I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 620: You can do it (first update, please vote for me)

Xia Chujian followed Wei Lanye back to the central teaching building, took the elevator directly to the 577th floor, and entered Yanxu's office.

When she and Wei Lanye entered, someone was already waiting inside.

In addition to Yanxu, the director of admissions, there are nine male students.

It seems that they are all freshmen this year.

Xia Chujian looked at him calmly.

Judging from the clothes and postures of those people, they must all be nobles, but they are not top nobles.

Because she has contact with those top nobles.

She found that because those people's status was so high, they had a very relaxed attitude. Most of the time they were approachable and did not need to put on airs to remind everyone of their status.

Unlike these people, at least eight of them were holding their heads up. There was only one who was not holding his head up, but was a little nervous and peeked at her from time to time.

Xia Chujian calmly looked away, looked at Yanxu, saluted and said, "Hello, Professor Yan, I am Xia Chujian."

Yanxu looked at her, his eyes narrowed with a smile, and he waved, "Sit down! Sit down, all of you!"

Then he pointed to the location opposite his desk.

Xia Chujian was very discerning and moved two chairs over, one for Wei Lanye and one for herself.

Wei Lanye thanked him politely.

A boy sitting closest to the door made a mouthful of words to Xia Chujian: flatterer.

Xia Chujian also said: uneducated.

The man was stunned for a moment because he didn't understand Xia Chujian's mouth shape...

But at this time, he had no chance to ask, because Yanxu had already started talking.

He sighed and said kindly: "Dear students, you are all the most elite students recruited by our Imperial First Military University this year!"

"The one you were admitted to is also the best major in our school and even our country's military academy - the Star Destroyer Command major!"

"After next year, our Star Destroyer major will expand and develop, adding emerging majors such as Star Destroyer driving, navigation, maintenance, combat, and battleship assistance."

"You are the last class to be recruited separately for the Star Destroyer command major!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at everyone. Only Xia Chujian applauded in particular.

Then the boy who looked a little nervous also clapped along with Xia Chujian.

Everyone else was looking at Yanxu quietly, waiting for him to continue.

Yanxu wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued: "However, a new situation has occurred this year, and you all know it."

"Coordinated by the diplomatic departments of the four countries in the Beichen galaxy, the governments of the four countries decided to jointly run schools and add a joint interstellar class to our school."

"The other three countries each have four quotas. We are the host, so we take advantage and have eight quotas."

"Because the other three countries are sending the best college students admitted this year."

"We have also decided to give priority to the best college students admitted to our country this year."

"However, there are only eight places."

"Even if you all want to go, it won't work."

"Which of you would like to go to that interstellar joint class?"

Xia Chujian was still confused, so the boy sitting closest to Yan Xu raised his hand and said, "Professor Yan, I do!"

Then seven more boys raised their hands, making up exactly eight people.

Only then did Xia Chujian find the opportunity to ask: "Professor Yan, if you go to this interstellar joint class, what kind of major would it be?"

She came here for the major of Star Destroyer military command, but she couldn't ruin her future just for a little money.

Yanxu said calmly: "The specific situation has not been finalized yet and may change at any time."

"But for now, the Cabinet School Department's temporary idea is that the interstellar joint class can take courses in any major."

"In the end, it depends on which major you take the most classes, and you will get a diploma from that major when you graduate."

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows: "Really? Then our Star Destroyer military command major, this interstellar joint class, can also take classes casually?"

Yanxu thought to himself, he didn't want to either...

But the problem is that the military academy is under the joint jurisdiction of the Military Ministry and the Cabinet School.

Yesterday, the Cabinet School Department sent a joint school coordinator named Wang Shiying to urge their school to open all courses to students in this interstellar joint class!

Yanxu still acted like a good old man and said with a smile: "We will talk about this later. The current problem is that our country can send eight people to this interstellar joint class. Are you eight really willing to go?"

The eight boys who raised their hands just now looked determined and said in unison: "Yes, we are willing to go!"

Xia Chujian looked very curious and asked the eight boys: "You don't know anything about this class. Are you really willing to give up such a good major as Star Destroyer military command?"

The boy who was the first to say "yes" was a bit arrogant. He didn't even look at Xia Chujian. He just looked at Yan Xu and said, "Professor Yan, this interstellar joint class can indeed take courses in all majors. Then Pick a major and get a diploma and a degree certificate, right?"

After he said this, he glanced at Xia Chujian out of the corner of his eye, as if to say, why should you ask such an obvious question?

