Meng Fei punched it, and although it did not directly touch the huge meat ball, the flying droplets were knocked away at once.

They flew away neatly from the original place, and now they can fight better.

This is very necessary for everyone.

"He doesn't seem to have independent consciousness? Is he attacking completely by instinct?"

Gu Liu found something wrong with the meat ball and said in confusion.

Because the movement of the whole meat ball looked very strange, it didn't seem to attack them very purposefully, but attacked without any rules.

"Yes, it's normal because the heart is gone." Meng Fei explained.

Without the control of the heart, the nerves of the meat ball are disordered.

And a powerful existence like it can survive like this without a heart.

"Even this form is because of this reason. Because there is no heart, the nerves are disordered, and I don't know what to do at all. The whole body is also uncontrollably expanded, and even the limbs are messy, and finally it becomes like this."

Meng Fei continued.

At this time, the meatball in front of him did not make any reaction, so Meng Fei stepped forward again, took out the crystal battle axe and put it on his shoulder.

"We need weapons to fight meat! Zhengyi! Let's go together!"

Meng Fei spit on his hands, and then took the crystal battle axe in his hands and swung it.


Xu Zhengyi responded immediately, then took out the demon-slaying sword and danced it all at once.

"What about us?"

Gu Liu and the big yellow dog on the side couldn't help but wonder, after all, they are here too, they can't just sit here and watch, right?

They still have to do something, right?

So, Meng Fei frowned at them, thought for a moment, and then said to them: "So, do whatever you can, and it's best to show the effect! The main thing is that you don't seem to use weapons, so I didn't call you. It may not be easy to fight this kind of meatball with fists..."

"Uh... let's try it!"

Gu Liu and the others thought about it, and they also roughly understood the truth in Meng Fei's words.

What he meant was that, because the enemy was so strong, if we just kept attacking, there would probably be no way to defeat him.

Because the meatball was strong, very strong, and even had extremely strong toughness, the attacks they usually did would naturally not work.

And for people like Meng Fei and Xu Zhengyi, swords and knives were natural restraints for the meatball, and Meng Fei, needless to say, had strong strength himself, so even if he used his fists, it would have a certain effect, but it might not be as good as usual.

So, Gu Liu and the others had to think of other ways.

"Alas, speaking of swords, when have I not used them?"

At this time, Gu Liu suddenly took out a sword from nowhere, which was engraved with rune marks, and there was a strange and magical light flashing all over the sword, which looked amazing.

"Not bad." Meng Fei took a look and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The sword in Gu Liu's hand was indeed a good sword.

"No, you all have it, so I can't fall behind!"

Everyone was like this, so the big yellow dog naturally couldn't sit still.

He shouted all of a sudden, and then he stood up like a human, and the big yellow dog's hair instantly exploded.

At that moment, everyone around didn't understand what he wanted to do. They were just guarding against the next attack of the meatballs, and also "guarding" against the big yellow dog in front of them.

The big yellow dog now stood up, and even made a hedgehog-like appearance, which made everyone at a loss.

I only know that the guy was covered with standing hair, like a cactus.

"What are you doing? You guy?"

Meng Fei directly expressed his incomprehension. The big yellow dog's behavior now can really be described as weird.

However, the big yellow dog at this time didn't seem to have the time to pay attention to them.

The big yellow dog's body changed again. He moved his body, and the hair on his body swayed.

In the end, he kept flying out, and gathered one after another.

The dog's hair flew up, and finally gathered together a little bit, and finally formed a yellow hair sword.

"Hahaha! It's done!"

The big yellow dog looked very excited at this time, and took the yellow hair sword in his hand and waved it.

The handle of the yellow hair sword seemed different from that of ordinary swords. The handle of the big yellow dog was twisted and wound, which of course had something to do with the big yellow dog himself.

After all, he was a dog demon, not a human claw, so he certainly couldn't hold the sword like a human, and could only wrap the sword around his arm.

"Come on!"

