I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 531 Our Hero (Second Larger Chapter, Monthly Pass)

Chapter 531 Our Hero (Second Larger Chapter, Monthly Pass+)

Xia Chujian followed Meng Guanghui to Huo Yushen's bat fighter.

Meng Guanghui took her directly to Huo Yushen's office on the fighter plane.

This is not the first time Xia Chujian has come here.

But this time, when I came to this place again, thinking about what I experienced in Morizawa Star, it felt like a lifetime ago.

Huo Yushen sat behind his desk and looked at Xia Chujian.

In less than a week, she lost a lot of weight.

It seems that this task is indeed not that simple.

On the way here, Huo Yushen had already read all Xia Chujian's files at the base.

Also watched their last special military mission.

When he saw that the mission location was Morizawa Star, Huo Yushen frowned.

He knew a little bit about that place.

Strictly speaking, students and marines who are not genetic evolvers should not be allowed to go.

But Huo Yushen has been away from the frontline troops for three years. He doesn't know if there are any other changes in Morizawa Star, nor what recent actions the military has taken.

Since Xia Chujian is already a member of the military, no matter what mission he performs, it is the right thing to do.

The only prerequisite is whether she has the ability to perform this task.

If the other party knew that she didn't have the ability and still sent her there, it would be a complete frame-up.

Huo Yushen looked at Xia Chujian with cold eyes and waited quietly for her to complain.

Xia Chujian also felt that she had a lot to say, but she was so confused now that she didn't know where to start.

She hesitated even more when she saw Huo Yushen sitting there, with a frosty face and an indifference that could repel people thousands of miles away.

Xia Chujian blinked and said with a smile: "Thank you Huo Shuai for coming to save me! I can't thank you enough! I salute you!"

With that said, he really saluted Huo Yushen.

Huo Yushen looked at her expressionlessly, without giving her a chance to change the subject, and asked directly: "What's going on with this operation? What's going on with the accusations against you by the execution brigade of the General Logistics Department?"

This hit the nail on the head, even if she wanted to fool her.

Xia Chujian sighed: "It's a long story. Huo Shuai, can you let me sit down and talk?"

This long conversation made Meng Guanghui on the side dumbfounded.

However, he still asked the robot guard guarding the door to bring a chair to Xia Chujian and place it opposite Huo Yushen's desk.

Huo Yushen glanced at him, but didn't blame him for taking matters into his own hands.

Meng Guanghui knew that Huo Yushen also allowed it, so he also pulled up a stool, sat next to Xia Chujian, and said eagerly: "Speak quickly! What's going on?"

He looked like he wanted to hear a story.

The corner of Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, but she still planned to be concise and to the point.

She said: "The last mission of this special training at Kanli Star Flight Base is this special military mission. It is said that as long as you come back alive, your military rank will be upgraded to a big level."

"But we didn't know until the day of the mission that we were going to a planet called Morisawa Planet to capture an animal called the Wanshou Flying Fish."

While listening, Huo Yushen called up Morizawa Xing's information.

He frowned and said, "This is an ownerless planet. After undergoing major changes more than 10,000 years ago, all humans on it were extinct."

"The planet is still filled with high concentrations of nuclear radiation and is not suitable for ordinary people to live in."

He glanced at Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian is an ordinary person, not a genetic evolver.

Of course, relying on the protection of the mecha, she can avoid being harmed by nuclear radiation.

But if the mecha is damaged and nuclear radiation penetrates all the way, it doesn't matter who she is...

This mission is a trap.

Huo Yushen looked away from the information and looked at Xia Chujian.

He looked at her calmly, and turned on the detector in the room to scan Xia Chujian's body.

After making sure there was no nuclear radiation left on her body, she turned off the detector.

Xia Chujian didn't realize it. He was already over the moon and said angrily: "Huo Shuai, leader, you don't know! What kind of human tragedy we saw after we went there!"

She talked about the two thousand male and female Star Marines she met when she first arrived, pointed out the name "Rong Zhongruo" emphatically, and added: "...This is the first time I have heard this name."

As Xia Chujian told, Meng Guanghui became more and more angry, but he didn't say anything. He just punched Huo Yushen's desk with a bang.

