I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1155 Everyone is responsible (Second update)

Zong Ruoning refused to give up and insisted: "You are still a student, you still need time to enrich yourself..."

Xia Chujian said: "I am enriching myself! If you have read my information, you should know that my credits and grades are enough for graduation."

"But I haven't applied for graduation yet, and I still want to continue to participate in the school's special training."

"This way, when I go to the battlefield in the future, I will be fully prepared."

Zong Ruoning said: "Do you really want to go to the battlefield?"

Xia Chujian nodded: "Of course! If you don't want to go to the battlefield, why go to military school?"

Zong Ruoning thought, going to military school is not necessarily for the purpose of going to the battlefield...

But he would not keep pouring cold water on this girl's passion.

Zong Ruoning pondered for a while and said, "Our Zong family's ancestral land is on Shaofu Star, and now it is at the forefront of the confrontation between the Beichen Empire and the Zerg army."

"If you want to go to the battlefield, it's best to avoid Shaofu Star."

Xia Chujian was very surprised, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Commissioner Zong, that's your family's ancestral land!"

"Are you going to give up Shaofu Star?"

Zong Ruoning sighed and said, "Do you think I want to?"

"But judging from the current situation, we have to use planets to buy time."

"Give our scientists time for scientific research and find a way to defeat the Zerg."

"If they can't break through, I No matter how many planets and how many people we have, we are just delivering food to the other side. "

Xia Chujian frowned: "... Do you think so? Or do the entire empire's upper echelons think so?"

Zong Ruoning said: "Is there a difference?"

Xia Chujian said: "Of course there is a difference. If you only represent your own opinion, I can understand."

"But if the entire empire's upper echelons think so, then why fight?"

"Just surrender directly and send yourself out as the Zerg's rations and breeding tools?"

"Why bother with the hypocritical topic of exchanging planets for time?"

Zong Ruoning was silent for a while, and said: "I I respect your will to fight, but reality cannot be changed by our will. "

"I still say that before scientists develop new weapons that can truly restrain the Zerg, we will fight in the same way as those people in the former Southern Cross Principality, that is, using our ordinary soldiers as cannon fodder and sending them to their deaths."

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows: "I still agree with this statement."

"We can't just let ordinary soldiers be cannon fodder."

"I think the whole empire, regardless of nobles, civilians, or royal citizens, should all go to the front line equally."

"While scientists are researching, everyone should Fight with all your strength."

"Everyone has the responsibility to serve as cannon fodder."

Zong Ruoning frowned: "Chu Jian, you are just being angry."

"In my opinion, nothing is more important than people."

"If necessary, the people on our Shaofu Star, from nobles to ordinary civilians, and even the humanoids of untouchable slaves, should be transferred to other planets."

"We, the Zong family, can give up Shaofu Star and let the Zerg army ravage the planet, but our people should not be ravaged by them."

"As long as humans are preserved, there is hope for a comeback."

Zong Ruoning said this, and Xia Chujian understood it a little.

He really wanted to preserve the living force...

He would rather give up Shaofu Star, the ancestral home of the Zong family, just to prevent those ordinary people from being cannon fodder.

But can he make the decision?

And even if Shaofu Star is vacated, will it stop the Zerg army from charging?

Xia Chujian shook her head and said, "Commissioner Zong, your intention is good, but it is impossible to execute it."

"It is better for everyone to be cannon fodder together, maybe there will be hope."

"We said we want to buy time for scientists, how to buy it? - Of course, with our flesh and blood."

"Without our resistance, relying on those planets alone cannot buy time."

"Just like what the soldiers in the Southern Cross are doing now, it is because they are fighting to the death that they have bought time for us."

Xia Chujian said calmly.

She is not afraid of death, she is only afraid of being unfairly used as cannon fodder to die.

This galaxy is their home, and everyone should sacrifice their lives for it, instead of just asking civilians, untouchables and slaves to go to the front line.

Zong Ruoning stared at her for a long time, and finally said: "You are braver than me."

Xia Chujian said: "We have different divisions of labor."

"I am a soldier, and you are in charge of logistics."

Zong Ruoning: "..."

Unable to help but curl the corners of his lips slightly, Zong Ruoning's tone softened, and said: "Chujian, I'm looking for you, there is another thing, I want you to help."

Xia Chujian said: "You say, as long as I can help, I will definitely help."

Zong Ruoning looked at her, the thought turned in his mind, but he changed his words when it came to his mouth.

"Chu Jian, I remember you are a great cook."

"My mother has been in poor health recently and has no appetite for anything."

"Can you... go to my house and help me cook?"

Xia Chu Jian said: "Go to your house? Is it the one next to my house next to the school?"

