I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 191 Belonging (Second update, please vote for me!)

So that’s what happened.

Quan Youxun secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said pleasantly: "There is a part of the land that belongs to the royal plantation, but not all of it."

"Can the land that does not belong to the royal plantation be bought and sold?" Xia Chujian looked at Quan Yuxun with a look of interest.

Quan Yuxun smiled and thought, of course it is possible, but it is not something that ordinary people can get involved in.

He pondered: "First meeting, first of all, the amount of money involved in the empire's land sales is very huge."

"Secondly, Guiyuan Star's political status in the empire is a bit special, you know, right?"

Xia Chujian shook his head and said seriously: "I don't know, I don't understand politics."

Quan Yuxun laughed: "You are really sincere... Let me tell you roughly. More than five hundred years ago, our Beichen Empire was still an out-and-out imperial country. The emperor owned everything, including all planets, Population and Resources.”

"At that time, all political power also belonged to the imperial power."

"That is to say, the army, cabinet and senate are also under the imperial power."

"Then in a certain year more than five hundred years ago, the military, cabinet and Senate joined forces to compete with the royal family, forcing the royal family to give up part of its power, agree to a constitutional monarchy, and share political power with the military, cabinet and Senate."

"From that year on, the imperial power no longer held all political power in the Beichen Empire."

"The military, cabinet and Senate also have the confidence and strength to compete with the imperial power."

"The ownership of Guiyuan Star was also part of the game at that time."

"Although this planet is the most remote and backward, it is also the most special. It has some resources that other planets cannot match."

"The emperor's other powers can be shared peacefully, but he will never let go of this planet."

"But for the cabinet, the military and the Senate, if Guiyuanxing can't negotiate, then what's the point of talking about a constitutional monarchy?"

"Constitutional monarchy is to limit the imperial power, so we must not give in."

"Later, we still had to resort to war."

"After a bloody civil war, both sides lost millions of lives, and finally everyone was forced to sit down and negotiate, agreeing that Guiyuan Star should be jointly managed by the cabinet, the military and the royal family, but no nobles are allowed to intervene here."

Xia Chujian had been listening attentively, and then he said, "That's not right. Isn't that Fan a noble? On Guiyuan Star, one hand almost covers the sky."

Quan Yuxun smiled kindly and said: "Yes, so he perished."

Xia Chujian: "...But, the noble Fan family has also been on Guiyuan Star for hundreds of years, right?"

Quan Yuxun said: "The Fan family is a family born and raised in Guiyuan Planet. At the beginning, they were not nobles, but just citizens. More than five hundred years ago, there was a particularly outstanding member of the Fan family, who was the most outstanding member of the Senate. Man. Under his mediation, the Fan family, as the eyes and ears of the Senate, stayed in Guiyuan Planet and received the support of the Senate."

"Later, when the nobility quota was established, the elder of the Senate was naturally promoted. But because he was only a baron at the lowest level, and the Senate also needed its own eyes and ears to stay on the Return Planet, they turned a blind eye to the Fan family. Close one eye."

"The emperor didn't say anything at the time. The military and the cabinet also have their own interest representatives in Guiyuan Star, so everyone is just waiting and watching. As long as the Fan family oversteps, they can launch an attack."

"After the Fan family was promoted to the nobility, they were indeed very cautious and did not commit any adultery. As time went by, everyone let go of it."

"Until now, the Fan family has finally, through five hundred years of gradual encroachment, planned to dominate Guiyuan Star from top to bottom."

Xia Chujian suddenly realized: "That's why you couldn't tolerate it and just deprived them of their titles!"

Quan and Xun smiled and said nothing.

Xia Chujian added: "But now there is a new quota available. I heard that it can be given to other families?"

"Well, everyone is fighting for it, but even if you get this title, the fiefdom won't be on Guiyuan Star."

"I understand, the principle is like this, so even if the incident of Quan's noble daughter had not happened, Fan would not have lived to celebrate the New Year. In this way, you have pulled out the nails of the nobility from Guiyuan." Xia Chujian nodded.

Quan Yuxun thought to himself that the Fan family had never been a thorn in the side of the nobility. Of course, there was no need for him to mention this to Xia Chujian.

This little girl is still too young and her background is too low, and she has no chance to see how dirty the politics under the imperial power are...

After Xia Chujian finished speaking, he asked sincerely: "But what does this have to do with me buying land?"

Quan Yuxun said at this time: "What I mean is that Guiyuan Star is now jointly managed by the military, cabinet, Senate and royal family. The Senate controls Luoxu Prefecture, and the Cabinet has great power in Dafu County. Mulan The city is directly under the cabinet. As for the royal family, it mainly controls Fenghai City, as well as the plantations outside Mulan City, which are owned by the royal family and will not be sold to the outside world."

What Xia Chujian is most interested in is the fertile land south of Mulan City, but unfortunately...

She had no choice but to give up this idea, frowned and asked, "The forest of strange beasts to the north also belongs to the royal family?"

Quan Yuxun shook his head: "No, the Alien Beast Forest belongs to the state and is currently jointly managed by the military, cabinet, Senate and royal family."

“What does condominium mean?”

"Everyone has jurisdiction, and no one party is allowed to take it as their own. To put it bluntly, it belongs to the state and does not belong to the private property of the royal family."

"Where are the things inside? We hunters often go hunting... Is it legal to hunt inside?" Xia Chujian thought of their mission and the good things they got from inside, such as the blood unicorn and the sky. Sang or something.