Huo Yushen's expression was still cold, but deep in his eyes, a trace of deep pain and coldness flashed.

His sitting posture is still upright and standard, like a famous sword hidden in a sheath.

Xia Chujian continued: "...Now that I've met him, of course I won't pretend I didn't see him."

"Although this is not my mission, I can't ignore those Shang and Haidagon's ambitions!"

At this point, Su Buyan had already arrived at Huo Yushen's bat fighter.

He rang the doorbell outside.

Huo Yushen raised his hand to stop Xia Chujian from continuing and said, "Master Su is here, please wait a moment."

Then he said to Meng Guanghui: "You go outside to guard, wait for Quan and Xun to come in, and then let him in together."

"If Zong Ruoan comes too, let him wait outside."

Xia Chujian: "..."

This is when she doesn't exist...

Don't you even ask her?

After all, they came here because of her. Isn't this too rude?

Xia Chujian looked a little uncomfortable.

Huo Yushen glanced at her, as if he knew what she was thinking, and said calmly: "The Ji family and the eldest princess who married into the Zong family are very close..."

Meng Guanghui also said: "The baronesses of Ji's generation are from a distant branch of Li's family."

When he said this, Xia Chujian immediately understood.

It seems that the Ji family has a good relationship with Zong family and Li family. No wonder Ji Nabi and Ji Shunliang are so arrogant.

And since she first killed Ji Nabi and then had a problem with Ji Shunliang, it was really not suitable for Zong Ruoan to come in and listen to her "Morizawa Star Killing Record".

There are some words that Huo Yushen can listen to, Su Wuyan can listen to, and even Quan Yuxun can listen to them.

But Zong Ruoan is hard to say.

Xia Chujian nodded: "Thank you Huo Shuai for clearing up the confusion."

Meng Guanghui walked to the door, opened the door of Huo Yushen's office, and asked Su Wuyan to come in.

Su Buyan nodded towards Meng Guanghui and strode inside.

As soon as he saw Xia Chujian, he looked up and down and said with concern: "Chujian, are you okay?"

Meng Guanghui walked outside and was about to close the door when he saw Quan and Xun walking from the corridor.

Of course Huo Yushen allowed Su Wuyan, Quan and Xun to enter Huo Yushen's bat fighter.

Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to get even within a ten-mile radius of the Bat-type fighter.

Meng Guanghui quickly asked Quan Yuxun to come in, then closed the office door and stood guard in front of the door.

Xia Chujian turned around and saw not only Su Wuyan coming, but also Quan and Xun walking in behind him.

The first meeting in Xia was really awkward.

At that time, she just wanted to find someone to save her, but she thought it was not safe to find just one person.

If someone happened to be in an emergency and couldn't leave, wouldn't she fall into a ditch?

So she almost sent out a rescue text message.

The idea was that as long as one person came in time, she would be saved.

She really didn't expect that all these people would come, and they would come very quickly...

To have power (cross out) and money (cross out) is amazing!

She wants it too!

Seeing this moment, Xia Chu felt a burning fighting spirit in his heart.

She smiled generously at Su Buyan and said, "Master Su, don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you!"

"I brought a lot of crocodile dragon skins, Haidagon skins, and... some distribution maps of mineral deposits."

When she said the last sentence, she gave Quan Yuxun a meaningful look.

Quan Yuxun raised his eyebrows, remembering what Xia Chu said before they met, "negotiate a business deal with him." Is this it?

He thought, is the Quan family still short of mineral resources?

But when Xia Chu saw his kindness, he understood it.

Quan Yuxun smiled gently and harmlessly and said, "Lieutenant Xia, I feel relieved when I see you are well."

"I was so frightened that I broke into a cold sweat when I received your text message..."

"You said you were just going to attend a training camp, so why did you end up working with the General Logistics Department?"

Quan, Xun and Su Buyan sat down next to Xia Chujian while talking.

Huo Yushen: "...".

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched and said, "Chief Quan made it sound like I was the one provoking him, but in fact it's the opposite."

"I just came back from the mission and was blocked by Major Ji with so many fighters, cruisers and aircraft."

"When you open your mouth, you will label me, shout to beat me and kill me, and then ask for my trophy - Longevity Flying Fish."

