I am so Accurate

Chapter 388 What do you want to say to James? (Second update! Ask for a monthly pass!)

James, the opportunity to challenge Sun Hao head-on, is here!

But what he didn't expect before was that when he played Sun Hao, Sun Hao had already arrived at the Lakers.

You know, what he saw and expected to challenge in high school was Sun Hao from the Mavericks.

But this may also be destined, because the Mavericks "no longer exist", and that Sun Hao no longer exists!

But whether it is Sun Hao in the blue Mavericks jersey or Sun Hao in the purple and gold jersey, it is Sun Hao who he wants to challenge and take back his own title of "Little Emperor"!

In this world, there is only one emperor, and that is James!

This is his goal and his confidence!

Of course, the media will not miss this opportunity to hype.

At the moment when the ranking of the playoffs was determined, James VS Sun Hao, 23VS95, became a hot topic of their hype.

In fact, they don't need to hype too much, because when James participated in the draft, he had already talked about challenging Sun Hao.

Because at that time Sun Hao was not as famous as he is now, and James had just entered the league, the media just took that as an interesting topic.

But time flies, two years have passed, Sun Hao is now the hottest superstar in the league, and James has also become a supernova!

The same topic, in different periods, will attract different attention!

Especially the "little emperor" nickname involved between them.

In fact, it is not just a matter of a nickname, but the glory of the players.

If James can really defeat Sun Hao and the Lakers, then he will definitely win the battle!

ESPN also conducted a survey during the hype, which was to vote for the most anticipated matchup between the East and the West.

The Lakers VS Nuggets group beat the Spurs VS Suns, Pistons VS 76ers, and Wizards VS Magic, becoming the most anticipated series in the first round of the fans.

Of course, there are still 2 days before the official opening of the playoffs, and fans can only wait as if they are looking forward to it.

But they won't be lonely.

As in previous years, the league announced the first batch of awards of the season before the start of the playoffs: the Most Improved Award, the Best Sixth Man and the Best Head Coach.

The most improved award was won by Bobby Simmons of the Los Angeles Clippers.

His scoring average this season is 16.7 points, double that of last season.

Sun Hao is still very familiar with this Simmons, or this Simmons who has the aura of "Most Improved Award".

Because Yi Jianlian played for the Bucks in history, this is also one of the "many" stars of the Bucks.

Although, it's a little small.

But this result also made many fans feel wronged for Wade.

Because Wade has also made great progress this year, and even from a large level, he has completed the big leap from rookie to All-Star.

In the end, the award was not given to him, which seemed unfair.

But Sun Hao felt that this might not be a bad thing.

You must know that the Most Improved Award has always had a curse: people who win this award will most likely perform much worse in the next year.

This is the case in Dragic and Brooks in history, including this year's Simmons.

Therefore, Wade can be regarded as "dodged a disaster".

The best sixth man was finally given to Stackhouse of the Pistons.

History has changed. No one would have thought that Stackhouse, a "stab", would be willing to play as a substitute.

And this fight has been going on for two years.

He averaged 14.9 points per game this season, which is the most important scoring point for the Pistons off the bench.

Receiving this award is the greatest affirmation of his sacrifice.

The best head coach was given to D'Antoni.

This result is expected.

The best head coach is also known as the most improved coach. Most of the winners are the ones whose team record was poor in the previous year, but they have improved a lot this year.

The Suns still had less than 30 wins last year, and they were at the bottom of the Western Conference, but this season they have raised their record to 60+.

This increase is not only huge, it is directly doubled!

So this award is "conventional" and there is nothing wrong with it.

It’s just that the irony of this selection mechanism is that Phil Jackson, who wears 11 championship rings, has only one best head coach in his career.

That was the 1995~1996 season, and the Bulls coached by Phil Jackson set an unprecedented 72 wins!

And the reason for this result is simply because... Phil Jackson's coaching record is too stable!

