I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 130: Best Friends Competing for Favor (Third Update Monthly Ticket 300+)

Xia Chujian still looked aloof, only nodded slightly to Quan Caiwei, and then pointed to his throat.

Quan Caiwei already knew from Quan Yugui that this bodyguard would pretend to be mute in order not to reveal his secrets.

In fact, Quan Caiwei thinks it's good to pretend to be mute, since she doesn't have to be polite to others.

She had a perfunctory day yesterday and was really exhausted.

So she felt something in her heart, let go of her hand, and said to Xia Chujian, "Is your throat still healed?"

Xia Chujian pulled out the virtual display of the quantum optical brain and said openly that she was allergic and could not use her vocal cords for the time being.

Quan Caiwei hurriedly asked someone to get a mask for Xia Chujian and said, "This is a smart mask with high filtration function, which can prevent all pollen, dust, bacteria and viruses."

Xia Chujian was eager to put on a mask.

She was really worried that someone would recognize Su Buyu and expose her, and that would be the end of it.

Because of the arrival of "two good friends", Quan Caiwei has been staying with them, and Hui Yinong can't even squeeze in.

Fan Chengqi lives in another villa in Fan's territory.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the villa, he could see the situation in the living room of the opposite villa, which was the independent villa where Quan Caiwei lived.

He looked very ugly and asked Hui Yinong in a cold voice: "What is going on? Why did Quan Caiwei suddenly have two best friends?"

He raised his head and stared at Hui Yinong, with anger in his eyes: "Didn't you say that you are Quan Caiwei's only best friend?!"

Hui Yinong sat awkwardly in front of him and whispered: "...Chengqi, don't look at me like this... This is not my fault. I have never seen these two around Quan Caiwei." personal……"

"No? Then you don't know their names?" Fan Chengqi frowned and began to doubt this.

Hui Yinong shook his head.

Fan Chengcai came over with an annoyed look on his face and said, "Okay! Why did two best friends suddenly show up?!"

Hui Yinong's eyes dodge, not daring to look at the faces of the two brothers Fan Chengqi and Fan Chengcai.

Fan Chengqi took out a cigar and took a few puffs, blew out a smoke ring, squinted and said, "Go talk to them and ask who it is, so we can entertain them."

Hui Yinong hurriedly got up and went out.

She came to the living room of the villa opposite and saw Quan Caiwei and the two young women in noble clothes chatting.

The woman on her left is tall, has long black hair, and has a particularly cold and arrogant temperament.

The woman on the right of Quan Caiwei is slightly shorter, but still much taller than her, with short and cute hair.

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, occupied the position next to Quan Caiwei. Hui Yinong could not get close to Quan Caiwei at all.

A trace of annoyance flashed in her eyes, but a gentle smile appeared on her face, and she jokingly said to Quan Caiwei, "Caiwei, is this your new best friend? Why have I never seen her before?"

She deliberately used the word "new" to test the identities of these two people.

Quan Caiwei smiled: "Yinong, you are different from them. Of course you have never seen them."

"Oh? When you were at school, you were with me every day. Is there anyone I haven't seen?" Hui Yinong wanted to say something else.

Quan Caiwei interrupted her and said quietly: "You and I have only gone to school together for two years, but I have known them for more than ten years."

Hui Yinong's face turned pale, and she understood the implication of Quan Caiwei's words, which was to say that these two have been her friends since childhood. They are a sisterly relationship that is stronger than that of school best friends.

Xia Chujian raised his head and carefully observed Hui Yi Nong's expression.

The trace of annoyance that flashed in Hui Yinong's eyes just now did not escape her eyes.

Xia Chujian simply pulled out the virtual display screen and wrote on it: "Caiwei, who is this? I never heard you mention it."

Quan Caiwei was slightly startled, then funny, thinking that the bodyguard hired by her second cousin was very articulate.

They were despised by Hui Yinong just now, and now they are returning it.

Quan Caiwei coughed lightly and said with a smile, "This is my classmate in high school."

Xia Chujian wrote on the virtual display screen again: "...The surname is Hui? I thought it was Fan."

Hui Yinong's face turned even paler and she said awkwardly, "Young Master Fan is my fiancé."

Xia Chujian kept a straight face and continued to write: "Caiwei, why do you want to live in an unrelated fiancé's house? Is it because the Quan family has no place for you to live?"

Xia Chujian's words were simply provocative.

The favor is strong and urgent.

The Fan brothers hoped to entertain the noble ladies of the powerful family in the Fan territory. She didn't know how much hard work it took before Quan Caiwei agreed.

She must not let this "best friend" appear from nowhere and ruin her achievements!

Huiyi took a deep breath, used all her self-restraint, and said with a smile: "Caiwei wants to come to Guiyuanxing to relax, and I also happen to be here to visit my fiancé. I am embarrassed to live alone in my fiancé's house, That’s why I asked Caiwei to keep me company.”

"Furthermore, in order to entertain Caiwei, Fan specially prepared a villa for her and let the two of us live there..."

Before she finished speaking, Pingqiong clapped her hands and said, "Great! Caiwei, can we live with you? Since you have an independent villa for you to live alone?"

Quan Caiwei nodded: "Okay, but you two have to live in the room next to mine. I'm not used to sharing a room with others."

