I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 535 The Pearl in the Crown of Mineral Resources (Second Larger Chapter, Monthly Pass)

Chapter 535 The Pearl in the Crown of Mineral Resources (Second Larger Chapter, Monthly Pass +)

Xia Chujian said: "That's no problem. I have surveillance, you can just watch the surveillance."

Huo Yushen said: "Send the monitoring to my quantum optical brain, and I will determine the time myself."

In other words, this piece of surveillance is privately owned by Huo Yushen, and will not be retained even by the Special Security Bureau.

Su Buyan, Quan and Xun looked away in unison, as if they had not heard Huo Yushen's words.

Xia Chujian didn't think much and immediately agreed, saying, "The surveillance video is on my cruiser, I don't have it here."

She raised her finger and pointed at her smart bracelet and said: "I can't use the quantum optical brain at the special flight training base on Kanli Star. I can only use this for the time being. There is not enough memory."

But now that she had raised her smart bracelet, Xia Chujian simply pulled out the mineral deposit distribution map that Qilu had saved for her.

She said: "This time Master Su and Chief Quan are here to help, and I won't let you go in vain."

"Huo Shuai happens to be here, so I'll take this opportunity to resolve this matter first."

She looked at Huo Yushen and said, "Huo Shuai, can you be a witness for me?"

Huo Yushen didn't ask any more questions. He just nodded with a cold expression, but felt bad in his heart. What trouble is this girl going to make?

If another killer weapon is revealed, will he have to consider silencing Su Buyan and Quan Yuxun?

For a time, he almost thought about the follow-up methods of killing people, burying corpses, or even "framing people to blame".

But I only heard Xia Chujian say: "That's it, I want to discuss a business with Chief Quan, and this business will only be discussed with Chief Quan."

"If Chief Quan is not interested, I will find someone else."

"Also, this business will involve the interests of both Master Su and me."

"Because the interests are too great, I'm worried that Chief Quan will turn his back on me, so I asked Huo Shuai to be a witness."

Huo Yushen's face was still expressionless, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth was much more relaxed.

Quan Yuxun was still smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

He still looked like he was hiding a knife in his lazy smile, and said, "Really? What is it that deserves Lieutenant Xia to be so cautious?"

Xia Chujian was unsure about Quan Yuxun's attitude, but she still pulled out a large virtual display and displayed the semi-hidden mineral distribution map.

She hid the specific coordinates of those mineral deposits, but displayed the names of the mineral deposits marked above.

When Quan and Xun saw the names of the mineral deposits such as black silver, gold cesium, white acetylene, blue iridium, and green obsidian titanium, their expressions changed.

Especially Qingyao Titanium!

Is this reserve going to subvert the mining industry of the entire Beichen galaxy? !

Quan Yuxun is the future heir to Quan's mining industry, so he knows very well the distribution and reserves of key mineral deposits in his family business.

Qingyao Titanium is not only the Achilles heel of Quan Mining, but also the crown jewel of mineral resources for the entire Beichen Galaxy mining industry!

For other special metals, he can still resist the temptation.

But Qingyao Titanium really couldn't bear it.

This is a resource that is absolutely unavailable on any other planet in the Beichen Galaxy!

He immediately sat up straight and looked at the huge reserves marked next to the name Qingyao Titanium. He held his breath and asked in a voice so soft that it was almost breathy: "Are your reserves accurate?"

It seems that if the sound is too loud, the mineral deposits will be scared away...

Xia Chujian said categorically: "Very accurate. I just want to see if Chief Quan is not interested."

She knew that this mineral distribution map would be an irresistible temptation for Quan and Xun...

After all, Qilu once said that the Qingyao titanium reserves in the entire Beichen galaxy are not enough to build that bronze-colored, simple little grimace safe!

That was the treasure she got by chance when she was fighting against the Bodhi Leaf Star Thieves...

At that time, both she and Qilu had no clue about the origin of the little Grimace safe.

The mineral distribution map of Morizawa Star gave her some thinking direction.

But there were also things she couldn't figure out.

Because these special metals were bred on Morisawa Planet after the death of the Starry Sky Falcon chick, that is, ten thousand years ago.

But the style and forging method of her little grimace safe, Qilu estimated, should be from ancient times, or even ancient times.

