I am so Accurate

Chapter 608 Youth Storm 3.0!


Translated into Chinese, it means - unstoppable!

This 2015~2016 NBA theme song is now the opening music of the Warriors!

And you have to say, this song really matches the current Warriors.

Because of last season's defeat, they gritted their teeth and worked hard during the offseason, holding back their energy to perform unstoppably in the new season.

Before the Warriors officially started their first game, some of the team's highlights from last season were played on the large LED screen as a warm-up.

By the time these scenes ended, the song had just reached its climax.

The cheers at the scene could no longer be stopped.

I have to say that this song paired with this scene is the best stimulant!

The Warriors' starting five were also announced: Sun Hao, Azubuike, Durant, Ibaka, and Oden!

After all five starters appeared, the Warriors' opening ceremony seemed not to be over yet.

Because after the music stopped and the lights turned on, all the Warriors players walked onto the court.

Ibaka held a towel in his hand, and his remaining hands were draped over his shoulders, bending down to form a circle.

As Ibaka waved the towel in his hand, they began to move clockwise around, and bursts of shouting came from their mouths.

This scene is rare in the NBA, but if you have seen Sun Hao playing in Europe, it will not be surprising at all.

This is a way to warm up the players before a game.

The idea comes from Ibaka, a Congolese man waving a towel in his hand!

After this unique opening ceremony ended, everyone on the Warriors raised their hands and folded them together, and then shouted their unique slogan.


it's time!

If this slogan last season was more derived from what Sun Hao said when he came back, then now, after holding it in for the entire offseason, they shouted this sentence from the bottom of their hearts.

They can't wait!

After the opening ceremony, the starting players from both sides came on stage one after another.

The scene was filled with cheers.

The players have been holding it in for a long time, and the fans are also hungry and thirsty!

As the referee blew his whistle, Oden jumped high and moved the ball back to half court.

The Warriors attack first!

It can be seen from the jump ball just now that Oden's starting speed and jumping have improved to varying degrees after losing weight.

Sun Hao took the ball to the frontcourt, and before anyone else could get into position, he directly changed direction facing Kidd.

The ball was sudden. Although Kidd was caught off guard, he was a veteran who had been playing for many years. He retreated early and blocked Sun Hao's breakthrough route.

But at this time, Sun Hao's right hand suddenly dribbled the ball from behind to the left.

This dribbling show was quite impressive, causing a burst of whistles from the audience.

This is the result of Sun Hao's hard work on the 3.0 version system all summer long!

If it were Kidd when he was young, even if Sun Hao played like this, he would still have the ability to fill the position again.

But now that he has reached the end of his career, he relies more on experience to play. At this time, his brain can't keep up with his body!

Sun Hao switched to his left hand and broke through, and the Mavericks' defense was forced to shrink inward.

It was at this time that he found every opportunity to send the ball to the baseline.

Over there, Durant took advantage of Sun Hao to attract the defensive attention and quickly penetrated into the basket from the three-point line in the corner.

When the ball arrives, Durant catches the ball and leaps into the air.

O'Neal had no time to make up the defense.


A powerful and heavy one-handed chop!

After Durant increased his strength, the entire impact was greatly improved than before!

The scene exploded with cheers.

The way the Warriors started the new season is so exciting!

After landing, Durant also roared at the sidelines.

This must be an emotion that has been suppressed for a long time!

But the Mavericks didn't panic.

As mentioned earlier, Kidd relies on experience to play. In terms of court control, he also shows the characteristics of getting better and better as he gets older. He presses into the frontcourt and plays steadily.

Nowitzki caught the ball in the high post and beat Ibaka behind him.

After two hard blows, the Golden Rooster independently turned over and shot a jump shot, the veteran's signature offensive method.

After all, Ibaka is young, and his center of gravity sank when the ball was hit. By the time Nowitzki turned over, he could no longer get up to interfere.


Nowitzki also continued his hot form in the preseason, making a solid hit on his first fadeaway jumper in the opening game.

Although the game has just begun, both teams have already demonstrated their respective characteristics.

On one side is the momentum that is visible to the naked eye, and on the other side is the position that is as stable as a mountain.

Sun Hao continued to control the ball in the frontcourt.

This time Kidd's defense against him was obviously more oppressive than before.

But at this time, Oden took the initiative to pull up to the high position and set up a screen for Sun Hao.