Even if they go to this interstellar joint class with better pay, they can still get graduation certificates and degree certificates from the Star Destroyer Military Command Major!

Yanxu ignored him, but looked kindly at the two people who didn't express their opinions: Xia Chujian, and another boy who looked nervous.

Xia Chu was also a little moved when she saw it, but when she thought about it again, she felt that the military department wouldn't be so stupid, right?

Let’s not talk about the second-generation mecha, but let’s talk about the Star Destroyer project. It has been developed in secret for many years, just to avoid being stolen by spies from three other countries. Therefore, the research and development base of the Star Destroyer is still a secret. There is no Who knows where it is, it’s not even time to unblock it.

Now that the technology of the Star Destroyer is finally mature and can be installed in the army, they are willing to immediately teach the command characteristics of the Star Destroyer to people from the other three countries?

For Starfleet, commanding this position is very important. It is the soul of commanding starships during war.

Xia Chujian thinks the military department is not that stupid...

But if you have the opportunity, it would be interesting to go to the interstellar joint class and see who those "elite international students" are.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle...

Xia Chujian thought about it again and again, then looked at Lieutenant General Yan who was calm and silent, and finally came up with an idea.

She said quietly: "Professor Yan, I won't go."

Yanxu said "Oh" and said with interest: "Why?"

"Classmate Xia Chujian is the freshman with the best grades in our class and the top scorer in the college entrance examination in our empire!"

"If you want to go, I guarantee that no one can compete with you."

As soon as Yanxu said this, the expressions of the eight boys became visibly nervous.

Because if Xia Chujian were to go, one of the eight of them would definitely be killed.

And none of them want to...

Xia Chujian also caught a glimpse of the changes in the expressions of these people, and thought, well, you are just here to draw hatred for me, and those few new nobles are glaring at me...

She just complained in her heart, without any change on the surface, and said calmly: "I am not used to studying with people from Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, and I don't want to take money from Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom."

Yanxu said: "Why is that? We are not currently at war with the Dongtianyuan Kingdom, right?"

Although they had only fought wars with the Southern Cross Principality, Higashi Tianyuan Kingdom and the Cimanelli Federation in the past few years, the war had since ended and peace had been reached, and normal diplomatic relations had been established between the countries.

It is indeed not considered a hostile country.

Xia Chujian smiled and thought, you pretend, keep pretending.

I don’t believe you don’t know what Dongtianyuan Kingdom has done to our country recently...

However, she also knew that her identity as a staff member of the Special Security Bureau needed to be kept confidential.

Her current public identity is that of a lieutenant pilot of the Fourth Starship Fleet. She then took the college entrance examination and passed the Imperial First Military University.

Xia Chujian shook his head: "It's not a war relationship now, but it was before, and I personally don't like them."

After she finished speaking, one of the eight noble boys immediately said: "Then let's put it this way, we had war relations with the other three countries."

"But isn't the war over? Now we all have diplomatic relations and are friends with each other. It's too trivial to talk about the past."

Xia Chujian's eyes turned cold.

She looked at the boy and said word by word: "The war is over, but have we really beaten them to the point of losing their ability to fight?"

"Have we driven them off the planet that invaded us?"

"Did we make them pay war reparations?"

"not a single one!"

"What makes you think we can forgive the civilians who were massacred?"

"What qualifications do you have to think that we can pardon these countries for their war crimes on behalf of the soldiers who died?"

When Xia Chu saw what he said so sharply, the boy became angry and stood up suddenly, saying angrily: "You are so powerful, go and do it yourself!"

"Go and take back those occupied planets!"

"Go and make the other party pay war reparations!"

"Go! Why don't you go!"

This kind of amplified words didn't work at all when Xia Chujian was here.

She would not fall into his trap, nor would she be led astray by him. She just twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "How did you get recruited here with your IQ?"

Then he looked at Yan Xu and said, "Professor Yan, are these the noble freshmen who have been recommended? I agree that they can enter the interstellar joint class."

The implication of her words is obvious, this kind of idiot should be released to cause harm to the "Interstellar United Class".

If he really wanted to stay in their Star Destroyer military command major, Xia Chujian was afraid that he couldn't help it, so he beat this person three times a day according to the meal time.

The smile in Yanxu's eyes flashed away.

He quickly lowered his head and said with a smile: "All my classmates are young people. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. They are a little impulsive. It's understandable! It's understandable!"

"Just don't make a real fuss."

This is the first update. Second update at 1pm.

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