I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 510 I also have a conscience (Second update, please vote for me)

Xia Chujian: "..."

"You mean, Chu Jingchen knows what's going on here? What about them?"

Hui Zhifeng said calmly: "We're going to Antarctica."

"There are long-lived flying fish in Antarctica. Chu Qingchen has the coordinates early in the morning."

"Moreover, it seems that the Shang people or Haidagon here have his internal agents."

"His news is always one step ahead of others."

Xia Chujian was truly surprised at this time.

She frowned and said, "You mean, Chu Jingchen knew where the Wanshou Feiyu was all along, deliberately stopped near the equator, and deliberately let the five thousand Star Marines of the First Star Fleet die?!"

Hui Zhifeng said "Yeah": "That should be the case. But I figured it out later."

"The four of them went to Antarctica, but I didn't go. I had no shame."

Hui Zhifeng turned his head and wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

Xia Chujian looked at him coldly and said lightly: "You are a noble, right?"

Hui Zhifeng nodded.

"Are you going to feel bad for those Star Marines who died?"

Hui Zhifeng suddenly burst out: "I am a human being too! I also have a conscience!"

"Seeing them being sent to die on purpose, you think I'm going to be fine!"

"When I close my eyes, I see the tragedy of that day!"

"If it is possible……"

Xia Chujian immediately said, "If possible, would you report Chu Jingchen and the others?"

Hui Zhifeng's eyes darkened, he shook his head and said, "It's useless...it's useless to report it."

"They will soon get the Wanshou Feiyu, and they will leave here and rise rapidly in the military headquarters, like a fish in water."

Xia Chujian snorted softly, thinking about the face-scanning device Qilu made. They must be able to open the smart door lock to find out...

Of course, it is not easy for them to find that location.

She still has a lot of Crocodile Dragons there...

There are also many mutated sea beasts, which are not accessible to ordinary people.

I don’t know if Chu Jingchen really knows everything, or if he is also confused...

But there is no need to tell Hui Zhifeng this.

Xia Chujian continued to ask: "Where did Chu Qingchen get the coordinates of the South Pole?"

Hui Zhifeng said: "The military sent several rounds of people here. The last operation was a month ago."

"They landed directly in Antarctica."

Xia Chujian suddenly realized.

This time she understood why the female Marine had the coordinates.

That female soldier was one of the Marines who came to perform a mission last time.

Then they were all betrayed...

The fire in Xia Chujian's heart burned again.

Her tone turned cold: "Okay, you want to atone for your sins, right? Come back with me and join the battle together!"

Hui Zhifeng frowned: "...What kind of battle? How many of you are still alive?"

Xia Chuqian snorted: "You'll know when you see it."

She said no more and drove Hui Zhifeng's aircraft back as fast as lightning.

She has compromised arctic laser defenses and guidance systems.

This defense and guidance system covering the entire planet is a whole.

She destroyed half of it, and the whole system was paralyzed.

The air supremacy of Shang and Haidagon should be gone, right? !

Even if they have floating turrets and various fighter planes, without precise guidance, they cannot even achieve 10% of the effect...

It took Xia Chujian half an hour to come and an hour to go back.

Because the speed of this aircraft is only half as fast as her Shao Si Ming Mecha.

But because when she returned, she had already destroyed the last support of Shang and Haidagon, so the battle ahead should have been eased.

So an extra half hour doesn't matter.

When Xia Chujian left the battlefield, the war was in full swing.

There are more than 15,000 star fighter aircraft, facing the indiscriminate bombing of more than 70,000 Harrier fighters, Hawkeye fighters and Eagle fighters, and often being interfered by magnetic fields, they are indeed at a disadvantage.

In that half hour, Xia Chu saw that there were more than 15,000 starry sky fighters here, and one-third of the number had been reduced, leaving only 10,000 starry sky fighters still struggling to support themselves.

But half an hour later, the magnetic field distortion that appeared from time to time on the battlefield suddenly disappeared.

The shooting accuracy of the opponent's ground fighters has plummeted. Not only are most of them unable to hit their star fighters, but they often hit their own ground fighters.

Mao Yonggui and others were overjoyed and quickly divided their troops into columns and began to counterattack.

They knew that Xia Chujian must have succeeded!

She must have succeeded in destroying the global laser defense and guidance systems here!

Therefore, the shooting accuracy of the opponent's fighter plane suddenly became so poor, and it even hit their own fighter plane from time to time!

The captain is definitely on his way back!

Everyone was in high spirits, cooperated with each other, and played vigorously.

Thirty minutes later, just half an hour before Xia Chujian came back, they actually wiped out all the more than 70,000 ground fighters of the Shang and Haidagon!

Xia Chujian had already contacted Mao Yonggui and the others through Hui Zhifeng's aircraft public channel.

"Captain! We won! We really won!"

"I can't believe it! They have more than 70,000 fighter planes! The ratio is one to five!"

"Captain, did you succeed?!"

Xia Chu was also very happy to see him, and said with a smile: "Congratulations! You are great!"

