I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 813 It’s almost done (the second bigger chapter, monthly ticket)

Xia Chu rolled his eyes and said to Chen Yanjun: "It seems that we can't land directly. You guys should quickly return to the outside of the atmosphere!"

"I'll go down and take a look first. Just wait here for my news."

Chen Yanjun said nervously: "Captain, are you going down alone? How are you going down?"

It is at least dozens of meters above the ground, and Xia Chujian is not a genetic evolver...

Chen Yanjun did not say these words.

But Xia Chujian understood what he meant.

She said directly: "I have a second-generation mecha."

To be honest, she used to feel quite inferior because she was not a genetic evolver.

But since she decided to reveal her "second-generation mecha" publicly, she no longer feels inferior.

So what if you are a genetic evolver?

Anyway, I have a second-generation mecha.

This is her ever-changing amulet!

Xia Chujian happily released his second-generation mecha in front of everyone.

This time, she used the original shape of the mecha.

The black and silver color and the butterfly wing-shaped helmet give it a very cool look at first glance!

Chen Yanjun's eyes turned green with envy, and he shouted crazily: "Second-generation mecha!"

"I finally saw a real second-generation mecha!"

"Captain, can I touch your second-generation mecha?! I can just touch your arms, no, your calves, or your feet too!"

Chen Yanjun almost knelt down as he spoke.

Xia Chu saw that he was crying and laughing, so he grabbed him.

Chen Yanjun looked at his arm blankly and said dreamily: "...the second-generation mecha is touching me...I was actually touched by the second-generation mecha!"

"I never want to wash my arms again in my life!"

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and he let go of his hand and said, "Chen Yanjun, please be normal."

Chen Yanjun chuckled, made a fist with his backhand, hit Xia Chujian on the shoulder, and said, "Satisfied! I am also someone who has fought with second-generation mechas!"

Xia Chujian said: "You are not fighting, you are unilaterally 'beating' the second-generation mecha. Are you satisfied?"

Chen Yanjun laughed and was extremely excited.

It was also the first time for Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi to see a real second-generation mecha with their own eyes, and they both looked straight at it.

Not to mention the shape of the mecha, it looked like something they had never dreamed of, just like the future armors designed with mechanical intelligence in the large-scale online games they often played!

How many times have they wished that there could be such a cool mecha in reality...

But that's in the game, it can't exist in reality.

In reality, their country has always had technical problems that have not been overcome.

But now, the mecha that they thought could not exist in reality was standing in front of them alive.

Xia Chujian waved to them, then opened the door of the aircraft and jumped out very elegantly and leisurely.

The power system of Shao Siming's black silver mecha started instantly.

Xia Chujian is like a queen of the night soaring in the blue sky. The butterfly-winged helmet gives her a bit more wild charm that belongs to a different kind!

While they were watching intently, Xiaofei, the exploration robot in the cabin, suddenly jumped down too.

Chen Yanjun was frightened when he saw it, and said loudly: "Xiao Fei, come back! You have no wings..."

Before he finished speaking, a propeller suddenly appeared behind the straight-cylindrical body of the adventure robot, and then it started buzzing and spinning like a robot-shaped drone, and it jumped off after Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian's helmet communicator was connected to the aircraft's communication channel.

She heard Chen Yanjun's roar coming from the headset: "Captain! Xiao Fei jumped down!"

Xia Chu was startled. She turned around and saw a half-human-tall robot with a propeller spinning behind it, flying towards her at an extremely fast speed.

Xia Chujian was busy on the channel and said: "Xiao Fei, can you hear me?"

The electronically synthesized voice of the exploration robot Xiao Fei is gentle and sincere: "Captain, you can hear me."

"Xiaofei will accompany the captain on the adventure."

As he spoke, he had already flown to Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian sighed and thought, it's already here, so be it...

She said to the robot Xiaofei: "Xiaofei, you have to follow me, you can't run around by yourself."

"If you run around, I will have to send you back to the starry sky exploration ship in the sky."

Xiaofei said sternly: "Captain, don't worry, Xiaofei obeys the captain's orders the most."

Xia Chujian said: "I asked you to go back, why didn't you listen?"

Xiao Fei said: "Because that's not what the captain really meant."

Xia Chujian twitched his lips: "...You can even tell whether I am telling the truth or not? You are not a robot, you are a god, right?"

Xiao Fei said: "There is no god in this world. The captain deserves the award."

Xia Chujian said: "I can really do it alone, you go up now."

Xiao Fei was about to further refute when suddenly, the propeller behind it seemed to slow down.

It immediately adjusted its power system and jumped up a very high distance, immediately moving away from Xia Chujian.