"Am I someone who just sits there and waits for death? - I must resist!"

"Whether it's a fight to the death or a fight to the death, I'll be with you no matter what!"

Su Buyan twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "...You didn't do anything, did you?"

Xia Chujian said regretfully: "I didn't have time. I originally wanted to defeat the enemy, but Huo Shuai arrived just in time..."

After saying this, she said angrily: "I just told Huo Shuai that this time we went to Morizawa Star, we encountered many situations that we didn't know about in advance."

"Do you believe it? The information the military gave us this time is all wrong!"

"When we went on the mission, the base said that there were only primitive people on Morisawa Planet, and their weapons were only sticks and stones."

"In the end, we who believed all this were severely taught how to behave!"

"First, as soon as we entered the atmosphere, we felt the nuclear radiation everywhere!"

"The concentration is so high that my mecha's alarm-sounding ears are almost deafened!"

"After finally landing, we met one of the local indigenous people, a strange-looking warrior, who captured a group of our male and female soldiers and wanted to make them into breeders!"

Su Buyan exclaimed: "What did you say?! Planting people?! Planting seeds?! Is that what I thought it meant?!"

Xia Chujian nodded heavily and said, "My camera captured some of the situation at that time. Let me show you the tragic situation at that time."

With that said, Xia Chujian opened the virtual display screen and played the exported videos through his smart bracelet.

Huo Yushen, Su Buyan and Quan Yuxun all fell into silence as they watched the tragic scenes on the video.

Then, they saw Sage and Haidagon teaming up for a sneak attack at night, and saw the Star Marines of the First Star Fleet fighting them without fear of death.

I saw them using an interstellar airship as bait, luring the Sage and Haidagon in one by one, and then blowing up the airship.

I also saw that after Xia Chujian led them to retreat, they encountered sniper attacks from the opponent's global laser defense and guidance system, as well as successive attacks from floating turrets and ground fighters.

I also saw Xia Chujian leaving alone to go to the North Pole, intending to destroy the opponent's global laser defense and precision guidance system.

Of course, I also saw Hui Zhifeng cooperating with her to destroy the global laser defense and precision guidance system.

And after all this was over, of the 20,000 Star Marines they brought with them this time, only 2,000 survived until Xia Chujian and Hui Zhifeng returned.

Xia Chujian was still explaining at the side: "Everyone, did you see it?"

"Why are those Sage and Haidagon able to sneak attack us and enter the interstellar airship to drive directly? It's all because one of us acts as an internal agent for them!"

"Because the interstellar airship's autopilot function can be locked!"

"And none of Chu Qingchen's interstellar airships has been locked!"

"This time, these noble students among our students have played such a role of cheating!"

Just saying this, Xia Chujian was still a little sad. He lowered his head and said, "Although we achieved the final victory, our battle loss rate was too high."

"Of the twenty thousand Star Marines, only two thousand came back with me."

It was as if these 20,000 people were her subordinates and followed her.

Huo Yushen corrected her calmly: "You only lead five thousand Starry Sky Marines and four base students. The four base students are intact. In addition, the Starry Sky Marines are not counted in the battle damage rate."

"To be precise, there are no casualties on your side, and the battle loss rate is zero."

Xia Chujian looked at Huo Yushen seriously and said, "Huo Shuai, this is wrong."

"The Star Marines are also our soldiers. Their casualties cannot be counted, not even the battle damage rate."

Huo Yushen said: "Judging from the current military rules and regulations, they really don't count."

Xia Chujian clenched his fists and said, "I will definitely change this military rule and regulations in the future."

Huo Yushen, Quan Yuxun and Su Buyan looked at each other and then looked away.

Xia Chujian said at this time: "But when we make a huge sacrifice and eliminate one hundred thousand mourners and one hundred thousand Haidagon, Chu Qingchen and these bitches will come to pick peaches again!"

Then, in her video, a scene of Zhuo Hanchen poisoning appeared.

Su Buyan was so shocked that he stood up and said excitedly: "The ventilation system of the interstellar airship should not only have an air purification system, but also a toxin identification system!"

"Mechas can do this because they have an internal circulation system, but airships and battleships cannot yet."

"As long as there is poison inside, no one can escape!"

Xia Chujian nodded and said, "Come on, Master Su!"

