I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1146 Rules and Style (First and Bigger Chapter, Please Give Me a Monthly Vote)

Xia Chujian looked around, and the mecha radar had already determined her location.

This was a place on the outskirts of Mulan City on the west side of Guiyuan Star.

The small bat fighter still had the appearance of an ordinary aircraft.

However, Xia Chujian didn't want others to know that she had this thing, so she still parked the fighter in stealth at high altitude.

She drove the Xuannv Qingyao Titanium mecha and jumped out of the small bat fighter.

Also in stealth mode, the Judge No. 1 sniper rifle had been switched on the right mechanical arm.

She was like an Avenger descending from the sky, raising the mechanical arm with the sniper rifle.

Click! Click! Click!

Three gunshots, and the three most brutal black-clothed masked men on the ground who were shooting with submachine guns were killed by her head-on.

She fired, and her figure quickly appeared in mid-air.

Xia Chujian had already switched to the three-meter mode of a regular mecha.

It looked tall and mighty, and the black iron color added a bit of murderousness.

The black-clad masked men who were firing execution-style shots were also very brave.

When they heard the gunshots, they did not try to dodge, but instead raised their arms and aimed at the black iron conventional mecha warriors flying down from the air.

Xia Chujian's reaction was so fast that they could not compare.

After she fired three shots, she swung her sniper arm to draw a semicircle in the air and pulled the trigger at the same time.

Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click!

The remaining seven sniper bullets were fired like submachine gun bullets, hitting the foreheads of the seven men below.

It was just like how they shot Sister Cai, but each person's forehead was not a penetrating wound, but a fracture wound that blew off the entire head!

The black-clad masked men who were not hit also shot at Xia Chujian in the air.

Xia Chujian was flexible and easily avoided those bullets by manipulating her Xuannv Qingyao Titanium mecha.

Her mechanical right arm was equipped with the Judge No. 1 sniper rifle, and her left arm was still empty.

So she simply shook her left arm and switched to the submachine gun that was exactly the same as the black-clothed masked men below.

Da da da da!

Da da da da!

After a few gunshots, the black-clothed masked men who were so arrogant on the ground just now were all killed by her in a pool of blood!

Although the battle between the two sides was fierce, it was actually very short.

Xia Chujian landed on the ground at this time.

From the time she jumped out of the small bat fighter to the time she landed on the ground, it was only twenty seconds in total.

And in these twenty seconds, she killed sixty-eight black-clothed masked killers.

Xia Chujian turned on the radar detection system of the mecha and scanned the surroundings. After confirming that there were no hidden killers within a radius of ten miles, she put away the submachine gun mounted on the mechanical left arm.

The Judge No. 1 sniper rifle mounted on her mechanical right arm was still in a state of shooting at any time.

Xia Chujian came to Sister Cai.

Sister Cai was still wearing her beautiful wedding dress, as if she was lying in a cloud.

She lay on the grass with her head tilted, looking at the sky with her eyes open, and the expression on her face was frozen at the last moment.

It was an expression of deep regret.

It seemed that she regretted that she did not get that ordinary happiness in the end.

Marry the person you love, have children, and then spend your life.

For her, it became a lifetime luxury.

Xia Chujian wiped Sister Cai's eyes with trembling hands, asking her not to die with eyes wide open.

On the other side, Song Mingqian woke up from his coma, and he subconsciously crawled towards Sister Cai.

He crawled hard on the grass, and every step forward left a long bloodstain on the grass.

Xia Chujian turned around and saw that Song Mingqian seemed to be still alive, so she ran over and said, "I have medicine here!"

As she said that, she was about to put the medicine that her aunt gave her into Song Mingqian's mouth.

But Song Mingqian closed his mouth tightly and shook his head and refused to eat.

Without even looking at Xia Chujian, he crawled to Sister Cai and finally held her hand.

Song Mingqian laughed, his mouth full of blood.

"Chujian, don't bother. I know I'm dying. Can't you see that I'm just a shell?"

"Revenge me and Sister Cai! They're from Beichen Star..."

After saying that, his head tilted and he died in front of Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian widened her eyes and looked at the long trail of blood behind him.

She trembled and gently turned Song Mingqian over.