Sun Hao took the ball apart and then met O'Neal in a misplaced position.

The two most familiar former partners came face to face.

But there was no time to reminisce about the past, and Sun Hao was not polite, and hit O'Neal with a mid-range jumper.


O'Neal couldn't get out of his current weight. Sun Hao's decisive shot was like a shooting practice. The ball went hollow into the net without even touching it!

4 to 2!

The Warriors' opening offense revealed one word, fast.

The attacks in these two rounds were basically completed within 14 seconds, let alone 24 seconds!

Kidd also fully understood this and went to the frontcourt to continue to press the rhythm.

And he made a new tactical gesture, and O'Neal sank to the low post.

O'Neal wants a good position, Kidd lobs the ball in, and O'Neal beats Oden.

Oden couldn't stop it at all, and in the end he had to pay for a foul.

The 37-year-old shark is still a big shark!

"Go around!"

But soon Nelson's reminder came from the sidelines.

Oden couldn't handle O'Neal before he lost weight, let alone after losing weight.

He had plans before the game, but Oden seemed a little unadapted to this change.

Fortunately, O'Neal gave him face and hit the basket with both free throws. This foul was worth it.

And after the second free throw was ejected, Oden grabbed the defensive rebound and passed it directly to Durant, and Durant passed it to Sun Hao. The Warriors directly launched a defensive counterattack.

The Mavericks' current inside configuration is Nowitzki and O'Neal, and Nowitzki is already 31 years old, and his pace is not what it was before.

With the Warriors' lightning fast break, the Mavericks had no time to retreat.

Sun Hao carried Kidd to the three-second zone and passed the ball from behind to Durant, who was following up.

Durant soared into the air again after catching the ball.

Kidd hid directly.

Even with the jersey on, Durant's figure can be seen to be a lot stronger than last season. Kidd couldn't think about it before he went up.


Another powerful and heavy tomahawk chop.

The impact of added confrontation on Durant's shooting has not yet been seen, but the impact has been fully demonstrated.

These two consecutive dunks made the fans at the scene wet.

This time Durant didn't roar after landing, but gave Kidd a cold look.

This expression is a bit handsome!

6 to 2!

The Warriors are off to a great start!

Kidd advanced to the frontcourt and tried to sling the ball to O'Neal, but Oden decisively moved forward.

O'Neal turned around and asked for the ball, but Kidd didn't dare to drop the ball easily.

At this time, Josh Howard came out and caught the ball and made a shot.


The ball didn't go in!

After the preseason, the only thing worrying about the Mavericks' status is Josh Howard.

Howard has been in trouble off the court for the past two years. First he admitted that he had taken drugs, then he went out to celebrate his birthday in the playoffs despite the team's ban, and then he was photographed making insulting remarks during the national anthem at football games.

The troubles off the court also affected his performance on the court. His shooting percentage in the preseason was less than 40%.

The ball was a long rebound and Ibaka got it directly.

If Bell hadn't fouled Ibaka on the spot due to his rich defensive experience, the Warriors would have turned around and launched a counterattack.

There was a commotion in the place.

However, after the camera was shown, it was discovered that Sun Hao, Azubuike and Durant had already passed halftime.

The fans who watched this scene also had a lot of emotions.

The feeling of the Warriors' new season is really like what was sung in "Unstoppable", like a Porsche without brakes that can no longer be pulled.

Sun Hao continued to control the ball in the frontcourt.

This time his defender changed from Kidd to Bell.

Bell is obviously more familiar with Sun Hao than Kidd, and he is also younger. He is neither too close nor too far away, using his arms to constantly interfere.

But at this time, Sun Hao continued to show improvement in his ball-handling skills.

After changing direction and breaking through, he performed a "Bowing to Buddha" in front of Bell.

It's true that Bell is Sun Hao's former teammate, but that was several years ago!

Moreover, Bell used to train with Sun Hao in the summer, but Sun Hao did not go to the training camp this past summer, so it was naturally impossible for him to know Sun Hao's changes.

It can be said that this worshiper was completely caught off guard.

By the time Bell reacted, Sun Hao had already passed through him like Dao Feng.

When O'Neal saw it, he came to cover, and Sun Hao threw the ball directly over O'Neal's head!

O'Neal almost thought it was an alley ball for himself.

