I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 116 I’m so stupid, really (Second update, please vote for me)

Sanzhao rubbed his hands and said with a naive smile: "Aunt Chen took Yingying to hunt in the exotic beast forest and won't be back until this afternoon."

"Aunt Chen lives over there, so you have to be careful. The things you help me plant must not be seen by anyone, understand?" Xia Chujian emphasized this point.

Sanzong nodded vigorously: "Sanzong understands! There is a password in that storage room, and only Sanzong knows it! No one else can get in!"

"...Have Aunt Chen and Yingying ever asked about it?"

"No, no, they know how to behave. Except where they live, they never move around in the aircraft."

Xia Chujian nodded assuredly: "That's good. Now, use your smart bracelet number to go to the hunting list and pick up a mission for me."

Sanzhao scratched his head: "What is the hunting list? Where is it?"

Xia Chujian was not in a hurry and said, "I'll send you a link. Click on it and find a mission to kill Fan Chengcai."

Xia Chujian taught Sanzhao how to find the task list of the hunting list, and then asked him to send an inquiry message under the commissioned task of killing Fan Chengcai.

"Two million Beichen coins in cash and no aircraft, okay?"

Five minutes after this inquiry message was sent, the mission reward changed from one million Beichen coins plus a civilian aircraft to two million Beichen coins in cash.

Xia Chujian was satisfied. He was about to ask Sanmandian to "accept" the mission, but the mission was instantly accepted by others, disappeared from the hunting list, and then entered a quantum encryption state. No one could see who took it.

The party that posted the task on the hunting list has automatically transferred the money to the trust account of the hunting list after the task is accepted.

As long as the task is completed and the hunting list is confirmed, the party that accepts the task will be able to get the money.

It is impossible for the other party to default on the bill.

Because before the Hunting List publishes the Hunting List tasks, the capital must be verified first. After the money is transferred, the Hunting List will release the tasks.

Xia Chu was stunned when he saw it.

Is there anyone else competing with her for such a task? !

She can't figure it out!

But after ten minutes, she figured it out.

Because Ye Shijie contacted the team and said: "I just took over the task of killing Fan Chengcai on the hunting list. Do you want to go to Dafu County next week? - If you want to go, we will follow the old rules of the team Distribute honoraria.”

Ping Qiong and Song Mingqian immediately shouted: "It turns out it was you, captain, who took the job! I wonder why this mission was gone in the blink of an eye!"

Li Fu also said angrily: "Captain, your hands are so fast! You are also a craftsman..."

Xia Chujian didn't understand this kind of dirty talk with a certain technical content.

She thought she was talking about the speed of shooting, so she added, "Captain Ye's hand speed is already the fastest. He must practice frequently."

Li Fu and Song Mingqian looked at each other and fell down laughing.

Song Mingqian rolled off the sofa to the floor.

Li Fu was drinking water and sprayed water everywhere.

Fortunately it was a video call, otherwise I would have sprayed everyone.

Ping Qiong understood and said carelessly: "Xiao Chujian, please don't talk like this again. It's not a good thing!"

Ye Shijie glared at Li Fu: "You're still underage when we first met, how could you talk nonsense in front of her?"

Li Fu called out to Tianqu: "Captain Ye! I can't bear to talk nonsense until now! Little Chu Jian has just grown up!"

Ye Shijie: "..."

I actually forgot.

He blushed a little and said with a straight face: "You also know that you have just grown up. How old are you? How old is she? - If you do this again, Aunt Xia will only ask you!"

Ye Shijie sacrificed Xia Yuanfang, and Li Fu restrained himself slightly.

He smiled and passed his hand between his eyebrows and said, "I know, I won't do it again!"

Ye Shijie said at this time: "Huh? How did you know that this mission was suddenly taken over? Are you also secretly taking over the mission?"

Li Fu, Song Mingqian and Ping Qiong hurriedly interrupted, trying to expose this.

Xia Chujian felt warm in her heart, knowing that her teammates were all doing it for her, so they secretly accepted the mission.

She quietly admitted: "...I also saw that task, and it disappeared in a flash. Moreover, I also asked the person who posted the task if I could change the bonus to two million in cash..."

The five people looked at each other, then laughed together.

Li Fu said in a long voice: "Xiao Chuji, you are so honest! You have already asked the price, why don't you raise the price? For example, if you want five million, then can't each of us make one million?" Are you a rich man?!"

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

Nest grass! How could she be so stupid? !

"...I'm so stupid, really..." Xia Chujian muttered to himself and hit his forehead with his fist.

The teammates burst into laughter again, and the team's encrypted channel was suddenly filled with happy air.

Ye Shijie couldn't help but laugh too.

After everyone had laughed enough, Ye Shijie said, "Okay, let's make sure, are you all participating?"

"Yes." Everyone answered in unison.

Ye Shijie said: "Well, let's do the mission detection first. Song and I will go to Dafu County first to make preparations before tomorrow."

"Li Fu prepares the necessary equipment based on our detection information."