The small plane jumped up so fast that it soon became a small black spot in the sky, almost returning to their parked aircraft in mid-air.

Xiaofei said in the communication channel: "Captain, Xiaofei can't accompany you down."

"There are some microscopic substances in the air here that are very corrosive to pure steel parts."

"Xiao Fei has only been down for less than a minute, and the propeller has already started to rust."

"If we continue, Xiao Fei's body will be scrapped, so Xiao Fei can't fly down anymore."

Its words were heard by the entire team.

At this time, they all remembered that Commissioner Zong reminded everyone on the intercom that this place is not very friendly to drones and robots.

Last time, conventional mechas didn't work here, so this time, they didn't bring conventional mechas at all.

At this time, everyone was worried about the ten aircraft that had already descended!

Officers and soldiers of the Starry Sky Exploration Force can also hear their speeches on the public channel.

Of course, they also have their own military channel.

After collective discussion on the military channel, these people decided to return to the starry sky exploration ship outside the atmosphere first.

Because at this time, they already felt that there seemed to be problems with the performance of the aircraft.

Then, they informed the military school students of their decision.

"Dear students, we have discovered that there are trace elements in the atmosphere here that are very corrosive to conventional metals and will cause fatal damage to our aircraft."

"In view of the lessons learned nineteen years ago, we are going to return to the atmosphere of the starry sky exploration ship to discuss the next strategy."

"We recommend that you also return to the starry sky exploration ship to avoid accidents."

Then, those military aircraft returned one after another.

The eleven civilian aircraft belonging to the military academy also returned after discussion.

At this time, apart from the ten aircraft in front that had roared to land on the Green Star, only Xia Chu saw their aircraft, which was still parked alone in mid-air.

Because Xia Chujian had already jumped off alone, they were waiting for Xia Chujian to come back.

Xia Chujian calmed down and thought that she could only try with her second-generation mecha.

Xia Chujian turned on the intercom and said to everyone in the Treasure Hunt No. 1 aircraft: "Teammates, please return home first. There is currently no problem with my second-generation mecha. I will go down to explore the path."

Chen Yanjun said anxiously: "Captain...!"

He wanted Xia Chujian to come back, and even wanted to "threaten" Xia Chujian that if she didn't come back, they wouldn't leave!

But Mai Aotu pulled him away at this time and said into the intercom: "Captain, the order has been received! We will return immediately!"

Chen Yanjun was furious and said to Mai Aotuo: "I am the vice-captain! How can you overtake me! Don't listen to me!"

Mai Aotuo said: "Classmate Xia is the captain, don't you listen to her!"

Xia Chujian didn't want to be chatty at this time, so she said simply: "Teammates, this is an order! Military order!"

Then turn off the intercom.

In the Treasure Hunt 1 aircraft, Chen Yanjun, Jiang Sheng and others stared at Mai Aotuo and Fan Ruisi.

However, after listening to Xia Chujian's crisp orders, they had to stop.

Chen Yanjun was silent for a long time and said to Mai Aotuo: "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"I shouldn't have taken matters into my own hands and questioned the captain's decision."

Mai Aotuo nodded: "This is the first time. The situation is special. I accept your apology."

"But if there is a next time, this vice-captain, don't do it, I will do it."

He has regarded this starry sky exploration as a military operation.

Since it is a military operation, we must obey the leadership's orders unconditionally.

Chen Yanjun's concept has not changed yet.

But at this moment, he changed.

He wants to help Xia Chujian and be her most outstanding right-hand man!

He didn't come from the position to make trouble for her!

At this time, Xia Chujian no longer paid attention to the dispute in the Treasure Hunt No. 1 aircraft, and she called Qilu out.

"Qilu, did you hear us?"

Qilu's childish voice was a little arrogant: "Humph! The master is talking to other robots!"

Xia Chujian: "...Qilu, don't you like Xiaofei?"

Qilu was silent for a while and then said: "Qilu doesn't dislike Xiaofei, but the master likes Xiaofei too much, and Qilu doesn't like it."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Daqing is jealous.

Xia Chujian was very curious and said: "Qilu, you are a mechanical intelligence. Do you also have the human emotion of jealousy?"

She had only experienced this kind of emotional expression of mechanical intelligence in Liushun, the housekeeping robot at home.

Qilu said: "...I'm not jealous, I'm just unhappy and don't like it."

Xia Chujian said: "This is jealousy."

Qi Lu skillfully changed the subject and said: "That Xiao Fei just now, even though he couldn't come down, he insisted on coming down to please the master! Qi Lu was very unhappy!"

