The scientists who were equipped with brain-computer interfaces looked at each other and said to Xia Chujian: "Major General Seven Kills, this chip cannot be obtained in this way..."

"We have to go to the sterile operating room and have professionals open the lid on the back of the head to take out the chip."

Where does Xia Chujian have the time to let them go to the sterile operating room to do experiments?

Besides, each and every one of these people are enemies who came to power by stepping on the bones of her seven-killed king!

Even if you are a tool man of the game system, you are also a tool enemy!

She has always been very cautious about her enemies.

Xia Chujian raised the dagger in his hand, pointed at them and said, "Should I take it, or should you take it yourself? Don't let me say it a third time."

These people have no choice but to turn to each other. You help me get it, and I will help you get it.

Then he grinned in pain, and finally took out all the chips in each other's brain-computer interfaces.

Xia Chujian asked them to put them into those boxes the size of fingernails, then hugged the boxes and pushed them to Professor Chen.

Xia Chujian said: "Professor Chen, these are valuable properties of the Academy of Sciences. You must protect them well."

"No one is allowed to check out the library from now on. You have to find a way so that they can only read in the library."

"Any attempt to take him out of the library will be treated as treason. You can drag him to my place and shoot him directly."

Professor Chen smiled bitterly and said, "I will find a way to prevent people from taking them out of the library."

As for shooting or anything like that, Professor Chen didn't take it seriously.

Xia Chujian nodded and was about to say goodbye when he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps outside the conference room.

Then came the voice of the secretary next to the second princess: "The second princess, Her Royal Highness Tantai Jinci, has arrived!"

Xia Chujian looked in the direction of the door. A group of armed soldiers took control of the door's defense from outside to inside.

Then he pointed the gun at Xia Chujian.

The tall second princess Tantai Jinci then walked in, followed by a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

He held the second princess's arm, pointed at Xia Chujian and said, "That's her! Send people to search my house!"

"My father..."

Then he saw Zuo Lunhui lying on the ground, still unconscious.

He howled and rushed over, hugging Zuo Lunhui and crying.

"Father! Father! Wake up! Wake up!"

"You worked so hard for the Beichen Empire, working and researching day and night, what did you get?!"

"Being humiliated! Being beaten! Not only can't you protect your family, but you can't even protect your own life. Such a country..."

Xia Chujian couldn't let him continue to perform, so he caught his words appropriately and said, "What? Such a country is sorry for you, do you still want to rebel?"

This sentence immediately changed the second princess Tantai Jinci's view of this young man.

Xia Chujian said again: "I think you got an advantage and behaved well!"

"How could such a country fail your family?"

"What kind of scientist is your father?! Taking someone else's information and repeating it, does it count as your own?"

“Even if you can’t even repeat many things, do you still deserve to be called a scientist?!”

After Xia Chujian said these words, even Professor Chen blushed.

Her words upset a lot of people.

But Xia Chujian didn't care, she wanted to see if the second princess Tantai Jinci had the mindset of an emperor.

Sure enough, the second princess frowned and asked Xia Chujian: "Qisha, aren't you going to fly through the wormhole in an interstellar spaceship to Dazang Star today?"

"Why are you still here? And you are still messing around here?"

After hearing this, the young man holding Zuo Lunhui suddenly showed an expression of disbelief.

He looked up at the second princess, Tantai Jinci, and stammered: "Princess... Your Highness, this Qisha, she hurt my father! You have to punish her!"

How could you just let her go? !

The second princess Tantai Jinci looked at Xia Chujian and said lightly: "Don't you explain?"

Xia Chujian nodded and said concisely: "That's it. I came to Professor Zuo Lunhui to ask for the data on the wormhole and the Dazang Star."

"In the end, Professor Zollen refused to give it, and then I asked people to go to his house to search and found that he had hidden a lot of original materials from the Academy of Sciences."

Xia Chujian pointed to the pile of bamboo slips brought back by Li Fengqing and Professor Chen and said, "Your Highness the Second Princess, these are not actually the property of the Academy of Sciences, but the property of the royal family."

"Because they were materials brought back by the founding emperor of the Beichen Empire."

"But this Professor Zollen keeps saying that this is his own property. He has intellectual property rights and refuses to share it with others."

Xia Chujian said, and asked people to release the surveillance here.

There must be surveillance in a place like this, she didn't have to ask anyone.

Sure enough, after the surveillance was released, the second princess Tantai Jinci's face turned livid and she shot twice, one to kill Zuo Lunhui, and the other to kill the young man who had just been "learning" with her in bed.

She blew on the muzzle of the gun and said coldly: "The original materials given to you by the Academy of Sciences are all the intellectual property of our Tantai family. Don't be disrespectful!"

