I am simulating the road to eternal life in the chat group

Chapter 108 Weirdness and the God of Light!

[Of course, you also thought of a possibility. That is, Wei Yi is the Lord of Light. However, you dare not accept this guess. Because if it is true, then you may never be able to complete the group task, and can only wait for death to come. ]

[Next, after discussion, you plan to launch an assassination operation against the Pope of Light. You waited for the opportunity for the Pope of Light to be alone, and finally found an opportunity during his external missionary work and attacked him. ]

[You went all out and launched the most violent attack on him. However, facing such a fierce attack from you, the Pope was still very calm and easily dealt with your joint attack. You were all heavy-hearted, but there was no way out, so you could only fight desperately. ]

[In the end, you made up your mind and directly performed the second secret method of the Five Elements Fusion Spirit Jue, Five Elements Integration, and then performed a close-range self-explosion. ]

[Your self-explosion was very terrifying, even the Pope was seriously injured by you. Then Chen Yao and others attacked together, and finally the Pope was killed once. And you were resurrected after that. ]

[However, something happened that made you despair. The Pope resurrected again, mocking your overestimation, and then used the power of the Lord of Light. Facing the power bestowed by the Lord of Light, you were easily suppressed and all killed by him. ]

[Because of your death, this simulation ends. ]

"Through this simulation, the probability that the Pope is a weird is as high as more than 90%, which is good news. However, it is a weird that cannot be killed, which is a bit troublesome." Wang Ping opened his eyes, frowned, and had a headache. Moreover, the power bestowed by the Lord of Light is also a huge trouble. Although he will not grow too much in this simulation, the combat power of Chen Yao, Zhang Hu, Qin Tian, ​​and Lin Yuanyuan has also become very powerful. With cooperation, the combat power that can be exerted is even more terrifying. However, even such a combination was easily dealt with by the Pope, and he had to rely on his self-detonation to kill once. After killing the Pope, the other party can still come back to life, and even used the power of the Lord of Light to suppress them all. The power held by this guy is a bit too terrifying. Wang Ping suspected that even if he received the reward for the paid simulation, he might not be his opponent.

"Brother Wang, how is the situation?"

Seeing Wang Ping open his eyes, the others looked over, and Zhang Hu asked impatiently.

"The whole team was wiped out." Wang Ping shook his head and said.

"It was indeed a team wiped out. I knew it was impossible to succeed in one go." Zhang Hu sighed.

Chen Yao and Qin Tian also shook their heads helplessly.

Only Lin Yuanyuan didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. After all, she was a newcomer and it was her first time to participate in a mission. In addition, she had a quarrel with Wang Ping before.

"The future is like this." Wang Ping exhaled lightly and explained the contents of the life simulator in detail.

For a while, everyone was silent.

Good guy, this development has a taste of historical reappearance.

In addition,

Chen Yao, Qin Tian, ​​and Zhang Hu all looked at Lin Yuanyuan with subtle eyes, and understood why Wang Ping looked at Lin Yuanyuan with such a strange look just now.

Especially Qin Tian, ​​who was sitting next to Lin Yuanyuan, silently moved his chair and pulled some distance away.

Lin Yuanyuan: "."

She really didn't want to tell anyone about this golden finger.

But, Wang Ping's golden finger was really abominable, and he actually exposed her like this.

"Through this simulation, we can know that the possibility of the Pope being weird is extremely high. The fanaticism of those believers to the point of perversion may also be affected by his ability. At the same time, this weirdness is different from the last time. He has super combat power, and he has the blessing of the Lord of Light and the strongest force of the Church of Light. It is very troublesome for us to deal with him."

Wang Ping didn't say much nonsense, and he got down to business very directly.

"Moreover, this weirdness has the ability to resurrect, but we don't know what the principle of his resurrection is. If we don't figure out the principle, we may find it difficult to kill him completely."

"It's really troublesome, but I'm not good at thinking, so I can only rely on you to analyze it."

Zhang Hu smiled bitterly and said directly.

"Last time, the charm and weirdness used fans to revive. So, will it be the same ability this time, or a similar ability. That is, resurrection through believers. If the believers don't die, he won't die?" Qin Tian stroked his chin and analyzed it seriously. "It makes sense. In fact, I also think it may be such an ability. However, there is another greater possibility. That is the power of faith. He used the power of faith to revive. As long as the faith is destroyed, or the accumulated power of faith is exhausted, perhaps he can be killed completely." Wang Ping nodded and added. "Of course, this is just a guess at present. Whether it is the case or not, we still have to test it. However, we have many opportunities this time, and we don't need to be too nervous." "The principle of resurrection is speculated as Brother Wang said, but his combat power is so strong and his identity is so special. How to kill him is a problem." Chen Yao said with some distress. "To be honest, I can't stay in this world for too long. Our world will not work without me. Once I disappear for too long, the demons will surely cause chaos again. In our world, the number of demon kings and demon commanders is actually greater than the combat power of the same realm here."

