I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 662: This school girl can be dealt with (first update)

The news that the second-generation mecha has begun mass production only came out during the summer vacation this year.

Everyone said that the second-generation mecha was at least comparable to the peak A-level genetic evolvers.

Some people even say that the top second-generation mechas are comparable to S-class genetic evolvers!

When Xia Chu met, they all knew that the mecha master kept silent and admitted that he had given her a first-generation second-generation mecha.

Although the technology of the first-generation mecha may not be as good as that of the official finished mecha, it can still hold its own against A-level peak evolvers.

This sophomore student who claims to appeal knows that he is only a B-level genetic evolver.

If Xia Chujian puts on a second-generation mecha, even if she is an ordinary person, she will not be afraid of him...

So this person directly deleted the reply and wanted to run away.

But Xia Chujian didn't allow him to leave unscathed.

Because everyone on the campus forum is authenticated by their real names, and they need to use their real names when posting and replying, Xia Chujian knew this person's name.

She posted directly on the forum and circled the person's name, which was his account name.

[Xia Chumei]: Please apologize. Just delete the post after spreading rumors and that's it? If you don’t apologize, I will complain to the political attaché of your grade.

[Xia Chujian]: This kind of moral corruption, people who make malicious speculations when they see their colleagues doing well, and deliberately spread rumors to smear them, are not qualified to be our comrades!

The school's political commissioner is responsible for students' political records, which are closely related to the students' future destination after graduation.

That person originally thought that after deleting the post, Xia Chujian would cease to exist.

He really didn't expect that Xia Chujian wouldn't let him go and would ask him to apologize!

He had thought that it was absolutely impossible to apologize.

If a sophomore apologizes to a freshman, where will he put his face in the future? !

But when he saw Xia Chujian's subsequent posts, he was really panicked.

He was just pretending to be a fan, so why did he get up to speed and go online like this? !

He was so nervous that he felt embarrassed in the library. He was anxious for a long time. When Xia Chujian issued an ultimatum, he couldn't help but go to the forum to formally apologize.

Xia Chujian asked the forum moderator to keep his apology posted for a month as a warning to others.

Although she is a freshman, she is so strong. If she were in another school, her reputation would probably plummet.

But she is in military school.

In military academies, strong men are always the ones everyone admires and follows.

Her argumentative approach, which may even seem aggressive to some people outside, is at home here and is recognized and sought after to the greatest extent.

Even those who had doubts about her results just now were completely dispelled.

They posted one after another.

"The freshman has this kind of character and tolerance. I believe the results are true!"

"After all, he is the top scorer in the Imperial College Entrance Examination! I now believe that every top scorer is truly amazing!"

"You can question the emotional intelligence of the top pick, but you can't question the IQ of the top pick."

"This school girl can handle it! I think our empire's No. 1 Military Academy is about to produce a second Commander Huo!"

"Tch! I don't think us juniors are necessarily worse than Huo Shuai!"

"I agree! It's no big deal to have another Huo Shuai. Anyway, we already have one."

"But if a comrade is stronger than Huo Shuai, that would be truly amazing!"

"I'll wait and see!"

"plus one!"

"Plus two!"

"Add 1888!"

You know, there are only four thousand students in the entire Imperial First Military University, and one thousand students in each grade.

Currently, 999 freshmen are still in the nutrition cabin and have not come out.

Senior students are doing internships outside, and there are only 2,001 students in the school currently on the forum.

But out of these two thousand and one people, 1,888 actually agreed with this statement, which is very revealing.

When Xia Chu saw the reply, "A duel? A sign of life and death," he completely captured the hearts of most of the students at the Empire's First Military Academy.

Although the remaining people still looked down on her, they did not dare to provoke her again.

And these people are not afraid of her, but are afraid of her first-generation second-generation mecha.

Xia Chujian browsed the forum for a while, and she breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that no one was trying to ask the school to disclose her game records.

She got off the school online forum and saw that it was still early today. She didn't want to go to the cafeteria to eat nutritional solution, so she planned to go back to her villa.

There are some ingredients there, you can go back and cook for yourself.

Then I plan to bring some more ingredients and put them in the school dormitory.

Xia Chujian left immediately, quickly packed his backpack and gun case, and went downstairs to board the school's suspended train.

Three minutes later, he was already waiting at the aircraft station leaving the school.

Not long after, the school's aircraft arrived, and she stepped on it.

As students and employees of the school, you can ride for free with your student ID and work ID.

The robot there recognized her, greeted her politely, and congratulated her on breaking the record!

