
Faced with Meng Fei's exaggerated request, the lion also had an extremely confused expression, as if Meng Fei was joking.

"It's ridiculous. Just because you want to see the king, you ignore the subordinates who protect him? But in my opinion, although such things exist, it is not something that ordinary people can do just by saying it."

The lion's words are far more powerful than the momentum he showed, and it is not a loud roar, but a deep voice, which sounds very powerful, making people feel that it is a very meaningful existence.

And the indifferent tone expresses an extremely resolute attitude.

And the meaning is even more obvious.

If you want to see the king, you have to get through him first!

"It just so happens that you beat my people just now, and it's time to settle the score."

Meng Fei's tone was flat, but every word seemed to be sharp.

The lion's mouth couldn't help but slightly raise, and then the muscles all over his body swelled, and his body suddenly became a full circle bigger.

"Hmm?" Meng Fei was full of doubts, and deliberately showed his expression, which seemed to tell the lion that he would not have any effect.

The lion immediately responded with a responsive expression on his face. He gritted his teeth and said in a threatening voice: "Damn it!"

The lion suddenly became irritable and bared his teeth at Meng Fei. This was his beast instinct.

The big mouth seemed to have just been fished out of the sea of ​​blood, and the smell of blood was spreading.

The smell of corrosion even began to spread around.

This was the lion's saliva. After practicing to such a level, his saliva was as terrible as poison.

Powerful and weird.

The lion rushed to Meng Fei all of a sudden. The huge body that was almost three times larger than Meng Fei's body directly blocked most of Meng Fei's vision.

The lion roared, and a large and powerful airflow and various droplets were sent to Meng Fei.

The droplets hit Meng Fei's skin. Although there were not many, they corroded Meng Fei's skin in an instant.

Its destructive power directly exceeded Meng Fei's imagination.

However, in terms of Meng Fei's recovery ability, these are all minor problems, and he can recover in a moment.

These can only be a hint to Meng Fei, which is equivalent to telling Meng Fei some information about him. The destructive power of the lion is absolutely terrible.

These problems are often very noteworthy because they involve a serious problem.

For example, Meng Fei himself is a mid-to-high-level strength, but because he has some enhanced skills, the strength he really shows is actually far more than this heaven-level strength.

The lion's claws instantly passed over Meng Fei's face, and the powerful claw wind even brought a tearing force, instantly leaving Meng Fei's face with several finger-deep terrifying marks.

Meng Fei quickly recovered and grabbed the lion's claw that passed in front of Meng Fei, and Meng Fei immediately touched the lion's extremely hard body.

Meng Fei's hand was like a child's claw to that guy, so in order to catch him, Meng Fei could only use his powerful finger strength, and then Meng Fei's fingers were directly embedded in the flesh of the lion's arm.

"This power?!"

Meng Fei's power scared the lion.

Just one person actually has such power.

You know, even if they are two people with similar strength, there is a gap in their physical bodies, so it shouldn't be like this.

"I am a lion, you are just a human! I can't lose in strength!" The lion was extremely angry, and this obviously picked up the one he didn't want to be compared with the most.

"What about humans, what about lions? There is only the level of strength, no distinction between categories!"

Meng Fei responded to the lion strongly, and the lion was obviously more angry.

Being provoked from front to back by a person like this, he simply couldn't describe his current mood in words.

He just wanted to get rid of the guy in front of him quickly.

However, the embarrassing thing was that the lion was now controlled by Meng Fei, and even felt a little difficult to move.

The lion gritted his teeth and used his other arm to remove the one that Meng Fei had grabbed.

Fortunately, this had no effect on it. As a celestial demon star, such a wound would heal quickly.

The same was true for the arm, which would grow out quickly.

However, the battle was not over yet. Whether it was the lion or Meng Fei, this was definitely not the time to be discouraged.

The lion roared to the sky, and his whole body changed again.

His muscles seemed to be twisting, but it was obvious that this time was obviously different from the last expansion.

If the last time the lion was expanding his muscles, injecting a bunch of things into his muscles, then now he was compressing those "injected things".

The lion's body immediately shrank by half, but the muscles looked different.

Although the lion was still very big for Meng Fei, compared to his previous self, the lion's muscles did not seem to have weakened at all after being smaller, and even looked extremely refined, like a human specimen carefully carved by God.

The muscles looked very violent, not exaggeratedly large, but they looked like they contained infinite power, as if a punch would burst out with earth-shattering power.

"Second form, Fang."

The lion's voice seemed extremely deep and powerful, and it also described his current state.

Second form.

This is the second form of the lion.

This scene can't help but shock Meng Fei, because this guy has different forms.

Therefore, the strength can only be judged as it cannot be seen before.

Meng Fei also became extremely serious.

The Divine Hope Technique was slightly activated, and Meng Fei's strength also improved to a certain extent.

"Really? Why do I feel that your aura has become stronger?"

The lion's nose moved, and then he said this. Looking at his appearance, it seemed that he felt the change in Meng Fei's strength.

And both of them were almost a little surprised by the change in each other's strength.

However, they also have something in common.

That is an incomparable trust in one's own strength.

The lion was still extremely confident and took the initiative to attack Meng Fei.

After a round of fighting, Meng Fei also learned that the lion's main fighting method was physical combat.

When he met Meng Fei, it could be said that he was at odds with each other.

Because Meng Fei also focuses on the physical body, now when the two meet, it is a fight between flesh and flesh.

Meng Fei also immediately took the move, and the lion instantly exchanged a violent punch.

This punch immediately eclipsed the sky and the earth.

The ultimate showdown between two invincible bodies will surely be a battle full of destruction.

At this time, the earth was trembling and the sky was losing its color.