It chattered and talked about many things about Xiao Fei, including repeatedly jumping between the driver robot and the nurse robot, and taking every opportunity to help Xia Chujian, which left its Qi Lu useless...

Xia Chujian was speechless and said softly: "...It's almost done..."

She didn't want to hear Qilu complain anymore, so she changed the subject and said: "Qilu, the radar on our aircraft is not working. Can you use the detector of Shao Siming's mecha to try to detect the terrain here?"

Qilu's childlike voice became excited: "No problem! Master is waiting!"

Of course Xia Chujian didn't just wait.

She continued flying downward, getting closer and closer to the ground.

Through the high-power eyepiece of her helmet, she could now see an island in the middle of the sea directly below her.

And this piece of flat land that looks green and black is actually undulating slightly.

It's just that the undulating speed is too slow, the area is relatively large, and the radar doesn't work, so it can't be seen from the aircraft at all.

By the time it was visible, it was almost touching the ground.

Xia Chu was shocked when he saw it. He always felt that the ground looked strange.

In fact, it is not like sand, but rather like some kind of gelatinous thing, but it is also extremely tough...

what is it then?

Xia Chujian suddenly remembered.

Like the skin of some kind of animal!

But green skin is still rare.

But speaking of green skin, another creature appeared in Xia Chujian's mind.

But that creature doesn't have green skin, but gray-green scales...

That creature was the Hedagon she had seen on Morizawa Planet.

However, Haidagon is not that big.

Looking at this vast expanse of gray-green land, standing here and looking around, you can barely see the surrounding sea water.

If it were Haidagon...

That could be a giant Haidagon!

Xia Chujian just thought about it casually. She didn't think that the ground was really the scales of Haidagon.

But this idea provided her with a way of thinking, an eclectic and unconstrained way of thinking.

While she was thinking, she opened the public channel for their expedition.

The students in the ten aircraft that landed first were howling in the public channel.

"Help! Come and save me!"

"This aircraft is already sliding downwards!"

"The hatch won't open! We can't get out!"

"Wouldn't the aircraft also be corroded?!"

"What the hell is this ground! Why does it feel so disgusting?!"

Xia Chujian listened to these complaints and panic, and suddenly said on the public channel: "I am Xia Chujian, and I just landed on the Green Star alone."

"I will now release my coordinates on the fair channel. The classmates closest to me can contact me and I will see if I can help you open the hatch."

After her voice finished speaking, the entire public channel fell silent.

After a while, someone questioned: "Meet Xia Chu? How did you land on the Green Star by yourself?"

"Didn't your aircraft sink?"

Xia Chujian said: "My aircraft has not come down and is still flying in mid-air."

"I came down alone."

"I have a second-generation mecha."

Some people originally wanted to question it, but as soon as the second-generation mecha came out, everyone shut up.

Tao Pao's voice sounded in surprise: "Meet you for the first time! I'm Tao Pao! These are the coordinates of our aircraft!"

"It's not close to you, but can you help us?!"

After Tao Pao finished speaking, a girl on the same team with her whispered: "...Can she really do it? No matter how capable she is, there is only one person..."

When Xia Chu met, he ignored the girl and just said to Tao Pao: "Tao Pao, I'll come right away, just wait for me for a minute."

Tao Pao's aircraft is at least two hundred kilometers away from Xia Chujian's side, but Xia Chujian's Shao Siming black silver mecha is a mecha that can fly at the speed of the third universe, so this distance is not enough. Minutes are too many.

Xia Chujian said one minute because it took her time to position herself to activate the mecha.

When actually used in flight, it takes less than a minute to cover a distance of more than 200 kilometers.

Sure enough, a minute later, Xia Chujian appeared in the sky above where Tao Pao and their aircraft landed.

Tao ran their luck even worse.

Like the place just now, this place is also a small island in the vast sea.

However, this island does not have many plains. It is mainly a mountain valley with high mountains on three sides, surrounding a groove in the middle.

In the groove, a black iron-colored aircraft was inserted diagonally in the middle of the groove.

There seemed to be a pile of plasticine in the groove, which stuck the huge aircraft tightly.

Xia Chujian's eyes twitched uncontrollably.

She felt that there was something really wrong with the terrain here.

Call this place weird, but the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air is the same as that of the Beichen Galaxy.

So even if she doesn't wear a helmet, she can breathe freely here.

But if you say it's normal, it's not right either.

Because there are some unknown trace elements in the air that can seriously corrode conventional metals.

Any equipment containing conventional metals such as steel will be subject to corrosion.

This is the second larger chapter, including a monthly pass of 300+.

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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