Meng Fei was a little surprised.

It's not like he has never heard of the title "Human King". When he was on Earth, as a Chinese person, it was impossible for him not to know the title "Human King".

And that human king is an extremely sacred existence, so naturally this title is not something anyone can take.

But considering what the Li family father and son have done, all the great things they have done, and their extremely proud strength, it is not an exaggeration to be called the King of Humans, and they are fully responsible for this name.

Now the Demon King also mentioned this name and gave Meng Fei a meaningful look.

He added, "In fact, whether it is Li Huaitian or his son Li Yi, they actually have one very important thing in common, that is, they are both kings of men!"

The Demon King didn't finish what he said, but Meng Fei directly understood what he meant.

The meaning of those words is actually that since they are both human kings, that is to say, as long as the demon king defeats the human king, it is equivalent to defeating those two guys.

The feeling shown by Meng Fei made the Demon King feel that he was once again standing in front of a future human king, so he showed such an expression.

And this also shows that the Demon King will not do anything to Meng Fei now, because he wants to wait until Meng Fei becomes the human king before fighting to the death with him.

"You..." Meng Fei was speechless for a while.

The Demon King stepped forward, patted Meng Fei on the shoulder encouragingly, and then said to him plausibly: "You have great potential. Don't underestimate yourself. I noticed from the first moment I saw you that you are extraordinary." "

The Demon King's words seemed to make Meng Fei very confident. It felt like he believed even more than Meng Fei that he could become a king.

And now Meng Fei's strength is at the peak of the early level of the sky level. When the state is fully activated, he can reach the strength of the intermediate level of the sky level. It is obviously still far behind the king's strength, especially when the state is not activated.

Meng Fei's future still has a long way to go.

The purpose of the Demon King is self-evident.

Meng Fei does not reject this. Since he wants to fight with him, he is willing to accompany him, but he does not want to do such meaningless things.

Therefore, Meng Fei now wants to try with the Demon King.

But before Meng Fei could say anything, the Demon King took the lead and came to Meng Fei. He said to Meng Fei: "But let me see what you are capable of first!"

Meng Fei stared, a little surprised. The Demon King's speed was too fast, and he didn't even react.

But the words had been successfully conveyed into his head, and Meng Fei didn't have any objections. On the contrary, it was in line with his wishes.

Meng Fei was in full condition immediately. Seeing this, the Demon King looked at Meng Fei with interest, and then he struck Meng Fei with a palm.

That palm looked ordinary and unpretentious, but Meng Fei was no stranger to this palm. When the state was fully activated before, the Demon King used a similar palm to release all Meng Fei's states.

"not good!"

As a result, Meng Fei instantly realized that this blow was not something he should resist.

Meng Fei was seen dodging at an alarming speed, but he only managed to dodge.

At the moment when he dodged, Meng Fei clearly saw the Demon King's hand pause, as if he was hesitating.

"Why?" Meng Fei couldn't help but question him.

The Demon King heard his question and smiled, "Skills like yours are indeed uncommon, and indeed easy to use, but it is not possible to use such power all the time..."

"In fact..." The Demon King stopped his attack and continued to Meng Fei: "Although the power of strengthening is rare, it does not mean that it is not available. And such ability seems to be very useful at this time, but in the top level In battle, this is just a trick, and this power has its limit. After you can no longer become stronger and reach the peak of the world's strength, this power will disappear. Therefore, only the strength of the individual That’s the real strength. If you rely on such strength to fight, it will be difficult to continue to grow.”

"At that moment, I wanted to release you from your state, but I hesitated because I felt that you seemed to have learned a strengthening technique, and you had not yet reached the peak of it. In fact, I also imagined whether you could improve your strength. You can still use such a skill when you reach the top. If you can, it will definitely be subversive, because when the strength is equal, it can be said that it is almost difficult to determine the winner, but if one party has the With such strength, it’s hard to say.”

This is the devil's idea.

"For me, the king can be said to be the limit of the world and me. After reaching this level, I used to be able to enter that state, but now I can't, so I think that ability is just an advance. Sexually opening up the level of strength you may reach in the future, but once you really reach the level of strength in the future, this ability will disappear. "

The Demon King continued.

At this time, his face showed a profound expression.

He seemed to be thinking about something very unusual. He said meaningfully to Meng Fei, "Queen, do you think there is still life?"

This question also stunned Meng Fei.


This position is probably the strongest existence in the known world.

If there are still unknown powerful life forms after this, then it is undoubtedly a question worth thinking about.

"After the king..." Meng Fei couldn't help but fall into a period of thinking.

Originally, the two were still fighting, but suddenly they changed their style, which inevitably made people feel a little strange.

But in fact, for the two of them, although they just exchanged one move at a very fast speed, it was enough.

After all, the gap in strength between them was huge, and they could feel each other's strength with just one move.

And now, they were in discussion again.

The devil said again: "In fact, I once thought about such things, but I always thought that I was just daydreaming, but after meeting you and knowing this era through you, I thought of this problem again."

"In the world now, there are new evils, such as demons and ghosts, and new good, such as exorcists and Taoist priests. And through my thoughts..."

The devil said that he thought the world was balanced.

At that time, the strength of the demons far exceeded that of ordinary people, so powerful people who surpassed all existence appeared, Li Yi and his father, who solved them.

And now, the devil felt something unusual from Meng Fei.

"Actually, the reason why I hesitated that time is..."

At this moment, the devil finally told Meng Fei the real reason for his hesitation.

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