The big yellow dog aimed the sword at the meat ball, and then rushed over.

Meng Fei and the others were stunned, but they reacted quickly and followed him.

The big yellow dog chopped the surface of the meat ball with one sword after another. The action, the way it looked, was as if he had really used a sword before, and it was not so unfamiliar, and he was very powerful, and the effect of each sword was particularly good.

There was a lot of sticky spray in front of him, but it seemed to be flying past him as if it was avoiding his body. Looking closely, it turned out that this guy was using the reverse Tengu to keep the spray away from him, but he only used a small Tengu here, which was not easy to be detected.


Suddenly, just as the big yellow dog was chopping, the meatball made a huge movement again.

The meatball began to wriggle again, like a huge worm, and then, one tentacle after another stretched out from it, and it was still long and kept wriggling.

The tentacles danced wildly and slapped Meng Fei and the others wildly.

"Be careful!"

Meng Fei called out to his companions.

Everyone moved at once, dodging the attack of the tentacles.

A tentacle passed directly in front of Meng Fei, Meng Fei turned sideways, and then split the tentacle in half with an axe.

The broken hand wanted to be reborn immediately, but Meng Fei had already understood that this would happen. After all, Tian Yaoxing had a strong self-healing ability, so it was natural for him to do this.

Meng Fei urged the spiritual energy in his body, and the spiritual energy turned black at once through Meng Fei's guidance.

Then, Meng Fei cut the broken position of the tentacle with one finger, and the black gas began to corrode and destroy the broken tentacle directly, making it difficult to regenerate directly.

This is the power of the black fog. Through the use and refining of this spiritual energy, in fact, the spiritual energy has already turned into the form of black fog before, but now, Meng Fei's black fog has become more perverted and more powerful.

The color of the black fog has also become a little more blue, and the whole black fog even feels like a veil.

And it can be confirmed that Meng Fei now knows more about the black fog. He now knows more clearly that the power of the black fog is not only for people, but also for demons and monsters. This can be said to be the most useful thing for Meng Fei.

But other people can't be like Meng Fei.

And only if he is at the level of the big yellow dog, he can also cause substantial damage to the meat ball like Meng Fei.

Then the big yellow dog naturally doesn't need to worry.

That is Gu Liu and the others. Gu Liu is naturally needless to say. As a Taoist priest, if he can't even do this little damage to the monster, then there is no need to say anything about the Taoist priest.


So Meng Fei hurriedly called Xu Zhengyi.

"Brother Meng Fei!"

Xu Zhengyi quickly responded to Meng Fei, and at this time he was also staring at him blankly, while dodging the attack of the tentacles.

Meng Fei didn't hesitate, and directly waved his big hand, and a ball of black mist went directly to Xu Zhengyi, and then directly wrapped Xu Zhengyi's whole body.

"What is this?!"

Xu Zhengyi looked at his hands in confusion, and saw that his whole body was directly surrounded by the black mist, and then his body seemed to be assimilated, and it was also becoming blue-black and transparent.

"Justice, remember, the effect is only half an hour! Hurry up!"

Meng Fei's words, Xu Zhengyi also understood instantly.

He nodded to Meng Fei and quickly understood his reasoning.

Then, he swung the demon-slaying sword again. This time, his sword strike was accompanied by the black mist. The ineffective state of his strikes before was directly changed. Xu Zhengyi was also helpless by the constantly regenerating tentacles.

Moreover, each of his strikes seemed extremely far-fetched. It was difficult to cut it off, and after cutting it off, the thing would regenerate, which made Xu Zhengyi suffer a lot.

But now it is different. With the blessing of the black mist, Xu Zhengyi not only has a great increase in strength, but can even resist its regeneration ability.

Gu Liu's side.

He even used his own Taoist magic to destroy it. The talisman sword with golden light swept through the crazy dancing tentacles one after another, making it difficult for them to regenerate.

