I am so Accurate

Chapter 269 Yao Ming, the second center in the league

Although, it is not difficult for Nowitzki to say such a thing.

He regretted losing the Western Conference finals last season, and missed the medal in the World Championships again. He held back for too long.

The Mavericks started the game with a perfect start, and unlike before winning by relying on excellent form, they really showed their strength.

Coupled with his own fiery state, this is the kind of emotion that comes out naturally.

After taking down the Pistons, the Mavericks made persistent efforts and successively won the Heat and Raptors, extending the winning streak to 7 games!

At this time, not only Dallas, but also the league are discussing the Mavericks.

Later generations look back at history, the three major topics at the beginning of the 2002~2003 season: Dongmai, Xike, Changshengniu.

Dongmai refers to Maidi in the east.

After scoring 43 points in his first show, McGrady started his scoring performance all the way, averaging 35+ per game for half a month!

The white horse spear is invincible.

The scoring champion is already waving to him.

And he is not alone on the road to scoring, because the lemon tree planted by Sun Hao in Kobe's heart has already blossomed and bore fruit!

Siko, refers to Kobe in the west!

For Kobe this season, his personal offensive desire has reached the peak of his career.

He averaged 23+ shots per game, a full 5 more than O'Neal!

Don't think that the number of 5 times is not much. As long as a foul is caused in a basketball game, it will not be counted in the shot statistics.

So you're seeing 5 times, but you're actually seeing far more than that when you play.

With the surge in shooting rights, Kobe's scoring average also broke through the 30-point mark for the first time!

Although the record of the Lakers has fluctuated greatly since the start of the game, it seems that no one can stop Kobe from becoming the new king of Los Angeles.

Then, there is Changsheng Niu.

The Mavericks' performance since the start of the game, as Kenny Smith said, opponents seem to be unable to find a way to beat them.

Or, as Nowitzki said, the Mavericks are ready to win the championship.

The three major topics are talked about with great interest after dinner.

This time it seems that even if Nowitzki sets the flag, the Mavericks will not die.

After winning 7 consecutive victories, the Mavericks ushered in their old rivals the Spurs at home.

They had successfully avenged the Spurs last season. Facing the opponent that Nelson most wanted to win, they naturally would not hold back, and launched a crazy offensive from the very beginning.

But the result of the game surprised everyone.

101 to 108, the Mavericks' 7-game winning streak was ended by the Spurs.

With 101 points, the Mavericks' own offense is no problem.

But the Spurs, who have never been good at offense, scored 108 points!

In addition to Duncan's daily 25+15 data, Ginobili also scored 21 points, and Parker also scored 16 points and 6 assists.

The Spurs also seem to have found a new way to play against the Mavericks.

I will do my best on the defensive end, and I don't necessarily require you to be dead, but I will guarantee the firepower on the offensive end.

Anyway, in the end, the team with more points wins the game.

The flag set by Nowitzki seems to have come true in the end.

The first loss of the season, and still lost to the Spurs.

The Mavericks felt like they were on a collective roller coaster, reaching the highest point and then slumping to the bottom with a jerk.

That hits hard.

In the next game against the Pacers, the Mavericks' morale was poor, and the Pacers' defense was impenetrable. In the end, they regretted losing and suffered a wave of two-game losing streak.

In the locker room after the game, the atmosphere of the team was a bit dull.

"Don't be downcast like your wife ran away, open your eyes wide to see who the f*cking number one in the league is! Find a few women to have fun at night, and tomorrow will be another beautiful day!"

Barkley's post-match encouragement was special, but it worked.

The players started talking and laughing loudly again in the shower.

Sun Hao came out of the shower and saw Nowitzki still sitting there in a daze, not even rubbing his feet, looking preoccupied.

Not long after, the players left the locker room one after another.

Nowitzki is still sitting there.


Sun Hao put his schoolbag on his back and was about to leave. When he saw that Nowitzki hadn't moved, he called him.

Nowitzki didn't hear it the first time, and he didn't look up until he yelled the second time.

He didn't come to his senses until he looked around the locker room and there was no one else there.

"What are you thinking?"

Sun Hao put down his schoolbag first, walked over to him and sat down.

