But I know that I have been kicked out by my father. He has a new son and even deprived me of my inheritance rights."

"And she is the daughter of the Bai family."

"I am not worthy of her at all."

"So I never confessed to her, but just protected her silently."

"I find opportunities to return to the imperial capital every year on Guiyuan Star, nominally to visit my uncle."

"Actually, I go to see She. "

"After I graduated from college, I went back once a year, and I didn't see her very often. "

"And she became busy, going to school and learning various skills. Sometimes, no one even knew where she was. "

"But I didn't doubt it at all. "

"In this way, we got along well and became good friends. "

"Later, her troubles gradually escalated, and they were no longer the minor ones before. "

"Once I went back to the capital for the New Year, and saw that she was frowning, so I couldn't help asking her. "

"She told me that her family had a small business, but it was recently targeted and was about to be lost. "

"I said that the Bai family was already an earl, and although her family was a branch, it was still within five generations and still had a noble title. "

"Who was so blind that he dared to take away the earl's business? "

"It turned out to be a wealthy businessman. Although he was not a noble, his business was secretly supported by a marquis. "

"And Cuiwei's family was just a branch of the earl. "

"So the other party was unscrupulous. ”

“Seeing Cuiwei’s family business go to pieces and owing a huge loan, I couldn’t sit still any longer.”

“During that period, I contacted her frequently, always asking her indirectly, or what I thought was indirect, what happened and whether she needed my help.”

"She always puts on a forced smile, saying that it's okay, there's just some trouble at home, and it will be solved soon."

"But I still asked the name of that 'trouble'."

"Then by coincidence, I found a mission on the black market, which is to assassinate that rich businessman."

"That rich businessman is not the first time to rob and rob, he has caused other people's families to be broken up several times."

"So I took the mission, killed the rich businessman, and earned the first million Beichen coins in my life."

"I used these million Beichen coins to buy a very beautiful jade hairpin from the black market of Shaofu Star and gave it to her."

"That hairpin is very beautiful, it is said to be an antique, and it is also very practical. Cuiwei happens to have very smooth long hair, which can be carried with her and coiled in her bun when needed."

"I also have selfish motives, I just want her to wear that jade hairpin every day, just like I am with her every day."

Xia Chujian remembered the jade hairpin that she took from Bai Cuiwei...

So, it was really given by Li Fu?

Xia Chujian narrowed her eyes. Was she wrong?

Is this Bai Cuiwei really the Bai Cuiwei that Li Fu likes?

But where is the light in her eyes?

How is she brave?

If she scares you, you can't even walk.

Xia Chujian continued to listen.

On the virtual display screen, Li Fu looked towards the window.

"It's a pity that I never saw the hairpin again after I gave it to her."

"I secretly looked at her small handbag, and the hairpin inside was not the one I gave her, but a white jade hairpin."

"I thought she didn't like it, so I bought her a white jade hairpin."

"After she put it away, I never saw it again."

"I didn't know what happened until one day, I suddenly returned to Beichen Star without notifying her in advance, intending to give her a surprise."

"In the end, I gave myself a surprise..."

"That time, she looked at me as if I were a stranger."

"She left in a hurry without saying a few words."

"Later, I video-called her and asked her what happened."

"She said she was in a bad mood at the time, and her family Something happened in the house, and I don't feel like chatting with people. "

"I can't tell you what it feels like."

"I miss her so much. Every time I experience life and death, she flashes before my eyes, but in her eyes, it seems to be just a small talk when she is bored."

"When she is in a good mood, she will pay attention to me. When she is in a bad mood, she will treat me as a stranger."

"However, when she needs me, after saying a few soft words, we reconciled again."

"This time, it was an official who hurt their family's "business."

"I took action and beat the official to death."

"This case is still wanted by the imperial government."

"No one knows that I did it. She didn't say it, and I didn't say it either."

"Then I found that there are more and more such things."

This is today's big chapter! There will be a second update at 12:05 noon!

My dears, it's the end of the month! Clear the monthly tickets quickly!

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