"Sister Cai and Chu Jian made good excuses to get Aunt Xia to agree to let him go."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She sighed and said, "Obviously, Sister Cai and I have the most difficult task."

How to convince Xia Yuanfang to leave Mulan City and go to Dafu County to do tasks is probably several times more difficult for Xia Chujian than to get into college after the college entrance examination.

Starting from Monday tomorrow, Xia Chujian will enter her one-month winter vacation, which is also the time when Xia Yuanfang has prepared a lot of cram questions for her to study.

Xia Chujian doesn't mind doing questions every day, but she can't just do questions every day...

She is also a professional woman, even though her profession is killing...

Ah... no, her profession is a bounty hunter.

Ye Shijie, Song Mingqian and Li Fu all went offline to prepare.

Xia Chu saw Ping Qiong still chatting in the team's encrypted channel.

"Sister Cai, what excuse do you usually use to leave home?"

"What other excuse can there be? The company is on a business trip." Ping Qiong shrugged.

There are many brothers and sisters in her family. They were all commoners and quite poor like Xia Chujian's family.

But since she became a genetic evolver and joined the Night Hunters Association, her family's economic situation and social status have been greatly improved.

However, her family did not know that she was a hunter.

They all thought she was working as a salesperson in a trading company.

Of course, this trading company is the leather bag company opened by Ye Shijie in the name of his team, just for the convenience of completing tasks.

Li Fu's and Song Mingqian's families, like Ping Qiong's family, thought that they were doing serious jobs in this trading company.

As an employee of a trading company, I often travel for several days, and when I come back I get money, which makes my family not believe it.

Ye Shijie was alone and did not need to explain his whereabouts and occupation to anyone.

Before Xia Chu met, her only relative, her aunt, was seriously ill and hospitalized, and no one could care about her.

Now that her aunt has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, and it is known that she works as a hunter in the Night Hunters Association, that is, a bounty hunter, it will not be so easy for her to go out.

Although Xia Yuanfang openly has no objection to her continuing, but now that she is about to take the college entrance examination, Xia Yuanfang really may not be able to let her out.

Moreover, she couldn't tell Xia Yuanfang directly that she was going to kill Fan Chengcai.

Xia Chujian thought about an excuse and said, "How about we go inside the association to pick up a simple task that needs to be carried out in Dafu County, and then use this task to cover up another task?"

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became: "Moreover, we can also take this opportunity to get free equipment from the association, and even travel expenses to Dafu County!"

Ping Qiong's eyes lit up: "This is really good! Go and have a look at the association system!"

The missions issued by the Dark Night Hunters Association are divided into specific regions.

Local people have priority in taking on local tasks. Of course, priority must also be based on the team's ability.

In the past, when Xia Chu saw their team, they were at the bottom of the association's ability rankings, so they were all local junk missions that others didn't want.

Their team worked on low-level tasks for three years, earning less than 100 yuan each time, and the whole team had to share it...

It wasn't until this year that I received two tasks that seemed like garbage, but were actually valuable.

It's the T-shaped mission of killing human traffickers and rescuing abducted victims, and the G-shaped mission of going to the alien beast forest to collect blood unicorns.

These two tasks made their team the most powerful team in the entire Mulan City, and even on the Return Planet.

Now they receive tasks and can drag and drop them as they please.

Others can only pick up what they have left.

Xia Chujian and Ping Qiong opened the Dark Night Hunters Association's internal encrypted website together and clicked on the "Tasks" column.

Here, there is a scrolling bar of daily tasks organized by location and difficulty level.

There are not new tasks every day, it just depends on the above needs.

The management of the association is responsible for promoting business. As members of the association, they only need to implement it.

The two were jostling over the mission, and suddenly, a mission from Dafu County was posted.

"Mission B: secretly protect a noble lady visiting Dafu County.

Mission time limit: six days (December 26 to December 31).

Task requirements: Two or more female team members must participate.

Task amount: six million Beichen coins. "

Ping Qiong was almost dumbfounded when she saw this number.

She murmured to herself: "...Who is this? A princess? It costs six million a week to hire a secret bodyguard!"

When Xia Chujian saw this task, he didn't think much about it at all. His fingers immediately took over the task as if they had their own consciousness.

This mission is a B-type mission, and it is a high-level mission in the Dark Night Hunters Association in the entire Beichen galaxy.

Only the most powerful team in each region is eligible to accept the mission.

Xia Chu saw that their team had just been promoted to the "most powerful" category.

Because of their fast hand speed, even if they were a team based on Mulan City, they also received tasks from Dafu County.

When Xia Chu met and Ping Qiong used the team account to browse the association's internal website.

As soon as she accepted the mission, the entire team's quantum optical brain received a notification sound, indicating that they had accepted mission No. 1234.

This is the second update.

There will be three updates tomorrow, including an additional update. I would like to ask everyone, do you want to release the three updates at the same time, or release them in three parts? If it is divided into three times, the first two updates are at the same time, and the third update is at 7pm.

Please express your opinions using chapters here, and I will make statistics.

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