"Son, I still don't understand why we lost, to the Spurs and the Pacers."

Nowitzki's words explained why he was in a daze for so long.

This wave of losing streak, the Mavericks' mood is the biggest drop is him.

As he said in the post-match press conference before, he was already thinking about winning the championship, but the reality gave him a head-on blow.

"Dirk, it's just two regular season games."

Sun Hao felt that Nowitzki's mentality was a bit wrong this season.

Although the Mavericks lineup has become stronger, it is impossible to keep winning!

"But we didn't play badly, and we beat them last season."

It's this place that Dirk Nowitzki struggles with.

Losing to the Lakers is acceptable, but losing to the Spurs and Pacers is acceptable.

The Spurs succeeded in revenge last season, and the Pacers never lost.

Doesn't this mean that they are weaker than last season?

"They are also getting stronger."

Sun Hao didn't say anything about flag poisonous milk, but said it very seriously.

"Have it?"

Nowitzki froze for a moment.

The Spurs didn't have any substantial reinforcements this summer at all.

If signing a veteran Kevin Willis counts.

It's a similar story for the Pacers, with Miller another year older.

"Of course, becoming stronger doesn't necessarily mean trading and signing. Didn't you find that Ginobili, Parker, and Artest have all improved a lot?"

Sun Hao probably knows what Nowitzki thinks when he talks about this.

He couldn't tell Nowitzki that the championship of this year in history was the Spurs, and he couldn't tell Nowitzki that the Pacers' record in the regular season next year would be the league's first.

But he can totally explain it.

The Spurs lost to them last season because of their lack of perimeter strength. Although they had Ginobili and Parker, they were too immature.

But now entering the second grade, both of them have improved a lot.

Ginobili, in particular, became more mature after experiencing the baptism of the World Championships.

As for the Pacers, they are not weak, and Artest's rapid growth has made up for their weakest striker.

Just like "what would it be like if Sabonis entered the NBA earlier", another topic that fans are keen to discuss is "if there is no Auburn Palace incident, will the Pacers become the final championship".

Therefore, although the lineups of the Spurs and Pacers have not changed much, their strength has improved no less than that of the Mavericks.

"No one is standing still, aren't we always making progress?"

Seeing that Nowitzki didn't speak, Sun Hao continued.

Except for a few who squander their talents like "Big Dog" Robinson, most NBA players train hard.

It was Kobe who saw Los Angeles at four o'clock in the morning, but there are more teams who know the scenery at four o'clock in the morning in other cities.

To put it bluntly, there are only so many people in an NBA league. If you don't work hard, there are plenty of people who can replace you.

"I see."

Nowitzki nodded.

This is not the same as playing a game to clear the level. It is not to kill a boss and pass there next time.

Because their opponents are getting stronger just like them.

"Keep a normal mind. We are very strong this season, but we are by no means capable of winning the championship easily. Even the Lakers, weren't they almost defeated by the Kings and us last season? And our record since the start of the game is not as good as ours. Opponents matter too."

Although Sun Hao has never won a championship, his positioning for the Mavericks is still very clear.

After strengthening, the favorites to win the championship, but the Kings, Spurs and Lakers in the West, the Pacers, Celtics, Wizards and Nets in the East, are still as strong or even stronger as last season.

The only difference is that they were challengers last season, but this season, they are at least on the same level as them.

As for who wins and who loses in the end, it depends on on-the-spot performance and targeted adjustments.

Or in other words, many teams in the West have the ability to win the championship this season, and whoever wins in the end will win a championship with a very high gold content.

On the second day after chatting with Sun Hao, Nowitzki came back to life in the training session.

Moreover, he took the initiative to motivate his teammates and brought back the morale of the team.

Sun Hao can feel that Nowitzki really wants to win this season.

And these experiences have made him mature slowly.

Well, from a novice driver to a mature old driver.

At this moment, a message came out from the alliance.

Yao Ming signed a sneaker endorsement contract with Nike.

Don't be surprised, because the center does not sell shoes, the signing of sneaker contracts is generally slower.

Sun Hao sent a congratulatory message to Yao Ming as soon as he heard the news.

In history, Yao Ming's sneakers were signed by Reebok.

