

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Although Meng Fei's words were a bit direct, they were indeed true.

"Ahem, this is a problem...a small problem...we have just gathered together, this is normal!" Gu Liu said quickly, but his tone was obviously stuttering.

"Hahaha, it's okay, let's analyze it slowly." Meng Fei smiled, looking very natural and relaxed, as if there was nothing difficult in his eyes.

Everything seemed extremely relaxed.

Meng Fei straightened his body and called everyone in front of him. After quickly going over everything in his head, Meng Fei began to analyze it.

"Dream... This thing is very confusing, and I don't know what the method is. But through my perception of this place, I can feel that all this should be done by a monster. Moreover, this guy's strength is not weak, and he can I couldn’t find it right away. I’m afraid its strength has reached the level of the Sky Demon Star, and it’s not even an ordinary one.”

Everyone nodded along with Meng Fei's explanation, and from time to time they mentioned what they discovered.

"I found that in the entire Ning Kingdom, everyone's level of awakening to dreams is actually different, but the people inside have a clearer perception of dreams than the people outside..."

"Well, this discovery of justice is very important. It is most likely about that guy's hiding place..."

"In addition, what I discovered is that there seems to be some kind of formation hidden in the land of Ning, no, no, to be precise, it should be under the surface of the earth. However, with my strength, I can only see a vague corner. But what is certain is that it must exist!”

"Well...this should be related to the weird dream in Ningguoli...but we still need further observation!"

"What about you, Gouzi? Did you find anything?"

"Me? Well...let me think about it..."


"Oh, that's right! Because of the discovery of Zhengyi, I specially observed the positions around the center of Ningguo. Finally, I found that there does seem to be some kind of powerful evil spirit here, but it seems to be covered by some kind of 'lid' It’s so clean that if I hadn’t caught a trace of it, it would be hard to tell, but with that little bit, I can’t be sure where it is. After all, the entire Ning Country is quite big, even if it’s just in the middle.”

"Ru Feng, is the royal family in the Ning Kingdom?"

"No, in fact, the royal family of Ning State is actually located in the southeast... But the middle is also a very prosperous place, basically second only to the southeast. There are also many people there, and the place is not small..."

"So, it's not easy to find something out there."

"Is this so..."

Everyone almost explained everything they knew, and then Meng Fei fell into deep thinking.

He didn't know what he suddenly remembered, but he suddenly came outside the house alone. He looked around quietly, all kinds of information flashing crazily in his mind.

At the same time, in his eyes, everything in front of him was actually different.

Others can't see it, but Meng Fei can.

With Meng Fei's current abilities, he could see traces of less powerful demonic energy permeating the air. If he didn't have some strength, he wouldn't be able to do what Meng Fei did.

Such a weak aura, not to mention that others like Meng Fei can see it somewhat clearly, even if they find it, it is a problem.

Meng Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and then a black vortex appeared in his hand and was spinning.

Meng Fei couldn't help being stunned, and then he opened his hand, and a wisp of green smoke hovered in Meng Fei's hand.

"This is?"

The others quickly rushed to Meng Fei's side, and they couldn't help staring at Meng Fei with wide eyes.

Especially the big yellow dog was even more surprised when he saw what Meng Fei was holding.

The smell emanating from the green smoke actually made him somewhat familiar, as if he had smelled it not long ago.

At this time, Meng Fei also explained to them in great detail:

"In this world, as long as there is life, there will be 'Qi'! This Qi is especially vividly displayed in cultivating individuals, and once it reaches a high level, this Qi will become more and more powerful. Finally, It can even reach the point where something will be left behind every time it passes by, but it can be said to be extremely weak, and ordinary people cannot detect it at all. Not to mention ordinary people, even cultivators, most of them cannot observe it, and now What I have in my hand is the Qi left by that guy, and I can detect the presence of its Qi in the entire Ning Kingdom. This means that either this guy has traveled all over the country, or that his power is spread all over the country. I captured a very faint wisp of it, and then made it a little bigger to make it easier for us to observe.”

After saying that, Meng Fei handed over Qing Yan to Gu Liu and Big Yellow Dog.

Now Meng Fei cannot use the power of time as arbitrarily as Li Yi and Li Huaitian who once managed Yuanli. Meng Fei's use of it has always stopped, and he does not have the ability to go back.

So now we still have to rely on Gu Liu and the others.

At this time, Gu Liu began to use magic to find out what happened, or what information could be obtained from it.

The big yellow dog also uses this green smoke to try to lock its owner's position.

At this time, Gu Liu's mouth began to mutter. However, what surprised everyone was that after snooping for a long time, Gu Liu's mouth kept spitting out the same word.

"Eat, eat, eat!"

Besides eating, eat!

"What the hell?"

The others couldn't help but be shocked, and finally Gu Liu suddenly glared. His eyes were bloodshot and he seemed to be in particularly bad condition.

Meng Fei and the others quickly helped him up, and Gu Liu quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said in disbelief:

"The monster that can eat dreams!"

"Huh? What the hell is this?"

"Yes, this is the first time I have seen this kind of thing in my long life..."

Everyone looked in disbelief and expressed their confusion about this monster.

They even suspected that Gu Liu had made a mistake.

"Absolutely right!"

Gu Liu persisted and continued to explain: "This monster is indeed an existence that can eat people's dreams, and what is even more terrifying is that it seems to have discovered a magic that is almost perfect for growth. In other words, in Under the condition of minimally harming the people in the dream formation, let their dreams continue to produce, and then they will be eaten by him and become stronger. "

I don’t understand it very well when I see everyone.

Gu Liu stepped forward and faced the sun. The shadow behind him was stretched out. He also felt that there was something wrong with what he just said, so he decided to explain it to everyone more carefully...

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