I am so Accurate

Chapter 134 The Son of Akron

After three days of practice in Dallas, the Mavericks boarded a plane to Los Angeles the day before the game.

Before boarding the plane, Sun Hao called Yi Jianlian.

On the phone, Yi Jianlian also told him a game news.

They play an invitational game three days later against St. Vincent St. Mary High School from Akron, Cleveland.

When Sun Hao heard the name of this school, he knew that he had to go to this game.

Son of Akron, already calling him.


The next morning, Nelson Sr. only arranged some daily training as usual.

The last time the Warriors entered the playoffs dates back to the 1993-1994 season. The head coach at the time, yes, was the old Nelson.

That team has "Madman" Sprewell, "C-Webb" Chris Webber, "God's Left Hand" Chris Mullin, "Little General" Avery Johnson, "Durant" Time idol" Billy Owens, and "bug" Tim Hardaway who was reimbursed for the season due to injury.

This lineup looked more exaggerated than the Trail Blazers this season, but injuries destroyed that team, and they ended up in the first round of the playoffs.

Since then, the Warriors have been sinking day by day. They have long lost the style of the former championship team and have been completely reduced to fish.

The same is true for this season, so far in the season, it is hard for them to win.

Faced with such a point-giving question, Old Nelson seemed relaxed.


After the training session in the morning, Sun Hao went to Silicon Valley in San Francisco.

Silicon Valley, another name for Santa Clara Valley, is a high-tech park named after the research and production of silicon-based semiconductor chips.

After Sun Hao arrived, he realized that he couldn't laugh or cry.

Google is not in Silicon Valley at all!

No, to be precise, it should be that Google at this time is not qualified to move to the Science and Technology Park!

Frustrated, Sun Hao felt that those novels he read in his previous life were all deceitful.

After time travel, all those people seem to be encyclopedias, knowing everything about what happened and where.

He is the reality!

He could only call Fu Paulo and ask him to check the information, and then took a car to No. 165 Daxue Road in Palo Alto.

That's where Google is now located.

At this time, although Google is not yet a future Internet giant, it has actually shown very good potential.

Of course, the more limited kind.

So when I heard that Sun Hao was here to invest and was about to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars, the CEO Larry Page came out to his surprise.

As a Stanford Ph.D., Page is well-educated and cautious.

Sun Hao and Page talked about their identities and the assets they own.

"I wonder why you invested in us?"

However, Page still did not directly agree to Sun Hao's investment, but instead asked Sun Hao why.

"Two reasons."

Sun Hao didn't think about this question on the way here, but after seeing "Don't.be.evil" hanging on the office wall, he already knew what to say.

He began to show the skills of his predecessors in fooling people.

"First, you are still alive."

Although I haven't deliberately learned about it, Sun Hao has heard about the Internet bubble in 2000.

Google not only survived, but also appeared to be a good size, the reason is simple and concise.

"Second, my principle of doing things is to be kind to others, which is the same as your company's purpose. This quality is worth my investment."

After two reasons, Page couldn't hold back his excitement.

What he cherishes the most is the company's quality—Don't.be.evil, which translates to don't be evil.

He firmly believes that in the long run, companies that do good things for the world will be more in line with the needs of shareholders and others, even if they have to give up some short-term benefits.

This is why he thinks the company can grow and thrive.

"We are very honored that you can become an investor of the company, and hope that we will have more cooperation in the future."

Page was slightly excited when shaking hands with Sun Hao.

Although Google has survived the Internet bubble, its development is still very difficult.

Last year, they even tried to sell the company to the EXCITE search engine for $1 million.

As a result, he was ruthlessly rejected by the other party.

Sun Hao's investment at this time will be of great help to them.

Sending charcoal in the snow is unforgettable.

Of course, Sun Hao didn't know exactly what his investment would bring. If it wasn't for that guy named Gu Yi who appeared suddenly, he wouldn't have thought of it all at once.

But when he signed the contract and saw that the dividend was ten points, he felt that he was in a big trouble.

This is about to take off!

But after all, it is different from signing the sneaker endorsement contract before. This matter is a bit big. He asked Fu Paulo to find a lawyer.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the contract, he officially signed his name.

This wave has made a lot of money.


That night, the game between the Mavericks and the Warriors started at Oracle Arena.

The two teams launched a confrontational battle, and the process of the game was also unexpected.

The Warriors, led by two juniors in Antawn Jamison and Larry Hughes, have been in a stalemate with the Mavericks.

The game was decided at the last minute.

Relying on Nowitzki's three-pointer at a critical moment plus a three-pointer, the audience scored 37 points, and the team only managed to pass the test 113-110.

In the locker room after the game, Nelson Sr. got angry rarely.

