"Senior, what did you just say this is?" Meng Fei asked with great respect.

"The Blood God Sacrifice is something recorded in the only book that records the history of gods. According to legend, it requires the combined power of two gods to do something. And once this sacrifice is made, the whole world will be sacrificed, and The purpose is to become stronger!" the old man explained carefully to Meng Fei.

"In other words, ghosts and demons jointly launched the Blood God Sacrifice just to become stronger?!" Meng Fei was confused and had more confusion.

"What about the yellow paper? Where about the rune bamboo sticks? What is the meaning of these two things?" Meng Fei continued to ask the old man.

The old man stroked his beard and explained to Meng Fei, "Yellow paper palms Yin, and rune bamboo sticks palm Yang. Yin, Yang, and the three realms of human beings are not originally connected. Although there is a channel connecting them, most of the time, this channel It is closed and will only be opened under certain circumstances. For example, when life dies, then the same channel to the Yin world is opened. If life is pursuing becoming a higher level of life, then the channel to the Yang world is opened, and this The order seemed to have collapsed at some point, including its passage laws, which formed two forces dispersed in the human world, thus creating this situation. "

"Furthermore, it is recorded in the history of gods that one of the necessary conditions for starting the Blood God Sacrifice is the blessing of two forces that can affect the world as an introduction, and this does not refer to two gods starting the formation." The old man God continued to elaborate.

Having said this, Meng Fei finally understood all this at this time of the day.

Regarding the yellow paper and the rune bamboo sticks, Meng Fei finally knew the reason for their appearance, and even everything in front of him.

"The Blood God Sacrifice is the only method recorded in the history of gods that can make gods go further." The old man said meaningfully.

"I understand, this has been planned by these two guys from beginning to end..." At this time, Meng Fei finally understood everything and began to explain, "Even the appearance of two things, Maybe it's all related to them. The two wanted to transcend the god level and become the masters of the universe, so they planned early to destroy the passage, causing two forces that affected the world to fall into the world. In the end, even I used it. At this very moment, his wolfish ambition can be seen by everyone in the world, and his heart can be punished!"

Thinking of this, Meng Fei couldn't help but feel angry. He and his friends had worked hard for so long, but they were living in a conspiracy.

"Wait, that's what it means?!"

Thinking of this, Meng Fei couldn't help but think of his own system. Could it be related to those two guys?

So, Meng Fei felt himself. Generally speaking, when he called in his mind, he could make the system respond to him.

Fortunately, Meng Fei tried it, and the system was still there. It didn't seem to have anything to do with those two guys. Maybe they just calculated that Meng Fei would appear, but they didn't calculate that Meng Fei himself would be in a completely different situation.

Naturally, they didn't know that Meng Fei would have such a weapon that was equivalent to a trump card.

Meng Fei silently clenched his fists and exerted force. This was his last resort. Only by making good use of the system could he be qualified to challenge the two gods.

As for his current strength, it would be a blessing to not be instantly killed by the two gods.

Fortunately, the old man appeared, otherwise Meng Fei would have been helpless.

"Where does it want to go now?!" Meng Fei asked the old man.

"In the center, over the center of the entire continent, finally release the Blood God Sacrifice!" the old man God replied.

"Central location?"

Meng Fei couldn't help but think about it in his head. After traveling all over the world for so many years, Meng Fei already had some understanding of almost everywhere in the world.

When talking about this central location, people will inevitably think of a place, Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou, which is located in the center of the mainland, has a large flow of people, but that is just because of the many people passing by. It is also very prosperous overall, but other than that, it is not as strong as other places in other directions.

The main difference is the issue of military strength. Although Zhongzhou is prosperous, its military strength is relatively weak. People in other places have almost no hostile capabilities at all, so Zhongzhou is a prosperous but not so strong place.

But as the center of the entire continent, its flow of people cannot be underestimated.

And it is natural that such a special position can become their target.

Soon, the assembly came directly above Zhongzhou, and the entire body was still expanding. Like a sun, the strange red light gradually occupied the entire continent.

In an instant, the whole world was shrouded in blood, and the huge bloody light made the whole world seem to have changed into an extremely weird and terrifying scene.

The suppressed blood color made it difficult for everyone to even look up, and they were breathing heavily, as if a big hand was directly restraining their throats at this time.

Everyone almost felt uncomfortable, and blood began to spread across the entire continent.

"No, the Blood God Sacrifice has already begun!" Looking at the scene in front of him, the old man frowned, and the situation in front of him was obviously not optimistic.

What's even more frightening is that this exceeded the old man's budget, because he didn't expect that these two guys were quietly making preparations during the operation, so that as soon as they arrived in the sky over Zhongzhou, everything started immediately .

They were not given any time to prepare, so now they can only watch.

"Damn it, senior, can we only watch like this?" Meng Fei said very unconvincingly.


At this moment, the old man sighed for a long time, his face was heavy, and then he stared at Meng Fei's whole body with a very meaningful look. He asked Meng Fei, "Can I trust you, kid?"

"Trust me? What's wrong, senior?"

Although he had some expectations in his heart, Meng Fei still found it difficult to accept.

The old man came forward, and a look seemed to directly see through Meng Fei's whole person. It was also this look that made the old man frown, and then said to Meng Fei: "I am very surprised, I hope it is true. You can be stronger than me. I am willing to pave the way for you. For the whole human race, please accept my last gift."

"Old senior, you?!"

Meng Fei wanted to persuade him, but the old man had already firmed his belief in his heart. What he wanted to do now was to sacrifice his life for the human race.

The body of the old man god moved, and he kept moving towards the huge blood-colored light group in front of him.


Meng Fei called out to the old man god loudly, tears welling up in his eyes.

