I am so Accurate

Chapter 516 Where is Kobe going?

After chatting about business, Kobe and Sun Hao walked around the beach again.

Los Angeles in January was a bit cold, but Sun Hao could see the heat in Kobe's eyes.

Sun Hao can feel that for Kobe, as long as he is in Los Angeles, no matter where he is, it is a happy thing for him.


Until he separated from Sun Hao, Kobe did not say his final decision.

Just like Sun Hao's reaction when he suggested that Kobe take the initiative to ease the relationship with O'Neal in Hawaii.

For Bryant, these two things are not so easy to make a decision.

Looking at Kobe's back, Sun Hao was quite emotional, and he didn't know where the two would meet outside the game next time.


The time came to the end of January.

The transactions of several stars are still in the rumor stage, but at this time the All-Star voting is officially over, and the starting lists of the East and West are officially released.

East: Wade, McGrady, Yi Jianlian, Garnett, Yao Ming;

West: Sun Hao, Hill, James, Duncan, O'Neal!

This starting list is acceptable to the East.

In the second round, Ray Allen and Pierce overtook and entered the starting lineup, which was the impact of the formation of the Big Three.

This shock is more of a novelty.

Although the Celtics' record has improved a lot, the data of the three together will inevitably decline, especially Pierce and Ray Allen on the outside.

Not all the fans who voted will watch the game. Many people will vote for Tracy McGrady and Wade with better statistics.

Coupled with the huge energy of the Chinese fans, this start is also expected.

But the results in the west can only be described in four words: Incredible!

Hill, in the end, he really overwhelmed Kobe and Iverson and was elected as the starting guard! !

This directly blew up the fish pond!

"The evil Chinese fans once again dominated our All-Star voting!"

"Look at this starting list, how many Chinese elements are in it!"

"In the future, the All-Star Game should be moved directly to China, anyway, this is what they want to watch!"

"Huh? Didn't you vote for Hill? I voted!"

"I voted, what are you shouting about? Shouldn't you vote for Hill? This may be the last All-Star in his career!"

"I also voted, you don't understand those orgasms, this is feelings!!"

"That's right, everyone around me voted! That's youth!"

"Youth what! Hill's stats can make it to the All-Star Game?"

"Why are you so serious about the All-Star Game! I just voted for Hill, what's the matter?"

"The vote is in my hands, you don't care who I vote for? Why don't you care who I vote for in the general election?"


It's just that in this wave of fried fish ponds, the support of American fans is obviously louder than that of opposition.

As they say, Hill is both sentimental and youthful to them.

It's like when you vote for your favorite singer, Jay Chou's name will definitely come out on top.

Just like this, Iverson and Kobe looked a little embarrassed.

Their All-Star starting was interrupted!

Although with their strength and influence, it is definitely not a problem to be selected as a substitute this year.

But there is still a difference between starting and subs for stars of their level.

But before the fans waited until the substitute list came out, a piece of news broke out on ESPN, which once again attracted everyone's attention back to the trading market.

Kobe officially submitted a trade application to the Mavericks!

After the Mavericks communicated with Kobe himself, he was also placed on the injured list.

There was no conflict between the two parties during this process, and it was a standard peaceful breakup.

This also means that Kobe left the Mavericks and entered the countdown! !

This result is not too surprising to Sun Hao.

Regardless of whether Kobe listened to what he said, it is unlikely that he will stay in Dallas.

The management did not take his opinion seriously, and the head coach also had conflicts with him.

Now he can still have some initiative in actively applying for a transaction. If he makes a passive transaction in the future, it really is completely out of his hands.

So where will Kobe go?

This is probably the question that everyone is concerned about after this news broke out.

But this matter will definitely have a process.

In fact, after this news broke out, many teams in the East and West have already asked the Mavericks for prices.

The Mavericks also offered what they wanted: an equivalent of one or two stars.

The signal sent by this is also very clear: the Mavericks have no intention of rebuilding.

It's normal to think about it, Nowitzki is at his peak, how could Cuban let the team rebuild at this time!

Moreover, the Mavericks' daring to agree to Kobe's request in this way has something to do with another person.