In other words, the time when the Little Grimace safe was forged should be much earlier than 10,000 years ago.

Therefore, their rough estimate of the forging time is inconsistent with the time when Qingyao titanium material appeared on a large scale in the Beichen galaxy.

There is something fishy in this, Xia Chujian still wants to continue to think about it.

Qilu still insists on its previous view, that is, this little Grimace safe is not from the Beichen Galaxy.

Xia Chujian thought about it and glanced at Quan Yuxun quietly.

Although Quan Yuxun studied law, Quan's mining industry is the foundation of the Quan family.

Every member of the Quan family will learn some knowledge about mineral deposits.

Regardless of whether you will be engaged in this field in the future, basic common sense is a must.

Unless you don’t want to be a Quan person.

And Quan Yuxun was trained as the head of the family. He has a deeper understanding of Quan's mining industry than any member of the Quan family.

Therefore, he clearly knew how much benefit Xia Chujian showed to Quan Mining in the future.

Thinking about it this way, this girl asked for 50 million Beichen coins before, which is ridiculous.

However, Quan Yuxun is also a person who is very knowledgeable and thorough.

He also quickly thought that for Xia Chujian, a "deposit" of only 50 million Beichen coins was actually a very smart move.

She can not only get some benefits for herself without making people disgusted, but also throw away this hot potato. At the same time, she can make good friends with their Quan family and let them accept her great favor.

Moreover, Xia Chujian also emphasized that she was only dealing with Quan Yuxun himself. If Quan Yuxun was not interested, she would find someone else.

There were so many people in Quan's mining industry, but she only recognized Quan and Xun.

This made Quan Yuxun feel very comfortable.

He also did not hide his determination to win.

Xia Chujian was originally worried that Quan Yuxun was not interested.

Now I am relieved.

She smiled and said: "Chief Quan, don't worry, the data is very accurate, and the reserves may even be higher than lower."

Quan Yuxun immediately asked: "Where is the mineral distribution map here?"

Xia Chujian smiled: "Where did I come back from? Chief Quan might as well think about it?"

Quan Yuxun's surprise was undisguised: "...Morisawa Star? You've only been there for a few days? How did you get the mineral distribution map there?!"

Anyone who works in the mining industry knows that the first step to detect the location and reserves of mineral deposits is the most difficult.

Because the higher-grade mineral deposits are, the deeper they are hidden.

The existing detection methods are accurate for conventional metals.

But if it's special metals, you have to rely on manual searches.

Although their Quan Minerals has a monopoly on the mineral deposits of several satellites of the Beichen Empire, it is a pity that most of the satellites of the Beichen Empire only have conventional metals.

The content of special metals is extremely small.

Therefore, Quan's Mining is still exploring those unowned planets, trying to find higher-grade metals.

And they have been looking for it for so long, and there is only one unowned planet with a small amount of special metal deposits.

But it is not easy to mine this small amount of special metal deposits.

Moreover, the mined mineral deposits contain many impurities and require a variety of refining procedures to obtain pure special metals.

The current manufacturing of high-end mechas in the Beichen Empire is limited by the content of special metal minerals and cannot be manufactured on a large scale.

The content of the special metal mineral deposits that Xia Chu saw this time was shocking to his whole family.

Not only Quan Youxun, but also Su Wuyan looked straight in the eye and said anxiously: "First time we meet! You have so many special metal deposits, why don't you cooperate with me?!"

"I am the one who needs these special metals the most!"

When he looked at the reserves of black silver, his eyes almost started to bleed!

Thinking about the special metal black silver that he had worked so hard to collect for so long, he could only make a small amount of Shao Siming level mecha...

If there are so many black and silver special metals, not only can Shao Siming mechas be put into mass production, but some special metals can also be added to regular mechas to qualitatively improve the characteristics of ordinary mechas!

Although the dissimilar metals brought back by the Special Security Bureau this time are more precious, their current technology is not as complete as special metals in the development and utilization of dissimilar metals.

Therefore, from the perspective of mass production of weapons, of course the special metal mineral deposit distribution map that Xia Chujian has come up with now is more effective.

Of course, what's more important is that those exotic metals cannot be mined mechanically on a large scale, and must rely on high-level genetic evolvers to carry them one by one manually.