But to be honest, the quality of Reebok's shoes is not very good, especially the shoes used by the center forward, which can even be described as poor.

Theoretically speaking, for a person of Yao Ming's weight, the knees and ankles are more heavily loaded, but the most injured is his thumb.

A similar situation also happened to O'Neill.

And apart from their large weight, the two of them have one thing in common.

That's right, they were wearing Reebok shoes.

So in a sense, Yao Ming's early career reimbursement has a lot to do with Reebok shoes.

After all, shoes are the most influential of all game equipment on players.

Now because of his relationship, Nike has paid more attention to Yao Ming in order to fight against Adidas, and spent a lot of money to sign Yao Ming.

This is good news for Yao Ming.

After Nowitzki took heart, he scored 35+15 in the game against the Trail Blazers, blowing up the opposing Rasheed Wallace and leading the team to a big victory over the opponent.

After the game, Sun Hao, as a teammate, felt that Nowitzki's state this season really had a chance to compete for the MVP.

And he is also passing the ball to Nowitzki more.

The team's goal this season is to win the championship. It's okay to pass the ball to whoever is in the best condition.

After playing the Trail Blazers, the Mavericks won the Bucks and Suns in a row.

After 11 games, 9 wins and 2 losses, the Mavericks record tops the league.

As Sun Hao said, the Mavericks are very strong this season.

Play steadily in the regular season, get a good ranking, and the playoffs will officially start the game.

And that sentence is true, only by standing tall can you see far.

The Lakers played relatively poorly in the regular season in the first two seasons, and when their strength arrived, they were thinking about the playoffs at the beginning of the regular season.

After winning the Suns, the Mavericks rested for two days and played against the Wizards at home.

The Wizards have made little adjustments to the lineup during the offseason this season. Barkley left, and they added another veteran, Danny Manning.

It was mentioned in the World Championships, the 1988 No. 1 pick who was tyrannized by Schmidt at the Pan American Games with Mourning.

Manning's role is similar to that of Barkley last season.

However, the Wizards' record has improved a lot this season. Now they have 8 wins and 3 losses against the Nets, Celtics and Pacers, temporarily ranking first in the Eastern Conference.

The biggest reason is Van Gundy's entry and Yao Ming's progress.

Jordan seems to have figured out one thing after playing last season. He is 40 years old, and it is impossible for him to fight for everything like he was 20 years old.

So in the new season, he has greatly reduced his shots, from 23 last season to 17 this season.

Along with that came increased efficiency, as his shooting percentage increased to 46 percent.

Although it is still not comparable to the peak period, it is 3 percentage points higher than last season.

His average data per game is also stable at around 22+5+6.

In summary, he played with less effort and more efficiency.

And the part of the ball he allocated basically went to Yao Ming.

As a result, in the second year of his career, Yao Ming began to show a clear upward trend.

So far this season, he has averaged 13 shots per game, contributed 18.3 points, 10.2 rebounds, 2 blocks and 2.1 assists per game, and shot 51% from the field.

In terms of statistics alone, this is already the second center in the league after O'Neal.

There have been a large number of Yao Ming fans in Washington, and they even created the "Yao Ming is dead" Yao song.

Because of Sun Hao's appearance, Yao Ming didn't go to Houston as in history, but it doesn't seem to affect those outside the court.

What should appear still has to appear, and it will come more quickly than in history.

The day before the game between the two teams, the Wizards arrived in Dallas.

Yao Ming, came to find Sun Hao.

"I want to ask your opinion on something."

Yao Ming's intention to come made Sun Hao a little surprised.

As he knows, from the earliest contact to a series of events afterwards, it shows that Yao Ming is a very independent person.

For example, when he was negotiating with the Basketball Association, he never called Sun Hao. For example, Sun Hao only found out about the signing of Nike just now through the media.

Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian have completely different personalities.

Speaking of which, the last time something like this happened was when Yao Ming decided whether to run for the election in advance.

But after listening to what Yao Ming said, Sun Hao was not surprised.

Because this time, it may be more important than whether to run in advance.

"Jeff wants me to gain weight, should I do that?"

Jeff, referring to the current head coach of the Wizards, Jeff Van Gundy.