Josh I'm Ugly But I'm Strong Howard!

Because of Kobe's existence, Howard can only play as a substitute for the Mavericks.

But his talent and strength, the bench can no longer meet his requirements.

Especially his style of play, strong defense, sharp breakthroughs and explosive dunks, made Dallas fans love this ugly-looking person very much.

Strength, popularity, and the touching story of his disabled legs being saved by surgery when he was young, he will be a good replacement for Kobe.

What's more, Kobe can bring back one or even two stars for them.

So carefully analyze one, a super insider, or a super point guard, will be the most in line with the Mavericks' requirements.

Against this background, teams have begun to make offers one after another.

Like the Suns.

The Suns are in a bit of an up and down situation right now.

With strength, he can also achieve a record in the regular season, but it is always almost meaningless in the playoffs.

Now they have only two paths to change if they want to change:

Either reduce the tempo appropriately and change to a super insider in order to compete with the main competitors of the Lakers, Spurs and Celtics;

Or continue to improve offensive talent, for example, try another Kobe;

The Suns' offer to the Mavericks can also be described as generous.

They gave a trading plan with Marion, Barbosa and Dior as the main body!

An all-star insider, two best sixth men!

If Garnett was going to be traded before this bargaining chip, the Timberwolves might agree.

However, judging from the reaction of the Lone Ranger team, their interest in this trade proposal is not that great.

Although Johnson likes Nowitzki to play center, everyone can see that if he wants to break through from the West this season, he must pass the Lakers. At that time, Marion and Diaw will have to sit on the bench.

If that's the case, then Nelson Jr. is the dumbest general manager ever.

There's another reason the Mavericks don't want to send Bryant to the West without giving up the season and going into a rebuild.

This is also a very critical factor.

Because strengthening you is making it more difficult for you to rush out of the West!

Of course, Kobe now looks like a stunner with a proud face, a sexy figure, and a three-point dress.

The Suns were rejected, and they still couldn't stop other teams from wanting him.

Another team in Los Angeles, the Clippers, also quickly made an offer, and their offer was much more thorough than the Suns.

Just one sentence: the whole team, pick whatever you want!

You want an insider, I have Gasol and Brand here, you can pick one of the two.

You want a point guard, I have superstar Livingston here!

What? I said before that Livingston is not for sale?

That's because you didn't come from Kobe!

It's not that the current Kobe is much more valuable than Garnett's trade, but because he is Kobe!

As far as Los Angeles is concerned, Kobe's popularity is still very good, not as good as O'Neal and Sun Hao, but he is still a solid third.

Mavericks, there is some interest, but still not a lot!

Livingston has talent, but not immediate combat power.

And the two problems mentioned above still exist.

This deal, depending on the situation, will not be reached for a while.

And because of Kobe's deal, many of the previous rumors have stopped.

Obviously, those teams are trying and watching.

The trading market was also unusually quiet for a while.

But it's more like the calm before the storm.

On this day, after training, Sun Hao and O'Neal sat on the sidelines and chatted as usual.

"Where do you think Kobe will go?"

O'Neal seemed concerned about Bryant's appearance.

As the saying goes, enemies are actually enemies, and they all miss each other.

What's more, "Lord of the Rings" Russell had asked O'Neal to ease the relationship with Kobe, and he did.

"What do you think?"

Sun Hao took a sip of water and looked at O'Neill with a smile.

"I think it's possible anywhere except the Lakers."

O'Neill's words also caused Sun Hao to burst into laughter.

There's nothing wrong with that!

"I think he's most likely going East."

"I can guess that."

O'Neal obviously also knew that it was unlikely that Kobe would stay in the West.

Although Kobe has many problems, he is, after all, the best guard in active service besides Sun Hao.

The odds of the Mavericks keeping him in the West are low.

"The most Kobe wants to go should be Chicago, and the most likely place to go should be New Jersey."

Sun Hao expressed his guess.

"Why these two teams?"

O'Neill looked puzzled.

"Kobe is Jordan's number one fan. If there is a chance to go to Chicago, he will definitely go."

Sun Hao said firmly.

