"Is there something wrong? Did you notice it?"

Meng Fei was seen blocking the big yellow dog's face with one hand, preventing him from moving forward. The big yellow dog was also very puzzled by this.

"Don't go any further, you will be involved." In this regard, Meng Fei could only explain this.

In fact, this is not an explanation at all. To be more precise, it is just a warning to the big yellow dog.

After hearing Meng Fei's stop, the big yellow dog stopped in a very polite manner.

But of course he wouldn't understand. The only thing he knew was that there must be a specific reason why Gu Liu and the others couldn't hear the calls of Meng Fei and the others.

And this unknown reason was also the reason why Meng Fei stopped him from moving forward.

The big yellow dog understood that Meng Fei must have known something.

At this time, Meng Fei was seen squatting down. He touched the ground, and then a strange expression appeared on his face.

"Gouzi, have you ever thought about what are the most terrifying forces in the world?"

Meng Fei suddenly said this to the big yellow dog.

This sudden question confused the big yellow dog. He asked tentatively, "Where are the donkey-faced Taoist priests? Don't you care? Is there no problem?"

Meng Fei shook his head and said calmly to the big yellow dog, "Don't be afraid, it's okay. You answer my question first."

"Uh... Okay..." Even the big yellow dog wouldn't dare not trust Meng Fei's words, but there's no need to be afraid. Since Meng Fei said so, it must be okay.

Then, the big yellow dog also thought about it carefully and replied to Meng Fei:

"In the past, I might have been stupid and just thought that it was enough to be strong enough, such as the physical body. But later, I understood that sometimes, if you can have abnormal abilities, then you can It will be stronger, just like two people with the same strength fighting, then if one of them has abnormal abilities, the outcome will almost become very clear. "

"When I first realized this problem when I came here, I foolishly thought that my devouring power was the most powerful. But later I discovered that I was indeed foolish at that time. A truly powerful ability must be one that can affect the entire world. Ability, such as time, space, or an extremely terrifying thing - reality! If it has the ability to affect reality, its true strength will most likely reach the top of the world. "Big Yellow Dog. continued.

"Time, space, reality, um... that's really good..."

After listening to the big yellow dog's explanation, Meng Fei felt that his mind had cleared up.

In the past, Big Yellow Dog had been working hard and was very confident, but he had not reached a higher level. But now it is different. He has directly reached such strength through a change in his thinking.

Because of his perverted ability, he even forced the lion, who was much stronger than him, into a corner in disguise. In the end, the lion could only be eliminated by Meng Fei.

Obviously, it was precisely because Big Yellow Dog realized these problems that he was able to achieve such a big breakthrough. You must know that once, he was not strong enough to act like this, but today, he has become stronger in everything he has. Yes, all the achievements he had stored were almost completely displayed at this moment.

"And I think we've got something special."

Meng Fei suddenly said this to the big yellow dog again.

"Unusual? Of course it's unusual?!" The big yellow dog obviously didn't understand what Meng Fei said.

He thought they had met ordinary people for so long?

Aren’t they all extremely powerful and weird guys?

Meng Fei said that it was normal for the big yellow dog not to understand.

"No, I'm talking about this time." Meng Fei continued.

"Um...is there any difference?" The big yellow dog became even more puzzled.

I can't figure out what he is thinking.

Meng Fei stretched out his palm and moved it a few times, leaving only three fingers pointing to the sky.

"What does this mean?" Big Yellow Dog asked in confusion.

Facing the big yellow dog's question, Meng Fei nodded at his fingers and said in sequence: "These three fingers can represent three powers, time, space and reality. Now I am the master, I can command They do everything."

Meng Fei actually didn't express too much, but it was so simple and clear, but it also made the big yellow dog understand a lot.

"You don't mean to say that you think the so-called 'king' has three subordinates, and the three of them have corresponding skills. What's even more terrifying is that they actually have time. The incredible ability of space?!" The big yellow dog followed Meng Fei's guidance and directly expressed his thoughts and perceptions.

Meng Fei couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. This was actually not a good thing, let alone a good message.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to see our ultimate enemy." In this regard, Meng Fei could only say so lightly.

"The first one is time. Do you remember the lion guy? Although that guy failed to show such power, after I killed him again, I felt a very familiar aura from it. It was the same thing that was eating time before. What I feel in monsters, that is to say..."

"His powers were separated?!"

After hearing Meng Fei's narration, Big Yellow Dog said in great shock.

"That's right."

Meng Fei nodded and then walked forward.

The big yellow dog wanted to follow, but was stopped again by Meng Fei.

The big yellow dog was not puzzled this time, but stayed where he was.

At this time, Meng Fei stopped, turned his head slightly, showed half of his face to the big yellow dog and said, "I won't let you go forward, but don't think you are safe here. On the contrary, I hope you can help here." I’ll keep an eye on it, something may happen later, so you have to be prepared!”

Meng Fei's words were extremely serious and serious, and his eyes were firm. Even the big yellow dog saw it and nodded in response.

The big yellow dog also had a serious face. Meng Fei would naturally not make any jokes for him at this time. It seemed that Meng Fei had foreseen some more terrible things, so he let the big yellow dog stay here. In the end, It is good to be able to deal with the changes that will happen in a short time.

Meng Fei's side.

He approached Gu Liu and the others step by step. When they were about ten steps away, Meng Fei's eyes suddenly became sharp and he stopped in his tracks.

One of his feet was still suspended there, but he could clearly see that the foot was obviously distorted.