The special metal distribution map shown by Xia Chujian is on Morisawa Planet, where large-scale mechanical mining can be carried out.

As long as we send genetic evolvers there, we'll be fine.

Seeing that Su Buyan was in such a hurry, Xia Chujian smiled and said, "Master Su, don't be anxious. This is one of the conditions for my cooperation with Chief Quan."

"Quan Mining will give half of its shares to Master Su."

"You two cooperate to mine the mineral deposits on Morizawa Planet."

Quan Yuxun immediately said: "That's no problem! Quan's Mining mines so many special metals, and we also need to find sales channels."

"Cooperating with Master Su is what we want."

In fact, Quan Yuxun has been seeking to extend the reach of Quan's mining industry into the field of machinery manufacturing...

He didn't want Quan to be just a supplier of raw materials.

Just like the Zong family's military industry, the Zong family has been secretly searching for mineral deposits and mining them themselves in recent years.

Because they don’t want the raw materials on the production line to be controlled by others.

If they can cooperate with Su Buyan, Quan's Mining can take a bite of Zong's pie in the military industry.

For Quan Yuxun, this is a sure profit.

Even he knew that if these mineral deposits were really on Morizawa Planet, only the Quan family would not be able to eat them.

It is necessary to bring in at least one more family from the four major nobles.

Rather than cooperate with Zong or Li, Quan Yuxun would of course prefer to cooperate with Su.

Because of the cooperation with Sou, Quan can have more room for maneuver.

He knew that even if the Su family joined, they would only contribute money and receive bonuses, and then supply Su Buyan with special metals.

Su's will not interfere with their specific business methods.

When Su Wuyan heard this, he was also overjoyed and said, "Then it's settled! Give us half of the shares and I'll pay for it!"

"But if I need any special metal, Quan must give it to me first!"

Quan Yuxun smiled and said, "That's no problem. I'll draft a contract when I get back."

Xia Chujian looked at them with a smile and felt very happy.

This hot potato was finally thrown out.

Huo Yushen looked at her and suddenly asked: "This mineral deposit is mined half by the Quan family and half by the Su family. What about Lieutenant Xia?"

"This is the mineral distribution map provided by Lieutenant Xia."

Xia Chujian looked at Huo Yushen in shock.

She didn't expect that Huo Yushen would actually speak for her interests!

What a nice guy!

Xia Chujian smiled flatteringly at him and said, "Huo Shuai is still smart! He got the right idea!"

Huo Yushen: "..."

Quan Yuxun: "..."

Su Buyan: "..."

Quan, Xun and Su Buyan looked at her silently, and secretly scolded Huo Yushen for being so stupid!

Are they the kind of heartless people?

How could the benefits of meeting Xia Chu be missing!

Just being reminded by Huo Yushen, their benefits immediately dropped in value, and it was obvious that Xia Chujian accepted Huo Yushen's favor...

But it’s okay not to say it now.

Quan Yuxun had no choice but to say: "What I originally considered was that the shares should be divided into three shares, and each of the three parties would have one share."

Xia Chujian hurriedly waved his hands and said: "I don't want the shares. This thing is the culprit here. I can't control such a large resource."

"My request is simple."

She mustered up her courage, looked at Quan Yuxun and said, "Chief Quan, I only have two conditions."

Quan Yuxun said with a smile: "I would like to hear the details."

Xia Chujian showed a shy look and said, "The first condition is that I still owe you four million Beichen coins for an interest-free loan. Can you reduce it?"

Huo Yushen looked at her, frowned and said, "Lieutenant Xia, have you thought clearly?"

Su Buyan said: "When I first met, you are equivalent to selling this mine distribution map for four million Beichen coins!"

"Do you know the value of your mineral distribution map?! It's more than four million, I don't know how many zeros more!"

Xia Chujian smiled, spread his hands and said, "I know, otherwise how can we negotiate terms with Chief Quan?"

"I am thanking Chief Quan and Master Su for coming to save me without saying a word."

"This life-saving grace is priceless to me."

"I'm taking advantage of both of you."

"As for the reduction of the four million interest-free loan, it's just a small bonus I want."

