I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 760 Controlling the Field (First update, please vote for me)

Meng Guanghui was shocked and was covered in white hair.

Then, he heard a plop, and someone fell from the air and hit the floor hard, lying right next to the Evil Punisher who fell first.

Xia Chujian held the Adjudicator No. 2 sniper in his right hand and a fully automatic submachine gun in his left hand. While continuing to rush, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "A family must be neat and orderly."

Meng Guanghui came back to his senses, glanced at Xia Chujian in surprise, quickly got into the mood, and fired at those "fish that slipped through the net" again.

His marksmanship was already very powerful. Although it was not as powerful as Xia Chujian, his status as a high-level genetic evolution allowed him to shoot while covering the whole place with his mental power, making it impossible for those people to escape.

The two men had powerful firepower and accurate marksmanship, and quickly controlled the entire audience.

None of the people inside were armed, and their mental power level was not as high as Meng Guanghui's, so resistance was basically ineffective.

Not to mention the first meeting in Xia.

She fired in whichever direction she felt the sting on her wrist was worse.

Like precision strikes, the high-level genetic evolvers here were eliminated at fixed points.

In less than three minutes, the two finished the battle.

Not a single one of the one hundred and fifty people who were meeting in the living room were left, they were all lying here.

Meng Guanghui walked up to the man who was still holding a machete in his hand, kicked him with his foot, and said bitterly: "How dare you sneak attack your uncle! I think you want to die!"

Xia Chujian still had a sniper in one hand and a submachine gun in the other. He was vigilant and said at the same time: "If this person uses a gun instead of a knife, Deputy Hui may really be in trouble this time."

Meng Guanghui said with a smile: "That can't be... I'm wearing a bulletproof vest. I guess he knew this, so he used cold weapons to deal with me."

"You know, some genetic evolvers, especially high-level genetic evolvers, are accustomed to using cold weapons."

Xia Chujian was puzzled: "If you can't use hot weapons, how about cold weapons? - I really don't understand you genetic evolvers."

Meng Guanghui twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "If they had your marksmanship, of course they wouldn't use cold weapons when they were full."

"It's not because the marksmanship is not good enough and the shots are often inaccurate, so we use cold weapons to kill people more efficiently..."

Only then did Xia Chujian understand.

She nodded and said disapprovingly: "Then let's practice marksmanship. Isn't it difficult?"

Meng Guanghui didn't want to talk anymore.

Are those people using cold weapons because they don't like hot weapons? !

Do they not know that it is easier to kill with a gun? !

It’s not because of the inaccuracy!

Forget it, Meng Guanghui felt that he was a leader, he had a lot of authority, and he was not as knowledgeable as his subordinates.

He reminded Xia Chujian: "The battle here is settled, it's time to send someone over to deal with the follow-up."

Xia Chujian said: "Let's search and see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net."

Meng Guanghui said: "Aren't they all here?"

Xia Chujian was worried: "This house is not small. What if someone is not in the living room?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly felt something in her heart. She subconsciously turned the sniper in her hand and fired at an exit in the living room.


The gunfire rang out, and a dull thumping sound was heard. This was the sound of someone falling to the ground.

Meng Guanghui looked at her in surprise, nodded and said, "Then search!"

The two groups outside were still responsible for guarding, and Xia Chujian did not call them in.

She asked Meng Guanghui to release four drones and search in every direction.

At the same time, let Qilu connect to the security equipment here and electronically scan the entire house.

This is much faster than searching house by house.

Sure enough, Qilu had already discovered something strange in the basement before the drone completed the whole house search.

Xia Chujian waved his hand and took Meng Guanghui in the direction directed by Qilu.

When they arrived in the basement, she and Meng Guanghui were silent.

It seemed like a bloody killing had just occurred here.

Those who died were all young people, estimated to be no older than twenty years old.

At first glance, he looked like a candidate for the so-called "Holy Son and Saint Daughter" who had been abducted or kidnapped.

There were about three hundred people.

Meng Guanghui sighed and said, "This judge organization is so fucked up!"

Xia first met but didn't stay too long.

She said calmly: "How else could it be classified as a cult? There is no one else here. Please inform the headquarters to send someone to deal with the aftermath."

"We rush to the next address."

Based on the address information provided by Qi Yue, the Special Security Bureau used big data reasoning to analyze a total of thirty-six addresses and one hundred and seventy-eight high-level members of the Judge Organization.

But Xia Chujian killed one hundred and fifty people at the first address he deduced.

She killed all the remaining twenty-eight people in the ten addresses she cleared.

There were still twenty-five addresses, but she didn't let them go. She led her team and swiped them one by one.

Even according to the second analysis of big data, there should be no members of the Judge Organization there, and Xia Chujian did not let them go.

Indeed, although there are no members of the Judge Organization there, there are still about a dozen abducted boys and girls who are lucky enough to be alive.