"If the ventilation system on our airship has toxin identification and cleaning devices, their evil plot will not succeed!"

"What I want to say is that I didn't know that they were poisoned at the time. I only knew that something happened on the airship, so I rushed back in a hurry."


The video of Xia Chujian showed Chu Jingchen, Ji Nabi and Lu Luyu attacking her.

First, Lu Luyu fired an electromagnetic railgun at her. She dodged the first time, but didn't seem to be able to dodge the second.

But while she was standing there motionless, a tall mecha warrior suddenly came forward in the direction of the electromagnetic railgun!

Then Xia Chu saw movement, she pulled the man down and opened the mecha's energy shield.

As a result, the electromagnetic railgun still hit them.

Xia Chujian's voice became even deeper: "The person who saved me is Lin Xiaoxiao. She is also a student of our class."

Xia Chujian paused and said, "She saved me, I owe her a life."

Su Buyan said with a strange expression at this time: "...But even if the electromagnetic rail gun hits you, you will be fine..."

Xia Chujian lowered her eyes and said, "But Lin Xiaoxiao doesn't know, she thinks I can't escape..."

Quan Yuxun said warmly: "Lin Xiaoxiao is a hero. She saved you, and I owe her a favor."

"You give me her information and whatever last wish she has, I will help her fulfill it. It can be regarded as my dedication to our hero. I will finally give my best."

Xia Chujian shook his head and said, "I was the one who saved Lin Xiaoxiao, and I should be the one to fulfill her last wish."

"But thank you Chief Quan for your kindness. I definitely need help, and I hope Chief Quan will not hesitate to lend a helping hand when the time comes."

Huo Yushen said calmly: "With your evidence, Lin Xiaoxiao should be a martyr."

"The military will take care of her family. If there are any last wishes, the military has a special department to handle them."

Xia Chujian told Lin Xiaoxiao's story at this time, just to prepare for taking her family away from Ji's family.

She knows that her status is not enough and she has no power, so what can she do to ask for someone from the Ji family?

So we can only use our strength to fight.

She originally planned to ask Quan Yuxun for help, but Huo Yushen said that it would be better if the military had a special department responsible for this matter.

Xia Chujian nodded: "When I get back, I will report her situation. If follow-up is needed, please ask Chief Quan Da to introduce a good legal consultant. I will pay and not let him do it." White labor."

Quan Yuxun smiled and said, "Lieutenant Xia, saying that money hurts feelings, the friendship between us does not need to be so clearly distinguished."

Xia Chujian said seriously: "Chief Quan, if you talk about feelings, you will hurt money. When weighing the two aspects, I would rather hurt feelings than money."

Quan Yuxun: "..."

I can't be fooled by this girl again.

A very light smile flashed in Huo Yushen's eyes.

Su Wuyan burst out laughing.

Then on the video, Xia Chujian went on a killing spree.

Electromagnetic railguns shot at the aircraft of Lu Luyu, Ji Nabi and Chu Qingchen.

Then the big sniper fired in succession, causing these three people to die neatly.

Huo Yushen and Quan Yuxun were speechless for a while.

Only Su Buyan was in high spirits, clapped his hands and said, "Good kill! Good kill!"

"This kind of person who stabs his own people on the battlefield will be ignored wherever he goes!"

"Just kill him. Do you want to keep it for the New Year?"

Xia Chujian turned off the video and continued: "At that time, a particularly powerful lieutenant colonel suddenly came, named Rong Zhongruo."

"This Rong Zhongruo is the culprit who betrayed those two thousand Star Marines to be used as breeders for the Shang people!"

"And he also wanted to kill me. To protect myself, I killed him too."

Su Buyan froze there and said in surprise: "Who? Rong Zhongruo?! Is it the Rong Zhongruo I know?"

Xia Chujian turned his eyes and looked at Huo Yushen and Quan Yuxun.

Both of them are relatively scheming, and there is no change in expression on their faces.

Huo Yushen still had the same cold face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Quan and training are the things that remain unchanged for thousands of years.

But when I met Xia Chu, I had the same feeling. They were all bad friends. How could I pretend to be indifferent to her?

This is the second extra large chapter, including 2100+ August monthly passes.

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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