Everyone was scolded bloody.

Sun Hao also saw the irritable side of old Nelson for the first time, he really looked like a drunken villain.

But looking at the ashamed expressions of his teammates around him, for some reason, he suddenly felt that Old Nelson did it on purpose.

After all, after this period of time, the Mavericks haven't trained well.

Of course, Sun Hao couldn't verify whether this was intentional, but he could feel that the Mavericks players were holding their breath.

The game against the Lakers is coming.


The Mavericks arrived in Los Angeles the morning before the game.

And after arriving, the old Nelson took the team to practice.

The players are all holding back their energy, the training efficiency is very high, and the state is coming out very quickly.

Looking at the state of the team, although Old Nelson had a straight face, he still couldn't hide a smile at the corner of his mouth.

If he knew what Sun Hao was thinking, he would definitely slap Sun Hao on the shoulder, and then say: You are really a smart little ghost.

Since O'Neal arrived at the Lakers, regardless of whether they have risen or not, they have become the sufferers of the Mavericks and Nelson.

Old Nelson's team scored and played fast, but O'Neal could blow up the Mavericks inside every time before they played fast.

Even someone like Old Nelson didn't have much temper after being beaten.

But this season, he feels a change.

This change is visible to the naked eye.

The Lakers won 67 wins last season, basically occupying the top spot in the Western Conference all season.

But since the start of the season, the Lakers have not only been robbed of the No. 1 position by the Spurs, but their record is even worse than that of the Mavericks.

There are many reasons for this.

The schedule is not good, O'Neal was affected by a left ankle injury at the beginning of the season, Glenn Rice's departure made them lose a third scoring point, Ron Harper was mediocre and injured, and so on.

But the most important problem is that there is a problem between the "OK combination".

In the November game, Bryant averaged 21.5 shots per game, a full five times more than last season's average.

Of course, more importantly, he took more shots than O'Neal.

O'Neal is still at his peak, but Bryant seems to have some can't wait to become the new owner of Los Angeles.

Especially after practicing mid-range shooting in the past summer, his self-confidence has reached a level of explosion.

This made old Nelson smell a chance.

So, just like how he intentionally suppressed Sun Hao so painlessly before, he also used this painless game against the Warriors to whip the nerves of the players.

If they can really win the Lakers, it is really a huge encouragement for the Mavericks.

You need to know about the schedule. If you beat a good opponent at the beginning of the season, it will inevitably mean that there will be a difficult schedule later.

What kind of confidence you enter with is very critical.

Don't look at the current record of the Mavericks is very good, a wave of losing streak will soon fall.

After all, the season has only started a month ago.

This is also the reason why old Nelson played such a hand.

Of course, the old Nelson has been coaching for so many years. Naturally, until he relaxes, he will only arrange two hours of regular training in the morning on tomorrow's match day.

After training, the players are ready to go back to the locker room.

At this moment, Sun Hao saw a familiar figure appearing in the training hall.

Oh no, I saw a golden experience book appearing at the entrance of the training hall.

Kobe, extra practice is here.

Judging by his appearance, the Mavericks should have arrived at the entrance of the training hall before the end.

"Hey Kobe."

Sun Hao went up to say hello.

His strength in all aspects has been greatly improved compared with the original trial training.

Even his height has grown a lot.

Although there is a high probability that Kobe will not be able to fight heads-up, but he still wants to gain another chance to turn his bicycle into a motorcycle.

[Kobe turns and leans back] That shooting bag is so tempting.

It's just that what Sun Hao never expected was that after Kobe glanced at him, he directly chose to ignore him.



Sun Hao thought that Kobe didn't hear it, so he yelled again, but this time he was sure that Kobe didn't want to talk to him.

What the hell am I.

It's too much to ignore people, hey!

Although they are not friends in private, they had fought bulls together in the training ground at the beginning!

And he just won the best rookie of the month, and Kobe forgot about him.

Although he didn't know why, Kobe ignored him, and Sun Hao didn't go there again.

It's a pity to miss the shooting bag, but he is not the kind of person who likes to have a hot face and a cold ass.

Sun Hao didn't pay much attention to a small episode.

That evening, he went to Sierra Canyon School.

On this evening, Canyon School will host St. Mary's High School.

St. Mary's is undefeated in Ohio so far, and this game will be a big challenge for Canyon School.

However, this invitational game attracted a considerable number of people to watch the scene.

There are not only students, but also a large number of parents of local students.

They're here because of one player.

Of course it wasn't Yi Jianlian. Although Yi Jianlian performed well, he was far from that kind of popularity.

It was a newcomer at St. Mary's who drew them here.

LeBron James.

Thanks to mollyaihuaan, I am in love with the new novel for the reward~

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