When Kobe was still playing, he never admitted that he was a fan of Jordan, but in fact he was imitating Jordan in everything.

Including in history when the Lakers had a trade turmoil in 2007, his first choice was Chicago.

Just like what Sun Hao thought when he was in the draft, go to the ruins of Chicago to build another Bulls dynasty.

For Kobe, that must be the greatest thing in his career.

Well, of course... Now that there is Paul there, it's not a ruin anymore.

"Then Chicago is going to produce Paul."

O'Neill took the call.

"It doesn't have to be, Chandler Gastojakovic, add Granger or something at most, Dallas should agree."

The trade proposal Sun Hao mentioned has a center in his prime that the Lone Ranger most wants, a stable off-ball shooter, and a talented rookie.

Even if the Mavericks want more picks, the Bulls will probably give them.

If the deal comes true, Kobe and Paul, this luxurious backcourt combination that failed to take place due to "basketball reasons" in history, is worth looking forward to!

Moreover, they also kept Yi Jianlian on the inside, and it is not impossible to break out of the siege in the east.

"Then why do you say that the most likely place to go is New Jersey?"

O'Neill asked next.

"Because of Kidd, even without Kobe, Dallas still has a lot of people who can score. What they lack most is actually a playmaker, but..."

When Sun Hao said this, the topic changed.

"It's not a good deal either, because New Jersey doesn't have enough leverage."

Even if Kidd is three years younger, Kobe is not as dazzling as the same period in history, and this change will not change.

In addition to Kidd, the Nets have only Carter who has trade value, but the Nets will not do it in a two-for-one exchange, and the Lone Ranger will not want Carter now.

"Then just give Kidd and Chandler to Dallas."

O'Neill said suddenly.


Sun Hao was stunned for a moment, but immediately he smiled and patted O'Neill on the shoulder.

"Shaq, you are a genius!"

Yes, a three-way deal!

The Nets take Harris or Granger, Gapeja;

The Bulls eat Kobe and Dampier;

As for the Mavericks, take Kidd and Chandler!

Best of all three! !

Leaving aside the Nets and Bulls, the Mavericks will start with Kidd, Bell, Josh Howard, Nowitzki, and Chandler after such a trade.

This lineup is very similar to the Mavericks lineup in the 10-11 season in history!

The difference is that they are much younger! !

This is by no means a single-core lineup, at least it is a lineup with 2 2 belts and 2 A, and the combination is very reasonable.

It is really much more difficult for the Lakers to play this kind of team than when they played with Kobe Nowitzki before.

The more Sun Hao thought about it, the more he felt that this was the most likely possibility!

"Kobe, you should be very happy."

Thinking of the end, he said involuntarily.


Two days after Sun Hao and O'Neal finished chatting, a piece of news broke out in the league.

The Bulls are talking to the Mavericks about the Kobe trade!

According to media reports, Kobe is also very interested in going to Chicago!

"If I can go to Chicago, it will be very meaningful to me."

Kobe is now on the injured list, which means that he no longer plays for the Mavericks, and he has nothing to shy away from trading.

But soon, the two teams disagreed on the transaction.

Because the Mavericks want to trade Kobe and Dampier directly for Paul and Chandler! !

This deal is definitely the best solution for the Mavericks.

Kobe was also sent to the East, and the guards and centers were all reinforced.

The point is, you can still eat Paul's rookie bonus!

Because Josh Howard will face the issue of contract renewal next season, it is also the healthiest salary plan for the Mavericks.

It's just that the Bulls don't want to send Paul out.

Although only 1.83 meters, Paul has shown his talent for leading the team.

If Paul is also sent away, even if you get Kobe, Peja and Yi Jianlian, such a configuration will hardly make a big difference in the current Eastern Conference.

Just when the transaction between the two sides stalled, the Bulls turned to the Nets.

I heard you want a point guard?

I heard you wanted to come up with Kidd? !

I'm here to match you!

A three-way deal proposal quickly surfaced.

This day's training class, O'Neill, who just read the rumors, looked at Sun Hao like this: (⊙0⊙)

That seems to say: You are here to spoil the show! !

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