A person who wins 50-60 games all year round is the same as a person who scores more than 90 points in exams all year round. How can you make him "greatly improve his record"!

So from this perspective, this award is quite unreliable in a sense.

After the league announced the first batch of awards, there is only one day left before the start of the playoffs.

The Lakers have home court advantage and are waiting for work.

Jackson also only arranged daily shooting and tactical training on this day, and did not conduct confrontation training.

Unlike other coaches, Phil Jackson is not so strict in arranging training.

What he hopes more is to let the players take the initiative to practice more through his Zen preaching.

Kobe's training attitude is also influenced by him in some aspects.

It's not surprising when you think about it, O'Neill is such a funny guy, sometimes his speech has a weird philosophical flavor.

What the ancients said is very reasonable: if you are close to vermilion, you will be red; if you are close to ink, you will be black.

Sun Hao also felt deeply after staying with the Lakers for a season.

He even felt that Jordan's pretentious habit might have something to do with Phil Jackson.

When I talk to you about Zen, I ask you if you are pretending to be aggressive?

After training, Sun Hao and O'Neill sat and chatted together.

In the first season of cooperation between the two, they had a record of 60+, and also won the first place in the Western Conference and the league.

Although the addition of Christie is the key to their record improvement in the second half of the season, the foundation of the team is their duo.

According to the regular season data of the two, O'Neal averaged 25.6 points, 12.5 rebounds, 3.1 assists and 2.5 blocks per game!

Although it is a little worse than the data two years ago, compared with last year's F4, his data has a huge rebound.

Moreover, his shooting percentage reached 60.1%!

Although only 0.1% more, but for the first time in his career, his shooting percentage exceeded 60%!

Even for insiders, this is quite a terrifying statistic!

Sun Hao also played the best season of his career.

He averaged more than 28 points per game for the first time, averaging 28.2 points and 5.6 assists per game! The shooting percentage reached 47%, and the three-point shooting percentage was 44%!

Among them, his scoring average is second only to Iverson and Kobe, ranking third in the league!

Don't think it's so strange that Sun Hao can get this score. It's not unreasonable for the triangle offense to be called a superstar singles tactic.

In this system, the personal data of superstars will be greatly improved.

Not to mention anything else, just take the OK combination as an example. When both of them were in their peak seasons, their combined score was close to 60 points.

What a horrible percentage this is for a team averaging less than 100 points per game.

So looking back at Sun Hao's scoring average, it wouldn't be so strange.

Well, of course, Sun Hao and O'Neill were sitting and talking at this time, not this topic.

It's not that they are arrogant and feel that this topic is nothing to talk about, but...they have already talked about it.

They're talking about James now.

"You and that kid LeBron have known each other for a long time?"


"How come you have the same nickname as him?"

"This is a long story, and it has something to do with an article written by a reporter from my previous team."

"He knew LeBron's nickname at the time?"

"No, it was just an accident."


After a simple exchange, O'Neill probably knew why James challenged Sun Hao.

After he knew it, he didn't find it strange.

James' challenge to Sun Hao is very similar to Kobe's challenge to Jordan.

It's more like chasing idols than a challenge.

Of course, just like what Sun Hao said, there was an unexpected "little emperor" dispute.

"So, what do you think about our upcoming series?"

After chatting a little gossip, O'Neill turned to the topic.

"I sit and watch?"

What Sun Hao said next made O'Neill laugh out loud.

This stalk, Sun Hao himself is playing.

"I think the best way is to say 'Welcome to the NBA playoffs' to him like Jordan did back then!"

After Sun Hao laughed, he said with a serious expression.

O'Neill froze for a moment, and then laughed even more presumptuously than before.

At that moment just now, he was sure that he felt Jordan's aura from Sun Hao.

However, there is nothing wrong with what Sun Hao said.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, that is to make children more courageous to say.

If you really want to be in front of a tiger, let alone a child, no one will not be afraid.

Well, the premise is that they have to let people know that they are real tigers.

