I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 548 If the mountain doesn’t belong to me, I will fight for it (first update)

Xia Chujian touched the teacup dog's furry white head and said to Liushun, "Liu Shun, where are Awu's tableware? Are you ready?"

Liushun said: "Master, the bedding and tableware Liushun ordered for Awu and Aqun in the same city of Xingwang have just been delivered."

Xia Chujian was satisfied, "Then put it on the table and let's eat together!"

Soon, a set of dinner plates that were exactly the same as those used by Sixi, but half the size, was placed in front of Awu.

A'zhen stood on the dining table, and next to Xia Chujian's dinner plate, a set of smaller dinner plates was also placed.

It’s literally a bird’s-eye plate.

Xia Chu was amazed when he saw it.

There are also such small plates for sale!

It’s several sizes smaller than a child’s tableware for playing house!

Xia Yuanfang, Aunt Chen, Zhu Yingying, Sanzhao and Wufu all smiled and watched Xia Chujian busying herself with a teacup dog and a little fat chirp.

When Xia Chujian tore up a piece of crispy sesame seed cake and put it on Xiao Feijiu's small plate, and then put a portion of wild rhinoceros pork stuffing and a piece of Phoenix-tailed Luan bird meat on Teacup Dog's small plate, Xia Yuanfang Then he said with a smile: "Okay, everyone can eat."

Xia Chujian then wrapped himself a Yuanbaohua fried egg pancake with crispy sesame seed pancakes and took a bite.

The crispy sesame seed cake is salty and crispy at first, melting in your mouth. It goes well with the fragrant Yuanbaohua fried egg pancake, which is like adding a flavor enhancer to the taste of Yuanbaohua.

Xia Chu saw that her lips and teeth were fragrant after eating, so she couldn't help but wrap up another piece of Yuanbaohua fried egg pancake and eat it to satisfy her craving a little.

Then she took another piece of crispy sesame pancake, wrapped it with ingot flower meat filling, and ate it together.

The fragrance of the ingot flower completely neutralized the strong aroma of the meat fat in the wild rhinoceros pork, and there seemed to be some kind of chemical reaction between the two.

Xia Chujian's sense of taste was wrapped in endless fragrances. He was not tired, but rather sharpened.

When she was eating this combination of staple food and vegetables, she felt like she was in the misty rain of Jiangnan in poetry.

Watching the lotus flowers blooming in the lotus pond, the lotus leaves are in full bloom, and the plump fish in the pond shuttle between the lotus leaves, turning around and turning into fragrant boiled fish...

Xia Chujian felt funny about his own imagination while eating.

Then, she used a spoon to scoop herself a spoonful of stewed phoenix and bird with fragrant fruits and chestnuts.

The soup spoon is relatively large. This spoon contains soup, meat and chestnuts. It is placed in a special soup bowl with green and pink peach blossoms on the white background.

The soup was crystal clear and did not have the usual golden yellow oily color of ordinary chicken soup.

Xia Chujian thought it was Xia Yuanfang who had skimmed off the layer of oil.

She lowered her head and wanted to taste the soup first.

As soon as I got close to the soup bowl, a scent of fragrant fruits and chestnuts, mixed with another scent that I had never smelled before, hit my nostrils as if there was warmth.

First, it invaded her sense of smell, and before it reached her mouth, it seemed to have already hit the bottom of her stomach.

She blew lightly, then took a sip from her soup bowl with a small spoon and sipped it gently.

The temperature of the soup was just right, hot enough to be fresh, but not so hot that it was hot enough to warm her from the outside to the inside.

She discovered that although Sanzong said this guy's name was Fengweiluanyouniao, the soup had a unique flavor of chicken soup.

Tasting it carefully, there seems to be smooth and tender meat juice melted in the soup, sliding over the tip of the tongue.

Xia Chujian put down the spoon and asked curiously: "What kind of bird is the Phoenix-tailed Luan? Why does it taste like top-quality chicken soup?"

Sanzong smiled and said: "Master Shaojun, the Phoenix-tailed Luan is a bird, but it is actually a kind of pheasant."

"It's just that its tail feathers are very beautiful, so someone gave it a special name, Phoenix-tailed Luanniao."

Xia Chu laughed at the sight and said, "That's right! Isn't a bird a chicken?! People with this name are so narrow-minded!"

With that said, Xia Chujian started to eat the bird meat from the soup bowl again.

Although Sanzong said that the Phoenix-tailed Luanyouniao was actually a pheasant, when the meat entered his mouth, Xia Chujian discovered that no kind of chicken had such an extremely delicious and extremely tender texture.

And although it is extremely tender, it does not melt in your mouth, but has the unique gelatinous texture of fresh meat. It tastes a little tough, as if it tastes like the "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall" that my aunt once made.

The difference is that Buddha Jumps Over the Wall requires stewing many kinds of seafood and various mountain delicacies.

This dish only requires two ingredients, fragrant fruits and chestnuts and phoenix and bird.

Aunt Chen also said: "We have eaten phoenix-tailed phoenix and bird before, but they were never as fresh and fragrant."

"Maybe it's the fragrant fruit and chestnut that doubles the fragrance of the bird."

Xia Chujian nodded: "The fragrant fruit chestnut and the Phoenix-tailed Luan are both indispensable."

Seeing that Xia Chujian loved this fragrant fruit and chestnut stewed phoenix and bird, Sanzhao hurriedly said: "There are three more, let's cook them all in two days!"

