I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1152 A loving family (first update, please give me a monthly ticket)

Xia Chujian said lightly: "Master Su made this for me. I don't know what the material is. You can ask him."

Kang Shanxing thought deeply and said, "I guess so. This kind of material might have a miraculous effect on dealing with the Zerg army."

Xia Chu glanced at him: "How much do you know about the Zerg army?"

Kang Shanxing is the top officer of the Intelligence Department of the Special Security Bureau, and he must know a lot of information.

He just frowned and said: "Not much, I just know that their shells are extremely hard, comparable to our regular mechas, and their defense is very strong."

"Ordinary bullets can't deal with it at all. High-energy electromagnetic beam bullets or laser weapons with strong light-gathering capabilities are needed."

"But these weapons are originally space weapons. Only in space can their performance be fully realized."

"On the surface of a planet within the atmosphere, their power is incomparable."

"Because of these weapons, the best application environment is a vacuum."

"With so much gas and dust on the planet's surface, their power is greatly reduced."

"In this way, every time we kill a Zerg soldier, we spend a lot of energy."

"To win a battle, even if you can win miserably, it will cost a huge amount of energy."

"If we continue to fight like this, all the energy resources of our entire galaxy combined will probably not be enough."

Xia Chujian frowned and said: "What do you mean, if we continue to fight like this, even if we exchange one for one above the limit, we will lose in the end?"

"Can we use those high-energy explosive bags? Just throw one into the insect nest, and it can kill countless Zerg soldiers, right?"

Kang Shanxing shook his head: "I've tried them all. These Zerg soldiers are not afraid of death. If you throw an explosive package over, they can cover it with a huge Zerg in all directions... and even swallow the explosive package directly into their stomachs. inside."

"Even if it explodes, it will only kill one Zerg soldier, and other Zerg soldiers will only be affected."

Xia Chujian's eyes widened: "...No way?! So outrageous?!"

Kang Shanxing sighed: "I don't want to increase other people's ambitions and destroy my own prestige."

"But it is true."

"Ordinary bullets and swords cannot break the defense of the Zerg army at all."

"Weapons that can break through their defenses and cause lethality are not suitable for the environment in which they are used, and their performance is greatly reduced, making the cost too high."

"Killing one thousand enemies will cost you ten thousand. It cannot sustainably kill."

"Also, the reproductive capacity of the Zerg race greatly exceeds that of the human race."

"It takes us humans eighteen years from birth to adulthood. According to ancient rules, it also takes fifteen years."

"But the Zerg only takes one year."

"To tell you the truth, the remaining five billion people in the Southern Cross, ranging from eight to eighty years old, are all soldiers."

"But it's only been a little over a month since the fight began, and already one billion of them have died and two billion have been injured..."

Xia Chujian couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes: "The casualty rate is so high?!"

Kang Shanxing said: "Not only has the casualty rate on our side increased, but the loss on our side is the Zerg's gain."

"Because they can get more rations, soldiers and breeding carriers from our losses."

"Then their insect population will increase faster."

"Our scientists speculate that after the Zerg use our human bodies to reproduce for a few generations, they will evolve into a Zerg that can reproduce their own offspring...that is, a Zerg mother."

"When the Insect Mother is born, it will truly be the end of mankind!"

Xia Chujian was truly shocked: "Isn't it right? Director Kang, are you exaggerating?!"

"...the end of mankind...haven't our Beichen Empire's elite troops not yet joined the war?!"

She hasn't even gone to the battlefield yet!

Kang Shanxing smiled bitterly and said, "Why am I exaggerating this? Is it useful to scare you?"

"Xia Chu, classmate, you sometimes think too highly of yourself."

Xia Chujian was not angry at all. He nodded and said, "Director Kang is right. Sometimes I do take myself too seriously."

"But I still think it's too depressing to talk about the end of mankind before the war has actually started..."

Kang Shanxing shook his head and said, "Okay, I'm too talkative."

"Actually, no matter what, it has nothing to do with you now."

"You should go back to school and study hard, and don't worry about home."

"We will help you secure your home."

Xia Chujian looked at the living room of his home.

Every brick, tile, plant and tree here was built with hard work by her and her family.

Although she did not contribute directly, she contributed money.

It was like she was directly contributing.

Xia Chujian is a master who would rather contribute than spend money.

Being able to spend so much money to buy land and build a house shows how much she cherishes this place.

Xia Chujian said: "I will go back to school, but your defense measures against my home must be upgraded."

Kang Shanxing said: "How to upgrade? Can we send a camp to live in your home?"

Xia Chujian hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, no! As long as you agree to double the area covered by my air defense system, I think it will be much safer."

Kang Shanxing thought for a while and said, "This request is not impossible."

"You probably don't know that the two plots of land next to your house have been sold recently. A top family in the empire wants to build a manor and courtyard here."