Then, she saw that his entire chest was sunken by someone, and his internal organs had become a ball of meat paste...

How many bullets had he been shot with? !

Even if he took his aunt's medicine, Xia Chujian was not sure if she could save him.

She raised her head and looked at the sky, with a raging fire burning in her eyes, as if she wanted to set the whole sky on fire.

Song Mingqian must have relied on the ability of a B-level peak gene evolver to hold on until she came over!

Xia Chujian turned her eyes to the lush forest with pink flowers.

It was originally a fairyland, but now it is a hell on earth.

She looked at the dead people again.

Except for the black-clad masked killers, the rest were ordinary people.

Judging from their appearance, they should be employees of a wedding company.

She could almost imagine the scene at that time.

A group of people came happily to take wedding photos for their clients.

They chose this location, they must want to take beautiful wedding photos!

Suddenly, a group of black-clad masked killers appeared from nowhere and put a brutal end to all the beauty.

Xia Chujian closed her eyes and suppressed the anger in her heart.

She hated it!

If she could come earlier...

But she also knew that no matter how early she came, she might not be able to save everyone on the scene in the face of such an unprepared massacre.

Because there were too many killers sent by the other party.

Xia Chujian looked around and found that there was indeed no one alive here.

She said to Qilu: "Qilu, change my coordinates to Beichen Star, I want to call the police."

Qilu disguised her coordinates, and then Xia Chujian reported the case to the Special Security Bureau branch and the Punishment Bureau in Mulan City respectively.

At the same time, she also sent a message to Ye Shijie.

She did not send a verbal message, but forwarded to him the help message that Song Mingqian and Sister Cai sent to her before they died.

Ye Shijie replied almost immediately.

He sent her a video call invitation.

Xia Chujian had already driven the mecha to fly towards her small bat fighter plane that was parked in the air.

At the same time, she also heard the loud and piercing sirens coming from far away, and someone had come.

She was relieved, returned to her small bat fighter plane, and started the space jump.

Fifteen minutes later, she returned to the atmosphere of Beichen Star and answered Ye Shijie's video call invitation.

Ye Shijie looked very nervous and said, "Chujian, is there an accident?!"

"How are Song Mingqian and Sister Cai?! Is it still in time to save them?"

Xia Chujian said calmly, "It's too late, it's too late."

"I have called the police, and I hope that Guiyuan Star can find out what happened immediately."

She didn't say that she had already gone to Guiyuan Star.

Because Xia Chujian didn't want others to know that she had a bat fighter plane that could perform space jumps, she didn't tell Ye Shijie about her actions.

Those who knew that she had just gone to Guiyuan Star were all dead.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and clenched her fists.

Although Huo Yushen had not told her to keep it a secret from others, she did not want to cause trouble for herself or Huo Yushen.

Such equipment was her biggest backup.

At the critical moment, it could be used as a killer.

But this time, she was still slow.

But the main reason was that Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong were not prepared at all, so they failed to notify her in the first time.

If they had been prepared, when those people came to kill them, they would send her a message while finding a place to hide first, or even if they did not hide, they could fight back back to back in a group of two, and they could hold on for fifteen minutes.

But Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong held on for fifteen minutes and found that they could not beat them, so they sent a message to Xia Chujian.

It was really too late...

But why!

Why on earth? !

Who did they offend?

Who had to go to Guiyuan Star to kill them from a distance of several light years? !

What Xia Chujian thought of at first was their identity as bounty hunters.

Did they offend someone while on a mission?

After all, Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong have been bounty hunters for much longer than she has.

She only did it for three years.

Ping Qiong did it for seven years.

Song Mingqian did it for eight years.

Could it be like this?

Or is there another reason?

Ye Shijie said in annoyance: "How could this happen?! Why didn't they call the police earlier?!"

Xia Chujian said: "Captain Ye, do you know who hates them so much and must kill them?"

Ye Shijie thought for a while and said: "They don't actually have any enemies."

"When they first joined the Dark Night Hunters, they teamed up with me."

"I have many more enemies than them. At most, they are just keeping me informed..."

"So I can't think of anyone who doesn't come to kill me, but kills them."

Xia Chujian nodded: "I think so too. They are not enemies of the Dark Night Hunters."