However, the old man god raised one arm, turned his back to Meng Fei and finally conveyed:

"It turns out that my selfishness will leave such a heavy burden to a younger generation like you in the end, but I still want to say that next, it will be handed over to you. Five days is my limit. During this period, please create miracles, young man!"

As the voice fell, the body of the old man god suddenly rushed into the blood-colored light group. At this moment, a huge force suddenly erupted, and finally directly stopped the spreading blood light alive.

At this moment, Meng Fei was surprised to find that not only the entire blood-colored aggregate was controlled, but also a strange white lightning was swirling there not far from Meng Fei, that is, very close to the blood-colored aggregate.

Meng Fei was startled and immediately stepped forward to check it out.

"This swirling power?"

In front of him, the lightning swirled and swirled constantly.

Meng Fei looked at the motionless blood-light body in front of him again. Since the old man rushed over, the fluctuations here have temporarily stopped. If it is as the old man said before, then it is just like controlling for five days.

In other words, the old man used his life to exchange for the final peace of the entire continent for five days.

If they still can't solve everything that will happen in the next five days, then this world will be completely destroyed by the blood god sacrifice.

Five days is not a generous time for Meng Fei. It is obviously not so easy to go from a demigod to a god. It is not something that can be done.

"Is this power left by the senior?"

Looking at the lightning whirl in front of him, Meng Fei couldn't help but think of the old man. Remember just now, he seemed to have said something to Meng Fei, as if he had left something for Meng Fei.

So, Meng Fei strengthened his belief, and then reached out and touched the lightning whirl.

Suddenly, an extremely violent force directly invaded from Meng Fei's palm, and then rushed into Meng Fei's body frantically, and then directly decomposed Meng Fei's body.

Meng Fei's body collapsed in an instant, and the power of the whirlwind is not fading. Unless there is a power similar to the whirlwind to offset it, the power of the whirlwind will continue to destroy Meng Fei's body and wipe out his life.

"So that's it! Senior! So you already know it?!"

Meng Fei felt that the old man god probably saw that Meng Fei had the power to revive and become stronger, so he left this trick.

The purpose is to make Meng Fei continue to become stronger through this.

Meng Fei's current state is also constantly being wiped out by the power of lightning whirlwind. Although he has reached the semi-god and has slightly touched the power of whirlwind, it is indeed too different from the real god.

The complete whirlwind power makes Meng Fei have no ability to resist at all. Of course, Meng Fei now has no idea of ​​resistance.

Let the lightning whirlwind destroy his body and wipe out his life.

In this violent and unstoppable state, Meng Fei didn't know how many times he died. In the end, Meng Fei's self-healing ability had even reached the level of catching up with the damage of the whirlwind. What was even more terrifying was that Meng Fei found that when he gently squeezed his palm, there was a rotating force twisting in his palm.

Finally, Meng Fei spread his palm, and a golden whirlwind expanded instantly, and finally directly offset the lightning whirlwind surrounding Meng Fei, and Meng Fei appeared in the world intact.

However, Meng Fei, who had just recovered from the hazy state, found that something terrible had happened in front of him before he had time to feel his changes.

"Is that... a loophole?!"

In front of him, the blood light body that was supposed to be controlled by the old man god actually had a small loophole at this time.

And it was because of this loophole that Meng Fei saw that the old man god finally turned into a shield and wrapped the entire blood light body, which prevented the launch of the blood god sacrifice.

However, at this time, because of the sudden loophole, a corner of the blood god sacrifice's power penetrated directly through it.

That red light was like a divine light from heaven, shooting directly at the earth, and the earth was instantly reflected in blood red. Although there was no explosion, Meng Fei could clearly see that wherever the red light went, no living creature could survive.

It can be seen that just the red light passed by, and any life was instantly "withered" after this.

Seeing this scene, Meng Fei broke out in cold sweat. This scene was naturally something he had never thought of.

And if this was fully unfolded, no one would know what would happen.

And he didn't know what kind of person could survive under this beam of red light.

For Meng Fei, the first reaction was naturally to think of Gu Liu and the others. Whether they could survive under this beam of light was obviously a very noteworthy issue.

There was another question, that is, how long did Meng Fei just spend?

So, after he went down, he asked a little bit, and after a comprehensive view, he knew at once that he had actually stayed there for two full days.

This made Meng Fei even more panicked. In just two days, the blood body actually broke a small hole, and a small hole was so powerful that it really surprised Meng Fei.

It also made Meng Fei more determined that he must not let the Blood God Sacrifice succeed.

At this time, Meng Fei began to feel his own strength.

To see if he could do something with his current strength, he spread his palm and saw a whirlpool on it that was constantly expanding, but it was always under Meng Fei's control.

"This is the power of whirlpool!"

Meng Fei's whirlpool was golden, as if every god's whirlpool was different, and this also meant that Meng Fei had truly become a god now, with the help of the old man and the system.

In addition, Meng Fei also felt something extremely important, that is, his enhanced power.

It still did not disappear, and it expanded a little more.

It's just strange that Meng Fei still can't use his power now, but Meng Fei is fortunate that he can still touch the authenticity of this power, that is to say, when the time is right, Meng Fei seems to be able to integrate this power, and then for Meng Fei, this power will naturally be an extremely powerful bonus.

"What can I do in three days?"

Meng Fei couldn't help but question himself.

At this time, what Meng Fei didn't expect was that Gu Liu and his figures appeared again not far from him.

They waved at Meng Fei fiercely, as if they really wanted to tell Meng Fei something.


Meng Fei saw that they were both happy and pessimistic, but he still came to them.

At this time, Gu Liu and his friends gave Meng Fei a very unusual suggestion...

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