I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 138 The lives of civilians are also fate (second update)

Xia Chujian quickly notified Quan's security again: "Something happened to Lady Tulip. I'll go in first. You send female security in to deal with the aftermath."

Then he woke up his teammates: "It's time to work! Hurry up!"

It's a pity that during the Song and Ming Dynasties, Li Fu and Ping Qiong all fell into deep sleep.

Only Ye Shijie woke up first and looked at her blankly.

"Quick! Drive the aircraft to Lady Tulip's bedroom window!" Xia Chujian said while packing his weapons.

She wore the uniform of Quan's security, then put on the human-face hood of the previous Quan's security, carried her own Inquisitor No. 7 sniper, hung a submachine gun around her neck, and finally put a bullet on her waist. Belt and a pistol.

Ye Shijie suddenly came to his senses and immediately launched the aircraft. In less than a second, the aircraft was suspended outside Quan Caiwei's bedroom window.

The glass of that window had long been shattered into pieces by a high-efficiency armor-piercing bullet from Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian rushed to the aircraft door fully armed.

The aircraft door opened silently.

She jumped directly from the aircraft into the bedroom with the wide open window opposite.

The window glass of the bedroom had been shattered by Xia Chujian's sniper bullets. She entered through the window without difficulty.

After entering, Xia Chujian did not turn on the light immediately because he was worried about Fan Chengcai's accomplices and did not want to become a bright target.

So she just used the night vision ability of the helmet's eyepiece to walk in the bedroom, and soon came to Quan Caiwei's side.

Quan Caiwei fainted on the ground, her nightgown had been torn into pieces, leaving only a pair of small briefs on her body.

Xia Chujian sighed, picked up a blanket from the bed, and wrapped Quan Caiwei in it from head to toe.

In just a moment, Quan Caiwei's bedroom door was suddenly kicked open.

Someone held up two bright LED headlights and shone in, shouting: "Quan's security! Protect your daughter!"

The power of the lamp was so powerful that it could blind people's eyes with just one light.

It is extremely bright, and every detail within a radius of one hundred meters is visible.

Even if a hair falls on the ground, it can be clearly illuminated.

Fortunately, Xia Chujian was wearing a helmet and pulled down the mask to cover her entire face, which of course also protected her eyes.

But such a strong light made her wary.

Although the man called "Quan's Security", Xia Chujian still pulled out the pistol from his waist without hesitation, raised his hand and fired two shots, shattering the two LED headlights in the man's hand.

boom! boom!

The house, which was as bright as day just now, fell into brief darkness again.

Xia Chujian took advantage of this opportunity to hold Quan Caiwei wrapped in a blanket and rolled behind the curtains on the wall.

She opened the communication channel of Quan's security in the quantum light brain and said loudly: "Quan's security! You are all crazy! What are you doing?!"

After shouting, Xia Chujian hugged Quan Caiwei in the blanket and rolled to the other side of the curtain.

This is her habitual action as a sniper.

When a sniper performs a mission without cover, he must take one shot and then move to another place, otherwise he will become a target for others.

And in less than a second, bang bang bang gunfire sounded.

It turned out that those people who rushed in and called themselves "Quan's Security" actually fired directly in the direction where Xia Chujian had just shouted!

Is this really Quan's own security team? !

Xia Chu was angry.

Fortunately she changed positions, otherwise she would have been waiting to be shot!

These people actually want her and Quan Caiwei's lives!

Forget it about Quan Caiwei, she is the daughter of the Quan family anyway.

If this was an internal fight between the Quan family, wouldn't it be normal for her to be treated like this as a daughter of the Quan family?

But Xia Chu saw that she was not a noble girl!

He's not a member of the Quan family, and he doesn't have a family as prominent as the Quan family, so does he deserve to die in confusion among these powerful people?

She is also a living person!

Everyone has only one life, who is nobler than whom? !

When Xia Chu saw him, he no longer thought about it.

In the darkness, she let go of Quan Caiwei and knelt down on one leg, with murderous intent in her heart.

Without hesitation, he raised his submachine gun and fired a burst of fire at the group of "Quan's security guards" who had just rushed in to kill her!