As Xia Chujian said this, her mind couldn't help but recall the last sentence Li Fu said to her in the video: "... Be careful of the Crown Princess."

Could it be this Crown Princess Tan Tai Jing?

It's not that she must jump to the Crown Princess.

But... the mission they recently received has something in common with what the Crown Princess asked Li Fu to do.

Xia Chujian doesn't know much about the Crown Princess's style of doing things, and Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong have nothing to do with the identity of "Bai Cuiwei".

Just like Ye Shijie said just now, if the feud was caused by that action, or even because of the ownership of Li Fu's inheritance, then the Crown Princess should come to kill her, instead of killing Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong who have nothing to do with it.

Even killing Ye Shijie is more logical than killing Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong.

Thinking about this, Xia Chujian asked Ye Shijie tentatively: "Captain Ye, do you think this case has anything to do with... the case of protecting a noble lady we took on a while ago?"

Ye Shijie frowned and thought for a while, then said: "I don't think it has anything to do with it."

"In that mission, the two of them were just outsiders from beginning to end, and they were on guard at the periphery when they went there."

"Again, if it was because of the previous mission, then the person being hunted should be me."

Ye Shijie was very clear about his identity.

Xia Chujian nodded silently.

The two talked about several possibilities again, but they couldn't think of who killed Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong.

Xia Chujian then remembered that Song Mingqian had said before his death that those people came from Beichen Star...

But on Beichen Star, their team only took small missions, none of which were life-threatening.

So after all the twists and turns, it was still related to their mission to protect the noble lady?

Xia Chujian was uncertain again.

There were some things she couldn't tell Ye Shijie, and Ye Shijie didn't tell her everything, so the two of them ended the conversation hastily with "ulterior motives".

After turning off the video call, Xia Chujian silently reviewed and summarized the experience and lessons, and then sent a message to Liushun who was far away on Guiyuan Star.

As the owner of the household robot Liushun, she ordered it to send her a message immediately when it found someone entering her courtyard wall without permission.

Regardless of whether the arrangements she made at home could work, she had to know the situation there as soon as possible.

Liushun honestly accepted her instructions, and reported to Xia Yuanfang according to Xia Chujian's instructions.

Xia Yuanfang didn't say anything, just nodded and asked Liushun to do what Xia Chujian said.

Xia Chujian settled the house before taking a shower in the bathroom.

She traveled between two planets at night, killed sixty-eight assassins, and talked to Ye Shijie for a while. It took only forty minutes in total, less than an hour.

The efficiency was indeed very high.

But it was also a great mental shock to her.

She stood under the shower in the bathroom. As soon as she closed her eyes, the eyes of Ping Qiong and Song Mingqian appeared in front of her.

Xia Chujian came out of the bathroom, wiped her hair, and sat down on the sofa in front of the French window.

The night outside the window was very dark, with no stars or moon.

The street lights outside the courtyard wall cast sporadic warm yellow light.

The entire villa area was peaceful and quiet, like a paradise.

It was completely different from the bloody Shura field just now.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and closed her eyes to rest.

She thought silently, Qian and Caijie, don't worry, I will definitely find the murderer and avenge you.

After she repeated this several times, the look of Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong dying with their eyes wide open gradually faded from her mind.

Xia Chujian lay on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, her quantum optical brain watch carrier suddenly made a beeping sound like an alarm.

Xia Chujian woke up with a start and looked at the time. It was only one in the morning.

She hurriedly pulled out the virtual display screen and found that it was Ye Shijie who sent the alarm message.

[Ye Shijie]: I just received news that the families of Song Mingqian and Sister Cai on Guiyuan Star were all killed!

Xia Chujian was stunned.

What happened? !

If it was the hatred caused by being a night hunter, it should not harm the family!

Who would kill someone's entire family because of the hatred caused by being a bounty hunter!

This is against the rules!

Xia Chujian's hands began to tremble.

She simply sent a video call invitation to Ye Shijie.

Ye Shijie answered the call immediately.

Xia Chujian saw where he was.

He did not use a virtual background, but a real background.

This is the first and biggest chapter! Please help me clear out my monthly tickets at the end of the month!

There will be a second and biggest chapter at 5:00 pm!

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