"I'm proud of you!"

"I just made a small contribution and destroyed half of the other party's system."

"But as long as half of it is destroyed, the other party's entire system will be destroyed."

Such sophisticated instruments and equipment can completely fail to work if a small circuit error occurs.

Not to mention she destroyed half the system.

Xia Chujian said: "Now let's gather everyone urgently and prepare to return!"

"We have to go!"

Now that the laser defense system in the atmosphere is destroyed, they can take the starship and return to the star cruiser in the outer atmosphere.

Although Xia Chujian still misses the longevity flying fish in Antarctica, he also understands the importance.

Compared with everyone’s lives, Wanshou Feiyu is not that important.

And she also had a strange mentality. She always felt that she didn't want to let the military get the last three longevity flying fish...

Xia Chujian was excited and wanted to return to her companions right away.

Hui Zhifeng could not close his mouth when he heard this: "Isn't it right?! You really had a decisive battle with Shang and Haidagon?!"

"Fifteen thousand of you defeated the opponent's more than 70,000 fighter planes?! - This is impossible!"

Xia Chujian was in a good mood and didn't agree with him, so he said, "It's impossible, you'll know if you go and take a look."

In the public communication channel of Hui Zhifeng's aircraft, Chu Qingjuan said happily: "This group has been smashed and cleaned up!"

"We have to go back to the airship to repair it!"

"I'm all hungry!"

Mao Yonggui said calmly: "We have also sacrificed more than five thousand comrades. We have to clean up and see if we can find their identity plates."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Although victory was achieved, the sacrifices were also huge.

She felt a little down again.

Hui Zhifeng was bored for a long time before murmuring: "...It's already amazing. This battle loss ratio, even if we get the entire interstellar fleet, it will still be in the top three, and it is even possible to sit two behind."

Xia Chujian said angrily: "What are you talking about?! With half the battle damage rate, you still sit back and watch?! Your brain is flooded!"

Hui Zhifeng said: "Marines are not included in the battle damage rate. As long as our twenty students coming out of the base have no battle damage, you will win with zero battle damage rate!"

Xia Chujian couldn't help but feel weird: "I already have zero battle loss rate, and I'm still not number one? - How did you rank?"

Hui Zhifeng said: "In the history of Starfleet, there have been several battles with zero battle loss rate. Everyone has zero battle loss rate, which is more than the number of survivors."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She only has twenty people, which is certainly not comparable to the thousands of survivors.

It's really flattering to say that she sits and looks at each other.

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and he was about to laugh at himself when he suddenly heard the panicked voices of Mao Yonggui and others on the public communication channel.

"Why are there another fighter plane?!"

"This batch is a star fighter?!"

"Most of them are ghost-level star fighters!"

"Captain, don't come back!"

Then there was a rustling sound of electricity, as if electromagnetic interference appeared again.

Xia Chu felt nervous and shouted hurriedly: "Pretending to be a second lieutenant? Pretending to be a second lieutenant?"

"Second Lieutenant Chu?"

"Second Lieutenant Chen?"

She called several people she knew, but no one answered her.

At this time Qilu typed a line on her eyepiece display.

[Qilu]: Master, the connection is interrupted, they can't hear the master's call.

Xia Chujian was so anxious that he couldn't help but desperately increase the speed of the aircraft.

With Qilu's assistance, he suddenly increased his speed from the previous five hundred miles per minute to six hundred miles per minute.

On the battlefield at this moment, Mao Yonggui looked desperately at the fighter planes coming from the opposite side again. He was about to die with the opponent, but he found that those fighter planes were passing through him like ghosts.

His own fighter plane was unscathed, but the fighter plane rushing over from the opposite side was like a bubble, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Mao Yonggui took a long breath.

Only then did she realize that what was rushing over from the opposite side was not a real fighter plane at all, but a large-scale virtual image!

But she didn't understand why such a phantom suddenly appeared on the battlefield!

While she was complaining, she suddenly realized that there was a problem with the electronic components of her fighter plane.

Not only are many weapons launching equipment unable to operate normally, but even the air balance of fighter planes cannot be maintained.

Seeing his fighter plane falling rapidly, Mao Yonggui switched his fighter plane into a mecha and hurriedly called the starry sky marines in his charge: "Switch! Switch to mecha quickly!"

At this time, only by switching the star fighter to a mecha can we get rid of this sudden technical failure.

Because this fault is caused by the balance function of the fighter plane, it is a software obstacle and has nothing to do with the hardware.

Switching to mecha means changing the software control, which can solve this problem.

But then she discovered that her communication with other fighters on her side was interrupted.

She couldn't contact other fighters, and of course she couldn't speak on the public communication channel.

The same thing happened to Chu Qingjuan, Sang Yadi, Chen Yansheng, Lin Xiaoxiao, Xu Teng, and eight other base students.

They all switched to mechas to avoid the bad luck of the fighter plane crashing.

This is the second update, please vote for me!

Third update at 1pm!

Three updates for three days in a row! Broken record~~~o(╥﹏╥)o

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