According to Yao Ming's address, he and Van Gundy have a pretty good relationship.

But hearing this, Sun Hao always felt a little familiar.

Last season, the Wizards failed in the Eastern Conference finals, which had a lot to do with Jordan's injury.

But the fans couldn't accept the fact that Jordan failed, and they blacked out Collins in the offseason.

Well, like the scene in Chicago before Phil Jackson took office.

Collins couldn't stand the pressure of public opinion, and after explaining to Jordan, he resigned and left.

It happened that Van Gundy was fired in New York, and the Wizards management directly signed him.

Van Gundy is not considered a famous coach. The scene that impressed fans the most was probably that year's playoffs. In order to stop Mourning and Larry Johnson from fighting, he was dragged several meters to save Mourning's thigh in desperation.

He also earned the nickname "The Hammock" because his body was lifted off the floor as Mourning dragged him like a hammock.

But Van Gundy is not nobody, his defensive league is famous.

In this day and age, defensive coaches are always in demand.

So it's perfectly normal for the Wizards to find him as their head coach.

Sun Hao's words are also very familiar to him.

The reason, of course, is that in history, he is the coach who has coached Yao Ming for the longest time.

He is bald, rigid, and writes all kinds of tactical notes before every game. He has a good defense, but he seems to have no idea what offense is.

Then, let Yao Ming gain weight.

This is a topic that will be repeatedly mentioned by Chinese fans in the future, and will never be discussed with a result.

Those who support it say that if Yao Ming does not gain weight, it is impossible to reach the level of the peak in the future.

This is determined by the background of the times. If Yao Ming was born in the small ball era, he would be a dominant center without gaining weight.

But he was born at the beginning of the century. If he doesn't gain weight and increase confrontation, he will be called a soft guy, and as a center, he will not have dominance in the interior;

Opponents said that Yao Ming did not play badly in the early stages of his career. After gaining weight, his physical burden increased sharply, which eventually led to a significant shortening of Yao Ming's career.

Now that Yao Ming has gone to Washington, he did not expect Van Gundy to follow him.

It feels like destiny.

In fact, whether Van Gundy is suitable for coaching Yao Ming will continue to be mentioned by fans in the future, and it is difficult to make a conclusion.

But there is one thing, Yao Ming is a Virgo, and Virgos pursue perfection, and everything must be done in detail. This is a perfect match for Van Gundy, who likes to make the most preparations before the game and pays attention to soldiers.

"Did he say how many kilograms he made you gain?"

Sun Hao didn't give any advice immediately, but asked about the specific situation first.

"No, according to what he said, gain a little weight and see the effect first, and then consider whether to continue in the future."

"I think it's okay to gain weight."

Sun Hao expressed his opinion.

"But I don't think it can be like a bottomless pit like he said."

Regarding the question of whether Yao Ming should gain weight, Sun Hao thinks the answer is yes.

Not to mention Yao Ming, most international players, even most players, were thin before entering the NBA.

Say a few familiar names, Howard, Antetokounmpo, Durant.

Even, O'Neal.

That's right, O'Neal was actually gaining weight when he first entered the league.

Because after entering the NBA, you will find that the confrontation of other people here is one block stronger than you, and it is difficult for you to play your due strength without gaining weight.

So as Sun Hao said, there is no problem with reasonable weight gain.

Yao Ming's current weight is about 300 pounds, which is about 135 kilograms, which is not much different from the 296 pounds when he entered the NBA physical examination, which is 134 kilograms.

But it's clearly on the thin side.

The reason why Sun Hao mentioned the figure of 140 kilograms is because before Van Gundy asked Yao Ming to gain weight, he was almost at that weight.

That should also be the most suitable weight for Yao Ming.

There is a certain confrontation, but the flexibility is still there.

"Will it be a little less?"

140 kg, which is 10 catties more than he is now.

This kind of weight gain is very limited for him?

"A lot. You need to know about body weight and body fat percentage. If you add weight and lose body fat percentage, your confrontation is actually enough."

Yao Ming didn't speak.

His thinking should be that since he has decided to gain weight, adding such a little bit is a bit painless.

You must know that he is 2.26 meters tall, and if he wraps 10 catties around his body, it feels like adding a drop of water to a bowl.

