If we can't find the split Green Star, we naturally can't find Xia Chujian's whereabouts.

Is she really in danger?

Xia Yuanfang was very depressed.

She came out of the office building alone and walked towards the school gate.

Just when she was about to reach the main road in front of the central teaching building, she saw Qiu Zining walking over with a group of people, talking and laughing.

Among the group of people, there were actually classmates from the same major as Xia Chujian...

Although most of them looked very serious, and even tried to keep a certain distance from Qiu Zining.

But there were also two people who huddled around Qiu Zining, looking flattering.

Xia Yuanfang was in a complicated mood. She retracted her gaze and passed by them as if she didn't see them.

At this moment, suddenly a few people turned out from behind the big trees on both sides of the main road.

They raised their guns and pulled the trigger at Qiu Zining's group!

Bang Bang Bang! Bang Bang Bang!

The crisp gunshots exploded over the campus like large firecrackers.

Qiu Zining's group was well-trained. They quickly dispersed and lay down. Some rolled to the side with their heads in their arms, while others took out their guns and started to fight back! Qiu Zining and Chen Yanjun both had guns. They opened fire first and knocked down two gunmen. But then, the gunmen increased their shooting intensity, and some even showed their submachine guns! Chen Yanjun's face turned pale, and he rolled behind a big tree in the increasingly dense rain of bullets. With a bang, a sniper bullet directly penetrated the tree and hit Chen Yanjun's left arm. He groaned and fell to the ground and fainted. Jiang Sheng and Fang Chengliang quickly rolled over, dragged Chen Yanjun away and hid him. Qiu Zining narrowed her eyes and rolled to the ground. The gunshots were dense like rain, and people couldn't even lift their heads. After Chen Yanjun was injured, he was protected by Jiang Sheng and Fang Chengliang and lay tightly on the ground. Other students also surrounded them. On Qiu Zining's side, Gu Demao and Pan Nanjie followed her, as well as her two female subordinates.

Qiu Shiba was injured and said he needed to see a doctor, so she gave him a day off and he didn't come to school with her.

Qiu Zining's face looked even worse.

She shouted, "Call the police! Call the police! Why hasn't the school police come yet?!"

As she shouted, the gunmen opened fire again.

This time, the gunmen all shot at Xia Yuanfang!

The sound of gunfire resounded over the campus, and soon, the alarm was sounded on campus.

The robots and human school police who served as guards all boarded the aircraft and flew over here with a roar.

Xia Yuanfang lay on the ground, very upset about why she didn't wear a bulletproof vest...

Of course, she was just overthinking.

Even students in military academies generally don't wear bulletproof vests, otherwise what kind of school is it?

She just felt that her luck was particularly bad.

At this moment, several gunmen had rushed to her side, holding guns and looking down at her, and were about to execute her!

At this moment, one of the gunmen over there suddenly aimed at Xia Yuanfang who had just squatted down!


There was a gunshot, but a figure had already jumped up and blocked in front of Xia Yuanfang, using his body to protect her.

Xia Yuanfang hurriedly lay down, but the person blocking her also fell down stiffly.

The classmates who followed Chen Yanjun looked over and were stunned.

It turned out that Gu Demao, who was originally staying next to Qiu Zining, suddenly appeared and blocked the gun for Xia Yuanfang!

He suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the gunman in the front!

His actions were so swift and fast, and his skills were extraordinary. He didn't look like a freshman at all.

And he also launched a mental attack.

The gunman in front was shaken by this impact, and his shooting skills were inaccurate.

Several bullets hit the ground next to Xia Yuanfang, splashing cement residue all over her head and face.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Demao had rushed to Xia Yuanfang and protected her behind him.

And those gunmen also had high-level genetic evolutionists, but not as high as S-level.

They were the first to come to their senses and pointed their guns at Xia Yuanfang again!

At this time, only Gudemao could see clearly.

He quickly fought back, rushed into the group of people, and grabbed the gun with his bare hands!

Unfortunately, although his genetic evolution level was higher, the other side had more people.

Although he grabbed a gun, the other side had already fired several shots at him!

Bang bang bang bang!

Gudemao seemed to have a bulletproof vest on him, and those bullets hit his chest, which had little impact and damage on him.

But at this moment, someone from the other side suddenly shot him in the forehead!


After the gunshot, a pigeon egg-sized penetrating wound appeared on his forehead.

Gudemao's eyes widened, staring blankly at the front, then lost consciousness and fell down.

Xia Yuanfang watched this student she was not familiar with lose his life just to save her.

At that moment, it seemed that those long-lost memories that had been sealed in her mind were awakened again.

In fact, the attack was even more fierce at that time, and the sound of gunfire and artillery was deafening, but it had no effect on those aliens...