They were all people who were not dead yet because they missed their vital points after being shot.

However, if no one rescues them, their fate will be from minor injuries to serious injuries, and then death.

But because Xia Chujian led someone in, they had a glimmer of hope.

Among these people, only three were seriously injured, and the rest were slightly injured.

The bullet hit the arm or leg, missing a vital part.

Xia Chujian now understood Meng Guanghui's explanation of why some high-level genetic evolvers didn't like to use thermal weapons.

With the marksmanship of these people, the efficiency of killing people with hot weapons is really not as good as the cold weapons in their hands.

Cold weapons combined with mental attacks can at least guarantee a fatal blow.

But in the hands of these people, thermal weapons will leave these "fish that slip through the net."

One night passed, morning dawned, and the sun shone on the sparkling waves of Langya Sea.

Xia Chujian fell asleep in the aircraft on the return trip.

That night, she almost traveled thousands of kilometers around Fenghai City.

At the speed of the aircraft, this distance does not take long.

But entering every location, killing people and rescuing people, commanding the aftermath and handover all required her to be highly concentrated.

From six o'clock yesterday to six o'clock this morning, for twelve hours, she experienced several truly high-intensity battles.

Shao Siming's black silver mecha can make her physically comparable to a high-level genetic evolver, but it cannot make her mentally reach that level.

For Meng Guanghui, actions of this level are nothing more than sprinkling water.

He wasn't tired or sleepy at all.

But Xia Chujian couldn't bear it anymore.

She was in the front passenger seat, sleeping peacefully.

Qi Yue in the back row was already awake.

He knew what these people were doing last night, and he also knew that these people didn't completely trust him.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't care.

As long as he could avenge Yu Wangyou, this grievance was not worth mentioning at all, and he didn't even think it was a grievance.

For a young man who had been imprisoned in the Judge Organization for three years, he felt that the two captains and vice-captains in front of him were outrageously good.

Because in his most precious adolescence, he spent it in the darkest place.

Now, he doesn't crave light either.

But this does not prevent him from being a little envious of people in the light.

The aircraft parked on an empty apron in the northern district of Mulan City.

Xia Chujian's operation was also a secret operation within the Special Security Bureau, so Qi Yue didn't know which organizations these people belonged to.

Seeing that the aircraft had landed in the city, he asked, "Have you caught those people?"

Xia Chujian just woke up.

She rubbed her eyes and said calmly: "If you don't arrest them, kill them all."

Qi Yue was surprised at first, and then delighted. He nodded and said, "That's great! Thank you for avenging me and Wangyou!"

Xia Chujian looked back at him and saw that he was really happy from the bottom of his heart. He also smiled and said, "What do you want to do in the future?"

"We also rescued a dozen people, all in the same situation as you."

Qi Yue took a deep breath and said excitedly: "Can you send me to that temple? I want to tell Wangyou about this happy event!"

Xia Chujian knew which place Qi Yue was talking about.

She was actually a little curious. She could understand a temple being built in that place, although she disagreed with the architectural style of the temple.

But the statue standing there actually looked like Yu Wangyou, which was hard for her to understand.

So many people died in this building at that time. If a memorial place was to be built, why only Yu Wangyou was singled out?

It was obvious that the fake Yu Wangyou was the cause of so many deaths!

Xia Chujian glanced at Meng Guanghui.

Although she was the commander-in-chief during the operation, now that the operation is over, Meng Guanghui is her leader, and she must obey her leadership.

Meng Guanghui said: "Then go."

If a good person does his best, it won't be a hassle to go there.

So the aircraft took off again and headed towards the eastern district of Mulan City.

A few minutes later, the aircraft came to a stop in a nearby clearing.

This community does not have a high-end place for aircraft to park.

Because the main means of transportation for people living in this kind of community is on two legs, and some people can't even afford to take public transportation.

As soon as the aircraft stopped, Qi Yue rushed out and rushed into the building that looked like a temple.

He knelt down in front of the statue with a plop, raised his head and said, "Wangyou, the people who bullied you are all dead. Don't be afraid..."

"I'm here to stay with you."

"We will never be separated again..."

Then, he staggered and fell to the ground.

Xia Chujian rushed over and came to Qi Yue's side.

He lay on the ground, his body twitching, with a happy smile on his face after his wish was fulfilled.

Xia Chujian turned him over and saw that he was holding a knife in his right hand and inserted it straight into his chest.

He committed suicide.

Xia Chujian said angrily: "Do you really want to die that much?!"

"Isn't it good to be alive?!"

Her aunt had told her since she was little that no matter how difficult it was, she must live.

Because only when you are alive can you have hope!

Xia Chujian didn't understand these people who committed suicide at all.

Qi Yue's breathing became more and more rapid, and he said intermittently: "Thank you..."

Then he tilted his head and lost all signs of life.

This is the first update. There will be a second update at five minutes past twelve noon!

Please give me a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month!

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