"Well, I'll give you two options.

First, gaining weight to 150 kg, the data can reach 25+10 or even more, but the career may be about 8 years, and often suffer from injuries;

Second, if you gain weight to 140 kg, you can probably reach 19+9, and you may even have the opportunity to average 3 assists per game, and you can play for more than 10 years in your career, and the corresponding injuries will be much less. "

Sun Hao said it very straightforwardly.

Two choices, two completely different careers.

In history, Yao Ming chose the first one.

Yao Ming now.

"I choose the second."

Yao Ming said after thinking for a while.


Sun Hao nodded with a smile when he heard this.

He guessed that Yao Ming would choose that way.

In fact, Yao Ming also encountered similar multiple-choice questions in history.

Although Sun Hao is a time traveler, his ideas cannot be unique.

However, Yao Ming's background in making this choice is actually different.

In history, Yao Ming actually played in the NBA under a lot of pressure.

That sentence is very appropriate. Others represent themselves, at most their own hometown, but Yao Ming represents the country, and it is China with a population of 1.3 billion.

In addition, his character is very competitive, so what he wants to do most is to make himself stronger.

He wants to prove that the Chinese can also gain a firm foothold in the NBA.

Even at that time, if the Chinese team wanted to make a breakthrough in the World Series, he had to gain weight.

His career is short, and injuries are not something he can consider.

But now, because of Sun Hao's appearance, all this has changed.

With Sun Hao in the lead, the fans' expectations of him are not as high as in history, and his pressure is naturally much less.

And the World Series, they just won a medal at the World Championships!

So the angle of his consideration is naturally different from that in history.

"There is another one. You don't need to gain weight too fast, let your body adapt slowly."

Sun Hao reminded again.

He wasn't worried about whether Van Gundy would make Yao Ming gain more weight.

Yao Ming, as he knows, has a strong subjective consciousness, and he will not change his decision.

What he worried about was that Yao Ming was eager for success. In history, he gained weight in a short period of time, which caused the burden on his body to increase.

Yao Ming nodded, and after communicating with Sun Hao, his plans for his future career became clearer.

"Dayao, come on!"

Sun Hao finally got up and patted Yao Ming on the shoulder.

Yao Ming, who gained weight to 140 kg, put on Nike shoes again, and improved faster because of playing beside Jordan.

He is really looking forward to what kind of career such Yao Ming will play!

"Okay, see you in the finals."

But right away, he almost fell over.

You did it on purpose! Both Nowitzki and Nowitzki are setting the flag crazily!

The next day, the Mavericks-Wizards game kicked off in Dallas.

This match was extremely intense.

In addition to Jordan reducing the number of shots taken by the Wizards this season, another big change is that their starting lineup does not have a real point guard.

Tim Hardaway and Mobley, who played the starting point guard last season, were both added to the bench by Van Gundy this season.

The starting lineup of the Wizards this season, Jordan, Hamilton, Alexander, Laettner, Yao Ming.

In fact, if you analyze it carefully, you will find that this lineup is very suitable.

organize? Jordan averaged 6 assists per game this season, and his scoring ability is destined for him to play organization.

Plus Yao Ming's 2, the two have an average of 8 assists per game.

Two people, one inside and one outside, are completely enough.

The remaining Leitner space inside, Hamilton off the ball scorer, plus Alexander.

That's right, Alexander, who regards Sun Hao as his lifelong enemy, became the Wizards' starting small forward, and he performed quite well.

After playing for two years, he seems to have figured it out and transformed into a 3D player. In fact, his physical condition is very suitable.

As for the defensive end, Hamilton and Alexander just helped Jordan defend.

Both offense and defense have reached a magical balance.

However, the biggest advantage of doing so is that Hardaway and Mobley are both on the bench.

Hardaway's contribution is limited as he ages, but Mobley is at his peak!

Just as the Mavericks put Bodi Loga on the bench, their bench depth has also become quite deep.

The result was the same as when they played against the Spurs. Neither side could really limit the other, and they played until the end.

Then, the game turned into a PK round between Jordan and Sun Hao, old enemies.

Jordan gathered enough strength, his big butt chiseled Bell, turned around beautifully and shot back.