Hui Yinong became happy when she heard this.

Last night, she lived in the same bedroom as Quan Caiwei.

Of course, not a bed.

Quan Caiwei lives on the big bed in the master bedroom.

She was on the single bed by the window opposite the big bed.

But now, Quan Caiwei said that she was not used to sharing a room with others.

It turns out that in Quan Caiwei's heart, her "best friend" is more important!

Hui Yinong was happy, but Quan Caiwei turned around and smiled apologetically at her and said, "Yinong, since I have handed over my two handkerchiefs, you can go find your fiancé today without accompanying me. I don’t want to delay your time alone with your fiancé!”

Quan Caiwei also winked at Hui Yinong, looking like "I understand everything, you don't need to explain."

Only then did Hui Yinong understand that when Quan Caiwei said that she was "not used to sharing a room with others," what she really meant was that she didn't want Hui Yinong to live in the same room with her anymore!

Hui Yinong was so annoyed that she couldn't stay any longer and said awkwardly: "I'm going to check the schedule. Let's talk about this later..."

With that said, he ran away in a hurry.

Back at Fan Chengqi's villa, Hui Yinong said to the Fan brothers: "... Quan Caiwei doesn't want me to continue living with her, and has asked me to live with Chengqi."

She bit her lip and looked at Fan Chengqi with a pitiful look on her face.

Fan Chengcai looked at Hui Yinong with a serious face: "What happened? Why did Quan Caiwei suddenly not let you live with her?"

Hui Yinong didn't dare to say the reason at all. She just shook her head and said, "I really don't know..."

Fan Chengcai stared at Hui Yi Nong, wishing he could punch him.

Fan Chengqi was still more calm, raised his hand to stop Fan Chengcai, and said: "Don't be anxious, wait and see what happens."

Fan Chengcai took a deep breath and tried to suppress the tightness in his chest.

After lunch, Quan Caiwei went to visit a nearby royal palace with two newcomers.

Because they were accompanied by two new friends, not only the Fan brothers could no longer get in Quan Caiwei's luxury car, but even Hui Yinong could not get in.

Along the way, the Fan brothers and Hui Yinong were in the RV at the back, staring closely at the luxury RV in front.

When he arrived at the Royal Garden, Fan Chengcai walked a few steps quickly, caught up with Quan Caiwei, and said, "Caiwei, the peonies on Chi Jing Yun Shang here are about to bloom. I'll take you there."

As he spoke, he naturally stretched out his hand to shake Quan Caiwei's hand.

Quan Caiwei didn't react, but Xia Chujian stretched forward the parasol he was using as a walking stick, blocking it right between Fan Chengcai and Quan Caiwei.

So Fan Chengcai didn't hold Quan Caiwei's hand, but instead held the umbrella Xia Chujian stretched out.

Sensing something was wrong, Fan Chengcai subconsciously changed his grip to push and shook it hard.

Xia Chujian couldn't catch up in time, and was staggered by the strong push, and suddenly fell to the ground.

She raised her head and put on a human-faced hood. Her long, straight black hair was spread around her cheeks, making her white jade cheeks only as big as a palm.

Those bright black and white eyes looked over coldly, like two black crystal stones immersed in the ice water of an extremely cold place.

The chill in his eyes was almost palpable.

But her lips were strangely red, like polar fire.

The combination of extreme cold and heat gives her a different kind of charm.

Fan Chengcai suddenly felt hot all over his body, and the male desire to conquer naturally rose from the inside out.

He subconsciously walked a few steps quickly, stretched out his hand towards Xia Chujian who was on the ground, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm very strong, so I couldn't hold it back at once."

Xia Chujian ignored him at all. She got up and walked to Quan Caiwei with a cold face, turning her head and saying nothing.

Quan Caiwei glanced at her and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Xia Chujian pointed to his knee, indicating that it was broken.

Quan Caiwei nodded: "I have a good trauma spray there, I'll ask someone to get it."

She also has her own housekeeping team.

Fan Chengcai left in silence, and Hui Yinong came over and said apologetically: "Caiwei, I apologize to you and your friends on behalf of Second Young Master Fan. I'm sorry, we were rude. - By the way, Caiwei, you still You didn’t tell me your friend’s name.”

Quan Caiwei smiled and introduced Xia Chu and Heping Qiong respectively: "She is Su Silu, and she is Ying Wuxin."

Hui Yinong's face changed drastically: "...she...they are from the Su family?!"

Quan Caiwei: "Yeah."

She didn't say more, but Hui Yinong thought more.

What Quan Caiwei meant was that her real best friend could only be someone of the same class as her, so didn't she deserve it?

Hui Yinong returned to Fan Chengqi in despair.

Fan Chengqi saw that her face was ugly and he didn't know what happened, so he had to hand her a glass of juice.

Huiyi drank it in a strong breath and then said softly: "Those two are indeed Caiwei's handkerchief friends."

Fan Chengqi originally suspected that the two people were not so-called handkerchiefs at all, but when Hui Yinong said it, he was no longer convinced.

"Who are they?" Fan Chengcai also asked.

Hui Yinong's voice was very low: "...They are the Su family, Su Buyu and Ying Wuxin."

This is the third update, the monthly ticket is 300 for additional updates. Thank you all for your gifts!

I asked weakly, are there any more?


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