"The air defense level here will be greatly improved. By then, the other party will definitely have to install an air defense system. The coverage area will probably not be just the ground area of ​​the manor's courtyard."

"So it should be feasible to double the coverage area of ​​your home's air defense system."

Xia Chujian was curious: "A top aristocratic family came to build a villa here? Who are they? Do I know them?"

Kang Shanxing glanced at her and said, "You must be lying if you say you know them all. But you should know some people in their family."

"For example, the Quan family and the Su family."

"The two of them have purchased some land between the outside of Mulan City and the Alien Beast Forest, and they want to build a manor and courtyard here."

"I looked at the terrain map, and it happens to be east and west of your manor."

Xia Chujian was shocked: "Ah?! They want to build a manor here too?!"

Now it's good. She wants to expand the manor, but it's completely impossible.

Because both the east and west sides were occupied by the Quan family and the Su family.

To the south is Mulan City, which can no longer be expanded.

To the north is the Alien Beast Forest, even if it can be expanded, it will be useless.

Thinking about it this way, Xia Chujian felt a little embarrassed.

However, she always had a big heart, so she only hesitated for a while, then thought on the bright side and said, "That's not bad!"

"At least I don't have to worry about safety here anymore!"

She quickly asked Kang Shanxing: "When will the construction of those two manors start?"

Kang Shanxing said: "It will be soon. It will only take a few days."

"Their application to install a security system has just been approved by the Special Security Bureau."

Xia Chujian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. At least I don't have to worry anymore. Someone is going to come here and kill me all the time..."

Kang Shanxing said: "To wipe out all the neighbors of Quan and Su under their noses and expect them to remain indifferent is as difficult as subverting the imperial power."

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows: "It's too exaggerated for you to say this... What's the use of the royal family and the Special Security Bureau!"

Kang Shanxing smiled, stood up and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

He didn't tell Xia Chujian that he was here to deal with the extermination case of Ping Qiong and Song Ming's former family.

Xia Chujian didn't think much, got up and sent him out of the manor.

When she returned to the living room, Xia Yuanfang had come out of the basement with Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang.

The teacup dog Awu and the little fat Chiu stumbled towards her, stood on her left and right shoulders, and kissed her affectionately.

Xia Chujian pinched the chubby faces of Wufu and Xiao Jiuxiang, rubbed the little heads of the teacup dog, and touched the little wings of Xiao Fat Chiu.

Hug San Zong and Si Xi who just came over.

Then he said hello to Aunt Chen and Yingying who were walking behind Sanzong and Sixi.

It's a scene of a family that loves each other and is happy.

Liushun slid over from behind Aunt Chen and Yingying and said to Xia Chujian, "Master, welcome home!"

Xia Chujian said: "Liu Shun did a good job today and deserves praise!"

Liushun's eye display suddenly flashed with curved wavy lines, indicating that it was very happy.

Xia Chujian asked Xia Yuanfang again: "Auntie, did I scare you all just now?"

Xia Yuanfang said worriedly: "Who is it? Why are so many people coming to deal with us?"

Xia Chujian shrugged and said lightly: "Some bitches who have issues with me."

"If you can't defeat me, you will kill my whole family."

Xia Yuanfang covered his mouth with his hands in surprise.

Aunt Chen was furious and said angrily: "Who is this person?! So vicious!"

"If you can't beat me, you'll kill your whole family! It's so shameless!"

Yingying frowned and said, "We first met, so isn't it safe for you in Beichen Star? Otherwise... why don't you come back?"

"We are a family, and we must die together!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She thought silently, Yingying, I know you miss me, but in this case, there is no need!

Wufu echoed Yingying loudly: "...We will die together even if we die!"

Xiao Jiuxiang learned from the Five Blessings as usual: "...Together!"

Sanzhao hugged Sixi tightly and frowned: "Master Shaojun, there must be no danger! Let's go to live in the Alien Beast Forest!"

"Sixi's home is in the innermost part of the Alien Beast Forest! No one dares to go there and kill us!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

Awu, the teacup dog, said in a milky voice: "Don't be afraid, everyone! If anyone wants to kill us, I will eat them!"

Xiao Feijiu Ah Quan also said: "Eat them! Ah don't eat them!"

Awu said: "Aquan, don't you want to eat?"

Ah'an shook his head: "A'an doesn't eat people!"

Awu's puppy face fell slightly and said: "Then Awu doesn't eat people either..."

Wu Fu said: "Ah Wu, Ah Quan, you don't have to eat people, bad people stink! It's hard to eat!"

"You just kill them and put them in front of your house."

"Just like sister did!"

Xia Chujian's eyes widened: "What did you say, Wufu?!"

She looked at Liu Shun and said angrily: "Liu Shun! Those pictures are not suitable for children! Did you show them to them?!"

This is the first update. Dear friends, please ask for guaranteed monthly tickets at the beginning of the month!

There will be a new update at five past twelve noon!

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