Xia Chujian: "..."

There were no other passengers on the aircraft at this time. Xia Chujian simply sat next to the robot and asked curiously: "How did you know that I broke the record?"

The robot started the aircraft and said, "The news about your record breaking is being pushed in the school."

"Our robots also receive news from the school."

Xia Chu said "Oh" when he saw it, "...Why are you accepting news from the school?"

The robot said: "We are service robots. We need to keep communication open at all times, receive information, and adjust the service direction."

"For example, if the weather changes and the flight route of the aircraft is affected, the school will notify us through push messages."

Xia Chujian was even more curious: "...Do you robots also have their own forum?"

The robot was sitting upright, seemingly unresponsive, but Xia Chujian found that the red and blue lines on its eye display were flashing quietly.

Xia Chujian's reaction to the robot was all too familiar.

She burst out laughing: "Oh! You also have your own forum! What a thief!"

Then she approached the robot again and said furtively: "...Can you give me your forum address? Can you remain anonymous?"

The robot's electronically synthesized voice sounded a little panicked and said: "...No..."

Xia Chujian interrupted it: "You are dishonest! Don't you want to abide by the three laws of robots?"

This is a rule set by the founding emperor Tantai, who is known as the father of mechanical intelligence.

"One, robots must obey human instructions."

"Two, robots must not harm individual humans."

"Third, robots cannot stand idly by when human beings are harmed."

"I'm giving you an order now, you can't lie to me."

This robot's appearance is closer to a humanoid than Liushun, but it still has an eye display on its face, which is not in the shape of human eyes.

The red and blue lines flashed in its eye display for a while, then it returned to normal and said politely: "Okay, Classmate Xia, our robot has its own forum, and it is an anonymous forum."

Xia Chu was overjoyed: "Send me the link?"

Then he asked: "If I post on there, will I be monitored by your machine intelligence?"

The robot nodded: "Yes, all our actions are under the control of the mechanical intelligence of the empire's central system."

The corner of Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, thinking that he was really honest...

But she really wanted to see what the robot's internal forum was like.

So when the robot sent a forum link to her school account, Xia Chujian secretly forwarded it to Huo Yushen.

And two messages are appended.

[See you at the beginning of summer]: Huo Shuai, this is the address of the robot internal forum of the Imperial First Military University.

[Xia Chujian]: It is said that you can log in and post anonymously, but all actions are said to be under the mechanical intelligence control of the empire's central system. Can I go shopping?

She didn't dare click on the link directly.

Because she knows too little about mechanical intelligence.

Moreover, the top-level mechanical intelligence that Meng Guanghui mentioned also made her a little worried.

Although Meng Guanghui said that the top mechanical intelligence only controls games in school, Xia Chujian didn't believe it.

So she sent it to Huo Yushen.

In fact, she also thought about asking Su Buyan, but Su Buyan was not a graduate of their military academy. Xia Chujian felt that it would be more appropriate to ask Huo Yushen.

After Xia Chujian forwarded the link, she returned to her seat.

Not long after the aircraft arrived, Xia Chujian waved to the robot and walked out of the aircraft.

The robot sent her to the station, looked at her and said, "My account on the forum is called Flying Bird."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She said funnyly: "You don't need to tell me your forum account. Isn't it more fun for everyone to remain anonymous?"

The robot said seriously: "You don't need to tell me your forum account, but I like that when you see the 'flying bird', you know it's me."

Xia Chujian nodded and said with a relaxed expression: "I know, thank you, goodbye!"

When Xia Chujian returned to his villa, he saw that the home was cold and not popular at all, so he decided to go to Xingwang to buy a housework robot first.

She thinks it would be great to have a housework robot like Liushun.

Although she always makes her angry, that's what makes her popular, right?

Xia Chujian knew that household robots were expensive, but she felt that she was now considered to have a small amount of assets, so it was not that she couldn't afford a robot.

But when she actually saw the price marked on the housekeeping robot, she still couldn't buy it.

Especially when she saw the Liushun model, it was indeed a top-of-the-line household robot, but the seven-digit price still made her flinch.

She thought that it was just about doing housework, and there was no need for Liushun to become a sophisticated housework robot.

So she bought a housekeeping robot with the lowest configuration model, which was also the cheapest.

But cheap is only relatively speaking. It is not as expensive as the Liushun model that costs seven figures, but it is still six figures.

The price of 200,000 Beichen coins made her heart bleed.

However, after placing the order, the delivery was very fast.

Half an hour later, the drone had delivered her newly purchased housekeeping robot.

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

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