Xia Yuanfang closed his eyes, lay on the ground, and held the weeds on the roadside tightly with both hands.

What echoed in his ears was the crazy shouting of those people: "...Hide! You must hide!"

"Don't come over! Don't come over! Don't come over!"

Once again, she watched helplessly as the people who were protecting her fell into a pool of blood one by one.

Because while she was in a trance, Pan Nanjie also ran over from Qiu Zining.

He took the initiative and picked up the gun that Gu Demao had snatched from the ground, and pulled the trigger at the gunmen!

His skills were more agile and his shooting skills were more accurate.

In a few minutes, when the school police and defense robots arrived, he had killed all the gunmen.

But just as he put down the gun and bent down to help Xia Yuanfang up, a bullet came silently from behind and shot Pan Nanjie in the back of the head!

Xia Yuanfang raised her head suddenly and looked in the direction where the bullet came from.

It was Qiu Zining!

It was Qiu Zining who shot and killed the second person who came to save her!

But Qiu Zining only gave her a malicious smile and aimed at her again.

Of course, it was too late now.

Qiu Zining didn't have time to shoot again.

The school police and defense robots have arrived. Each of them is armed with live ammunition. They ordered everyone present, whether they are gunmen or students defending themselves, to lay down their weapons.

Qiu Zining didn't care at all and handed her pistol to her subordinate.

Her subordinate took it silently, wiped off Qiu Zining's fingerprints on it, played with the gun himself, and covered it with his fingerprints.


Zong Ruoning rushed to the scene with her bodyguards.

When he saw the bodies of the gunmen, the two dead students, several injured students, and Xia Yuanfang who was protected by the two dead students, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

When he saw Qiu Zining who was also protected by several people, he understood everything.

But it was useless to understand.

Since Qiu Zining dared to take action, she must have found a scapegoat.

Zong Ruoning was too familiar with all this.

There were not many nobles who could be so meticulous when they attacked civilians...

But because Qiu Zining was not a noble yet, she spent some time thinking.

Zong Ruoning's face turned pale, thinking that as long as he was there, Qiu Zining would never be able to get a student status in the Empire's No. 1 Military Academy!

Xia Yuanfang got up from the ground, looked at the two students who died with tears on his face, and closed their eyes with his hands.

Chen Yanjun, Jiang Sheng and others also got up from the ground and looked at the situation on Xia Yuanfang's side in disbelief.

Among the ten people in their class, only Gu Demao and Pan Nanjie left their team and went to be with the students of the Interstellar Union Class during this interstellar exploration activity.

Chen Yanjun and others used to hate these two classmates, thinking that they were spineless, betrayed their own class, and were servile and licking the nobles at home and abroad...

But it was also them who stood up without hesitation and used their lives to protect the relatives of their classmates.

Chen Yanjun and others could do this kind of thing.

But now they realized that they were not as capable and skilled as these two.

At that time, under the fierce attack of the opponent's gunmen, they were suppressed and couldn't raise their heads, let alone rush into the enemy's hail of bullets!

Chen Yanjun murmured, "...I didn't know their genetic evolution level was so high..."

Jiang Sheng hit his head with his fist and cried bitterly, "It's my fault! I said bad things about them! I want to isolate them!"

Now seeing what these two people did, how can I not understand?

These two deliberately went undercover in the enemy camp!

Qiu Zining looked very unhappy.

She also realized at this time that she was fooled by these two...

But fortunately, she didn't really believe them, so these two people didn't know her plan this time.

Zong Ruoning took a deep breath and commanded: "All the bodies here should be taken away, the gunmen should verify their identities and track down the mastermind."

"The injured students should go to the school hospital for examination and treatment immediately."

"Also, Qiu Zining, please come with me."

Qiu Zining asked with a puzzled look: "Commissioner Zong, I am also injured. Are you going to take me to your exclusive medical cabin for treatment?"

She knew that Zong Ruoning had a very advanced aircraft, and the medical cabin inside was also of the highest level.

Zong Ruoning's face was as gloomy as water, and he said: "Qiu Zining, you are suspected of murdering your classmates and their parents, you must accept the investigation."

Qiu Zining's eyes widened, and she immediately cried out: "Commissioner Zong, you can't lie with your eyes open!"

"These gunmen..." She pointed at the corpses on the ground and said: "They came to kill me! You can't rely on your birth as one of the four dukes to confuse right and wrong!"

Zong Ruoning knew that Qiu Zining would do this, and he also knew that he couldn't get any evidence, but he couldn't help but be angry, and he had to disgust her.

Zong Ruoning sneered and said: "They came to kill you? But they ended up killing students."

This is the first update, and there will be a second update at 12:05 noon!

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