"Sister Yao, I can understand how you feel. However, this kind of thing cannot be rushed. Also, in the future, if we increase our combat power to that point, we will not be able to defeat the Pope even five against one. We will have to rely on Brother Wang to self-destruct." Kill him once. If we don't improve our strength, even if we crack the method of his resurrection, it will be unrealistic to kill him by force. "

Qin Tian shook his head slightly and comforted.

"I know." Chen Yao said helplessly: "I mean, as fast as possible, as fast as possible. In addition, we don't actually have to rely solely on our own strength to deal with the Pope. We can unite this To be honest, there are quite a few local strong people in the world.”

"What Chen Yao said makes sense. Although the sword gods and magic gods in our world are not as good as Brother Wang individually, they are also very difficult to deal with together. If we can win over the seven gods in this world, The Sword God, the six Dharma Gods, and the powerful men from other churches will join forces to deal with the Church of Light, and the possibility of successfully killing the Pope of Light is still very high."

Zhang Hu's eyes were bright and he spoke.

"Have you forgotten the existence of the Lord God of Light?" Lin Yuanyuan said silently.

As soon as these words came out, Qin Tian and Zhang Hu were instantly choked and speechless.

Well, the Lord God of Light is the most troublesome existence.

It's just that they don't want to face this guy. Even if the other party grants the power of the Pope of Light, it will be enough to cause a headache.

"Brother Wang, what do you think?" Qin Tian looked at Wang Ping and found that Wang Ping had been thinking about something, so he couldn't help asking.

"I'm thinking whether the power of this pope is also related to the power of faith. At the same time, whether the power of faith of the Lord God of Light that he can mobilize is also related to the strength of the power of faith. If it is really related, It would be much easier to kill him."

Wang Ping glanced at everyone, narrowed his eyes, and spoke slowly.

The power of faith is a very special thing, and it is easy to gather powerful power.

However, it can also disappear easily.

Belief in a god who has become a god is the most unstable.

Once faith is gone, it disappears.

The most famous among them are the gods of Fuso. Fuso is said to have eight million gods, and anything can be transformed into a so-called god.

However, many Fuso gods in anime have disappeared in later generations, because people rarely believe in gods anymore, so they disappeared completely, and only a few survived.

Even so, the power has become extremely weak.

This is the instability of belief, which can make you an invincible god or make you weak.

"Indeed, I think his abilities may be related to faith. Otherwise, it would be impossible to possess a special existence like the Pope. Because the Pope of Light can obtain the power of faith more easily."

Qin Tian's eyes brightened.

"But believers believe in the Lord of Light. What does it have to do with him? In addition, he is possessed by the Pope who has the power of the Lord of Light. Why is he not noticed by the Lord of Light? He can even mobilize his power. "

Chen Yao frowned and said.

"Three possibilities. The first is a strange existence that even an existence at the level of the Lord of Light cannot easily detect. The second possibility is that the Lord of Light knows about the strange existence and then chooses to cooperate with it. The lower world fights for faith.”

Wang Ping raised three fingers and spoke slowly.

"As for the last one, I believe everyone can guess it, but I just don't want to think about it. That is the Lord of Light who is weird. He has grown to such a terrifying level. And the Pope of Light is just a dog."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Tian and Chen Yao fell silent.

Zhang Hu's expression changed drastically.

Lin Yuanyuan didn't speak during the whole process and seemed to have no sense of presence.

"Of course, the possibility that the Lord of Light is possessed by something strange is still very small. If the Lord of Light is really something strange, then it will be something we cannot handle at all. I believe the chat group will not let us come here to die. Although the previous missions It’s also dangerous, but we can actually get through it easily.”

Wang Ping looked at a few people, changed the subject, and comforted them.


Hearing this, Chen Yao, Qin Tian, ​​and Zhang Hu all laughed bitterly.

Won't you let them die?

This is not necessarily the case.

This chat group really knows everything about its piss-taking behavior, and it really doesn’t care about the life and death of the time-travelers it has trained.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have let so many time-travelers fall into boxes and arrange so many dangerous mandatory tasks at the same time.

The most annoying thing is that the group rewards are not that much.

Although the group points are not bad, there are too few things that can be purchased and they are too expensive.

Therefore, every time they completed the group mission, their strength did not improve. That is to say, Liu Mei was lucky and got the castrated version of the weird ability.

"Wars about faith have also happened in history. In fact, I also have some questions about the stories in history books."

At this time, Chen Yao seemed to have remembered something and said silently.

"Why can the Lord of Light be the first to manifest miracles and destroy the Dark God of Magic Moss and his undead natural disasters? It stands to reason that with the power of other Lords, they can also do this easily. Then why do the gods do this? The reason for withdrawing the power to protect believers should not be as simple as what is recorded in the history books. Then the gods rarely perform miracles, which is also the reason for the subsequent decline of the Church of Light."

"I have actually thought about this issue. I can also think of some reasons. However, after all, this is just my guess as an author, and I don't know if it is the case."

Wang Ping looked at Chen Yao and said with a smile.

"Hey, is Brother Wang still the author of online articles?"

Qin Tian's eyes became strange.

