"Master, please come this way."

The seductive voice guided Meng Fei towards the deep boudoir.

It didn't look like there was anything special about it from an ordinary room. Perhaps the only special thing was that it was where Fairy Huang was.

She walked slowly in front, her body twisting slightly with the pace. After taking a few steps, the skirt on her shoulders slipped down, and the pattern tattoos on her shoulders were even more exposed, but that It looks a little blurry.

However, Meng Fei just swallowed his saliva. In order to prevent himself from acting rashly, he kept crazily instilling in himself the idea that this was a monster in his mind.

However, repeated observations kept denying his point of view.

In his heart, this was impossible, but he also knew that no monster could escape his eyes.

However, the facts told him step by step that there was a living person in front of him.

Could it be?

Meng Fei had another guess in his mind.

But I just don’t think things are that simple.

With so many lives lost, and the fact that he had deliberately caught Fairy Huang's weird look before, he was naturally not stupid enough to believe that there was no problem.


Meng Fei, who was thinking, didn't notice that he had approached the room, and Fairy Huang in front of him also stopped, so he jumped directly on Fairy Huang without paying attention.

"Oh, why is the young master so impatient? Hahaha, it's really interesting."

I saw her blushing face, covering her mouth with her beautiful hands and smiling, which was very touching.

Immediately, the gauze on her face was taken off by her. That face was indeed absolutely beautiful. The most beautiful face Meng Fei had ever seen was Zi Yuexi, but compared with Fairy Huang, she felt like she was dwarfed.

The face was so fair and delicate, and even had a little flush on her cheeks, it looked like a beautiful scene in the world.


The sudden rise made Meng Fei a little embarrassed, and he was even stunned for a while because of that face.

Meng Fei stood there blankly, a little at a loss.

Seeing that Meng Fei didn't respond, Fairy Huang walked to the bed step by step, supported the bed with one hand and sat down slowly. Her graceful figure was more vividly displayed by this movement.


Meng Fei swallowed a large lump of saliva again, and his heartbeat began to speed up.

Fairy Huang over there stretched out a few fingers, making seductive movements towards Meng Fei, and said: "Master, come on, don't make me wait too long."


Meng Fei was a little speechless, and his mind was already in a state of confusion.

never mind!

I don’t think about it so much anymore. No matter what happens, he can remember it after his resurrection. This is really the only way at the moment.

Everything will be verified after resurrection!

"Sometimes the eyes can be deceiving."

"Sir, what are you talking about? Come quickly."

Meng Fei was speechless for a while.

Then he slowly walked to the bed, and silently glanced at Fairy Huang, who was lying charmingly on the bed. At this time, her skirt had been loosened, and she would be completely exposed with just a little more external force.

The pair of snow-white legs were even more looming. Meng Fei stared there quietly, then raised his head with his eyes slightly closed, and blew out a big breath like a smoke ring.

Then I saw his lips move slightly and spit out two words, "Come on."

The corners of Fairy Huang's mouth raised slightly, and then she showed a satisfied smile.

"It's all up to you."

"It's energy! My energy is indeed decreasing!"

Meng Fei was shocked to find that his energy was continuously decreasing, and it was pouring out like a water valve being opened.

"Where? Where on earth?!"

Meng Fei got out of that fiery feeling and finally squeezed out a trace of consciousness. He listened to Fairy Huang's voice while paying attention to her changes.

"Still not? Where is it?"

He was a little surprised. Even so, he still didn't see the monster's true face.

As his energy gradually decreased, he understood that he didn't have much time, but he understood that it was impossible to see anything just by looking with his eyes.

However, people have more than one sense. In addition to their eyes, they also have noses, ears, and even mouths.

"Then use your nose! Let me smell it!"

Meng Fei's ability to resurrect has been discovered before. As long as his ability after resurrection is physical, he can imagine it in his mind in advance, and then he will have the power he wants, just like his previous psychic body!

As his energy continued to decrease, he was now like dry land, his whole body shriveled into a pair of shriveled bones.

However, at this time, Meng Fei still had a breath left. He was using his last bit of strength to look at the satisfied Fairy Huang. He saw her put on her clothes and stood up. At the same time, she even staggered. It seemed that she was also It’s not easy to toss.

"This human body is so powerful, ah~ what a feast..."

Then, she opened her mouth, and bursts of weird smoke flew out from her mouth, and the smoke flew away from the crack in the window in a strange direction like a thread.

"That is?"

Meng Fei finally screamed in his mind, and then lost consciousness.

When he was resurrected, he immediately appeared behind Fairy Huang without moving. At this time, he was holding his ground, wanting to see what Fairy Huang would do next.

At the same time, this resurrection gave him a powerful "sniffing spirit" ability, and he finally smelled a trace of demonic aura on the Phoenix Fairy.

But the demonic aura was not her own, but was left by some monster, that is to say, she had colluded with a monster.

As for the wisp of smoke, it was also nowhere to hide under his nose. He could successfully smell the demonic aura that had been left for so long, so the one that had just appeared naturally could not escape his nose.

At this time, the Phoenix Fairy, after spitting out all the smoke, looked very weak. At this time, she was holding the wall and staggering towards a secret place.

Meng Fei followed quietly behind her without making any sound.

I saw the Phoenix Fairy walking while cursing, "This is the first time I have seen such a fierce and smelly man. I can't stand it."

She took difficult steps and walked to a corner. At the corner, she opened a mechanism and a hidden door opened. Meng Fei peeked from behind and found that there was a secret room inside.

But the room was too small, and there was no place to hide, so he had to hide outside.

In order to see what was going on inside, Meng Fei poked a hole with his finger, and then looked inside.

In that narrow space, Fairy Huang stared at a mirror with a dull look on her face.

Then, she slowly took off her clothes.

But Meng Fei didn't react at this time, but noticed the pattern tattoo on her shoulder, which was a little blurrier than the last time he saw it.

Meng Fei's sixth sense told him that this tattoo must not be as simple as it looked.

Then, Meng Fei stood up, kicked the door of the mechanism, and walked straight in.

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