The yellow-haired sword of the big yellow dog was even more powerful than all of them imagined. It actually had such an effect, restraining the powerful regeneration ability of the tentacles.

As for the big yellow dog, it was naturally because of its own strong strength. It was originally the strength of the same Heavenly Demon Star. At this same level of strength, the big yellow dog also had almost the same destructive power against the opponent.

Of course, the most violent one was naturally Meng Fei.

With the blessing of Meng Fei's strong strength, he was the first person to come to the meat ball.

Before, because of the problem of the tentacles, they were forced to move far away and could not continue to destroy it. Now Meng Fei came here first and was preparing to launch a destructive attack on the meat ball.

Bang... Boom!

Meng Fei threw a heavy punch and landed heavily on the surface of the meat ball. A terrifying dent immediately appeared on the surface of the meat ball.

The huge dent was even spreading everywhere, but the toughness of the meat ball was so strong that it directly bounced Meng Fei back several steps.

The meat ball was naturally not optimistic. It retreated several steps to the back, and then it looked loose, as if it was almost deflated by Meng Fei's punch.

At this time, the meatball's tentacles all retracted at once.


Seeing this, Meng Fei immediately shouted loudly, and then he got a response from others immediately.

Everyone responded at once and attacked the meatball in unison.

The monstrous illusion of elemental breathing swordsmanship...

The yellow-haired sword set off a shower of sword hairs...

The golden talisman shines with mysterious light...

The fists of thousands of meteors shattered the sky...

Countless attacks fell towards the meat ball. The meat ball was like a sandbag being used to vent, being attacked constantly.

Meng Fei's meat ball also became smaller and smaller under such intensive attacks.

Because everyone cut the meat into pieces and flew around, the damaged areas even lost the ability to regenerate, and they could only watch themselves being destroyed bit by bit by Meng Fei and the others.

Finally, they bombed Meng Fei indiscriminately.

The meat ball almost collapsed, and the whole thing was three times smaller, but still very big. This was not over yet.

At this time, the meat ball suddenly moved again, violently.

The powerful fluctuation seemed to overthrow the whole day, and then the meat ball suddenly turned into a round meat ball, and it looked extremely hard.

"Instinct allows it to reinforce itself and save lives. Friends, you retreat first, and then leave it to me. In addition," Meng Fei said while turning his head towards Gu Liu and the others. The corners of his mouth could not help but rise. Then he gave them a thumbs up and said, "Well done!"

Everyone also smiled at him knowingly, and then backed away after listening to Meng Fei's words, and the big yellow dog was making preparations, because they didn't know what would happen next.

At this time, Meng Fei stepped forward, looked at the motionless meat ball in front of him, and kicked it first.

As soon as he kicked up, Meng Fei felt as if he had kicked a piece of iron.

You know, with Meng Fei's current physical strength, it can still make him feel like this, which shows how hard it is.

"Because of instinct, you will always attack mindlessly when attacking, and defend mindlessly when defending. And precisely for this reason, your fatal flaw can never be changed!"

Meng Fei said, and then directly used the space technique to squeeze the meat ball.

"Your weakness will always be that you have no heart!"

Meng Fei shouted angrily, and then two space screens directly penetrated the body of the meat ball. Then Meng Fei unfolded the space screen, and directly divided the entire meat ball into three pieces without using any strong force.

At this time, Meng Fei mobilized the black mist all over his body and directly surrounded the entire flesh ball.

The black mist continued to erode the meat ball, and the meat ball immediately made a crackling sound.

It sounds horrifying.

The whole flesh ball was slowly cracking, with cracks constantly appearing on it, and even spreading. There were strange colors appearing, which might be a sign of healing, but there was none.

That's precisely because Meng Fei's black mist prevented all of that from happening.

The meat ball finally collapsed and became a wisp of smoke in the sky.

Meng Fei finally stopped and slowly came to his partner.

They looked at each other and smiled, and then led by Meng Fei to the ground.

"Time to check out the well."

Meng Fei said to everyone.

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