Then Bell discovered one thing, Jordan's fallback is indeed more difficult to guard than Kobe's.

Kobe was picturesque, and he was that picture.

But soon, Sun Hao responded. After deceiving Alexander with a fake three-pointer, he broke into the free throw line and scored with a one-step throw.

His throw, but got the true biography of Navarro!

Jordan continued to respond, attacking Bell head-on. Although his speed and explosive power are not as good as before because of his age, his experience is really rich.

A pull-up jumper with a fadeaway made another beautiful hit.

Then, Sun Hao changed his method, made a fake shot and took a three-pointer to take away the game.

Three points ended up being one point more than two points.

100 to 99.

The fans at the scene also ate burritos because of this three-pointer, and everyone was happy.

This is a very meaningful thing for the Mavericks.

Because they didn't lose the strong matchups like they did against the Spurs or Pacers before.

And after the game, in TNT's "NBA Insider" program, Cole used a word to describe the Mavericks.


In fact, with Sun Hao's continuous outstanding performance, an inevitable question arises, who is the boss of the team?

The topic of the NBA is very sensitive, because a team can only have one boss.

Just like Kobe and O'Neal of the Lakers, they fought over this issue.

Even Ricky Davis in the future said the classic sentence: I thought he was here to help me.

Whether you are a dual-core, a trident, or a four-headed monster, one of them must be the boss.

But the Mavericks, as Kerr said, struck a delicate balance.

In terms of statistics, Nowitzki is the absolute leader of the Mavericks, ranking first in the team in terms of shooting power and scoring.

But in fact, fans who have watched Mavericks games more will find that at critical moments, the ball is more in Sun Hao's hands.

That feeling is like, the regular time is handed over to you, and the critical time is handed over to me.

This kind of balance is in stark contrast to the life-and-death struggle of the Lakers.

However, it is estimated that this is the only one of the 30 NBA teams.

It is really rare for Sun Hao and Nowitzki to come out of Europe together, have a relatively gentle personality, and often run together during the offseason.

But that's why the Mavericks are getting better year after year.

Bodi Loga: Meow meow?

After the game against the Wizards, Nelson Sr. gave the players a day off.

This is the "prize" after winning the game, a routine operation of the old Nelson.

But this day is very special to Sun Hao, because this day is November 26th.

Well, Scarlett's birthday.

Scarlett, it's her 18th birthday!

Calm down! It's just a birthday.

This is also Scarlett's first birthday after the two confirmed their relationship.

Unlike Scarlett who carefully prepared a song for him before, Sun Hao's birthday gift was relatively simple and straightforward.

He flew straight to Los Angeles and gave Scarlett a green Lamborghini.

Why is it green?

Don't you know what color your girlfriend likes?

When she went out to play before, Scarlett liked to wear a green peaked cap.

And this gift has a clear purpose.

Scarlett has met Sun Hao's parents, but Scarlett has not taken Sun Hao to meet her parents.

So I can only use this side method to prove my financial resources to increase my favorability.

Money still counts when it comes to love.

In the new car, they drove along the beach in Los Angeles at high speed.

Along the way, the two chatted about their movie "Eight-legged Monster".

The movie was released in the summer and just came out not long ago this month.

At the box office, it's pretty good.

With a production cost of 3 million, the final total box office exceeded 22 million US dollars.

That's more than $5 million more than in history.

The extra part is naturally Sun Hao's contribution.

In addition to the North American side, domestic fans have also made great contributions.

However, basically the box office comes from the Hong Kong region, and domestic theaters are still very backward in this era.

If this is placed in the era of fan marketing in the future, the box office of over 100 million will be guaranteed.

Scarlett said that there will be a celebration party a week later, and Sun Hao agreed after seeing that it was an offseason day. It is still very important to declare the ownership of the inherent territory on such an occasion.

While the two were chatting, the car had already driven to the suburbs before they knew it.

They parked the car on the coast away from the road.

There is an endless coast in front of you, and there are sandy beaches that can be seen from a distance.

Sea and sky line, beautiful scenery.

Seems to fit, do something.

ps: The water eggplant is long and lacks water, so the monthly pass is worth it~

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