But it was obvious that the ball was not for him.

After Oden lost weight, his desire to attack the frame also increased sharply, and he was always waiting for opportunities on the court.

The moment Sun Hao released the ball, he jumped up.

When the ball comes and the people come, it’s comfortable.


A huge muffled sound came through the loudspeaker.

Oden's lob!

Durant's previous dunk was already powerful enough, but it was obviously a notch below Oden's.

This huge force is like really trying to split something apart!

Compared to Durant, Oden wants to prove himself more this season!

8 to 2!

The Warriors are unstoppable! !

Nowitzki arrived in the frontcourt and continued to take position.

The Warriors now have Nelson, Sun Hao, and such a group of energetic young people. He shouldn't be too familiar with them.

Because when the Lone Ranger was still called Mavericks, that's how they came here!

So he also knew very well that if he wanted to stop this kind of offensive, the most important thing was to suppress the rhythm.

"Serge, if I call you, do you dare to agree?"

A familiar but unfamiliar trash talk, Nowitzki turned around and wiped the bottom of the basket for a layup as he spoke.

Oden had already committed a foul before, so he didn't dare to take action easily at this time.

8 to 4!

This ball is a bit crucial for the Mavericks.

Because if they don't score, the score will soon be stretched.

Moreover, this goal also significantly improved the morale of the Mavericks team, and the defensive effectiveness rate was significantly improved.

Sun Hao finally passed the ball to Durant in the corner, and Durant's shot looked a bit hard.

Although as Sun Hao said, Durant's shooting talent has minimized the impact of increased strength, the impact is still there.


The ball finally hit the basket.

O'Neal stuck Oden to protect the defensive rebound.

The Warriors' offense finally stopped once.

"Focus! Stay focused!"

Avery Johnson also came to the sidelines and loudly reminded the players.

As Nelson's former assistant coach, he is also very aware that this is the same game as the Mavericks against the Spurs, it is a battle of rhythm.

Nowitzki continued to ask for the ball from the high post, and once again turned around to kill the basket.

Although Ibaka is already in his second year and has made some progress in all aspects compared to before, he is still not enough in front of Nowitzki.

But just when Nowitzki reached the basket and was about to lay up, a big hand flew out and directly rejected his shot.

It's Auden!

After losing weight, his reaction speed is obviously faster than before!

Nowitzki didn't expect this, and ended up being slapped in the face!

In history, Oden's number of blocks in 48 minutes before losing weight was among the best in the league. After losing weight, the number of blocks will only increase!

This also reignited the emotions of the fans at the scene.

The Mavericks' frontline ball came out, and there was not much time left. Howard still didn't take the ball from the outside!

Ibaka relied on his excellent bounce to collect another defensive rebound.

And this time he also gained wisdom after learning a lesson. He passed the ball directly without giving the Mavericks a chance to foul in advance.

After receiving the ball, Sun Hao showed off his micro skills. During the fast break, he turned around sharply and reached the frontcourt.

Durant has already followed up on the other side.

Just when the Mavericks thought Sun Hao was going to pass the ball again, Sun Hao suddenly stopped and then shot a super long three-pointer one meter away from the three-point line!

The basketball was launched like a missile, trailing flames and igniting the emotions of the audience.


Although it doesn't have the destructive power of Durant and Oden's previous dunks, this ball is still very penetrating.

The Oracle Arena immediately burst into flames.

Three-pointers and dunks are the things that most ignite fans' emotions in basketball games. Within a few minutes of the opening, the Warriors have already displayed them all!

Of course, the most important thing is the momentum, just like the opening music, it is unstoppable!

"It's different, it's really different!"

This performance also aroused emotion from Miller in the commentary box.

In the past two years, there have been too many young teams in the league and too many youth storms.

The Pacers and the previous Warriors were the first batch, which can be called Youth Storm 1.0.

Then there are the Trail Blazers and Grizzlies. They can be called version 2.0.

Then, there is the current warrior.

Compared with the teams in the previous two versions, their biggest feature is that they make fewer mistakes and have a better grasp of the details of the game.

What was displayed in front of the fans was a continuous fast attack, like a storm, without giving any chance to react.

We can call this team Youth Storm version 3.0!

Of course, there is still someone missing from this storm, that baby-faced guy who looks a little nervous.

He is the youthful one in this storm.

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