"An old well?"

Looking at the old well covered with moss in front of him, Meng Fei was a little confused.

But after thinking about it, there are so many strange things in the world, and this is nothing.

"Well... it should be right here, there is no problem..." The big yellow dog also seemed a little unsure.

Meng Fei couldn't help scratching his head, he took a deep breath, and then activated the power of sniffing spirits, and a pungent evil spirit immediately rushed into his nose.


Meng Fei said nothing and went straight to Lao Jing.

He poked his head halfway into the well, and at a glance, there was nothing inside.

"An old well?"

Meng Fei looked at the big yellow dog in confusion. His eyebrows were furrowed, as if something was wrong.

"Hello? You don't have to be so opinionated, right?" The big yellow dog looked uncomfortable.

After all, Meng Fei's expression looked like he was very dissatisfied. After all, he had worked hard to get here, so why did he get such a result.

Meng Fei shook his head, "No, no, no, I just think something is not right..."

"Huh? Are you arguing with me?" The big yellow dog looked unconvinced.

Meng Fei waved his hand, indicating that he should not care about this, and then walked towards the old well.

He poked half of his head and looked into the depths of the old well, muttering, "Here we come to see it again."

Suddenly, Meng Fei frowned, and he said to himself in great confusion: "Why should I say... again?"

"One bite..."

As soon as the words came to his lips, Meng Fei choked up.

"What's wrong?" The big yellow dog's eyes widened, not understanding what happened.

Meng Fei looked around in confusion, as if something was near him, and he shrugged twice in extreme discomfort.

"So what happened?" The big yellow dog stared with two big eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"...Don't you feel it? I seem to have been here before, and more than once!" Meng Fei said in great confusion.

"What are you talking about? Didn't we just come here?" The big yellow dog was even more confused.

"No, there must be something wrong!" Meng Fei said firmly.

Then, he looked at the old well, his eyes full of strange light.

He slowly moved towards the old well. This time, he stood quietly on the spot, moving extremely slowly, as if in slow motion.


Meng Fei quietly entered the full state, and was ready to start and stop at any time.

He came to Lao Jing in two steps and slowly lowered his head. At this moment, Meng Fei frowned, and an unpleasant feeling came over him crazily.


Meng Fei shouted, and time stopped at this moment.

"Damn it! Who is it?!"

Meng Fei was so angry that he turned around and looked around.

However, there was nothing unusual around him.

"No! Impossible!"

Meng Fei didn't believe there was nothing.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly opened, shooting out two extremely sharp rays of light.

"that is?!"

At this time, two relatively blurry black shadows suddenly appeared in Meng Fei's eyes in mid-air.

Meng Fei couldn't help but grin, this was obviously not a good thing.

Moreover, information from many parties was telling Meng Fei that the weirdness here must be related to them.

But what is it?

With deep doubts, Meng Fei rushed to the two blurry black figures, just as he was about to stretch out his hand to catch them.

Time continued to flow at this time.

The two black shadows just disappeared in front of Meng Fei, and Meng Fei immediately rushed forward, almost causing a somersault.

Meng Fei was a little angry, and he calmed his restless heart.

"So what's in there?"

Suddenly, I saw the big yellow dog swaggering directly towards the old well mouth.

"No!" Meng Fei saw this and quickly stopped him.

"What? Is there any problem?" The big yellow dog was puzzled.

"Don't worry about that for now, come here quickly! Don't get close to that well!"

Meng Fei called him loudly.

Seeing Meng Fei's fierce reaction, the big yellow dog didn't dare to disobey and immediately turned around.

He looked at Meng Fei with doubts in his eyes.

Meng Fei didn't say anything else, and explained to him directly: "I feel that we are at the right place here, including the well. It is indeed where we should be."

"Isn't that right? What are you waiting for?!" The big yellow dog stood up and looked ready to make a move.

"Don't worry! Wait until I finish!" Meng Fei slapped him on the head.

The big yellow dog immediately behaved again and stopped moving around.

Meng Fei looked serious and explained extremely seriously:

"You shouldn't be able to feel it. We have actually been trapped here for a while. Every time we wanted to peek into the depths of the old well, time would go back to the state when we first came here."

"What?! Is it true?!" The big yellow dog's face was full of shock. This kind of thing seemed impossible to it.

"Really!" Meng Fei replied with great certainty.

"Then what should we do?" Big Yellow Dog asked again.

"What should I do?" Meng Fei couldn't help but touch his chin, and his eyes kept spinning.

After thinking for a while, he clapped his hands and whispered to the big yellow dog.

"Will this really work?" After listening, the big yellow dog asked such a question.

"Of course! As long as you don't make mistakes!" Meng Fei smiled at him.

"Well... okay... that's it."

There was no way, facing Meng Fei's request, the big yellow dog could only accept it with pleasure.

The big yellow dog paused for a moment, straightened his spirit, took a deep breath, and rushed towards the old well.

The big yellow dog came to the old well in an instant, Meng Fei was lying on the side, and then he followed the big yellow dog's position.

At this time, the big yellow dog stood up all of a sudden, and then his two front paws rushed towards the old well in front of him.

"Time stop!"

At the same moment, Meng Fei immediately activated the time stop, and he really didn't want to make a mistake for a moment.

Time stopped, Meng Fei was ready to look around early, and the two black shadows appeared again. Although their positions were different from before, it didn't matter.

As long as he could see them, that was enough!

Meng Fei rushed forward, and this time he successfully caught the two guys.

After being caught by Meng Fei, the bodies of the two things gradually became a little more realistic.

"What is this?"

Looking at them, Meng Fei clearly saw their big mouths open, as if they were gnawing on something.

Meng Fei frowned, and then the chaotic energy flowed in the palm of his hand. He stretched out his hand and hit it, and the chaotic energy immediately spread around the mouths of the two guys.


The chaotic energy actually showed the same color as the chaotic energy where the power of time was in the Alien Blood Tower.

Meng Fei was shocked, "These two guys are actually monsters that can eat time!"

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