"Shall we go comfort Phil?"

At this moment, O'Neill suddenly suggested.


O'Neill's words were a bit jumpy, and Sun Hao didn't react immediately.

"That guy Phil looks gloomy all day today, probably related to the best head coach."

O'Neal glanced at Jackson and said.

Sun Hao nodded.

In other words, if I were myself, I would also be depressed because of this damn selection mechanism.

After all, you already have 9 championship rings on your hands, but there is only one trophy for the best head coach.

This sounds outrageous.

After talking, the two got up and walked to Jackson.

"Phil, you are the best head coach in our hearts."

O'Neill went up and said nothing but a flatterer.

"I feel the same way as Shaq."

Sun Hao nodded seriously.

D'Antoni does deserve a head coach of the year, but so does Jackson.

The team F4 fell apart, most of the team's rotation left, and a core was changed, and it was the first year again.

Another coach, even the old Nelson, may not be able to bring them to this height in one go.

"Of course, I think what Shaq said is bullshit, because most people in the league know about it."

Sun Hao then added a sentence.

O'Neill:? ?

I didn't expect you to be such Sun Hao!

This flattery is better than him!

Phil Jackson knew O'Neill's character, and he just smiled slightly when he heard what O'Neill said.

But hearing what Sun Hao said, he couldn't help laughing.

"Of course, I think there are still a small number of people who don't know, so what we have to do is to solve the Nuggets cleanly, and then join the Spurs in the Western Conference semifinals, and then kill each other, so that everyone knows."

What Sun Hao said next made Jackson couldn't help shaking his head.

He found that Sun Hao was much more interesting than he had imagined.

Of course, don't be surprised.

Still the same sentence, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black.

The Lakers have O'Neal and Damon Jones, only two if one is not enough.

Staying with them every day, if you don't make fun of them for a while, you will feel abnormal.

"So you think, can they beat the Suns in the first round?"

What Phil Jackson said next made Sun Hao speechless.

Because he is a time traveler, he knows that the Spurs are the champion of this year in history, so he instinctively feels that the Spurs will definitely win the Suns.

But to be honest, there are still some differences.

The Spurs don't have Horry, and the Suns don't have Bell but Pietrus.

"I think the Spurs have a better chance of winning."

Sun Hao compared the two teams with the history in his heart, and after the analysis, he still felt that the Spurs had a better chance of winning.

"D'Antoni's bombardment has not proved successful in the playoffs."

He then added another sentence.

"Any successful tactic is perceived that way until it succeeds the first time."

Jackson, said something that fits his status as a Zen master.

Saying this sentence shows that he should be more optimistic about the sun.

Sun Hao nodded after listening, and if he played against the Suns in the second round, that would actually be pretty good.

That might prove one thing, something that was repeatedly mentioned and discussed in his day.

O'Neal, can't survive in the small ball era, or will the small ball era disappear.

The two opponents and the two scripts are very interesting.

He is now looking forward to the next round of competition.


The Nuggets also arrived in Los Angeles on this day for training.

The eighth is the first. If you want to say which side is more optimistic, as long as it is not unconventional, the answer is actually very obvious.

Of course, black eight is not impossible.

James seemed very confident.

"I don't think we don't have a chance. The Lakers have Shaq and we have three great big men. We can consume each other like Dallas did with Shaq before, and I have the confidence to beat the players who defend me."

James' words have two meanings.

The first level is related to O'Neal. The Nuggets have Camby, Martin, and Nene, three excellent big men, who can play wheel battles like the Mavericks used to set up center O'Neal.

The other layer is related to oneself.

The addition of Christie has improved the Lakers' perimeter defense, but in fact no one can defend him.

When he really pops up, neither Ariza nor Christie can stop him from scoring.

In one sentence, there are two meanings, and the information revealed is very clear.

Young Zhan, aspires to slay the dragon!

ps: Ask for a monthly pass! !

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