I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 501 Whimsical (Second update, please vote for me)

Xia Chujian is not a stubborn person.

She doesn't like to do things she knows are impossible.

To her, that was not noble, but foolish.

If there are no conditions for doing something, you need to create the conditions first and then execute it.

Instead of insisting on hitting the wall despite clearly not having the conditions.

It’s okay to hit yourself with a bloody head, but you also want to risk the lives of others. What’s wrong with that? !

After Xia Chujian finished speaking, his eyes slowly passed over everyone in the warehouse hall on the bottom floor of the five airships.

"If you don't agree, I won't force you. I'm going back anyway."

At this time, Sun Jiahao and Li Dali, the Marines of the Fourth Star Fleet, immediately said: "Let's follow the captain!"

"If the captain says we should withdraw, we will withdraw! And this battle is indeed impossible to fight!"

"Let us fight, it will be cannon fodder to die!"

After listening to what Sun Jiahao and Li Dali said, the five hundred survivors of the First Star Fleet all looked ugly.

Because these survivors remembered their commander Chu Qingchen.

He didn't say a word to them to retreat, but forced them to "fight to the bitter end"!

Fang Ping had a complicated look on his face and whispered: "But Captain Xia, those Shang and Haidagon, their target is our Beichen Empire. Now that we are here, can't we find a way to catch them all?!"

Another more excited Marine also said: "Facing a group of thugs who have already planned to come to your house to occupy your house and eat your family, do you still have to talk to them about morality?!"

Xia Chujian admires their courage and determination, but she is a commander and cannot direct the battle based on the bravery of ordinary men.

Now that the lives of fifteen thousand people were in her hands, she had to be cautious.

Xia Chujian's tone was indifferent and he said calmly: "I completely agree with what you said."

"I understand these soldiers and Haidagon better than you. If they invade our country, what bad luck will happen to our family and friends!"

"I don't think they can take a preemptive strike before they invade and fire the first shot!"

"But the premise is, do we have the conditions and means to preemptively strike?"

"Even if we take all 15,000 of our lives, can we kill the other side's 40,000 soldiers and 50,000 Haidagon?!"

Xia Chujian glanced at them and said in a deep voice: "More importantly, I have discovered that the weapons in the hands of these warriors and Haidagon have been gradually upgraded."

"To tell you the truth, I have killed 10,000 soldiers and 10,000 Haidagon in Antarctica."

"I won't go into details about the specific process, because it was a complete coincidence, which allowed me to take advantage of a loophole."

"At that time, the weapons in the hands of the Shang and Haidagon were not as advanced as the three sneak attacks now."

"The rifles in the hands of the Antarctic soldiers are old-fashioned Type 37 rifles, which have been obsolete by our country for 90 years."

"The range of this kind of gun is not far, and the explosive power and impact of the bullets are not strong. Our conventional mechas can completely withstand it and there will be no damage at all."

"But you also saw the weapons in the hands of the three groups of Shang and Haidagon who attacked just now..."

"That's the latest weapon produced by the Cimanelli Federation!"

"They are in the same range as the new weapons produced by our Beichen Empire Zong's Military Industry and Imperial Heavy Industry."

"What if the weapons in the hands of the more than 40,000 remaining soldiers and the 50,000 Haidagon are more advanced?"

"What if they even get hold of a batch of space-based weapons?!"

"Then even if we return to the Star Cruiser, we may not be able to return smoothly!"

"So at this time, we can no longer hesitate and return quickly!"

"When we return to the Beichen Empire, we will report the entire situation to the military."

"If you still want to participate in the war again, register with the military when the time comes."

As a commander, Xia Chujian actually didn't need to explain in such detail.

It's an army again, so you can just give orders to your subordinates.

But this is the first time she has commanded so many people, and her position as commander is self-appointed and not a power granted by the real military.

Therefore, she still patiently explained to these people.

This explanation took her ten minutes.

But within these ten minutes, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

On the display screen of her eyepiece, Qilu quickly typed a series of naughty graffiti fonts.

[Qilu]: Master, run! The large forces of Shang and Haidagon have arrived!

[Qilu]: Master, it’s too late! Qilu has directly controlled the airship!

Just after reading these two lines, the five interstellar airships suddenly vibrated at the same time, and then accelerated violently, causing everyone in the airship to stagger, obviously being made unstable by the sudden inertia.

Xia Chujian's face was ashen.

She knew that the balance and gravity systems in this starship were perfect.

No matter how fast the speed is, this phenomenon should not occur unless the speed has exceeded the expected fluctuation range.

She quickly turned off the intercom, cut off the internal communication system, and her figure disappeared from the virtual display.

Xia Chujian stood in front of the main console in his captain's room and said angrily: "Qilu! What are you doing?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire interstellar airship was shaken again, as if it was lifted up by something, and then fell down again.

Qi Lu had no time to explain, so he only projected the situation outside on the physical display screen rising in front of Xia Chujian.