"If Zuo Lunhui is in a situation like this in the future, he will be dragged directly to Major General Seven Kills and shot!"

It was actually the same as what Xia Chujian said jokingly just now.

I didn’t dare to take Professor Chen seriously just now, so I had to take him seriously.

He lowered his head and said, "Yes, Your Highness the Second Princess."

Then he said bravely: "Your Highness, Second Princess, you have also seen the surveillance. In fact, the preparations for the interstellar spacecraft to fly through the wormhole this time are not sufficient."

"If Major General Seven Kills leads his team there, there will be no chance of survival."

In fact, there is still a possibility of survival. Xia Chujian just saw the test data.

There is a 10% chance that she will survive, but of course, we just don’t know where she will survive.

The second princess Tantai Jinci frowned, seeming embarrassed.

When Xia Chu meets with slander, what are you pretending to be...

She didn't believe that this princess didn't know the real data of the test.

If she doesn't even know this, then she is not worthy to be the heir to the throne of the empire.

But now that Xia Chujian himself knew about it, the princess didn't know how to appease Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian smiled empathetically and said, "Professor Chen, I am very touched by your concern, but obeying orders is a soldier's bounden duty."

"No matter how likely I am to survive this mission, I will go."

"Because I know how important this mission is to Her Royal Highness the Second Princess!"

Then she saluted Tantai Jinci and said, "Your Highness, Second Princess, Qisha guarantees that the mission will be completed!"

Tantai Jinci also breathed a sigh of relief, with red eyes, and said, "Qisha, I know you are my most loyal subordinate."

"When you come back this time, I will propose to the military headquarters to promote you to lieutenant general!"

Xia Chujian smiled and said: "You are a lieutenant general? Being able to open up territory for Her Royal Highness the Second Princess must at least be worthy of a general!"

Tantai Jinci immediately said: "As long as you return smoothly, what does it mean to be a general? A marshal is a possibility!"

Xia Chu's eyes lit up.


Even if it is not in reality, even if you have experienced the addiction of marshal in the game, it is still good!

She thought about it and couldn't help but nodded and said, "Then I will remember it!"

Then he solemnly saluted Tantai Jinci, turned around and left.

The scientists in the conference room looked at Xia Chujian's leaving figure with complicated expressions on their faces.

Professor Chen burst into tears and said: "Major General Seven Kills! Please take care!"

Xia Chuji didn't look back, he just raised his hand and waved to show that he understood.

She knew that in the minds of these people, there was probably no return for her.

But she doesn't care either.

If she is heroic when traveling through the wormhole this time, after she goes out, she will take a closer look at the roles played by the three families of Nance, Wenren and Zoron in this chapter.

When she watched the trailer before, she only knew that these families made their fortunes in the Southern Cross, Dazang and Bermuda respectively.

After the decline of the Beichen Empire, these three families took the opportunity to develop their own strength and took advantage of the situation on these three planets.

But judging from the progress of the game, these families all lived in Beichen Star before going to Southern Cross, Dazang and Baimu.

In other words, they were originally natives of Beichen Star.

Then during the great interstellar development, we followed the bones and blood and tears of the pioneers to these fully explored planets.

Needless to say, Xia Chujian felt that from beginning to end, these people were thieves and robbers!

Xia Chujian boarded the starship with anger.

The 50,000 soldiers on this spaceship are just game tools, but they have to die with her.

Xia Chujian was apologetic to them, but not much.

After all, she is not a real person, and she is not that sentimental.

But after she boarded the starship, she saw Li Fengqing following her.

She was standing at the door of the captain's room where Xia Chu met, with a look on her face as if she was about to die.

Xia Chu laughed: "Major Li, didn't you say you couldn't come?"

Li Fengqing said: "Major General Qisha, Li Fengqing is your adjutant. Wherever you go, I will go!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

Do you want to be so solemn...

Xia Chujian muttered in his heart, but thinking about game tools, people are also human beings, and people don't know that this is just a game, right?

It would be unkind for her to hit others again.

Xia Chujian patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, if you come back successfully this time, I will apply to the military department to promote you to colonel."

Li Fengqing laughed, but then he cried again.

She wiped away her tears and said with a choked voice, "Okay, Major General Seven Kills, I'll be waiting!"

Xia Chujian thought to herself that she still has no confidence in her...

At this moment, although she had already made the decision to die, she didn't want to die.

Is it really impossible to successfully travel through a wormhole?

Even if the technology for traveling through wormholes is actually mature?

Xia Chujian thought about it and said to Li Fengqing: "Major Li, I want to go to the captain's room to think about the route issue."

"Can you manage the ship for me?"

Li Fengqing saluted and said: "As ordered, kill the major general seven times!"

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

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