"Before time travel, I was writing books. Of course, my results were not ideal. However, I have read many books and my imagination is not inferior to others."

Wang Ping said very casually.

"Well, it's usually the writers who say they are brave enough to say that they are not weaker than others." Qin Tian muttered.

"What did you say?" Wang Ping's face twitched and he looked at Qin Tian with murderous eyes.

"I didn't say anything." Qin Tian said awkwardly.

"Pfft." Chen Yao couldn't help laughing while listening to the conversation between the two.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

"Brother Wang, what is your guess?" Zhang Hu asked.

"The Lord of Light manifested a miracle for the first time. According to the routine, it should be Lao Liu who did it behind the back of the gods. This kind of behavior allowed him to gain a lot of power of faith, so his power surpassed other The Lord God is above. Therefore, even though the other Lord Gods are very angry, and the Lord God of Light has said righteous words such as caring about the people of the lower world, the other gods can't say much."

"Then, the gods made rules. Gods are not allowed to descend to the lower realm easily, and they cannot manifest miracles easily. At the same time, they must take back their power and liberalize belief in life in the lower realm. Only in this way can the problem of the Light Church's monopoly on faith be solved. However, because it is the strongest Because of the strong arguments of the Lord of Light, only the Pope of Light and the Saint of Light can use the power given by the Lord of Light at specific times.”

"Later, due to the liberalization of faith, miracles were not manifested, the Church of Light declined, and due to the Dragon Clan, the status of the Church of Light declined, and beliefs became diversified again."

"And in the future, a strange thing possessed the Pope, and he did a series of things for the sake of his faith. I also suspect that the dark magic god who appeared in later generations has something to do with him, and may also have something to do with the Lord of Light, the sixth god. , after all, he has manifested miracles again. Of course, it may also be that he used the power of faith to increase the power given by the Lord of Light. "

"At the same time, the invasion of the demons may have been led by him. These two major events have successfully caused people who believe in the Lord God of Light to spread all over the continent and become extremely fanatical."

After Wang Ping finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief, silently drank the wine in the glass and moistened his throat.

"(⊙o⊙)..." After Wang Ping finished speaking, everyone looked at Wang Ping in astonishment.

Good guy, no one else has this idea.

"Brother Wang, you are worthy of being a novelist, awesome."

Qin Tian complained.

"In just a short time, I have dreamed up so many stories. And I think it can become the main story of a Western fantasy novel. Although it is a bit cliche, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Same feeling." Chen Yao said silently.

"I, Brother Wang, are awesome in society." Zhang Hu also flattered with a smile.

"Stop bragging. Do you think my speculation makes sense?"

Wang Ping covered his forehead and spoke.

"To be honest, I think it makes sense, and there is nothing wrong with the logic. We don't know what the gods have planned, but if we analyze various events in history, the probability of the truth being like this is more than 50%."

Chen Yao said seriously.

"I think so too." Qin Tian nodded.

"However, Brother Wang, after your analysis, I am getting more and more panicked. Because if you speculate like this, it is more likely that the Lord of Light is not weird, but the Lord of Light knows that the Pope of Light is possessed by the weird, and still chooses to let him go, and even give him It is more likely that he will have more privileges, such as allowing him to use the power of faith to manifest miracles.”

After a pause, Qin Tian smiled bitterly.

"This can also explain why the miracles of the Lord of Light reappeared. It stands to reason that after the Lord of Light had his first act of Lao Liu, he must have been closely watched and could not go down to the world privately. Only the Pope of Light can pass through himself Only by having the ability to do such a thing can the gods be dumb enough to eat Coptis chinensis and be unable to tell the story of their sufferings.”

"That's it. If it is as I guessed, this is the second worst case scenario. The Pope is weird. The Lord God of Light knows that the Pope of Light is weird, but for the sake of the huge power of faith, he still chooses to let him go and even protect him."

Wang Ping leaned back on the chair and spoke calmly.


After hearing this, everyone fell silent. Even Lin Yuanyuan could tell how troublesome the problem was.

"Then, what should we do?"

Zhang Hu said with a troubled face.

"With the Lord God of Light here, it will be too difficult for us to kill the Pope of Light. Not to mention, it is not yet sure whether his resurrection is really related to faith."

"Don't be nervous, the situation is not that bad yet."

Wang Ping rolled his eyes and said.

"According to the future I see, before the dark magic god appears, the light pope has not found a chance to spread his faith. In other words, he is a normal template now, not a super-developed state in the future. This is actually the same as The zombies in our first group mission were a bit similar, only more troublesome.”

"If we miss the time and let him grow to the point where we can't solve it, it's a dead end."

"Well, that's right."

After Zhang Hu reacted, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, Chen Yao and Qin Tian have long understood this truth, but they are still not so optimistic.

The Pope is definitely not that easy to deal with, even if he has not grown up.

Not to mention, everything is just speculation now and it is not confirmed to be true.

My boss said that the recommendation was a bit late and it will be on the 4th of next month. But now that the words have been said, let’s first update 10,000 words in these three days, and then try to update more than 15,000 words on the 4th, 5th, and 6th!

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