Ta-ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta-ta!

The guns in those people's hands were only assault rifles, and they didn't expect the man opposite to be so fierce!

They had already protected their homes, claiming to be "Quan's security", but the woman still didn't hesitate to shoot!

Their reaction was a beat slow, and the assault rifles in their hands were far less rapid and decisive than the shooting speed of submachine guns.

So in less than a minute, Xia Chujian killed all the first batch of "Quan's security guards" who rushed in.

But when she was about to take Quan Caiwei out of the bedroom door, she heard sounds on the stairs and corridor.

It seems that there are still people running this way.

Considering those "Quan's security guards" with ulterior motives just now, Xia Chujian didn't dare to run towards the door at this time.

God knows how many traps there are in this building, and how many people are trustworthy...

She had no choice but to think of a window.

She would rather jump out of the second-story window than take the stairs.

Xia Chujian pulled down the curtains in the room, tied Quan Caiwei on her back, rushed to the window, and shouted at the team's still invisible aircraft: "Pull me in quickly!"

At this time, Song Mingqian, Li Fu and Ping Qiong were also awakened by Ye Shijie.

Before they could recover, they were urged by Ye Shijie to throw a rope ladder towards the bedroom window.

Xia Chujian hurriedly grabbed it and was about to climb up.

Li Fu felt his hand heavy and almost lost his grip, "Come and help! Xiaochu, why are you suddenly so heavy!"

Song Mingqian quickly gave him help, and the two of them worked together to pull Xia Chujian onto the aircraft.

As soon as she came in, she said breathlessly: "Sister Cai! Go to the storage room and untie the tulip!"

Only then did they realize that Xia Chujian was carrying someone on his back.

The man's head and feet were wrapped tightly in the blanket, and not even a hair could be seen.

Ping Qiong supported Xia Chujian and took the man on her back to the storage room.

At the same time, Ye Shijie quickly took off in the aircraft and flew towards Quan's main aircraft.

Xia Chujian took Quan Caiwei off her back in the storage room and checked Quan Caiwei's condition with Ping Qiong.

At this time, Quan Yugui's voice sounded in the team's aircraft: "Dark Night Hunter Team, we have received news that your people killed our security personnel and took Tulip hostage. Please hand over Tulip, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

When Xia Chujian heard this in the storage room, she was almost furious.

She rushed out quickly and said into the intercom: "Second Young Master Quan, I worked hard and risked my life to rescue people from your killers who are called 'Quan's security', but you actually beat me up! It's really amazing! You guys Is the Quan family fighting among themselves? Can you not involve us workers who are exchanging lives for money?"

Quan Yugui paused for a moment and then said, "...You didn't kidnap Tulip?"

"Use your brain! Why did I kidnap her?!" Xia Chujian felt that even if the Holy Temple Bodhisattva was here, he would be so angry with this guy that he would reincarnate immediately. "I'll say it again, Tulip is unconscious now, I don't know What kind of medicine did Fan Chengcai give her? You should find a doctor quickly, or it would be better to have a medical cabin!"

In Quan's large aircraft, Quan Yugui remained silent.

People from Quan's security reported that the Night Hunters' security had killed their man and took Quan Caiwei hostage.

But Xia Chujian said that Quan's security was trying to harm Quan Caiwei, and also mentioned Fan Chengcai...

Quan Yugui only thought about it for a second and felt that Xia Chujian's statement was more reliable.

He just took over Quan's security, and he didn't bother to take care of the various forces involved in it.

At this time, Xia Chujian said again: "I have a video of all the actions! I can send it to you later!"

At this moment, the balance in Quan Yugui's heart completely tilted towards the night hunter.

His extremely world-weary and decadent face showed a trace of cruelty: "Okay, if you play with me, the bad guy will complain first! - That's your second master Quan, I started playing with the rest when I was three years old!"

This is the second update. There will be an update at 0:50 p.m.

PS: I read a chapter that mentioned that fortunately the window is not bulletproof glass. This treasure, no matter what kind of bulletproof glass is not omnipotent... as long as you hit it a few times, it can be penetrated.

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