Quan Yuxun said: "Since it is owned by the state, of course, as long as you are a citizen of our Beichen Empire, you can go in and hunt. It's just that life and death are determined by fate and wealth. If you die there, you can't find anyone responsible."

Xia Chujian: "...Oh, that's pretty much it."

Quan Yuxun said calmly: "So, if you want to buy land, it is not impossible. The royal family mainly controls the plantation south of Mulan City, which is the most fertile primitive land on the entire Guiyuan Planet."

Xia Chujian let out a listless "Hmm": "You mean, I don't even want to think about the land south of Mulan City."

"At present, the difficulty is not that great." Quan Yuxun sighed slightly, "Even our four nobles have avoided his edge. You, a little commoner, don't really want to compete with the royal family, right?"

Xia Chujian's eyes flashed slightly and he said, "The four great nobles all avoid their sharp edges, right?"

"Huh? What do you say?"

"...That Rishi is also one of the four nobles, right?"


"Rich Pharmaceuticals is Ritchie's industry, right?"


"Rice Pharmaceuticals is the only one in Mulan City." Xia Chujian remembered what happened to her aunt and became angry again, "They are such a shady employer. Seeing that my aunt was sick, they quietly fired her! We were left without any Medical insurance, I have to sell my house to pay for my aunt’s medical bills!”

Quan Yuxun said: "Do you want to sue Ritchie Pharmaceuticals? If you want, I can introduce you to a lawyer who is very good in this field."

Xia Chujian shook his head and said angrily: "Who has the spare money to do this? To file a lawsuit with Ritchie Pharmaceuticals is not only too much money, but also too long."

Quan Yuxun smiled, "Then what do you mean?"

"What I mean is..." Xia Chujian took a deep breath, "Since Li's can use Li's pharmaceuticals to infiltrate Mulan City in Guiyuan Planet, have you Quan ever thought about having a presence in Mulan City as well? Woolen cloth?"

Quan Yuxun narrowed his eyes.

The Quan clan also has a presence on Guiyuan Planet, but like the Lee clan, it is through business interests rather than superficial political interests.

However, since the Quan family's fiefdom and family headquarters are on Zangge planet, their presence on Guiyuan planet can be ignored. They only have a chain hotel in Dafu County, the capital of Guiyuan planet.

Mulan City, on the surface, is directly under the cabinet, but in fact it is still forbidden by the royal family.

The cabinet had tried to use other methods to control it, but they were all quietly squeezed out by the royal family and Li Shi.

In this case, can they, the Quan family, try other methods? For example, find an agent who doesn't show off or reveal anything?

Quan Yuxun's mind turned away.

It's not that they haven't thought of the agent method before, but the price is too high.

Because once the other party betrays them, the blow to their Quan family will be huge.

So they never tried.

But now, he vaguely felt that Xia Chujian had given him an excellent opportunity.

He even felt that there was no need to worry about the other party's betrayal.

And even if he betrayed him, with his size, he would not arouse the royal family's suspicion at all.

Of course, this also depends on what Xia Chujian wants to buy land for.

Quan Yuxun became cautious, sat up straight, and said to Xia Chujian: "Now back to the first point, buying and selling land in the Beichen Empire is very expensive."

"You should know that for the houses purchased by ordinary people now, even if the mortgages are paid off, they still have to pay property taxes to the government every year. Half of all property taxes have to be turned over to the royal treasury."

This is how imperial power demonstrates its presence.

"Why are nobles so sought after? Because nobles have fiefs. The nobles' fiefs are hereditary and do not need to pay real estate taxes."

"Ordinary civilians and citizens have to buy out ownership when buying and selling land, which is very expensive. They also have to pay taxes."

Xia Chujian hesitated, she really didn't know this.

"...how expensive is that?"

"It also depends on the location. For example, in a particularly deserted place that has no commercial value and needs a lot of development and infrastructure construction, one hectare may only cost one million Beichen coins."

"As for fertile places, such as those suitable for farming in the south of Mulan City, one hectare may cost one billion or even tens of billions of Beichen coins. - Except for the royal family who already owns these lands, any other person or force who wants to carry out When buying and selling land, you have to pay a price that no one wants to pay.”

Xia Chujian knew that he had been hasty.

All the money I had was not enough to buy an acre of barren hills.

She took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and said disappointedly: "Forget it, I'm just saying, it seems that it's not that others haven't thought of these money-making ideas, but that these ideas have no practical value."

Quan Yuxun changed the topic at this time and said, "You haven't told me yet, why do you want to buy land?"

Xia Chujian lowered her eyes and whispered: "I do it for my aunt. She wants to do a reproductive assistance studio and also uses natural medicinal materials. I just thought that if I buy a piece of land and grow my own medicinal materials, I can guarantee a stable supply. ?"

Quan Yuxun said "Oh" and said with a smile: "If that's the case, it's not impossible."

"...What do you mean? I don't have that much money." Xia Chujian spread his hands and asked curiously.

Quan Yuxun said: "I can lend you money and be your biggest creditor. As long as you don't want to buy thousands of hectares of land, our Quan family can still provide financial support."

Xia Chu saw that he immediately became energetic: "Are you really willing to lend me money?"

"Tell me which land you like."

This is the second update. Continue to ask for all kinds of votes, my dear friends, please vote for whatever you can vote for!

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Third update at 1 p.m.

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