Zong Ruoning nodded: "I just came from Shaofu Star yesterday and brought my mother here."

"She is still in the medical cabin, but the doctor said that she can wake up for a few hours every day now."

"I just want her to have a good meal when she is awake."

Xia Chujian said cheerfully: "No problem! I will go to your house to cook dinner for you and your mother after school today."

"By the way, what ingredients do you have at home?"

Zong Ruoning said hurriedly: "My mother's food is delivered by my uncle on time."

"The rice and noodles now are all special supplies for the royal family. As for meat, my mother hasn't eaten for a while, and her stomach may not be able to bear it."

"Light and easy to digest food will be fine."

Xia Chujian thought for a while and said: "Okay, I happen to have eggs and chicken breasts brought from Guiyuan Star at home. It's no problem to cook two dishes for aunt."

She was not talking about ordinary eggs and breasts, but eggs and breasts of the phoenix-tailed Luanyou bird.

Of course, she would not tell others that she had the phoenix-tailed Luanyou bird, which was extinct in the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom. That would cause trouble for herself.

Zong Ruoning certainly didn't know, thinking it was just an ordinary free-range chicken, and nodded and said, "That's troublesome, I will ask the housework robot at home to buy another batch of fresh vegetables and fruits."

The two agreed to go to Zong Ruoning's house to cook dinner in the evening.


Zong Ruoning's mood improved all day.

Xia Chujian acted as if nothing had happened, and had been conducting intensive military training with his teammates.

She found that their current training was not mainly about command, but about...group combat and wilderness survival.

The military's attitude towards ordinary students like them was simply obvious.

Xia Chujian despised them in her heart, but since she was already a military student and registered for the reserve, she didn't say much, let alone resist or passively slack off.

Just like Li Fu said, she is indeed a person with a strong spirit of contract.

Before signing the contract, she had taken all these into consideration, with a kind of tenacity and courage to accept defeat.

Besides, although what they are learning now is not mainly about command, for them as students, it is not bad to regard themselves as soldiers first and learn group combat.

Not to mention the very interesting wilderness survival skills, which made her want to find an uninhabited planet to try them out right away.

After a day of training, she returned home, took a shower first, then took four eggs of the phoenix-tailed pheasant and two pieces of breast meat, and went to Zong Ruoning's house next door.

Zong Ruoning came to open the door for her personally.

In addition to him and his mother, his family is full of robots.

They now have three housework robots, a nanny robot, and six defense robots.

As soon as Xia Chujian came in, she saw a room full of robots with hemispherical heads and cylindrical bodies, and her eyes were almost dazzled.

Zong Ruoning smiled and said, "Don't be surprised. My mother doesn't like crowded places, so we rarely use human servants at home. They are all robots."

Xia Chujian said, "No problem. I like robots more too."

She nodded to the robots and said, "Sorry for disturbing you today. I will let my robots come to play with you in the future."

Zong Ruoning: "..."

Many robots in the house: "..."

Zong Ruoning issued an order: "You go down, each of you do your job, no need to come in."

Housekeeping robots are scattered in various rooms to clean up.

Defense robots are scattered in the rooms with the best sight and are responsible for vigilance.

The nanny robot went upstairs to pick up Su Shuangluo.

She was abnormally pale, wearing a very comfortable casual morning coat, thin like a paper man, and even her hair was a little yellow, indicating that she was indeed malnourished.

Zong Ruoning walked over quickly, helped Su Shuangluo over from the nanny robot, and said, "Mom, why are you coming down now?"

Su Shuangluo looked straight at him, as if she didn't know Zong Ruoning, frowned slightly and said, "Who are you? Why are you in my house?"

Xia Chujian was shocked and widened his eyes.

What's going on? !

Is Zong Ruoning's mother...mentally ill? !

Xia Chujian was full of sympathy for Zong Ruoning in an instant.

This disease is the most torturous, but it is not the patients who are tormented, but those who care about the patients the most.

For example, their relatives or friends.

Zong Ruoning pursed his lips and glanced at Xia Chujian quickly.

Seeing her face full of shock, he smiled in his heart, thinking that he had not had time to tell her about his mother's illness, and it was exposed like this.

He was not too embarrassed, just a little embarrassed.

After Su Shuangluo asked that question, she didn't seem to wait for his answer. She started looking around the room and murmured, "Where's the baby? Where's my baby? Have you seen my baby?"

She looked around and finally her eyes fell on Xia Chujian.

She didn't ask who she was, but just asked with a distracted look, "Have you seen my baby?"

Xia Chujian was curious: "What is your baby? I can help you find it."

Su Shuangluo said, "My baby is not a thing, but my son."

This is the second update, and there will be a new update after 5:00 p.m.!

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