"After all, I went through life and death to get this mineral distribution map. Isn't it reasonable to ask for a lucky draw?"

Quan Yuxun was really impressed by Xia Chujian.

A few months ago, she was still a little money addict who cared about money.

She grew up in a blink of an eye.

And he is really sober and not greedy at all when faced with such a huge temptation of profit.

A map of mineral deposits that could make countless people take desperate risks and obtain it at all costs was just given away as a favor.

She didn't seem to get any benefits, but Quan and Su were her real backing from now on.

If nothing else goes wrong, Quan, Xun and Su Buyan are the future heads of the Quan and Su families.

This transaction is a guaranteed profit without loss.

Not only Quan Yuxun's evaluation of her has reached a higher level.

Even Huo Yushen was silently moved.

He knows best how much Xia Chujian is obsessed with money.

But it doesn't matter if you are obsessed with money. The most important thing is to know how much you weigh.

How strong is the strength, how big a bowl is held.

Not coveting benefits beyond your control, this straightforward choice is the most touching.

Once this kind of person grows up, his future is truly limitless.

The smile in Huo Yushen's eyes flashed away.

Quan Yuxun nodded with emotion and said, "Since Lieutenant Xia thinks so highly of Quan, Quan can't take advantage of the little girl."

"Think of the 50 million deposit as a small gift to give Lieutenant Xia a shock. I'll buy you candies when you go home."

"Four million interest-free loan. I will also ask my secretary to draft a loan forgiveness agreement and send it to you later."

"What about your second condition?"

Xia Chujian said: "I want to own the area on the Antarctic seabed of Star Morisawa. As you all have seen, this is the Antarctic and there are no mineral reserves."

She gestured on the mineral map, pointing out to them the small circle of Antarctic land she wanted.

Quan Yuxun, Huo Yushen and Su Buyan all wanted to ask why.

But seeing Xia Chujian's worried and uneasy expression, they all unanimously did not ask any further questions.

Quan Yuxun was excited and stood up first, smiling and saying, "I agree to both conditions."

"I still have something to do and need to return to Beichen Star. I will prepare the cooperation agreement and send it to Lieutenant Xia and Master Su."

Xia Chujian said: "I will give this mineral distribution map to Master Su."

"Once you sign the agreement, Master Su can share it with Chief Quan."

Quan Yuxun half-smiled: "Lieutenant Xia, are you still worried about me? Are you familiar with Master Su? You are more confident with him than with me..."

Xia Chujian looked at Huo Yushen and wondered whether she should reveal her relationship with her master-disciple.

Huo Yushen smiled and said nothing.

Su Wuyan said it himself.

He was proud of himself: "Chief Quan, you didn't know it right now. When I first met you, I was actually someone's apprentice! The only closed disciple!"

"Of course she favors me...hahahaha..."

Quan Yuxun raised his eyebrows: "Oh? I really don't know this. Congratulations to Master Su, you have to accept a high disciple!"

"Congratulations to Lieutenant Xia for becoming a famous teacher!"

After Quan Yuxun finished speaking, he stood up, shook hands with Huo Yushen and Su Buyan, and shook hands with Xia Chujian before turning around and leaving.

After he left, Su Buyan immediately said: "When we first met, where is the crocodile dragon skin you mentioned?"

Xia Chujian said: "In my star cruiser."

Huo Yushen said: "Can you let your people drive that cruiser into my Bat fighter?"

Xia Chujian thought of what Huo Yushen had just said about modifying the memories of these people, so he nodded quickly and said, "I'll send them a message asking you to open the belly of the bottom cabin."

Kang Shanxing showed her that magical mechanical intelligence before they came back from beating the star thief Bodhi Leaf.

Huo Yushen said: "I will send a message to Shanxing and ask him to keep an eye on it."

Xia Chujian nodded.

Su Buyan was already impatient and said, "I know Crocodile Dragon, it is said to be an extinct ancient creature. What is that Haidagon?"

Xia Chujian said: "I don't understand either. You will know it when you see it."

Huo Yushen sent Su Buyan the information about Haidagon searched by the Special Security Bureau.

Su Wuyan concentrated on studying.

The second update is another huge chapter. Including August monthly pass 2700+.

There will be a new update at 05:00 in the evening!

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