This is the largest physical display screen in the captain's cabin, three meters long and one meter high.

Xia Chujian's eyes widened suddenly.

She saw a huge pit appearing less than ten meters in front of their airship!

Thick black smoke came out of the pit, and eventually even formed a mushroom cloud!

That was the scene after a large-yield bomb exploded!

So if Qilu hadn't maneuvered the airship in time to avoid it, the bomb would have fallen on their airship.

Xia Chujian raised his eyes and saw a tank-like spaceship approaching rapidly in the distance as far as the eye could see.

"Qilu, what is that?!"

"Master! That's the floating fort of the Southern Cross Principality!"

"Equipped with high-energy rockets, missiles, electromagnetic rail guns, and energy shields!"

Immediately after this huge floating turret, more and more floating turrets appeared.

They line up like a torrent of steel from far to near!

Xia Chujian's eyes suddenly turned black.

Did what she just said come true?

Shang and Haidagon, do they really have more advanced weapons? !

Xia Chujian didn't even think about how those modern weapons came to this harsh, primitive and backward planet.

She only had one problem on her mind: the mecha was dead.

Because those conventional mechas of the marines were far different from her Shao Si Ming mechas.

Her mecha itself can be used as a turret, equipped with an electromagnetic gun, but those conventional mechas cannot...

The only way to use weapons like electromagnetic guns for bombardment is to use fighter planes, star fighter planes!

The mechas on them were originally switched from star fighter aircraft.

Just switch back.

It's easy to control a mecha, but it's not so easy to drive a star fighter.

Otherwise, there would be no Star Fighter pilots. There are so few people in the Star Fleet and their status is so aloof.

And even if these marines now have the potential to fly star fighter aircraft, they do not have time to learn and become familiar with them.

Not to mention flying a fighter plane to fight immediately...

If you make a little mistake, it will lead to the destruction of the machine and the death of people.

But instead of using star fighters, they only use mechas, which are just to deliver food to the opponent's floating turret.

Xia Chujian's mind was in a mess, and one thought after another appeared.

In a short time, the dense group of floating turrets ahead had narrowed the distance.

Xia Chujian said subconsciously: "Qilu, can the airship take off quickly and return to the star cruiser?"

Qilu's childlike voice was slightly trembling as he said, "Master, the enemy has set up a laser defense system near the atmosphere."

"As long as we break through the atmosphere, we will immediately be locked by the opponent's laser air defense system..."

Xia Chujian's eyes widened: "What are you talking about?! Shang and Haidagon have laser defense systems deployed in the atmosphere?!"

"When was it set up?! How could they control such advanced weapons?!"

At this time, Qilu's childlike voice was full of annoyance and said, "Master, do you still remember the radar system on that small island in Antarctica?"

Xia Chujian nodded blankly, "Remember...it wasn't Haidagon's? It was said that there was insufficient energy, so it was not turned on...it was used as a decoration."

Qilu said: "That's not a decoration! It's not a radar either!"

"That's a global laser defense system disguised as radar!"

"There is it in the Antarctic, and it is also in the North Pole!"

"Now the two systems are activated at the same time, and the airspace of the entire planet has been blocked!"

"We can't get out unless we kill them!"

"Master! It's Qilu's fault! Qilu didn't notice it! Otherwise, he would have told the master to destroy those devices!"

Xia Chujian was also upset at this time.

Careless, careless!

She really thought that Haidagon didn't care and didn't know how to use these modern devices. He even refused to turn them on because of insufficient energy, so she didn't take it to heart at all.

Qilu was not asked to carefully scan and test those devices...

But it's too late to regret now.

Xia Chujian never gets into trouble and never blames himself too much.

Forget it if you think about it. Now that the matter has come to this, let’s think about remedial measures.

Xia Chujian's mind was spinning rapidly and he said, "Qilu, how many star fighters can you control at the same time?"

She still remembered the time when Qilu controlled her and her roommate's four star fighter planes at the same time when they entered the asteroid belt.

Qilu's childlike voice was obviously confused. He seemed surprised that Xia Chujian asked such a question and said: "...it depends on how to control it. Generally speaking, based on the bandwidth of the network connection, how fast the network is, I You can control as many star fighters as you want."

This is obviously not possible.

Because they are on this planet and do not have a globally connected star network system.

A temporary base station erected entirely on the starship itself.

Xia Chujian said again: "Then do you have a fixed procedure for controlling the star fighter?"

"What I mean is, if you can copy the program for controlling starry sky fighters into those starry sky fighters, can you upgrade their mechanical intelligence to achieve complete autonomous driving?"

"It would be best to use voice for simple control, but the basic driving functions of the entire fighter plane, such as takeoff, combat, evasion and landing, are all controlled by mechanical intelligence?"

Xia Chujian knew that he was a little whimsical, but at this time, if they didn't have whims, they might not be able to escape.

This is the second update. Third update at 1 p.m. Dear friends, hurry up and cast your monthly votes!

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