Xia Chujian was shocked: "Aren't you going to keep a few to eat during the New Year? Or do you want to grow seeds?"

Sanzong said with a grimace: "We went to the Alien Beast Forest last week and caught a total of five phoenix-tailed phoenixes."

"After raising them until now, they are almost starving to death..."

Xia Chujian was greatly surprised: "Why? Do they not eat? What food do they eat?"

Sanzong said: "Sanzong observed that they are in the Alien Beast Forest and they eat ordinary grass seeds and maybe some insects."

"Three Manes brought them food from the Alien Beast Forest."

"But they just won't eat..."

Xia Chujian smiled: "I haven't seen such a loyal and unyielding pheasant before. I'll go and have a look after I finish eating."

Liu Shun, who had been standing nearby, said at this time: "Master, there is a legend on the Star Network that this kind of Phoenix-tailed Luan Bird is native to the Dazang Star in the Eastern Tianyuan Kingdom."

"It is the most delicious game in the hearts of the people of Dongtianyuan Kingdom, but after many years of hunting, this bird is on the verge of extinction in Dongtianyuan Kingdom."

"Xingwang also said that this kind of Phoenix-tailed Luan is proud by nature. It only lives in the mountains with the most beautiful environment and is never raised."

"People from Dongtianyuan Kingdom once tried artificial breeding, because the price of this kind of bird has been sky-high in their country."

"But no one succeeded."

"It is said that the captured Phoenix-tailed Luan does not eat or drink, and would rather starve to death than become a domestic poultry raised by humans."

"Sanzhao tried raising them but failed, so he just caught a few and raised them for a few days. He had to eat them all before they starved to death."

Xia Chujian smiled and said, "Liu Shun really knows a lot about the Internet. He often surfs the Internet secretly in private, right?"

Several chaotic black wavy lines appeared on Liushun's eye display, and then he fell silent.

Xia Chujian smiled and looked away, and suddenly felt that his trousers seemed to be pulled.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the bottom of the table, only to see Awu looking at her with bright eyes, moaning, and then pushing his small dinner plate towards Xia Chujian's feet.

Xia Chujian found that it had eaten the meat of the Phoenix-tailed Luan and Bird, but not a single bite of the wild rhinoceros and pork pie.

She knew that this little guy liked to eat phoenixes and birds.

Xia Chujian smiled and said, "Your taste is quite special."

Since Awu can use the Phoenix-tailed Luanyou as a staple food instead of the Crocodile Dragon, then she, as the owner, must try to raise this kind of Phoenix-tailed Luanyou.

At worst, just keep them in the forest of exotic beasts...

Xia Chujian thought very simply, if the mountain is not mine, I will go to the mountain!

She said: "After eating, let's go see those phoenixes. By the way, do they have their tail feathers left on? I want to see how beautiful they are."

Sanzong said: "Keep them all! They have been cleaned and salted. They can be used to decorate hats or dresses."

Xia Chujian nodded, and then began to focus on eating.

She is also someone who has eaten a lot of good food, but in her opinion, the taste of this bird is indeed better than any delicious food she has ever eaten.

This unique deliciousness cannot be produced by any cooking technology, because it comes from the deliciousness of the ingredients themselves.

Of course, with Xia Yuanfang's superb cooking skills, he can push the already extremely delicious Phoenix-tailed Luanyouniao to an even higher level.

Although Xia Chujian liked it, she didn't eat it alone, and of course she didn't let Awu eat it alone.

Instead, I shared the whole phoenix and bird with everyone, and finally soaked the rice in the soup. There was not a drop of soup left in the stew pot.

After finishing the sumptuous lunch, Xia Yuanfang brought over the freshly made fragrant fruit and chestnut cake.

Xia Chujian didn't have a particular hobby for sweets, but after eating this fragrant fruit and chestnut cake, she instantly understood why some people would not like sweets.

Because of the sweetness, just the right amount of sweetness, it is very stress-relieving, and it is really a happy taste.

By the time everyone finished the desserts and started drinking tea to digest food, it was almost two o'clock.

Liushun reported the time: "There are still ten minutes until the results are announced on the college entrance examination website."

Xia Chujian suddenly became nervous.

She twirled the tea cup, the expression on her face did not change, but her heart was beating extremely fast.

If it weren't for the silence in the restaurant, she would have suspected that others could hear her heartbeat.

Everyone is a little uncomfortable with being so quiet.

At this time Liushun suddenly asked: "Master, if your grades allow it, which university do you want to apply for?"

Everyone in the restaurant looked at Xia Chujian.

It was obvious that they were also curious, but they didn't dare to ask for fear of putting too much pressure on Xia Chujian.

Liushun seems to have no such concerns, focusing on a character who is mechanically intelligent, upright and fearless.

Xia Chujian crossed his arms, his thoughts suddenly became chaotic and complicated.

If she had not participated in this special flight training on Kanli Star, if she had gone and not participated in the final military operation, she might have applied for Beichen University, the best university in the Beichen Empire, or the top university in science and engineering. Royal Institute of Technology.

She wants to learn mechanical intelligence so that she can better... control Qilu.

But just because of participating in this military operation.

It was only three or four days, but it seemed like three years.

Iron and blood, life and death, victory and defeat, loyalty and betrayal are intertwined.

It made her dazzled and yearned for it.

More importantly, this imperial military headquarters that harbors filth and evil needs her to clean it inside and out...

Xia Chujian raised his head slightly and said calmly and decisively: "Military school, I want to take the exam, the best military school."

The second update at 1 pm is a big chapter.

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