The originally clear sky turned into clouds in an instant, and there were even thunder and lightning.

After a while, a violent wind and rain broke out between the sky and the earth, as if in protest against this battle.

The muscles all over the lion's body were even trembling slightly, and the trembling frequency was so fast that ordinary people could only sweat beads jumping up and down on its body.

Looking at Meng Fei, the strength of the lion cannot be underestimated, but Meng Fei is obviously not a vegetarian, his muscles are also trembling.

Although his physical appearance is not as good as that of a lion, the quality of Meng Fei's physical body is also outrageously high.


Meng Fei let out a loud roar, and then the clothes on his entire upper body were exploded, and his flawless body was immediately exposed.

His strength instantly exploded several times, and he forced the lion back.

The lion retreated continuously, with a look of unwillingness on his face.

Seeing that Meng Fei not only did not retreat, but was even leaning forward. You must know that leaning forward means that it was brought out after repelling his own punch.

But he himself was beaten back.

"Damn it..." The lion was obviously unhappy. Being suppressed by someone in this way was obviously not something he could accept.

The lion roared, and he roared angrily towards the sky.

The sky and the earth, which had just recovered, lost color again at this moment and started to tremble.

At this time, the lion's form changed again.

Meng Fei ignored him and quietly waited for his "performance".

After all, most of the time, Meng Fei gained experience in battles.

Now that he is aware of the queen's problems, he still has high requirements for his own strength.

At this moment, the lion's voice sounded again.

"Not third, not fourth, no need to say fifth, because this is the final form, Shang!"

As the voice that sounded like it was being read fell, the lion's body underwent the most dramatic change this time.

His whole body turned black and red, like a messenger who had just returned from hell, and his eyes also turned dark red, like a dark gem.

His body shape is still the same as Ya's back then, neither too big nor too small, but he seems to have infinite power that can never be used up.

And like a firecracker that hasn't been lit yet, it seems that it will burst out with extremely terrifying power in the next second. Once that power bursts out, it will cause a wide range of damage.

"If that's the case, then I should also enter the strongest form."


Naturally, the lion heard Meng Fei's words and couldn't help being shocked.

Then Meng Fei's whole body became hot, and a bright red color instantly spread all over his body.

Steam was still coming out of his body.

At this time, Meng Fei's entire body was wrapped in white steam.

He raised his arms, and the powerful force directly dispersed the steam. Meng Fei was standing there as usual. He didn't look unusual or special, but Meng Fei stood there, showing incomparable majesty and coercion. .

The whole person was calm and confident, even the lion looked a little confused.

"Suffer death! This will be a blow that can destroy the entire Ning Kingdom! Tianshang!"

I saw the lion leaping into the air and floating there steadily.

He stretched his body crazily and roared into the sky as if he was venting his anger.

At this time, I saw a huge white ball of light gathering on his chest, and it was still expanding.

Although the white ball of light was still in its embryonic form, it had already overflowed with power, and just the little bit of power that had overflowed caused the originally violent world to be shaken open.

The sky and the earth are now gloomy, and the white light balls are still gathering, getting bigger and bigger, like a meteor falling to the surface.

"A blow that can destroy the entire Ning Kingdom?!"

Hearing this, Meng Fei immediately lost his composure.

Before, he wanted to talk about having a good fight, but now he couldn't.

"If this blow is really released, it will be very bad."

Meng Fei understood deeply that his next blow must kill the lion in front of him instantly, otherwise the entire Ning Kingdom would face death!

Meng Fei instantly became 200% serious.

He couldn't help but take a big step behind one leg, taking an extremely steady step. His foot sank directly into the earth, like a straight tree inserted into the earth.

As he accumulated strength with one fist, the powerful force also caused his foot to sink deeper and deeper, and the depression near it became larger and larger.

In addition, Meng Fei's fist is also wrapped in a vortex of black mist. The vortex of black mist is fully open and has a powerful swallowing ability. This will allow Meng Fei's fist to absorb almost a massive amount of power when it is close to the huge white ball of light.

"not good!"

Looking above, the ball of light was almost as big as the sun, but Meng Fei was not ready yet.

"Time to stop!"

Meng Fei shouted, and then time stopped.

Everything stopped moving again, and Meng Fei looked above.

The guy also stopped moving.

Although this meeting did not last long, it allowed Meng Fei to gather a lot of strength.

"The mixture of various techniques can enhance strength! Of course, there is also the crystal battle axe!"

Meng Fei gave an order, and the crystal battle ax came out and stuck to the back of Meng Fei's hand.

Various lights also appeared on the back of Meng Fei's hand and kept flashing. Power surged crazily in Meng Fei's body, like rivers converging to form an ocean.

In the end, Meng Fei's right fist returned to its original state and became a crystal solid. His fist was like a transparent gem, and there was no gas flowing at this time.

Meng Fei's fist was like a gem, attached to the crystal.

The time to pause was almost up. Meng Fei looked at the lion above. Fortunately, it was not aware of this problem.

"Time continues to flow..."

With an order, time continued to flow and everything around started to move.

"The final blow, Lion!"

Meng Fei was seen roaring at the lion above him, with incomparable majesty and dominance.

The lion immediately let out a thundering roar, and the huge white ball of light completely surrounded its body.

The light ball moved crazily towards Meng Fei, and Meng Fei was not to be outdone and rushed directly towards the light ball.

The two were as fast as lightning, and they connected in an instant, and Meng Fei punched directly on the surface of the light ball.

The light ball was not hollow, just like a glowing glass ball. Meng Fei punched directly on its surface, and instantly a huge force was shot into Meng Fei's fist.


Meng Fei roared angrily, and then his power exploded again.

Click... click!

Obvious cracks immediately appeared on the light ball, and then burst into pieces.

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