But as far as he was concerned, he didn't seem to feel any strange feelings. For example, his feet seemed twisted, but he didn't feel any pain.

It felt like stepping into water, and Meng Fei felt even more strange.

"Something is different..."

It seems that Meng Fei can feel that this should be the power of space, but he has not encountered such power before, but never like this.

From the inside, it really felt like Meng Fei had stepped into the water.

It just doesn't have that wet feeling.

As for the look and feel, there is really no difference.

Meng Fei couldn't help but fell into thinking.

He stretched out his palm, and a little chaotic energy was constantly flowing in his palm.

He pulled his feet back, and this time, he put his palms into the space in front of him.

The chaotic energy immediately took on a turbid color that represented the power of space.

Meng Fei was surprised to find that even the chaotic energy had a twisted form, which looked extremely weird.

"In other words, the problem with this space actually lies in itself, not because of any other weird existence or other methods..."

After some analysis, Meng Fei finally understood.

In fact, there are no other abnormalities in front of me. It is not an illusion caused by other abilities, nor is there any other problem in this space.

In fact, the truth is that everything here is because of one reason, that is, the space itself is controlled in this way.

In other words, from the moment this space was created, it was such a form.

If we had to give it an exact name, it would be "Rippled Space".

"Like water and waves, this is the shape that this rippling space has had since it was created. It seems that the reason why Gu Liu and the others are silent is here. It is estimated that the inside is so twisted, as if they were diving deep into the water. But they don’t seem to understand it, so they are stuck there.”

Thinking of this, Meng Fei almost understood everything, and then he made a little preparation.

"As the saying goes, use magic to defeat magic."

With this thought in mind, Meng Fei made what he thought was the most adequate preparation.

He wrapped himself with the power of space. Although his power of space was not very good, it was still possible to use it in such a simple way.

Meng Fei reluctantly carved out an open space to wrap himself up.

An open space is naturally different from an independently created space.

The specific difference is that the independently created space is naturally independent and closed. To put it simply, things in this space will not have any relevant influence on the outside world, and the two are completely separated. of.

But an open space is different. Although this space is different from the outside world, the two spaces are transparent and can see each other and even communicate with each other, but they cannot enter each other's space world. Only those who have mastered the power of space can do it.

As for the space created by Meng Fei, he thought it could help.

Wrapping the open space around his whole body, Meng Fei made a hand seal, and the energy of chaos immediately began to cut through the space in front of him like a pair of scissors.

Soon, a passage opened. It was a little narrow, but it was enough for Meng Fei to pass through, and the crack that was opened was still being slowly closed.

Meng Fei rushed into it before he could sew it up.

"This is?!"

As soon as he stepped into the space, the powerful impact on Meng Fei made him extremely uncomfortable.

The spinning feeling was as if he had really fallen into the water, and it was not ordinary water. Meng Fei felt as if he had fallen into the rushing water.

Everything in front of you is twisting and moving like waves, but there will be no substantial collapse, because the world is like this. Looking back at your body, you will find that even you are in such a twisted state.

Fortunately, Meng Fei had his own space to protect himself, otherwise he would probably have fallen into that uncomfortable state, and then it would have been difficult for him to move.

The difference between here and the water is that you won't suffocate here, and the balance of your body won't be affected by the turbulent water.

As long as you can hold on in your heart and keep your brain clear, you won't be afraid of this rippling space.

But it's difficult for ordinary people to do this. Although it doesn't sound difficult, the actual situation is extremely terrifying.

With the protection of the space cover, Meng Fei can move better in it.

After all, although he is in this world, he is not actually there.

Meng Fei quickly came to Gu Liu and the others.

Because from their perspective, they couldn't see Meng Fei's figure clearly, because although Meng Fei was not affected, Gu Liu and the others still felt that Meng Fei was distorted.

So it was inevitable that they couldn't see clearly.

"Gu Liu, justice!"

So Meng Fei shouted their names over and over again.

"Who? Is someone calling us?!"

"Zhengyi, did you hear it too?"

"Yeah, yes, it seems someone is calling us, and it seems a little familiar?!"

"Yeah, damn, I didn't expect this place to be like this, even moving is extremely difficult!"


The voices of Gu Liu and others were also successfully captured by Meng Fei, and then he almost called out to the two of them: "Gu Liu, Zhengyi! It's me, Meng Fei, do you hear my voice? I'm in front of you, look up!"

"Is it Brother Meng Fei?!"

"Meng Fei? Is that guy here?"

Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi finally heard the sudden voice clearly, it was Meng Fei, they were a little surprised, and also very excited.

They have been trapped for some time, and they can't stand it anymore.

Meng Fei's arrival at this time can be regarded as a savior.

They followed Meng Fei's instructions, raised their heads and looked forward, only to see a twisted Meng Fei standing in front of them.

Seeing Meng Fei in the same situation, they couldn't help but say with some worry: "Is it really possible? You are like this too?!"

"Haha, it's okay." Meng Fei smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand to them, and continued to explain to them: "Come over, I'm safe here, grab my hand, I'll pull you over!"

"Uh... OK!"

The two almost agreed, and then grabbed Meng Fei's palms one after another.

Meng Fei grabbed one on each side, of course, Meng Fei didn't actually pull them hard, but gradually extended the power of space, and finally slowly swallowed up the bodies of Gu Liu and the others.

Now they are in the same open space with Meng Fei.

"Where is this?" The two couldn't help but wonder at the same time.

"This is the space I created, not affected by other spaces, everything is safe!"

Meng Fei explained to them confidently.

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